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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Nintendo struggling with development seems silly, firstly Furukawa said release date isn‘t influenced by current business situation and secondly they had 7 years to plan ahead and should be ready. Either 2025 was always the plan or never.
Respectfully, Eurogamer and Andy do not have anything concrete really at this point that confirms any delays. I can see the panic but there is no real fire so try not to panic.

I'm going to probably have to interrogate regarding these rumours but if Devs are essentially having to outright delay software intended for release on Switch 2 for this year because Nintendo wants to play coy for whatever reason under the sun to substantiate such delays, the frustration is going to be very real.

The market is primed and ready, it would be sheer stupidity and mismanagement to backtrack and I really do refuse to believe they are that stupid, especially if they do proceed with revealing the console but then withhold it for after the holidays. That's silly and non-sensical, it's so non-sensical that I am seriously wondering who has told them this and whether there's any mix-up or misunderstanding or something else at play or just bad sources in general.
My complete guess is that the Mario team has been cooking up a 3D Mario for launch at the end of this year with Switch 2, and Prime 4 is a cross-gen game. Combined with some third-party titles and Switch 1 BC and that's a fairly nice launch lineup for the end of this year. Then Q1 2025 can bring out more heavy hitters from both first and third party.
I was under this same belief. But maybe the game that they wanted out in Feb/March won't be done then? I'm really grasping here to make an internal delay make sense under the assumption it's related to software lmfao.

I also do assume that game would be Mario Kart haha
I genuinely think Nintendo, if "software isn't ready" is the reason, would be better off just releasing the thing and playing catch-up than delaying it outright, if in fact they don't already have a sufficient software buffer to make it through this year healthily.
For Nintendo that would be an unmitigated disaster. And in my opinion that was the primary downfall of the Wii U. A lack of compelling system sellers would not be a good way to start the generation.
Ok, my bad feelings are starting to materialize: it didn't make sense to me that Pokémon would make announcements before the new console. It would have made sense to announce Switch 2 and already place the logos during Pokémon Presents.

The 2 reasons that may make sense for a launch in 2025 are:
  1. Wanting to launch it in March to replicate the year of Switch 1;
  2. Nintendo is NOT ready with its games. More power requires more time, and if there is also 4K I imagine even more.

That said, Pokémon remakes (and perhaps Metroid with the remastered ones) will keep Switch 1's sales up this year.

That said, if the console hasn't received an upgrade over the T239, it will be really meh in 2025.

Nintendo was acting a little strangely and now the truth is coming out...
Respectfully, Eurogamer and Andy do not have anything concrete really at this point that confirms any delays. I can see the panic but there is no real fire so try not to panic.

I'm going to probably have to interrogate regarding these rumours but if Devs are essentially having to outright delay software intended for release on Switch 2 for this year because Nintendo wants to play coy for whatever reason under the sun to substantiate such delays, the frustration is going to be very real.

The market is primed and ready, it would be sheer stupidity and mismanagement to backtrack and I really do refuse to believe they are that stupid, especially if they do proceed with revealing the console but then withhold it for after the holidays. That's silly and non-sensical, it's so non-sensical that I am seriously wondering who has told them this and whether there's any mix-up or misunderstanding or something else at play or just bad sources in general.
The information does not line up for a 2025 release personally. These are only rumors "heard" not confirmed officially to a large degree. Something fishy is going on and I'm not gonna fall for it until we heard something more damming than just "some people spoke to us that can't confirm their identity nor their information".
Imagine how hilarious it would be if there has been a misinterpretation on first 3 months of FY2025 (April, May, June 2024), vs first 3 months of CY2025 (January, February, March 2025).
It would be super funny to spend the month watching all sorts of publications jump on 2025 only to have the person who was right end up being Shareholder Chad of Famiboards dot com
This would have been the absolutely BEST time for Nintendo to come in with a new console and some big games. They would have came off like heroes.
Nintendo fumbling a golden opportunity to come out on top when the others are down? Wouldn't be the first time.
To play the advocate. What if the Nintendo Switch 2 would be announced in March 2024. But with just a simple codename. Like NX2 Launching in March 2025, like they did in April 2016. This also makes sure the investors would shut up.

