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Reviews Princess Peach: Showtime! | Review Thread

Because there's no depth to the gameplay either. What you played in the demo is pretty accurate of the entire game.

Each costume barely gets time to shine or develop.

Nah, this one ain't it guys. I wanted it to be.

You're welcome to buy it anyways. Just figured I'd warn people that were on the fence.
Again, this is a game aimed at young audiences. A game that's 8 hours long can be a satisfying amount of time to a kid.

Honestly, the bigger problem seems to be more the case that adults saw Peach get her own game and then got annoyed the moment they realized it was for children instead of being some complex puzzle-platformer with E-for-Everyone Bayonetta combat.
I think there should be a new series of National Treasure movies that involve finding out the developer of Nintendo's partner games.

I need Nic Cage to look into the camera and say "Sorry Doug Bowser, but there’s only two men I trust. One of them’s Miyamoto. And the other’s not you."
I think there should be a new series of National Treasure movies that involve finding out the developer of Nintendo's partner games.

I need Nic Cage to look into the camera and say "Sorry Doug Bowser, but there’s only two men I trust. One of them’s Miyamoto. And the other’s not you."

Only if they bring Sean Bean back too.
Again, this is a game aimed at young audiences. A game that's 8 hours long can be a satisfying amount of time to a kid.

Honestly, the bigger problem seems to be more the case that adults saw Peach get her own game and then got annoyed the moment they realized it was for children instead of being some complex puzzle-platformer with E-for-Everyone Bayonetta combat.
Haha yeah so true.

I thought it might be like luigi's mansion esque level at first. Kirby ish level. Like for everyone type game but nah it's tiers below that.

It does kinda feel like a segmented minigame collection.
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Maaaybe Showtime 2 could be longer and offer more depth in gameplay, or the same length, but less costumes
Again, this is a game aimed at young audiences. A game that's 8 hours long can be a satisfying amount of time to a kid.

Honestly, the bigger problem seems to be more the case that adults saw Peach get her own game and then got annoyed the moment they realized it was for children instead of being some complex puzzle-platformer with E-for-Everyone Bayonetta combat.

Im angry at nintendo for doing this but not releasing a new golden sun and metroid

george is getting upset
"It's easy so it must be a games for younger gamers". This statement is so wrong yet the reviewers keep repeating it. Why should something easy needs to be younger gamers? Do people know what young gamers under 10 play these days? Or similarly, why can't adults play something easy and relaxing once in a while?

Personally, my childhood days were filled with challenging stuff like Contra, TMNT or Batman games. As an adult, I always choose the easiest option in games to save time. I still appreciate some challenge but I certainly welcome relaxing games in between. I need games like Showtime.
To be honest, before the game's release, I was a bit worried that the critical reception of the game would be overly harsh because of this kind of bias, which doesn't really mean anything, and I totally agree with you. I don't think it's wrong to say that the game is trying to appeal to a young audience, but that doesn't mean it's only aimed at them. We can judge a game on what it is, not on the image we have of it.

However, I have to admit that on reading the first feedbacks, even if we can indeed read a few reflections on the intended audience, I have the feeling that critics are going a little overboard in their indulgence, perhaps too pronounced in their desire to be benevolent. Irrespective of the audience, real or supposed, for which the game is intended, problems of performance, repetitiveness and lack of depth seem to be major flaws.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is an absolutely adorable game, and yet I don't remember reading reviews that constantly emphasized a supposedly young audience. Perhaps that's because there was no need to even ask the question of audience to downplay or minimize obvious flaws, since it was simply an excellent game. I bought PPS because I want to play it with my nephews, but honestly I would much rather have read that the game had great variety, that the experience was getting richer as it went along and that the performance problems had disappeared since the demo than to read that all that was still there but that it didn't matter because it's cool that Peach has her game.
I doubt it’s that they want to diminish their 3rd parties. Might be an attempt to prevent poaching like was done in the 80s, protect their partners from ravenous internet folks, or even to obscure where people should be prodding for leaks. I’m not sure how effective it actually is but I don’t think this is being done with malicious intent.

I’m certainly leaning more towards the latter given how this seems to be more of a recent trend and we’ve got new hardware coming soon
Yep, this is where I am. Especially with the bolded.

How many times has "Mid Feel" and the like been repeated in this topic alone? And you only have to think about how some are too quick and ready to write off the likes of Arzest, Good-Feel or the like, which contributes to discourse around a game that Nintendo would rather avoid as much as possible.
I think hiding the developer makes sense in some cases. As previously stated, certain developers develop a stigma over time, whether earned or unearned. I know I had the game pre-ordered until the developer was data mined.
I mean unless Good Feel isn't it the credits, I doubt it's really something that bad

edit: NM they are in the credits lol
Please do not suggest that other people are engaging in piracy. If you suspect someone of doing so, please report them instead. - meatbag, Dardan Sandiego, Zellia, ngpdrew, big lantern ghost, Party Sklar, VolcanicDynamo
The game is way too short for 60 dollars. Difficulty aside.

