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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Yeah, there's no reason to tell a developer the manufacturing process of an SoC, it's just not relevant to developing games for it.

I don't think it's completely impossible that Nintendo officially mentions it, though (or, more likely, allows Nvidia to mention it). Nintendo generally doesn't talk about specs, because almost any spec comparison against MS and Sony's hardware is going to be unfavourable to them. But, I wouldn't rule out them talking about one or two specifications which are favourable to them.

As a case in point, when announcing the Wii U, Nintendo didn't confirm detailed specs like GFLOPS or anything like that, but they did confirm that the system had 2GB of RAM. With the other systems on the market at the time sporting 512MB of RAM, the Wii U's 2GB of RAM was the one spec that made it look good, so it was the one spec that Nintendo confirmed.

In Switch 2's case, they're obviously not going to announce GPU TFLOPS or storage GB/s speeds, because they won't be favourable next to Xbox Series X and PS5. But with even PS5 Pro reportedly using TSMC 6nm for its SoC, then a 4nm process for T239 definitely would be a favourable spec next to the competition, so it's possible that they could consider it worth mentioning, even if that's just in an accompanying Nvidia press release.
There could be an Nvidia blog post like last time. Talking about a ridiculous number of man hours, nvn2, software, diss etc.
This is the same leaker who posted cryptic hints for Mario Wonder with emojis, I wouldn't put it past them for a Switch 2 hint to be a ludicrously literal yet vague picture. Let's have a little bit of fun with it, obviously Pyoro is.
Doesn't that pic come up BECAUSE of Pyro's post?
There are multiple results of pictures of the cartridge when you Google that term, including the Mario fandom wiki and an IGN article, those would have shown up before this hint.

i have gotten zero work done this afternoon
I've seen a couple of people suggest that it's NES Remix because there was a Nintendo World Championship mode in the original NES Remix games.
I mentioned it previously but my main issue with it is that it's just... fucking stupid idk.

So, at face, value NES Remix, sure. It's a good title, would work as a random release during a Nintendo direct... we're in May. I don't think Nintendo would shadow drop a game now, especially so shortly after Endless Ocean, nor would they host a Nintendo direct. I also think NES Remix would be a strange title to release now when they clearly want to pad titles out for the next 9 months or so.

Also, there's just how Pyoro delivered this tweet. Saying an NES Remix release is happening through a specific sub-mode like NWC is like saying a Four Swords Adventures is being ported by posting a GBA. Yes it's a part of the game, but the hint isn't directly connected and just comes off as a bit too vague for anyone to guess. It doesn't really make sense.

For me personally, I'd rule out NES Remix. Maybe it'll happen, it's one of the significant Wii U/3ds ports that would be neat to see on Switch, but I have no faith in it happening given the surrounding circumstances.
On the other hand, is there literally any other Nintendo product that has the words “Switch 2” printed on it that could be posted with plausible deniability? Of all the Nintendo-related things Pyoro could have posted to hint, he chose maybe the only one that has “Switch 2” printed on right as many folks think Nintendo is due to announce Switch 2 at their investors meeting.

This would be a helluva coincidence (or masterful trolling) otherwise.

you need to look closelier about what's written on the cartridge before you bring this up a 3rd time
i dont think i understand this reply, i suppose we will found out eventually

It's because of this comment, which is what I was originally responding to.

So there is an idea going around that relies on Pyoro having a photographic memory of what the World Championship cart looks like in order to pick it as a hint for a new console. Or it's something World Championship related. I know which I'd choose.

As far as I remember, nobody was having this problem with Everybody 1 2 Switch hints, despite having the word Switch and 2 in close proximity.

Then you commented (As far as I can see, not knowing what I was responding to), but as I said, you or others can put whatever you want, which doesn't take away from the fact that it's not difficult to find that image if you search for SW2 Nintendo (in fact, it's easy, it comes from the first images)
I mentioned it previously but my main issue with it is that it's just... fucking stupid idk.

So, at face, value NES Remix, sure. It's a good title, would work as a random release during a Nintendo direct... we're in May. I don't think Nintendo would shadow drop a game now, especially so shortly after Endless Ocean, nor would they host a Nintendo direct. I also think NES Remix would be a strange title to release now when they clearly want to pad titles out for the next 9 months or so.

Also, there's just how Pyoro delivered this tweet. Saying an NES Remix release is happening through a specific sub-mode like NWC is like saying a Four Swords Adventures is being ported by posting a GBA. Yes it's a part of the game, but the hint isn't directly connected and just comes off as a bit too vague for anyone to guess. It doesn't really make sense.

For me personally, I'd rule out NES Remix. Maybe it'll happen, it's one of the significant Wii U/3ds ports that would be neat to see on Switch, but I have no faith in it happening given the surrounding circumstances.

