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Discussion According to @Brazil podcast 'X do Controle' Nintendo Switch 2 will release in march 2025 - Summary updated [Eurogamer is corroborating]

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Businesses run on fiscal year calendars. So yes, I would say they mean next April when the fiscal for 2025 begins.

From the first post of the thread:

  • According to his sources, Switch 2 will release during Q1 2025 (Q1 calendar year)
  • He has more than 3 people that are working with this date in mind: Q1 2025 (Q1 calendar year)
  • Other said that originally it was supposed to be released in 2024 but was delayed to 2025 (Q1 calendar year)
  • NEXT FISCAL YEAR and that's Nintendo's goal
  • He doesn't know why it was decided to be released in 2025 and not in 2024
  • He reiterates that although he will never be 100% sure until Nintendo states officially, he has A LOT OF SOURCES AND A LOT OF TRUSTED SOURCES saying the same thing: Q1 2025 - Q1 calendar year (BUT NEXT FISCAL YEAR)

Q1 calendar year(Jan-Mar). The next/upcoming fiscal year starts April 1, 2024 and ends March 31, 2025.
I mean Nintendo hasn’t said anything lol

This is us fucking with ourselves
Little bit of both. They know switch has been on the market for a long time. If this is true than it is what it is. I just don't know what games they can bring to justify another whole year. Isn't COD suppose to come to a Nintendo console this year no matter what per the contract agreement?
Nice of you to be the authority on how this release date information was relayed to developers or the journalist. It is not intuitive whatsoever for a media headline to quote Q1 2025 (not Q1 FY26) and have people assume this means April.

No. Unless I see a report stating otherwise, I’ve assumed this is calendar year.

What’s with the hostility? Not being an authority of anything or trying to refute what anyone said. I don’t know anything and haven’t ever claimed to. I just gave my opinion on what I thought it meant.
What’s with the hostility? Not being an authority of anything or trying to refute what anyone said. I don’t know anything and haven’t ever claimed to. I just gave my opinion on what I thought it meant.

Apologies, I’m in a shit mood and this news has compounded things - I shouldn’t be posting.

Edit: Deleted. Sorry.
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I was about to start consuming nintendo direct/switch 2 speculation and discourse and shitposting again but maybe I’ll just fade away back into reality and forget about this forum and the switch 2 for a few more months
Little bit of both. They know switch has been on the market for a long time. If this is true than it is what it is. I just don't know what games they can bring to justify another whole year. Isn't COD suppose to come to a Nintendo console this year no matter what per the contract agreement?
I see it more as half a year than a whole year. As for what they could bring...if they could have a Switch 2 lineup that starts with a 3D AAA Platformer (Mario or DK) that is then followed by the next Kirby game, the next Monolith Soft game, the next Mario Party, a Zelda release, a Platinum exclusive, some big third-party exclusive, and perhaps culminates in Mario Kart 10 at the holidays, that seems like a big year. I think some of what I'm proposing doesn't make sense for a first year, but I also think I'm forgetting some stuff and that Nintendo always has surprises. It won't happen, but a reality where GTA VI is a launch game for Switch 2 would also be interesting.

Unless...are you talking about them justifying leaving 2024 to Switch? If Switch 2 isn't ready, it isn't ready, whether they have big things planned for Switch or not. It could be a light year for software, perhaps filled with remakes and smaller titles. Hopefully we still get Metroid Prime 4, FE4 remake, and some surprises this year. Maybe Pokemon will have something, too. I could also see Nintendo looking into price cuts on either software or hardware to keep up sales and clear stock.

As for the contract...since that was a contract between Microsoft and Nintendo, I'm sure either Nintendo or Microsoft could propose adjustments to the contract that the other could accept. Maybe Nintendo says, "We want CoD on Swtich this year" and Microsoft delivers, or maybe Microsoft says "We'd like to wait to wait for Switch 2" and Nintendo says "As long as it's a launch game" and then they shake hands.
I said this in the hardware thread and I’ll repeat it here, this will be a 5 month delay realistically. We have still managed to scrape together so much info about this consoles specs, launch timing, features, and just about every kind of thing you could know about a console. Chances are Nintendo will still begin showing their hand before long, and leaks will absolutely begin picking up at breakneck pace soon. This just gives us more time to work on our hefty backlogs, relax, and speculate together. As corny as it sounds, these days of speculation we will look on fondly in the future, so I would recommend cherishing this time while we still have it instead of fixating on whatever amount of time more we will have to wait. And hell, Brazil even said we could very well get a teaser this March just like was rumored, so no reason to get all worried. It will be shown very soon, we’re in the home stretch, just binge a show or movie series in the meantime!
I’m seeing Metroid of Metroid prime so I’m gonna say.

At this pint their hand is forced to make it a big game, go all in with ads and everything cause if to just sellers Metroid prime numbers t might not even make a profit.

