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Serious Free Palestine

There is nothing wrong with being anti-American as America is a white supremacist and genocidal nation-state (and especially anti-people-like-me) and should be dissolved with land given back to Indigenous nations.

Regardless, from what I understand from friends who are supporters of Ansar Allah and are in the region is that they're made up of multiple factions and are a heterogeneous movement. Of course, I may be mistaken as the words you quoted give me pause for thought.

I do not support them, but it would be best if they stopped arms shipments and I myself want to try and block arms shipments to Israel, even if I get arrested.

As someone that is Turkish, I grew up being sympathetic to Palestine and I am definitely sympathetic now.

I haven't heard of that banner. Which one? If what you say is true, then yes, they are anti-Semitic and I'll have to rethink what I said.

But I also do not see much of a solution.

I'm also Latino and the media lied about the U.S. invasion of the Dominican Republic and the ouster of Juan Bosch (now the media lies about Palestine or carries water for Israel). America and its vassal-states keep winning; we need to fight back somehow.

Thanks for trying to make me see reason, at least. The banner's words that you quoted are atrocious, of course.
This is the banner in question, watch coverage whenever the Houthis are in the news, it's everywhere.

This is the banner in question, watch coverage whenever the Houthis are in the news, it's everywhere.

I don't really trust the Western news media, but I suppose that's what it says.

Alright. I don't have much else to say. But thanks for bringing that image to my attention.

An article on Israel without passive voice in the headline? Do my eyes deceive me?

Probably because it’s an opinion piece rather than a news piece. So they can just say they are giving a voice to varied opinion without putting the weight of the paper’s editorial behind it.
Under no circumstances should you be lionizing the Houthis. You have several ways to oppose Israel's war and support Palestine without cheerleading an explicitly and self-declared genocidal and antisemitic organization like the Houthis.

This is the translated text of what appears on the Houthi banner:

"God is the Greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A Curse Upon the Jews
Victory to Islam"

The people they are "giving hell to" so far have been civilian shipments with multinational crews, including the Lebanese, who are also sympathetic to Palestine.

Never fall for the trap that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. All parties have their own goals and agendas, this is not a binary conflict with everyone working towards the same ends. We do not need to prop up the Houthis just because they are in opposition to Israel.
yeah the houthis are indeed anti-Semitic more than the normal for this kind of movements here but please do not talk about the civilian shipment with multinational crews thing like its an argument against their blockade i heard arguments like this everywhere against any form of boycott even here in egypt
think about the egyptians employees in these brands your boycott will only hurt them not the higher ups who actually support israel !!!! they say
this is the same logic you are using here
Please check your sources before posting. The website you linked is considered a pro-Hezbollah and pro-Bachar al-Assad media outlet: the POV of a terrorist organization and a dictator is not something we want to boost. – PS, LA, BF, Zellia, xghost777
Good news:

Mod edit: removal of links to a propaganda website.

A friend sent me this.

Thought you might be interested, @Tall Valley Nerd

I do not like the tone of the article and it feels like "war-watching," but it had some interesting info.
It's only for two weeks of Ramadan, with the non negotiable clause of Hamas releasing the hostages (the ones Israel happily bombs with the Palestinians). So it's much more meant to put Hamas and Israel on the same level. Of course, this binary is out of wack, yes Hamas has hostages but they have nothing beyond that while Israel is the occupying power with overwhelming military might and absolute control over Palestinian lives.

I wish there was more emphasis put on forcing Israel to stop their occupations on top of stopping their genocidal campaign.
It's only for two weeks of Ramadan, with the non negotiable clause of Hamas releasing the hostages (the ones Israel happily bombs with the Palestinians). So it's much more meant to put Hamas and Israel on the same level. Of course, this binary is out of wack, yes Hamas has hostages but they have nothing beyond that while Israel is the occupying power with overwhelming military might and absolute control over Palestinian lives.

I wish there was more emphasis put on forcing Israel to stop their occupations on top of stopping their genocidal campaign.
as my father always say politics is the art of possible it is all about achieving the best you can in a shitty situation
as my father always say politics is the art of possible it is all about achieving the best you can in a shitty situation
Not to throw shade on your father but it sounds a lot to me like accepting the status quo :orang: The status quo being Israel is allowed to continue with their brutal apartheid state-like occupation.

Even when this is over, what actually changed in the long run? Unless countries are willing to finally put pressure on Israel to follow all the UN resolutions theres probably going to be more of this.
Not to throw shade on your father but it sounds a lot to me like accepting the status quo :orang: The status quo being Israel is allowed to continue with their brutal apartheid state-like occupation.