To be fair, a new NES Remix could just be an announcement for a launch date beyond June, potentially a summer release. Wouldn't have to overlap the launch of Endless Ocean, or Paper Mario even.

We also do not know what Nintendo's plans are for the 2nd half of 2024, so a new NES Remix, plus maybe a re-release of the original 2 Wii U titles would be valuable for at least some folks out there. Also would potentially hint at Nintendo are looking to finish off the remaining Wii U exclusive titles like Xenoblade Chronicles X, Wind Waker HD, and Twilight Princess HD.

Would be good filler titles to finish off the Switch 1 before Switch 2 is announced, and launched potentially in 2025.
Huh? No, there are other images similar to Pyoro's image also coming up in the image search results.

if you were suggesting SEO was updated that quickly (I don't think it normally gets updated that quickly).
I meant that exact pic of the cartridge.
Like i guess it's possible he googled "nintendo sw2" (does anyone call it sw2?) and found this pic to tease the reveal of the next console. I just don't think it's likely
Optimist: Nintendo has a trailer ready to go for a device called "Nintendo Switch 2" that Pyoro is teasing with a cartridge that literally says switch 2 on it.
Realist: Nintendo World Championship is coming back and will be announced ahead of the FY meeting, Pyoro's hint is very literal and straightforward.
Pessimist: NSO drop, Pyoro is having fun with it.

Obviously optimist is the dream but I wouldn't mind a new NWC event.
I meant that exact pic of the cartridge.
Like i guess it's possible he googled "nintendo sw2" (does anyone call it sw2?) and found this pic to tease the reveal of the next console. I just don't think it's likely
Just in case (cuz I cannot tell from you response) - this isn't Pyoro's own pic... and I don't think he's trying to pass it off as his own pic either.

FWIW, I don't believe Pyoro is located in US. So in his region (I suspect he's in Japan but cannot be confirmed), his region might normally refer to it as "SW2" instead of "NS2" or "Switch 2" or whatever. I have no idea.
It's because of this comment, which is what I was originally responding to.

Then you commented (As far as I can see, not knowing what I was responding to), but as I said, you or others can put whatever you want, which doesn't take away from the fact that it's not difficult to find that image if you search for SW2 Nintendo (in fact, it's easy, it comes from the first images)
I mean is easy to find the image because you are just typing what is in the actual image, if i type "sw3 nintendo" or "sw4 nintendo" it show the same image as well, is why i dont understand the connection
There could be an Nvidia blog post like last time. Talking about a ridiculous number of man hours, nvn2, software, diss etc.

Yeah, I'd expect a similar press release/blog post, confirming stuff like RT and tensor cores, and lots of generic PR speak that doesn't say very much.

I mentioned it previously but my main issue with it is that it's just... fucking stupid idk.

So, at face, value NES Remix, sure. It's a good title, would work as a random release during a Nintendo direct... we're in May. I don't think Nintendo would shadow drop a game now, especially so shortly after Endless Ocean, nor would they host a Nintendo direct. I also think NES Remix would be a strange title to release now when they clearly want to pad titles out for the next 9 months or so.

Also, there's just how Pyoro delivered this tweet. Saying an NES Remix release is happening through a specific sub-mode like NWC is like saying a Four Swords Adventures is being ported by posting a GBA. Yes it's a part of the game, but the hint isn't directly connected and just comes off as a bit too vague for anyone to guess. It doesn't really make sense.

For me personally, I'd rule out NES Remix. Maybe it'll happen, it's one of the significant Wii U/3ds ports that would be neat to see on Switch, but I have no faith in it happening given the surrounding circumstances.

I wasn't necessarily saying I think it's NES Remix, I was just using it as an example of something it could be about that's not Switch 2. And since I saw it mentioned, now I want a new NES Remix for Switch.
Exactly, that’s why it’s hilarious people think Pyoro is oblivious to the fact this could mean something about the Switch 2.

I really just don’t understand why he would post something like this when he knows that the internet is gonna lose their mind over it. He’ll get so much backlash if it’s a nothing burger
Why would the bird - who clearly is not trying to be an influencer, is doing this because it amuses them, who hints at stuff all the time - give a crud about backlash. They'll be followed to the ends of the Earth as long as they continue to be 100% right, and making it a fun puzzle that causes people to become deranged will only increase the mystique.

Lemme put it to you this way - it's what I would do, and I'm not a tenth the chaos-poster of half the people on this forum.

I don't buy it, pretty sure the tease is just a new World Championship related event/game for the year. Not saying that Switch 2 isn't going to be revealed soon, just that the tease is not for Switch 2.
You don't buy that Pyoro is fucking with us? You are welcome to believe whatever you want to believe (I have no theory, I just like watching the chaos), but if you believe Pyoro put this up and is genuinely surprised that anyone would read Switch 2 into it, I find that totally implausible.