It's an enhanced tech demo +.
How do you know this when the game is not yet released? Have you already pirated preserved it?
What's surprising is that there don't seem to be any such restrictions in either Japan or Europe, where Good Feel is constantly mentionned in French tests, for example, but only in North America. I don't understand this disparity. So it does seem to be a NoA decision, but I don't see the logic. Even if you absolutely want to insist on the notion of "Nintendo game", that's how the vast majority of the public will perceive the game anyway, so preventing journalists from mentioning Good Feel seems absolutely pointless and strange to say the least.
Demo gameplay didn’t really jive with me, but maybe if they make a sequel they can expand on it. Kirby games are easy but mechanically rich and satisfying so I hope they can do something like that.
I’m pretty excited to play this, and I’m pleasantly surprised with the review scores. I predicted 72 to 76, so seeing a bunch of 8/10s is a win.

My main concern is difficulty, or lack thereof. I get that it’s a kids game so I understand why it’s not terribly difficult, but for my own personal experience, I’m a bit disappointed in how breezy this will likely be.
lenght into dollars is very silly imo. It's a reason why so many games have bloat these days
I think that everyone should be able to judge a game on any merits that they want to. And people knowing the length of a game is very important.

For you, length into dollars may be silly. However, a good amount of people probably want something longer because they can't really afford a $60, 6 hour experience. For people who only buy a handful of games a year, that's a big deal. Especially with inflation and living costs being through the roof.

Note, that I personally do not see a problem with some games being short. For example, Resident Evil 2 Remake. Perfect length for a perfect game. It's also very replayable. Then again, I got it for only $20 back in the day. Knowing Capcoms sales too, I'm hesitant to buy most of Capcoms titles at launch, except maybe monster hunter.

But I don't think we should shame people for wanting more of a run time for a game. Especially in this economy, and the amount of competition there is in the space.
Again, this is a game aimed at young audiences. A game that's 8 hours long can be a satisfying amount of time to a kid.

Honestly, the bigger problem seems to be more the case that adults saw Peach get her own game and then got annoyed the moment they realized it was for children instead of being some complex puzzle-platformer with E-for-Everyone Bayonetta combat.
I see your point for sure, and I'm sure there is some of that going on, but unless the performance and gameplay issues in the demo are much better in the final product, I think this game has bigger issues. I also think this is a good opportunity to comment on the "mid-feel" debate. I'm gonna start there.

I really believe Good-Feel's last three games are underrated or that the quality of them has been forgotten over the course of a decade and a half. Epic Yarn reviewed really well but was derided by some for being too easy, and I couldn't get into the game when it first came out, for that same reason, but eventually tried it again and loved it. I genuinely believe this and Yoshi's Woolly World are two of Nintendo's best games this century.

I think Woolly World is significantly underrated with its sub-80 score, no surprise on a system and era that saw Tropical Freeze, one of the agreed upon best platformers of all time, get an 84. I'm not generally hung up on review scores but these seem emblematic of shifting priorities and appreciation in gaming.

I also think Crafted World's first 1/4 or so is much weaker than the rest of the game, which is otherwise just as good as Woolly World gameplay wise, slight knock on music aside.

That all said, I was really disappointed with the Princess Peach demo. I was one of the people really hoping this was a Good-Feel game. I was reading an interview with Nintendo and PaxSofnica about the development of DK '94 (thank you @TreIII for posting this) and this quote is pertinent:

Miyamoto-san said:
Y'know, I think action games can be broken down into two main elements: one is aiming for the goal, and the other is enjoying all the various things you can do in pursuit of that goal. Above all else, I think it's especially important that simply moving the character with the controller is fun.

I was really disappointed to find the action feels much laggier than Yoshi's Woolly or Crafted World. I can see the visual comparisons to the latter game but YCW ran at a pretty smooth 60 fps and I'm not someone who normally can tell the difference much but Peach is just so slow and almost unresponsive feeling to me, especially in her default moveset. The action was simplistic in a one button way that reminded me of the design philosophy I remember reading about for Baland Wonderworld. I'm sure the tasks/challenge get more complex and the gameplay probably does too, and the presentation, music and new characters are charming for sure, but I'm really disappointed that to me the game just does not feel smooth or enjoyable to play.

Anyway, if the game still feels that way as the final product, which I think is a reasonable expectation given the performance issues noted in some reviews, but I would love to be wrong about, that really diminishes it as a game for me. I'm absolutely in favor of kid-friendly games, but I would much prefer a kid-friendly game that feels great to play no matter your age, like Kirby's Epic Yarn or the recent Yoshi games, or most Kirby games. Heck I thought Star Allies was a step down from the 3DS entries from what I played, but no question it felt better to me than this. I'm okay with simple, I just want it to be engaging, fun and feel enjoyable to play. So I'm hoping to read from impressions that the performance is better than the demo, or for a patch or something. That would definitely make for a more enjoyable game to me.
About what I expected; personally was hoping for something closer to 80. If this does well enough perhaps we’ll see the criticisms be addressed in a potential sequel. I know I’ll have a grand time with this.
I love that time right before a Nintendo release where people who conveniently got the game early always try to shape the conversation with their superior knowledge. Like how people started to panic right before the Mario Wonder reviews.
I love that time right before a Nintendo release where people who conveniently got the game early always try to shape the conversation with their superior knowledge. Like how people started to panic right before the Mario Wonder reviews.
Super Mario Wonder is leagues better than this game.
My problem with the "it's for kids so that excuses being easy" arguement is that games like Kirby's Epic Yarn show you can have it both ways: Epic Yarn is easy for kids while still offering engaging content for core players through its 100% requirements. Those change the way you play every single level and are a good challenge. Easy to start, hard to master.