At this point I’d settle for that. But if it was as simple as just a tweet I’m not sure why third parties would’ve been briefed on that at Gamescom.
Me being away for the last two days:

Respectfully, Eurogamer and Andy do not have anything concrete really at this point that confirms any delays. I can see the panic but there is no real fire so try not to panic.

I'm going to probably have to interrogate regarding these rumours but if Devs are essentially having to outright delay software intended for release on Switch 2 for this year because Nintendo wants to play coy for whatever reason under the sun to substantiate such delays, the frustration is going to be very real.

The market is primed and ready, it would be sheer stupidity and mismanagement to backtrack and I really do refuse to believe they are that stupid, especially if they do proceed with revealing the console but then withhold it for after the holidays. That's silly and non-sensical, it's so non-sensical that I am seriously wondering who has told them this and whether there's any mix-up or misunderstanding or something else at play or just bad sources in general.

Nintendo isn't an infallible entity. It's entirely possible that they mismanaged the launch for this console
The information does not line up for a 2025 release personally. These are only rumors "heard" not confirmed officially to a large degree. Something fishy is going on and I'm not gonna fall for it until we heard something more damming than just "some people spoke to us that can't confirm their identity nor their information".

If I hear about it personally, the meltdown I might have trying to understand the logic behind it will be of astronomical proportions.
Would be really funny if that turned out as a fake leak from Nintendo, spreaded to find sources of insiders and ti confuse them. Possible but unlikely.
Respectfully, Eurogamer and Andy do not have anything concrete really at this point that confirms any delays. I can see the panic but there is no real fire so try not to panic.

I'm going to probably have to interrogate regarding these rumours but if Devs are essentially having to outright delay software intended for release on Switch 2 for this year because Nintendo wants to play coy for whatever reason under the sun to substantiate such delays, the frustration is going to be very real.

The market is primed and ready, it would be sheer stupidity and mismanagement to backtrack and I really do refuse to believe they are that stupid, especially if they do proceed with revealing the console but then withhold it for after the holidays. That's silly and non-sensical, it's so non-sensical that I am seriously wondering who has told them this and whether there's any mix-up or misunderstanding or something else at play or just bad sources in general.
The possibility of something going wrong with development (hardware or software) is always real. And could be outside Nintendo's power.

Always keep this is mind for any product.
I was under this same belief. But maybe the game that they wanted out in Feb/March won't be done then? I'm really grasping here to make an internal delay make sense under the assumption it's related to software lmfao.

I also do assume that game would be Mario Kart haha

Let's say that Nintendo wanted to do

CY 2024 Q4: 3D Mario
CY 2025 Q1: Prime 4
CY 2025 Q2: Mario Kart Next

But Prime 4 and Mario Kart get delayed to like Q2 and Q4.

Then delaying to CY 2025 Q1 would give them a more consistent release cadence.
Seems like the rumor are talking about recent internal delay. So maybe the initial release was really end of 2024. Plan can change , so maybe insider gossip about 2024 release were right until the recent delay.
At this rate the T239 chip that has been rumored for many years will start looking outdated by the time the Switch 2 actually launches. I remember thinking how amazing this chip sounded years ago but we kept waiting year after year and now we got a lot of other beefy handhelds on the market and the Switch 2 just never came. Even Microsoft and Sony are rumored to have new portables coming.
Yeah, 5 years GPU architecture and 4-5 years CPU architecture if Early 2025
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Just wait for this story -

“Metroid Prime 4 is now a late 2025 title with Mario being the launch title in March 2025.

Prime 4 was rebooted for Switch 2 mid way through its further reboot”
Early 2025 is not even remotely in play currently. I would know if something changed that drastically to alter a deadline from Q2 2024 to something like late Q4/early Q1 2025.

There are Devs working hard with the expectation of a coming launch, major wrench being thrown into that work when you pull the rug out and delay it for reasons that at this point would be unfathomable. There just isn't anything Nintendo can seemingly hide behind to continue coasting like this without new hardware.