Do it the ff7 way

Or just make a Metroid prime with a 7 year dev cycle minimum.
Since this morning, I've been thinking and reading through everything related to the news and forming my own thoughts overall about the situation. Before the news today, I was on the September-November 2024 train because I felt like it was the most likely based on the time they'd need to market a system launch title and, really, because we haven't really had any official confirmation about it yet and I always assume once that happened, it would be about five to seven months before release. However, today did bring the Q1 2025 news and so, I've thought about it a lot!

I do understand why a lot of people were disappointed since, even with my later 2024 prediction, a lot of people since last year were thinking this would be the year and a lot of the recent news about the next console were leaning towards that. It was something everyone was expecting and getting excited about and now it's just been out further out. However, I do honestly think this is kind of exciting. It seems like, from what I can gather from here and the article, the main concern for Nintendo is making sure they had the software they wanted for launch ready for release. In a lot of ways, I do think this goes beyond the launch title (which I think we all assume is 3D Mario). I do think, at this point, they were looking at the progress of some of their games they had planned for the entire first 12 months of this console on the market and realized that some of them would not make it. For me, the reason why this is exciting is, as the articles have highlighted, they did this for as strong of a launch as they possibly could get. While it would have been nice to play 3D Mario or whatever they had planned for launch this year, I would honestly prefer having constant first-party releases in the first 12 months!

An example that came first to my head when thinking about this is 3D Mario and Mario Kart. Like with how Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe released just under two months apart from each other, I want that to happen again where the big launch title and Mario Kart are close together. I do think there is a chance that the launch and Mario Kart were farther apart than Nintendo liked at this point and so doing it early in 2025 puts them closer. This is just an example but it's something I've been thinking about. I want there to be as strong of a lineup from Nintendo's offerings as there was during the first 12 months of Switch... I think that's really important.

I do also think, if those articles about the parts they were getting ready for the system is correct, this gives them a lot more time to stockpile for the launch period of the console. While they wouldn't let every console they make reach the market all at once, it'll give them a lot of batches that they can space through all of 2025 and early 2026 for a strong fiscal year and I think that's a good thing, both in terms of giving consumers the chance to get the console we soon as possible, which will help software sales as well, but also from the business perspective.

Finally, I know a lot of people have commented now on what this year does look like for the Switch (1). I do think this is a valid concern, especially as the common belief was the Partner Showcase next week would be strong indication that the consoles reveal was on the near horizon and now that's not really on the table the same way as it was just yesterday. However, we all have heard that Nintendo does hold games for a long time and I think this is one reason why they do just that, to have a backup plan in case something does happen. We all assume that the Zelda Ports, FE4 Remake, Metroid Prime 2 and 3, and likely a handful of GameCube Remasters are in that batch and I think that's enough to supplement this year. However, I have also seen that we have some hints in this thread that Nintendo does have more than that ready for the Switch this year and I think that's exciting!!! I really don't think we should be worried about this, honestly. It does seem like Nintendo still has a fun year prepared, even if Switch 2 isn't a part of it!

I apologize for the long message here! While I would've been excited either way, I am excited about the news today! I do feel like we need to trust Nintendo when they said they want to have a strong launch for the console and that this is the way to do it. I also don't think they are preparing to have a barren year this year. If next week has a Partner Showcase, I did always think that Nintendo would have something in April or May focused on the Switch and it's possible that whatever that is, it does end up being larger than I even thought now as they have to layout the year solely for the Switch now! Maybe I'm a little too optimistic here about the situation, but I'm just excited for what this year hold overall and I think it's still going to be a great year!! :)
Is this the fastest a topic has ever moved on this forum? It must be top 5 at least.

This is definitely a bummer if true but it's even weirder considering next week is apparently only a partner direct. I wonder if this is the first year I actually don't end up buying any new games on Switch.
I had a thought today about if they may want to delay the system for early 2025 when Super Nintendo World makes it’s way to Universal Orlando and the Donkey Kong expansion debuts.

Like a weird marketing synergy push all for 2025 while celebrating Mario’s 40th with his biggest adventure yet.
Take with a grain of salt, because I think we're dealing with some speculation mixed with fact mixed with chinese whispers inside game companies, but worth noting Bloomberg's article seems to have some of its own reporting and are saying "Nintendo has told some publishing executives not to expect the console until March 2025 at the earliest."
Take with a grain of salt, because I think we're dealing with some speculation mixed with fact mixed with chinese whispers inside game companies, but worth noting Bloomberg's article seems to have some of its own reporting and are saying "Nintendo has told some publishing executives not to expect the console until March 2025 at the earliest."

I really don't think that means it will get delayed psst that. Especially since third parties need to release their games.

