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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I know comments by Nintendo heavily hint it will be but I guess I will have to wait for the reveal to really know if it's BC
Waiting for ninspider new posts after announcement

He is gone


Finally an announcement. Or an announcement of an announcement, but I'll take it. (Actually, if they're likely going to announce the announcement before it's announced, does this count as an announcement of an announcement of an announcement?)
fwiw the word semester is very seldom used in casual conversation in american english

from my understanding the direct equivalents are used with some regularity in romantic language speaking countries
Really? I thought its usage was widespread due to school years and such.

In contrast, we rarely speak in terms of quarters or seasons here.
Waiting for ninspider new posts after announcement
Who would have thought he might actually be insider, i would have thought he was some fraud, but it seems like he’s the real deal, if all the reports are right.

Best to wait and see what he has cooking, since he mentioned he’ll tell us more when the Switch 2 is acknowledged or revealed.
Also can we talk about the software financial forecast for FY25?

They expect to sell 167M games, which is just 17% less than last year (and last year had Pikmin, Zelda, Mario..) how they plan to do this ? They must have some crazy surprise up their sleeve


What the hell is going on

Forget about the FY2025 forecast, how about the fact Nintendo actually fucking sold 15 million Switch systems in FY2024, just like they predicted would happen. As far as this FY though, I suspect between some unannounced games, plus maybe a price cut/sale during the holiday season will push it well above 150 million in lifetime.

And say it does sell 13.5 million for this FY, that'll put it's lifetime sales to 154.82 million Switch systems, which would put it 800k more than the Nintendo DS. Absolutely bonkers.

A few Furukawa quotes as reported by Japanese press (translation mine):

“We have decided that this is a good time to inform you of the successor console under development.” (Sankei Shimbun)

“An announcement regarding the successor of Nintendo Switch will be made during this fiscal period. We believe that continuing the business of dedicated consoles with integrated hardware and software is the most suitable way to offer entertainment that is uniquely Nintendo, and we are making preparations based on this thinking.” (NHK)
--> Note that he said fiscal “period” not quarter or year. Based on the context I believe that he meant this fiscal year. Even native speakers, such as Mochizuki, can be confused at times.

“I cannot remark on the concept of the next-generation console as of today, but in the seven years since the Switch was released many people have acquired our consoles. We are preparing to have them continue playing.” (Kyoto Shimbun)

Regarding how to keep business going before the new model is out:

“It is important to carefully communicate the appeal of new titles, and maintain the momentum of our business apart from the game consoles.” (Sankei Shimbun)

I bold part I highlighted had me raise a bushy eyebrow. Could imply a couple difference things 1) Continued Switch 1 support even after Switch successor launches, 2) Full backwards compatibility for all Switch 1 games, or 3) Both?
Really? I thought its usage was widespread due to school years and such.

In contrast, we rarely speak in terms of quarters or seasons here.
ehh it's pretty much exclusively used for school, anecdotally speaking of course

maybe others will disagree idk
  • third party should be allowed to mention Switch 2 mulitplatform releases from June on even without showing it, since Nintendo is now openly talking about it (e.g. for games announced for 2025 they can confirm "PS5, Xbox Series X, Switch Successor)
Did this point seem like speculation or something he knows? to me this just sounds like speculation
ehh it's pretty much exclusively used for school, anecdotally speaking of course

maybe others will disagree idk

Yeah, as a non-American English speaker, I would only associate "semester" with school. Even then it's not commonly used where I'm from, with school "terms" being more common (although semester is becoming more commonly used regarding universities).
it was an announcement of an eventual announcement, don't feel like you missed much
Any announcement is an announcement. The point is that they actually acknowledged the system, which is a pretty big step. It was starting to feel like they were going to pretend this thing didn't exist forever.
it was an announcement of an eventual announcement, don't feel like you missed much

Yet at the same time it does mean we can expect some change in behavior from both Nintendo and 3rd parties going forward - it's a significant moment in its own right IMHO, the mere mention of the Switch successor.
Semester usually means two parts, Trimester three. So semester in the calendar year would mean H2.

If i'm totally wrong, hide it from me. ;]
This is correct. And like PH said, in Portuguese, we do user it more frequently to just refer to the halves of the year. Aside from college, school doesn't work in "semesters" either, at least in Portugal.
I wonder if @My Tulpa accepts that the successor won't share a library with Switch 1 now that it's confirmed to be a "successor" and not just another option :)

This isn't shots fired buddy, just a genuine question haha :)
I don't agree with that user w.r.t. the extent of how much Switch 1 and 2 will be linked but I think it's hard to deny that backwards compatibility and the Switch's existing library will be a big part of Switch 2. Nintendo have been porting and re-releasing all of their old games so far into the Switch's lifespan because they want you to be able to play every one of their big games on one system - something they've even hinted at in Directs before. They aren't going to abruptly cut that short with a new system.
With Furukawa saying something among the lines of "keeping the 140 mil Switch users playing", we can confirm physical and digital backwards compatibility, right? And also maybe that there'll be cross platform games still releasing on OG Switch if performance allows it.
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You've missed the bit about an Indie World in August and the fact that I'm personally aware of a couple of multiplatform games that'll be announced for Switch 2 early on in the next semester, but that's a great summary!
So are you saying that developers have the green light to confirm their games are coming to Switch sucessor starting in June?
You've missed the bit about an Indie World in August and the fact that I'm personally aware of a couple of multiplatform games that'll be announced for Switch 2 early on in the next semester, but that's a great summary!
A couple of remasters?? Is it finally time?!
We made it!!! The day has come! Famiboards is out on the street in celebration!