Nintendo would be smart to stick to Q2 2024 for announcement/reveal. The Switch has been milked enough honestly.
maybe the software was not ready, that why Nintendo delayed Switch sucessor to march of 2025.
So how outdated is T239 going to be in 2025 when this thing launches?!
Tech in general isn't advancing nearly as fast as it used to. An Ampere chip on 4nm, is going to be competitive in 2025. Especially when you factor in the competition is hampered by Android, and Switch 2 has an ultra fast custom graphic API.
So how outdated is T239 going to be in 2025 when this thing launches?!

If they chose TSMC's 4N node for it, then releasing it in 2023 or in 2025 wouldn't change anything IMO. Even in 2025 the 4N node would still be the best node for the price and availability.
The possibility of something going wrong with development (hardware or software) is always real. And could be outside Nintendo's power.

Always keep this is mind for any product.

I feel like if any of this has weight behind it, it would be software side such as if something has gone wrong with their launch titles and Nintendo are being their obsessively perfectionist selves regarding the quality to justify this, I don't see the hardware side having issues at this point.
The gap between a potential Sept 2024 launch and a March 2025 one is not enough, I believe, to make T239 go from an impressive to an outdated chip. Consider that Mario Odyssey launched seven months after BotW and there was no drastic shift in perception about the Switch's capability as a mobile device. Consider that the two year old uncustomized Tegra X1 in the Switch performed comparably to more expensive mobile GPUs released in 2017.

It was always the case that T239 would not compare in raw power to the other consoles because it's a mobile SoC. And again - T239 does not exist yet in product form. It's been customized by Nintendo and Nvidia with a specific timeframe in mind. It is a four year old architecture - but the same found in perfectly capable modern RTX 30 cards - with features backported from the recent Ada, and a process node likely matching the Ada GPUs. T239 is a member of the most current line of Tegra SoCs. Features like DLSS and DirectX 12 compliance are intended for longevity and engine support. This is not some chip they plucked from a car dashboard and crammed into a tablet.
Are we considering the possibility that if the Switch 2 was just internally delayed this month, the March reveal was also internally delayed? I could see a June reveal being more likely tbh.
Nintendo struggling with development seems silly, firstly Furukawa said release date isn‘t influenced by current business situation and secondly they had 7 years to plan ahead and should be ready. Either 2025 was always the plan or never.
Sounds more like mess that anything planned, T239 Drake was taped out in H1 2022, is happening never that chip is taped out 3 years before premiere
Ok, my bad feelings are starting to materialize: it didn't make sense to me that Pokémon would make announcements before the new console. It would have made sense to announce Switch 2 and already place the logos during Pokémon Presents.

The 2 reasons that may make sense for a launch in 2025 are:
  1. Wanting to launch it in March to replicate the year of Switch 1;
  2. Nintendo is NOT ready with its games. More power requires more time, and if there is also 4K I imagine even more.

That said, Pokémon remakes (and perhaps Metroid with the remastered ones) will keep Switch 1's sales up this year.

That said, if the console hasn't received an upgrade over the T239, it will be really meh in 2025.

Nintendo was acting a little strangely and now the truth is coming out...
Also re: Pokémon they are typically slow to embrace the new hardware so I don't think they would be talking about a switch 2 title at the end of the month
Sounds more like mess that anything planned, T239 Drake was taped out in H1 2022, is happening never that chip is taped out 3 years before premiere
Sound like it isn‘t true, just my opinion. Atleast it has one good thing: Reliable sources could come out to support or deny the rumor.
Are we considering the possibility that if the Switch 2 was just internally delayed this month, the March reveal was also internally delayed? I could see a June reveal being more likely tbh.

June would make the most sense to me for a 2025 launch.

At their next briefing they can announce their next gen console will be unveiled at this June event.

If the reveal is March then I feel like 2024 is still on.
I don't know why we're even entertaining this idea?

I still don't know if this is a rumor from Brazil (or rather from his podcast) or if it's Brazil reporting stuff from a different podcast.
he heard for 5 sources for 3 continent, Nintendo delayed Switch sucessor to next year, sorry to burst your hype, but he is a very reliable person(rarely he miss)
The article you linked mentions Furukawa talking about the 2015 announcement codename. Not the April 2016 tweet that I linked before.

It would be super funny to spend the month watching all sorts of publications jump on 2025 only to have the person who was right end up being Shareholder Chad of Famiboards dot com
And all the people who informed him and everyone who invested based on THEIR information.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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