Nintendo's only going to delay it for 3D Mario for so long.
Take with a grain of salt, because I think we're dealing with some speculation mixed with fact mixed with chinese whispers inside game companies, but worth noting Bloomberg's article seems to have some of its own reporting and are saying "Nintendo has told some publishing executives not to expect the console until March 2025 at the earliest."

It was never going to launch in January or February right after the holidays. So saying it's releasing in March at the earlier is obvious.
Sure but "at the earliest" if accurate suggests they aren't confident of March and it perhaps going beyond that and into the next FY
This is another thing that makes me think this rumor is fallible. They would know by now when it's releasing. Not some "oh hey developers it MAY release March OR LATER now"

Possible reasonings against rumor:

1) They delayed it but didn't tell these developers when exactly?
2) They state no major games this year.. so they are going to let Switch fall off a cliff?
3) They will announce this thing a year prior (next month) even though the release date isn't set in stone for March 2025?!
4) They are announcing it a year prior when they don't have games for Switch? So they really want to drive Switch into the ground? This makes no sense.

It doesn't add up, people.
The reports at that Nintendo told third parties that they are moving the release date from late 2024 to Q1 of 2025. Q1 of 2025 consists of January, February, and March. A lot of companies don't like releasing products in January and February because it's right after the holiday season. People have depleted a good portion of their spending money and are probably still enjoying the stuff they got over the holidays. So it's often not a good time to release new products.

So if January and February are unlikely, that leaves you with...that's right March. If you don't think the system is releasing in January and February, which is a reasonable assumption, then "in March at the earliest" is a correct statement.
March at the earliest is not correct lingo if it is ALSO the latest lol. It should be "by the end of March at the latest." If it's Q1. Bad english.
This is another thing that makes me think this rumor is fallible. They would know by now when it's releasing. Not some "oh hey developers it MAY release March OR LATER now"

Possible evidence against rumor
1) They delayed it but didn't tell these developers when exactly?
2) They state no major games this year.. so they are going to let Switch fall off a cliff?
3) They will announce this thing a year prior (next month) even though the release date isn't set in stone for March 2025?!

It doesn't add up, people.
sounds like either a big game or some kind of hardware/logistics aspect to launch missed a milestone and it became clear it just simply will not be ready for 2024. It sounds like the advice is for 'Q1 2025' but I think Bloomberg are muddying the waters between fiscal and calendar here.

We know PlayStation have no major software for 2024 as well so yeah it would not be shocking to me at this point if they just felt everyone had a dry year coming up and they wouldn't be significantly affected competitively by a sparse release schedule.

Correct statement it might be, but if I say "March at the earliest" to someone then it certainly means the possibility of it slipping beyond that is very much on the table and they don't have clarity yet on how long whatever the issue is will push things out - so sounds like plan is for March (probably late March at this point) but could very easily go beyomnd that.
I think that there's a risk that if GTA is March, Nintendo will pivot to May.

The healthy thing to do now is to expect a full blowout in late 24 and the release in first half of 25. Let's see if Nintendo will clarify more in their outlook for next FY. I now don't expect anything in March.
March at the earliest is not correct lingo if it is ALSO the latest lol. It should be "by the end of March at the latest." If it's Q1. Bad english.
I suspect Q1 is very dependant on the issue causing the delay being resolved and they are leaving the door open for it to be beyond that in advice to publishers going by what Bloomberg is saying. I suspect Q1 is not set in stone but currently is the plan. It's not bad english because there is no deadline saying it MUST be out by the end of March.
The Switch has sold 1.2 billion pieces of software. Not all of that is via Nintendo games.

Unlike in the Wii U's final year, the Switch will be supported by titles like Unicorn Overload, Prince of Persia, Penny's Big Breakaway, Ace Combat 7, Tomb Raider 1-3 etc.
Nothing driving, or commercially relevant
Yeah, I think a few different phrases are getting mixed up here. Now I see after you clarified.

However, technically it would be "January at the earliest" But I guess because we can assume that doesn't make sense, yeah. Idk.

Some of this just feels more like assumptions than a clear statement. Why can't they just say exactly what Nintendo briefed them on? lol What was Nintendo's wording? See. Things are just unclear and iffy.

The original ones say Nintendo told them Q1. So this is all we can believe.
I think that there's a risk that if GTA is March, Nintendo will pivot to May.

The healthy thing to do now is to expect a full blowout in late 24 and the release in first half of 25. Let's see if Nintendo will clarify more in their outlook for next FY. I now don't expect anything in March.

