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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST8 May 2022| Prime Real E-ST8

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Working adult seeing people excited for summer

When you're a working adult summer just means higher electricity costs because you've gotta run the AC all day smdh
Shit, I'm pretty chill today. Sorting out my room with some Adrianne Lenker playing on the record player. Will finish off the main story for Kirby and watch one or two episodes of Arcane later. 'Tis a good day :)
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Fantastic, I was sometimes setting the Switch in tabletop mode just to no play on the TV screen but using the Pro controller, and now I play more in fully portable mode because of this. Buttons are bigger than those on the joy-cons, but not too much, the shape is more ergonomic, and they have a slight texture in the back which make them comfortable to hold. The weight is also non-noticeable when having long sessions.

For you and the rest of people that might be interested, the only downside from them is vibration. It's not like they don't have HD Rumble, which they don't, but any kind of it, it's annoying. I have deactivated any rumble completely from the Switch settings.
Thanks a lot, might buy them (especially since they have a transparent design 🥰)
Deciding to play Fire Emblem 3 Houses and XenoblaDE at the same time was a terrible decision for my backlog...

At least they're fun games.
Deciding to play Fire Emblem 3 Houses and XenoblaDE at the same time was a terrible decision for my backlog...

At least they're fun games.
Great games, but yeah say goodbye to all your time with those two put together. I think I put over 150 hours into both, I can’t even imagine them at the same time
Have you ever had a chat-bot pop up on some company's/web-shop's homepage giving you the old "Good day, how can we help you?" and instead of rolling your eyes at it you just stare at it with a blank expression, murmuring to yourself "You cannot..." before clicking on the small x in the upper right corner and watching it fade out.
I am ASKING for the onslaught of this week to CHILL THE FUCK OUT

on top of a thousand other ridiculous, terrible, and occasionally heartbreaking things happening — my only pair of glasses broke yesterday, and this morning our ceiling vent is leaking. from like… the roof??

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I want to offer comfort but my emotions are so out of whack that anything I say will likely make shit worse so..


Badminton and Volleyball are the best Switch Sports.

Also... the sportsmates have grown on me. They remind me of Inklings without the squid hair and teeth. Just want more customization options for them.
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I am ASKING for the onslaught of this week to CHILL THE FUCK OUT

on top of a thousand other ridiculous, terrible, and occasionally heartbreaking things happening — my only pair of glasses broke yesterday, and this morning our ceiling vent is leaking. from like… the roof??

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Not sure what to say other than that I hope things will start to look better for the two of you asap. Sending as many good vibes as possible.
This is what I’m gonna be doing lol. They’re replays too.
Nice! I'm doing my second route of 3H now so at least I know the basics.

It's my first run of Xenoblade (or any Xeno game at all)... completely overwhelmed by tutorials and quests in my first hour or so.

Also got almost killed by random monsters way more powerful than me. Exploring is dangerous...
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is exactly what I’m talking about

fucking awful, rest in peace

this isn’t just a convention problem or an america problem or a “systemic only” problem, it’s the whole fucking stack

the more we act like we’re not in a real and present crisis — one that is now in some ways worse with way less data reporting and caring — the more people are going to die

that blood is on far more hands than whatever convenient self-excusing beliefs are getting people through the day

you can’t decide that if the government won’t do anything, then you’re absolved of all responsibility. this is when community care and protecting others matters most, and it’s in every action and every decision.