The June direct confirmation is lovely too. Still leaves a bit of speculation to when in June, but we know it’s coming. Same with not giving a specific date but rather a deadline for the actual announcement. Probably going to be similar to the Switch schedule but it also lets them account for any further delays (plz no)

Just so nice we can finally be past the “it doesn’t exist” / “it’s never coming” stuff.
You've missed the bit about an Indie World in August and the fact that I'm personally aware of a couple of multiplatform games that'll be announced for Switch 2 early on in the next semester, but that's a great summary!
I relied on YT subtitle translation, thanks for clarifying :)
We made it!!! The day has come! Famiboards is out on the street in celebration!

The June direct confirmation is lovely too. Still leaves a bit of speculation to when in June, but we know it’s coming. Same with not giving a specific date but rather a deadline for the actual announcement. Probably going to be similar to the Switch schedule but it also lets them account for any further delays (plz no)

Just so nice we can finally be past the “it doesn’t exist” / “it’s never coming” stuff.
This stuff will return when we still wait for Switch 2 in 2030. Just look at the Silksong fandom, not even trailers can stop it.
It also makes sense that they'll try to push new software for OG Switch even for the later half of 2024. Because with the assurance to take your digital and physical library with you, they incentivize upgrading to the successor because consumers won't feel bad for a late purchase in Switch's swansong year

For example: I purchased Another Crab's Treasure the other day and it runs like crab (badumtss) in handheld mode but now I'm SO looking forward to playing it on Switch 2
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Learning the etymology of words on Fami: a process worth a thousand words (is that how it goes?)

On the keeping the base Switch playerbase still playing, considering i dont expect some hardware gimmick to facilitate compatibility per se, I’m feeling that BC in both ways (successor can play OG titles, some crossgen titles with performance related enhancements if on successor) is the most likely explanation to reflect Furukawa’s words there
I slept through the announcement. WHY!!!!!!!!

Because sleep is good for your overall health, my friend. Helps reset your circadian rhythm, and you end up feeling revitalized, ready to take on the day, and whatever else comes at you.

I don't agree with that user w.r.t. the extent of how much Switch 1 and 2 will be linked but I think it's hard to deny that backwards compatibility and the Switch's existing library will be a big part of Switch 2. Nintendo have been porting and re-releasing all of their old games so far into the Switch's lifespan because they want you to be able to play every one of their big games on one system - something they've even hinted at in Directs before. They aren't going to abruptly cut that short with a new system.

Nintendo just loves using:


...designed to scare, and control primitive gamers. In no way does superstitious nonsense like this apply to the lives of intelligent, civilized gamers in the 21st Century.
Learning the etymology of words on Fami: a process worth a thousand words (is that how it goes?)

On the keeping the base Switch playerbase still playing, considering i dont expect some hardware gimmick to facilitate compatibility per se, I’m feeling that BC in both ways (successor can play OG titles, some crossgen titles with performance related enhancements if on successor) is the most likely explanation to reflect Furukawa’s words there
The Wii had BC to GameCube, and the DS to Gameboy Advance. This has nothing to do with gimmicks.
Forget about the FY2025 forecast, how about the fact Nintendo actually fucking sold 15 million Switch systems in FY2024, just like they predicted would happen. As far as this FY though, I suspect between some unannounced games, plus maybe a price cut/sale during the holiday season will push it well above 150 million in lifetime.

And say it does sell 13.5 million for this FY, that'll put it's lifetime sales to 154.82 million Switch systems, which would put it 800k more than the Nintendo DS. Absolutely bonkers.

I told y'all they wanted Switch to outsell the DS. lol.
I told y'all they wanted Switch to outsell the DS. lol.
I just don't know how they expect to drive that number this late in the game with seemingly no major games in the works. I'd wager a price cut will do it, could make sense considering they're forecasting a big drop in profit.
And say it does sell 13.5 million for this FY, that'll put it's lifetime sales to 154.82 million Switch systems, which would put it 800k more than the Nintendo DS. Absolutely bonkers.
And with just a few more, they'll also be able to dethrone the PS2 if things tuen out well enough. Not that it really matters but would be funny.
edit: misguided correction by me. Trimester has a number of accepted uses beyond just 'thirds of a term.'
The mester comes from "month" in Latin. Semester means literally 6 months and trimester 3 months (quadrimester 4, bimester 2, etc).

But on a further look on the dictionary:
  1. a period of three months, especially as a division of the duration of pregnancy.
  2. NORTH AMERICAN each of the three terms in an academic year.

I imagine that American academic years are splits into 3 terms of 3 months plus vacations. Language evolves with usage, so it apparently became a synonym with a school term. But TBH, I don't think I ever heard trimester being used by someone speaking in English in any context, unlike semester for universities, so I didn't know about that 2nd definition.
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