This person is on Fami and posts when they think Fami is reading too much into shit. They know the game
I mean it is easy to find it because we have the image itself. That picture provides countless infos to find it immediately.
I mentioned it previously but my main issue with it is that it's just... fucking stupid idk.

So, at face, value NES Remix, sure. It's a good title, would work as a random release during a Nintendo direct... we're in May. I don't think Nintendo would shadow drop a game now, especially so shortly after Endless Ocean, nor would they host a Nintendo direct. I also think NES Remix would be a strange title to release now when they clearly want to pad titles out for the next 9 months or so.

Also, there's just how Pyoro delivered this tweet. Saying an NES Remix release is happening through a specific sub-mode like NWC is like saying a Four Swords Adventures is being ported by posting a GBA. Yes it's a part of the game, but the hint isn't directly connected and just comes off as a bit too vague for anyone to guess. It doesn't really make sense.

For me personally, I'd rule out NES Remix. Maybe it'll happen, it's one of the significant Wii U/3ds ports that would be neat to see on Switch, but I have no faith in it happening given the surrounding circumstances.
That's a good point since NES remix would fit nicely on a direct.

Like... Switch 2 makes the most sense, like having we had a Maio Kart 8 and a Splatoon 3 tournament/championship last month i think, so having one in summer doesn't make sense.

Like the craziest thing that can maybe happen is a reveal trailer in the investor meeting, but seems unlikely and i think has never happen, so an acknowledgement of the system is the most likely.
There are concrete examples of Pyoro outright stating NSO releases. Why go around in circles questioning if it’s maybe a NSO drop?

Or question the selection of the image? Like, who cares? It’s the lmage he used, it conveys a subtle, yet kinda obvious hint to what he could be referring
I mean is easy to find the image because you are just typing what is in the actual image, if i type "sw3 nintendo" or "sw4 nintendo" it show the same image as well, is why i dont understand the connection

It's simple to understand. It's not hard to find that image by searching for "SW2 Nintendo." Same as it appears if you search with a 3 or 4. So it's not weird or you don't need any kind of super photographic memory, as the first user said, to find the image and relate it to SW2.

Please, seriously, read the message and what I was replying to.

its seens necro is not expecting NES remix too


necro : If it is NES REMIX on switch , i will do do a good laught and after i will cry

coelho : another day i was talking about how i miss this series

necro : its a good one , but is not coming
There could be an Nvidia blog post like last time. Talking about a ridiculous number of man hours, nvn2, software, diss etc.
Periodic reminder that while yes, Nvidia did publish a blog post after the Switch was announced, literally all it said about it was that it was "powered by the performance of the custom Tegra processor" which "includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards."
Huh? No, there are other images similar to Pyoro's image also coming up in the image search results.

if you were suggesting SEO was updated that quickly (I don't think it normally gets updated that quickly).
We get it because Google now use OCR to reference image and SW2 is a text on the cartridge, simple as that
To be fair, a new NES Remix could just be an announcement for a launch date beyond June, potentially a summer release. Wouldn't have to overlap the launch of Endless Ocean, or Paper Mario even.

We also do not know what Nintendo's plans are for the 2nd half of 2024, so a new NES Remix, plus maybe a re-release of the original 2 Wii U titles would be valuable for at least some folks out there. Also would potentially hint at Nintendo are looking to finish off the remaining Wii U exclusive titles like Xenoblade Chronicles X, Wind Waker HD, and Twilight Princess HD.

Would be good filler titles to finish off the Switch 1 before Switch 2 is announced, and launched potentially in 2025.
As stated, it'd be an incredibly weird time to do it. Nintendo has enough bought time to sit on releases and not reveal anything until the end of June when LM2R releases. Why have a shadowdrop of it here? It likely would have a launch date beyond June, so why announce it now instead of revealing it at a June direct which they 99% have?

Idk this entire situation is weird and I think Pyoro is intentionally baiting the fuck out of us, but still.
Nintendo World Championship is coming back and will be announced ahead of the FY meeting, Pyoro's hint is very literal and straightforward.
We just had TWO Nintendo World Championships! Another set in the same year isn't impossible but I find an NWC this year a little unlikely - it isn't the 40th anniversary of SMB yet, that's next year. It isn't the 35th anniversary of NWC yet, that's also next year.

Though. You know what's funny?

We had a NWC to promote Nintendo Switch in 2017. Wonder why they'd host a new one, huh?

So... It could be all three.
Periodic reminder that while yes, Nvidia did publish a blog post after the Switch was announced, literally all it said about it was that it was "powered by the performance of the custom Tegra processor" which "includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards."
They also talked about 500 man years, nvn, physics engine, game making tools. You are right there wasn't any hardware details, but 1 it was an off the shelf tx1 and 2, I woudnt expect any details about Drake either.
SW2 = Switch 2. Like, that’s literally what it means on the cart. Those are the labels for 4 literal switches.