and I know what’s at stake and how impossible it is when it’s “make this event happen or cease to exist”

but you look at it all and you follow the strings and you choke on the record profits and the million+ dead and you look at who won’t wear a mask in the grocery store and you see what elected officials on all sides and all levels of power do and you look at what the “I just want to do it” thresholds are for everyone and just

like people have to care now and they have to keep doing it

I’m not trying to just rant off this tragedy, this is fucking horrible, but it really is all connected

you can’t keep believing that vaccination makes you completely bulletproof and protects everyone else 100% — it’s necessary and important but it doesn’t absolve you of needing to do the rest

you can’t keep believing that wearing one discount mask in a crowded hall all day is all it takes to protect you and everyone else

you have to do these things and still operate like we’re in a pandemic, like your actions can kill whether you see it or it’s five down the chain

these events shouldn’t be taking place at all, and there’s lots to say about that and the repercussions, but the pandemic isn’t over and trusting that the current mandates or even the CDC will reflect what’s truly safe without being beholden to acceptable life loss for self-perpetuating western demands — outrageous expectation to profit and the wages needed to survive in a fundamentally deadly trapeze without safety nets, also profitable by design — is misguided at best

and lots of people are trying to get the science as clear as possible and out there, but we have to accept that it’s simultaneously necessary, fallible, and cannot be divorced from it’s own framing, especially when policy is involved

and I know everyone’s so sick of it because believe me, we’re sick of fearing for our lives and not being able to take transit for mundane tasks or joy, we’re sick of having to run in and out of convenience stores in under five minutes for groceries, we’re sick of not seeing our families or friends, we’re sick of immediately knowing who wants us to die based on what they are or aren’t wearing on their faces, just

I don’t know, this is awful and just so indicative, and this poor fucking person is dead now, and we’re only even hearing about it because it was the most direct point a to point b path possible

I keep saying the same things over and over and at this point I don’t know what the point of that is because I know I’m not changing a single damn thing

I’m so tired

Edit: and in no way am I blaming the individual, to be clear — fuck that — I just mean on the whole we need to know what’s at stake here, what’s at stake with huge events, hold companies accountable for having these events regardless of government-acceptable death, take deep personal care that we aren’t participating in things that can really harm others, know and understand what we can of the actual mechanics of it and why some things aren’t enough, etc etc etc

like this event shouldn’t have happened, and it’s not just the system, the company needs to be held accountable, and people can’t just be like “well I got vaccinated so it wasn’t me who spread COVID at this event” when that’s not how it works at all

if it’s not clear I am begging for community care because everyone else has failed us

and we have to stop failing each other

we must rage against the huge systemic failures that did this, and we need to hold the companies profiting off of this con accountable and tell them to care about people beyond the loose systemic suggestions, but we also have to understand that the pandemic is still here and each try to know the mechanics and risks of it to take the utmost care for ourselves and others
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I’m actively playing three games right now, which is officially too many. But so anyway one of them is Dirt 5, which was a PS Plus game a few months ago. Now me, I love racing games. I love Dirt Rally. And I kinda hate Dirt 5? Ok so I don’t hate it, but it’s just so dang boring and repetitive. The tracks all blend together and the cars all feel the same and it’s like your doing the same race over and over dozens of times. I’m coming straight off the heels of GT7, which probably isn’t helping. That game is deeeeeep, and this game is …not. It’s a very shallow experience. The Dualsense features on PS5 are nice, and the visuals are sometimes pretty at least. Thankfully I’m not too far away from rolling credits on it.
Dirt 5 is a frustrating game, because it feels like a regression from the previous numbered titles, and it feels like an arcade racer in the wrong ways. I get they wanted to separate the game from the more hardcore Rally games, but removing rallying itself was a bizarre choice, considering that it's the literal foundation of the franchise and in the games it takes inspiration from (Dirt 2 and 3) was still the tentpole mode. What you're left with is a bunch of repetitive races, which is amplified with the lack of actual championships, and returning modes like Gymkhana being worse to play with the new physics, plus a grind for cosmetics. That, and you can tell it's an Evolution Studios made game, because the AI rubberbands like there's no tomorrow.

Edit: I also just remember that Dirt 5 doesn't have Flashbacks (the Codemasters rewind mechanic), yet the more hardcore F1 series has em. What a miss lol.
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Nintendo, hire this man!

now imagine this as a 3D game akin to Wind Waker and also good

Nintendo, this as well!
(I don't know how drastic it needs to be in changing format, but the general premise works)

An HD bundle with Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks sounds like a party to me.
Been saying it for a while now. If Nintendo wants to sell Wind Waker again, including the games adjacent to it is a good option. It makes them available in a retail package and adds value to the new Wind Waker release.