It doesn't seem like Showtime has any equivalent. It's easy to start, easy to master.
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What's surprising is that there don't seem to be any such restrictions in either Japan or Europe, where Good Feel is constantly mentionned in French tests, for example, but only in North America. I don't understand this disparity. So it does seem to be a NoA decision, but I don't see the logic. Even if you absolutely want to insist on the notion of "Nintendo game", that's how the vast majority of the public will perceive the game anyway, so preventing journalists from mentioning Good Feel seems absolutely pointless and strange to say the least.
Not to make the US sound like it's the center of the world, or even the source of every problem, but...when you consider how much in the way of gaming discourse often originates or spreads from NA social media, to me, there's a method to the madness.

you'll be ashamed of your words and deeds, fami

Huh. When does that happen? A president goes back into the director's chair after years of just being distant from it all.

Has Good Feel downsized recently; was there just someone else with the same name; or does it look like he just wanted to come back to the grind?

Regardless, shoots up my respect when brass actually gets in the trenches.
Huh. When does that happen? A president goes back into the director's chair after years of just being distant from it all.

Has Good Feel downsized recently, was there just someone else with the same name, or does it look like he just wanted to come back to the grind?

For a creative, a "desk and suit" job has a real chance of getting boring / unfulfilling.

Dude might've just thought "Screw it, i got one more in me!" and went for it.
For a creative, a "desk and suit" job has a real chance of getting boring / unfulfilling.

Dude might've just thought "Screw it, i got one more in me!" and went for it.

almost 30 years is such a massive gap though

I guess maybe he's starting to think about retirement and wanted to do another before it's too late
So Good-Feel had this in the pipeline at the same time as their Goemon spiritual successor? Nice. Also explains how there was a long delay between release and the first major patch to that game, they were probably busy wrapping this one up.

Anyways, watched the NintendoLife review and I’m pretty sold on this for vibes alone. But at $50. I’ve enjoyed all the G-F games I’ve played before (Crafted World is an exception but I’ve been meaning to return to that as I think I may have been in the wrong headspace at the time) so I’m not opposed to this as a simpler and chill experience. Game looks great in motion and has plenty of charm going for it.
Seems about what I expected, a good enough game but not for me

Kinda of a shame that it doesn't quite bridge the gap between being for kids while also catering to an older audience. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is such an excellent example of a game that nails that balance, while this veers too hard towards mostly being for kids
After reading some of the reviews, the game seems to be about what I expected, which is fine. Not every game needs to have a lot of depth, heck that's what kirby games are usually. Though having said that, it sounds like they could have but a little bit more complexity to the level design, which I hope happens if this ever gets a sequel.

Anyways this is a game that I will want, but I think I am going to wait a bit for it. I don't need right now, and I would rather just work on my backlog of games before I pick up anything new.
Seems about what I expected, a good enough game but not for me

Kinda of a shame that it doesn't quite bridge the gap between being for kids while also catering to an older audience. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is such an excellent example of a game that nails that balance, while this veers too hard towards mostly being for kids

hopefully it's not a one and done kinda thing as far as Peach games go

this just isn't the game I wanted it to be when I first saw it and that's fine but I do think there's also potential for a Peach spinoff that has a bit more depth to it
Huh. When does that happen? A president goes back into the director's chair after years of just being distant from it all.

Has Good Feel downsized recently; was there just someone else with the same name; or does it look like he just wanted to come back to the grind?

Regardless, shoots up my respect when brass actually gets in the trenches.

Tbh, we don't really know how deep in the trenches he was. It's just interesting to see that Ebisu was involved on the creative side at all after such a long time.
Let's wait until we all get our hands on it and play it through and through. I don't buy these claims based on what I've seen.
For what it's worth, I'm expecting playtimes to be a bit inflated if you're constantly missing collectibles, which is the Good-Feel special.
I'm honestly more eager for the Digital Foundry review.

I know the game clearly has some pretty heavy issues with frame rate at times, and that in handheld play there's some shimmer on Peach and everything.

But the lighting, the geometry, animations and presentation is super solid. I believe it's not that far behind even a marvel like Luigi's Mansion 3, only problems seems to be resolution and aliasing(or somo sort of AA that made it blurry?) in handheld and the frame rate that's definitely not ideal. But graphically it does a lot of taxing stuff, has super high poly models, superb lighting and has screen space reflections all over when it's a rare feat in Nintendo games.
"Princess Peach: Showtime is a lovely time full of clever ideas, and a great way for Peach to make her solo debut." - God is a Geek

I leapt out of my seat and clapped for the Super Princess Peach erasure.

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