Also, I could do without the snark.
Two switches, labelled SW1 and SW2, are switched on, which certainly is funny.

Edit: other way around, SW2 and SW2 are in the "off" position. Huh? 🤔
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I wasn't necessarily saying I think it's NES Remix, I was just using it as an example of something it could be about that's not Switch 2.
Yeah i knew people were skeptical of the idea, I just wanted to give my take on what I brought up earlier as I just... didn't believe in it anymore.
And since I saw it mentioned, now I want a new NES Remix for Switch.
I feel that... god I wish for it to be ported. Or for a SNES remix or something, that'd be great.
Two switches, labelled SW1 and SW2, are switched on, which certainly is funny.

I thought it was already established SW1, 2, and 4 were OFF, and only SW3 was ON? At least, that's how the diagram appears to make sense.

That is also why I'm having trouble thinking it has anything to do with Switch 2. If Switch 2 was the Switch 1 right now, and we're waiting for confirmation for Switch 3, then I think a more compelling argument could be made.
The wait for early Tuesday morning was already daunting but this Pyoro mess is making my anxiety go off the charts, feed us more clues you crazy bird
So my interpretation is SW1 = Switch 2017, SW 2 = Switch 2019, SW3 = Switch Lite, SW4 = Switch OLED and then now "Plus 5m" is the 5th Switch console, to be revealed in May. May 1990.
Idk what the tweet is hinting at but I'm of the opinion of would it actually be a new Nintendo World Championship? Do people actually give a shit about that? I'm only one person but I certainly don't. Weird thing to hint about
Oh I'd be laughing my ass off if it were the case. Pages, and pages of speculation, trying to pick apart this unicorn NES Cartridge, and it ends up being the equivalent of the Wii Music announcement. :ROFLMAO:
I mean it is possible:

But if Pyoro knows that everyone is tlaking about the Switch 2 instead of the actual NSO rom.... wouldn't that make him a troll? Like I mean it is ok to put the picture up but if you see all the comments under your post and everyone but 5 other people are talking about Switch 2 comment, shouldn't you clarify what you are saying?

Does anyone else get what I am saying? That sounds like a set up to get yourself called a troll.

its seens necro is not expecting NES remix too


necro : If it is NES REMIX on switch , i will do do a good laught and after i will cry

coelho : another day i was talking about how i miss this series

necro : its a good one , but is not coming

real talk NES Remix was low key underrated and I wish it was brought over to Switch
Idk what the tweet is hinting at but I'm of the opinion of would it actually be a new Nintendo World Championship? Do people actually give a shit about that? I'm only one person but I certainly don't. Weird thing to hint about
Was thinking the same tbh
That’s what I thought at first, but I think it may be the other way around based on the diagram (the switching mechanism is apparently the black shaded part).

I thought it was already established SW1, 2, and 4 were OFF, and only SW3 was ON? At least, that's how the diagram appears to make sense.

That is also why I'm having trouble thinking it has anything to do with Switch 2. If Switch 2 was the Switch 1 right now, and we're waiting for confirmation for Switch 3, then I think a more compelling argument could be made.

Initially I had thought that the raised potion of the switch referred to the white part of the icon, but I was mistaken. Generally the raised portion is represented in black, with the "up" position closing the circuit, as we see on SW3, you are correct. My mistake in misreading the diagram.
I thought it was already established SW1, 2, and 4 were OFF, and only SW3 was ON? At least, that's how the diagram appears to make sense.

That is also why I'm having trouble thinking it has anything to do with Switch 2. If Switch 2 was the Switch 1 right now, and we're waiting for confirmation for Switch 3, then I think a more compelling argument could be made.
At the same time this is one of the first results when you look up "Nintendo SW2" or Nintendo World Championship, so, and Pyoro didn't edit anything about it in either direction.

(Sorry for the double mention.)
Yeah, and it's why the Digital Out was included in the original versions of the Gamecube system. Though, those were prototypes. Apparently, this 3D Famicom was a real accessory that launched to the public, and it flopped harder than a Soccer player faking an injury.
Well, it is a good thing the Switch has a stereoscopic effect with VR. To be honest, I don't see Nintendo picking up VR. I see a third party company and some indie game doing it.
But Love is also the opposite of hate, so Nate the Love doesn’t seem to be a perfect clone.
Love is all powerful. I am the superior Nate.
Idk what the tweet is hinting at but I'm of the opinion of would it actually be a new Nintendo World Championship? Do people actually give a shit about that? I'm only one person but I certainly don't. Weird thing to hint about
I see it as a win. We get a dump of a rare rom or we get hardware info!
Seems like you’ve stronger believe than the whole of the Silksong fandom, congratulations.
And my second favorite game is Mario RPG, I have every reason to be conditioned to not believing after that game felt like an impossibility to return in any way for decades
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