Even when this is over, what actually changed in the long run? Unless countries are willing to finally put pressure on Israel to follow all the UN resolutions theres probably going to be more of this.
yeah living in sisi egypt make people think that the concept of hope itself is ridiculous
I absolutely hate seeing The Netherlands among the list, really?! I hate this government, especially when you see some of the demonstrations :(
As someone currently in the Netherlands. It's astounding how pro Israel the media here is. If you check Nieuwsuur, you see that usually they are one sided in their reporting, mostly in favour of Israel's propaganda. For example, the recent demonstration against that singer who has kids in the IDF, just two people making their voice against Israel clear yet immediately the media jumped on it and called it anti semitic, not even to mention the politicians being so disgustingly fast to condemn any Pro palestine demonstration while deadass the ICJ in The Hague, Netherlands is saying theres a possibility that Israel is doing a genocide.

Also, just yesterday saw the top Dutch military man doing a visit to Israel for support of the IDF. It's disgusting what this countries become. Just a right wing nightmare.
At this point, I expect them to actually drop a nuke on the Gaza strip and still get away with it. Absolutely everything regarding this keeps escalating, now also the Embassy and yet fuck all. Absolute and utter insanity...
At this point, I expect them to actually drop a nuke on the Gaza strip and still get away with it. Absolutely everything regarding this keeps escalating, now also the Embassy and yet fuck all. Absolute and utter insanity...
If you want to know why Israel can legit get away with anything and they never get held accountable I highly recommend this youtube video. It really explains it all


you know i think it is very foolish to ask this after all the things that happened after the 14000 child but i will ask it anyway
are there any thing that israel could do that will make the west tell them enough no more this is has gone too far ? any thing at all ?

This probably sounds snarky but I'm being sincere: I expect all they have to do is say "actually Hamas bombed those cars" and the west (or the US at the very least) will just go "oh dang you're right" and continue sending weapons.
you know i think it is very foolish to ask this after all the things that happened after the 14000 child but i will ask it anyway
are there any thing that israel could do that will make the west tell them enough no more this is has gone too far ? any thing at all ?
Nope, nothing whatsoever.
The Guardian article on the Lavender system is some truly horrific, dystopian shit:

"The Israeli military’s bombing campaign in Gaza used a previously undisclosed AI-powered database that at one stage identified 37,000 potential targets based on their apparent links to Hamas, according to intelligence sources involved in the war."

"Another Lavender user questioned whether humans’ role in the selection process was meaningful. “I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage, and do dozens of them every day. I had zero added-value as a human, apart from being a stamp of approval. It saved a lot of time.”


"Because we usually carried out the attacks with dumb bombs, and that meant literally dropping the whole house on its occupants. But even if an attack is averted, you don’t care – you immediately move on to the next target. Because of the system, the targets never end. You have another 36,000 waiting.”

The amazing things is how blase and unrestrained they're being about revealing this info. This is textbook "Using computers to justify war crimes" and they're just... Outright admitting it.
The amazing things is how blase and unrestrained they're being about revealing this info. This is textbook "Using computers to justify war crimes" and they're just... Outright admitting it.
Why wouldn't they? They know that they can commit as many war crimes as they like with impunity.

It's amazing how blatantly in the wrong Israel is and even some of the press rags that typically manufacture consent for these type of wars are pointing out the absurdity, and yet nothing will change.
Lord knows how many people got bombed, a handful of white people get bombed, and suddenly all these countries demand a cease fire.
Seriously, all respect to the Kitchen workers, they genuinely deserved the world for the work they did. But the fact this had to happen before countries want (or at least say they do) to do anything is utterly ridiculous...
There is a genocide happening right in front of our eyes, and people who can stop it DO NOTHING.

Biden doesn't give a damn, the media says he is pissed and is using harsh language but the facts are that he's sending them money and weapons. What a fucking joke.

All this discussion about the ICJ trial and UN reports and Israel's protests is all fine and gives a very nice feeling but how many Palestinians are being murdered right now and are gonna get murdered by the IOF in the meantime.

Absolutely disgusting and history will judge us.
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All I'm gonna say is, the people in power right now, all of them, should pray to whatever they believe in that if we ever take power back from them, that we treat them far more mercifully than they've treated the world. They would not be able to tolerate even 1/10th of what they've inflicted on the world.
All I'm gonna say is, the people in power right now, all of them, should pray to whatever they believe in that if we ever take power back from them, that we treat them far more mercifully than they've treated the world. They would not be able to tolerate even 1/10th of what they've inflicted on the world.
The people in power now are so corrupt, they're drunk on their own power. These people are a danger to humanity as a whole, and Palestinians are some of the most suffering right now. And that's not even getting started on Congo and other places that are suffering because of the same people.

This is plain injustice, but justice will be served one day. I believe in that 100%.
On top of AI being used to flag up civilians as targets, with a human operator then giving it a matter of seconds to decide whether to then OK it, the usual wildfire of fake content on social media is terrifying when paired with Grok, Elon Musk’s AI ‘news’ aggregator that then started pumping out completely fictitious stories about Israel vs Iran worldwide.