Adding new challenge islands and such might not be a terrible idea in addition.

Again, as well, Link's Crossbow TrainingI, at least, with Twilight PrincessI.

I wonder how's the legallity/copyright even goes for those games, in fact; If Nintendo outright own them and can do a hypothetical rerelease.. if Philips has ownership of certain characters and such..

But hear me out...

The CD-I games should had some kind of official rerelease; Throw them as a bonus in a collection with games that people actually like and would pay for.. Having them accessible and available on a modern platform somehow would be the best outcome (I know there are some fan-remakes/remaster out there, but I'm talking about the official side).

Either way.. bad games needs preservation and availability too

/rant's over
The CD-I games are discoverable through a maligned storyteller within the next Tingle game.
Also, all the Tingle games see current release.

The only good 3D Zelda game is BotW.
This take could only originate in the abyss.
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Hoping the question mark is an "instant mystery food" button.

Yes I am hungry and having yet another bad day with fatigue but there we are

At least archives are good for me
So one of those times my clicks registered on any and all things I didn't intend to click on, it must have triggered the secret protocol of not marking what threads I'm up to speed on.


I thought everyone was all keen on killing this Chaos fella.
Just found out that Switch Sports will be the first Switch game available in physical media in Brazil. I'm not interested in that game, so I hope at least other first party games will come too. Apparently it's Amazon Brasil doing the importing.
Just found out that Switch Sports will be the first Switch game available in physical media in Brazil. I'm not interested in that game, so I hope at least other first party games will come too. Apparently it's Amazon Brasil doing the importing.
Nintendo presence in LATAM is awful especially in Brazil. I hope they improve it , there is a huge Nintendo community in these places but due how hard and expensive it's to buy the consoles/games even more than in Europe/USA most either don't buy them or resort to piracy. That's also why funny enough this has created a really strong fan-game community in these regions especially in Pokemon case , I remember playing as a kid a ton of Mexican/Argentinian Pokemon fan-games and becoming friends with a lot of LATAM fan-game players which I'm still friends to this day.
Just found out that Switch Sports will be the first Switch game available in physical media in Brazil. I'm not interested in that game, so I hope at least other first party games will come too. Apparently it's Amazon Brasil doing the importing.
For real? I know consoles are extremely expensive there, but there is also little to no retail presence of games? Why is that? There are no distributors for that region somehow? I probably sound quite uneducated, but I really don't have a clue.
Why do I have the feeling that the US will be split into two or more different countries sometime in the near future? Seems inevitable at this point. One country will be formed on the west coast, one in the south with Texas and Florida, then all the other states will become their own country or be split with the two new countries. There's two very different mindsets in the US right now and it's impossible to meet in the middle.
For real? I know consoles are extremely expensive there, but there is also little to no retail presence of games? Why is that? There are no distributors for that region somehow? I probably sound quite uneducated, but I really don't have a clue.
Nintendo has no official presence on Brazil, due to high import taxes the games/consoles were really expensive and didn't sell well enough according to Nintendo to mantain their presence, and I guess for the same reason no official distributors has picked the rights for Nintendo retail games forcing Brazilian players to buy from black/grey market or digital. (also even if you can buy Switch oficially there it's really expensive iirc its 3000 reals which makes it around 600 dollars)
Why do I have the feeling that the US will be split into two or more different countries sometime in the near future? Seems inevitable at this point. One country will be formed on the west coast, one in the south with Texas and Florida, then all the other states will become their own country or be split with the two new countries. There's two very different mindsets in the US right now and it's impossible to meet in the middle.

Your divisions don't make much sense. If anything, the Northeast and West will form one country while the South, most of the Midwest, and Texas would form their own.
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