Why does everyone just assume the Switch 2 won't get GTAVI?
It speaks volumes about Nintendo's strength right now that they are comfortable delaying a new hardware generation's launch to ensure the best software support day 1. Good stuff imo.
I think what bothers me most about all of this is that we have been disappointed for so many years and Nintendo still won't give us any damn information at all the thing. Like they won't say shit at all for years now. It's just exhausting really. Not even a generic "We hear you" sort of comment. Just a complete "ignore the fans as always" and hey some actual new first party games would certainly soften the blow a little but Nintendo's all like, "Nah" but here is a Partner Direct with games you don't give a shit about lol.
I think what bothers me most about all of this is that we have been disappointed for so many years and Nintendo still won't give us any damn information at all the thing. Like they won't say shit at all for years now. It's just exhausting really. Not even a generic "We hear you" sort of comment. Just a complete "ignore the fans as always" and hey some actual new first party games would certainly soften the blow a little but Nintendo's all like, "Nah" but here is a Partner Direct with games you don't give a shit about lol.
Citation needed.

Why would Nintendo want to announce and market their successor early? It would cut into the sales tail of the current Switch. Nintendo has no reason to give you information about their new console until it's ready.
I think what bothers me most about all of this is that we have been disappointed for so many years and Nintendo still won't give us any damn information at all the thing. Like they won't say shit at all for years now. It's just exhausting really. Not even a generic "We hear you" sort of comment. Just a complete "ignore the fans as always" and hey some actual new first party games would certainly soften the blow a little but Nintendo's all like, "Nah" but here is a Partner Direct with games you don't give a shit about lol.
The same behavior as when the Wii successor was supposed to be released
Citation needed.

Why would Nintendo want to announce and market their successor early? It would cut into the sales tail of the current Switch. Nintendo has no reason to give you information about their new console until it's ready.
That‘s a circle proof. Of course they wouldn‘t announce it one year ahead, but we don‘t know if the reports are true, which contradict previous information. So if it launches in 2025 it‘s gonna be announced later, if it launches in 2024 it‘s getting its announcement in march. I‘m not saying one outcome is more likely than the other, even though it was corroborated by multiple outlets I still wouldn’t take it as a fact.
That‘s a circle proof. Of course they wouldn‘t announce it one year ahead, but we don‘t know if the reports are true, which contradict previous information. So if it launches in 2025 it‘s gonna be announced later, if it launches in 2024 it‘s getting its announcement in march. I‘m not saying one outcome is more likely than the other, even though it was corroborated by multiple outlets I still wouldn’t take it as a fact.
Sure, I don't treat it as fact either. But "disappointed for so many years" implies Nintendo should have been in constant communication with us about the successor when they have no reason to.
Citation needed.

Why would Nintendo want to announce and market their successor early? It would cut into the sales tail of the current Switch. Nintendo has no reason to give you information about their new console until it's ready.

It's really a combination of the fact that:

1. Switch is really really dated.
2. Switch will be 8+ years old by the time Switch 2 even releases.
3. We have been hearing about rumors of a Pro and now Switch 2 for over 5 years now.

Probably other factors have made this entire wait extremely irritating to me and a lot of folks. I think everyone is really tired with this lengthy lengthy process of moving forward. Whether it makes sense or not from a business perspective is different then what we all want but at the same time I think Nintendo has consistently let a lot of people down.
Not poised and ready then?

3. We have been hearing about rumors of a Pro and now Switch 2 for over 5 years now.

This is just clout chasers fault tbh.

Just like Blizzard's survival game was "almost finished and coming out earlier than expected" and it was actually cancelled lmaoooo
Sure, I don't treat it as fact either. But "disappointed for so many years" implies Nintendo should have been in constant communication with us about the successor when they have no reason to.
Agree. Atleast now they could give a short statement (especially if reports are inaccurate), since the stock has fallen 4%. As I know them they won‘t do it, but there‘s still a slight chance.
It's really a combination of the fact that:

1. Switch is really really dated.
2. Switch will be 8+ years old by the time Switch 2 even releases.
3. We have been hearing about rumors of a Pro and now Switch 2 for over 5 years now.

Probably other factors have made this entire wait extremely irritating to me and a lot of folks. I think everyone is really tired with this lengthy lengthy process of moving forward. Whether it makes sense or not from a business perspective is different then what we all want but at the same time I think Nintendo has consistently let a lot of people down.
But the new console is coming. You know it, I know it. That isn't in doubt. The hopes of a Pro should have died the moment the OLED was announced and it was only a matter of time before Switch 2 came out. And this rumor is still just that, a rumor. If Nintendo is in fact gonna make it to 2024 with Switch 2, they're not gonna say "hey guys, that rumor going around is bollocks, we're announcing the Switch 2 for the holidays in a few weeks."

Frankly it's hard to say Nintendo has let a lot people down when they are on the path to having the best selling console of all time. People like us who obsess over this crap on forums are a tiny, tiny, tiny minority.

If anyone is genuinely distressed over this rumor (and I don't mean this in a condescending way, lord knows I've gotten worked up over plenty of dumb bullshit on the internet over the decades), put Switch 2 threads on ignore and go do something fun and relaxing. My recommendation would be a Godzilla movie!
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