The next time we have a thread on why AI can be a massive problem, I think military AI-assisted targeting (or rather, AI targeting with a human assistant thats less interested in protecting civilians than they are in greenlighting airstrikes), and AI making up disinformation about volatile situations that is then immediately spread faster than humans can comprehend, are both huge issues.

I remember when those aid workers were killed, it was after survivors had moved from one destroyed vehicle to another. This is what happens when a targeting system tooled for only efficiency doesn’t give a shit, it follows the victims as they flee and keeps flagging them for death. Dystopian stuff.

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Itch.io has an amazing bundle, highly recommended for some stellar games while supporting a great cause along the way.

will the UK and US restore unrwa funding after that?
i seriously doubt it
lol, like hell they will. Both parties have proven they could not give less of a shit of any of the bullshit Israel is pulling and will support them regardless.
Germany resuming funding is a relief, if I remember correctly they were the second largest supporters in terms of money for the UNRWA prior the the stoppage.
Hopefully more will follow soon.

Itch.io has an amazing bundle, highly recommended for some stellar games while supporting a great cause along the way.

I'm not likely to play the games but I want to buy the bundle to support - how does itch.io work, can I just give away the games to someone or is it tied to an account or ?
I'm not likely to play the games but I want to buy the bundle to support - how does itch.io work, can I just give away the games to someone or is it tied to an account or ?
You can download the games individually, make an account or just keep the mail secure that includes the link to your donation.

wow just wow if this true then where is the outrage from the people clamming that they care about the hostages

I read the rest of the article, and the person interviewed posits that the reason Netanyahu won't broker a deal is that then Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich (ministers of national security and finance, respectively) would resign, because to them any asking price is too much. Which will leave Netanyahu high and dry for the next election, with no one to form a coalition with. The entire top brass is rotten.

He doesn't say from who or how he heard about the deal in the tweet, but it's been obvious from the beginning that October 7th has just been an excuse for the Israeli government to go all in. Yet I've heard so many people say that Israel is only doing this to defend themselves, or that they had no choice. That claim is shakier than ever now that even Israeli outlets are reporting the opposite. But I'm sure this too will get twisted, unfortunately.

Bought the itch.io bundle. Not sure if I'll find the time to really go through it - any recommendations?
I also just bought the bundle. If you haven't played A Short Hike yet, give it a go! Only about an hour and a half long. I also plan to play Wandersong and Coffee Talk. Can't speak firsthand to their quality yet, but I've heard good things
Children in Gaza underplaying their pain due to extent of trauma around them, say doctors
what people forget when they talk about the gaza situation that even if a ceasefire started that even with all the help in the world
hundreds of thousands of childrens a whole generation have been severely traumatized and the vast majority of them will never get the help they need
they will never heal or get past it they will live with it to the end of their life
As a matter of staying informed, what sort of channels do ye use? Not just TV news channels, I mean accounts, websites, etc.

I mostly hear about developments during my daily watch of the news (France24 or RTÉ, sometimes ITV), and I try to be aware of bias (BBC News' heavy right-wing bias, especially as of late), like all of these are state funded.

"Bias checkers" themselves often have a right wing bias from what I've seen, like describing RFA as moderate and factual, or the BBC as moderately left. Ground news I'm sure you've seen sponsor spots for recently, and they don't seem to understand what 'left' even means given where they place CNN and MSNBC.

Al Jazeera has a lot of coverage on the situation, including explaining the elements of ethnic cleansing at play a lot of people seem to gloss over, and they're considered reliable but are notably funded by and based in Qatar.

I want to make sure I'm getting an accurate report on the situation, that is to say I don't care for channels that think "balance" is letting both sides of an unequal conflict say their piece uncritically.

I realise my language in this post is a little cold and perhaps a bit passive-voiced, so to be absolutely clear:

Free Palestine.
Israel's actions in Gaza constitute genocide.
Lots of footage going around of pro-Israel rioters attacking protestors on multiple campuses and being enabled by the police. I thought nothing could shock me at this point but their depravity knows no ends.

The US House voted on a bill to change the legal antisemitism definition to the International Holocaust Rememberance Alliance's definition.

Insane to pass an "antisemitism" law when the current congress is full of antisemites who would fit right in with the 1940s Nazi party, including most of those who voted for it. They approve of all violence against the Jews who are protesting genocide, and they continually reinforce the antisemitic trope that Jews must live in a separate country, and that all Jews are zionists (and thus anti-zionist Jews must be "fake).

This is to say nothing of their blatant, genocidal Islamaphobia. None of these bastards will ever see heaven. Just craven, murderous ghouls to the last. America is ruled by some of the most evil people in history.

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