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Discussion According to @Brazil podcast 'X do Controle' Nintendo Switch 2 will release in march 2025 - Summary updated [Eurogamer is corroborating]

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Aaah, we sure did a nice June 2024 reveal, eh ? Now, let's see how many people will react at the end when we announce a release date for March 2025. Oh... oh no, not like this ! We said the 2025 Fiscal year, so it means between April 2024 and June 2024 ! No, I mean it's before March 2025 ! No, I said it's coming before 2025 ! That's not what they said ! Wait, who's they ? It's me. We're all in my head. This is the real world. I'm not mad, I'm insane !
No problem here, as long as they release a ton of games (even if the majority are ports):
Another Code R
Mario vs DK
Peach Showtime
Luigi Mansion 2
MP2 and MP3 (maybe)
TPHD and TWW HD (maybe)
Fire Emblem 4 remake (maybe)
Pokemon game at the end of the year (maybe)
And some third party games in between.

That’s more than fine to me.
Release the console when it’s ready and have a good launch lineup.
Some possibilities that stick out to me

A. Software was delayed necessitating the delay of the hardware

B. Different devs are being told different things. Maybe Nintendo is reserving the initial launch for themselves and specific partners, and others are getting Q1 2025.

On the plus side at least the March thing seems to be sticking with everyone, so we'll probably know soon enough.
This one makes the most sense to me as I've been saying for over a year now. It's consistent with Nintendo saying Nintendo Switch is the focus in 2024 and the fact that we still have unrevealed Switch games in the pipeline like Metroid Prime 4.
Prime 4 is likely to be a cross gen title at this stage, also it isn't consistent with what you have been saying. It being delayed from 2024 to 2025 is very different to being adamant that it was coming in 2025 and again, Nintendo did not say the switch would be the focus of 2024.
Eurogamer specifically reported on holiday 2024 as Nintendo's target launch window, and went so far as to say Nintendo would launch sooner if feasible.
Thanks! I do remember that now. It's possible stuff has changed since then, but I'm curious if Eurogamer will comment on it. They got so much right during the NX speculation era.
You guys need to chill. Can't imagine Nintendo to only talk about Switch until the Holidays 😂 All of their EPD teams moved already in the past. There will be crossgen games, yes. But not things like new Mario Kart or new 3D Mario.
If that’s true, 2024 as a whole is shaping up to be one heck of a stinker for the industry. When Xbox is poised to have by far the strongest year…yeesh.
They’re not announcing switch 2 in March to release one year later. That’s not how they work. I don’t believe this
Unless you are a time traveler, you don't know that it's going to be announced in March.

If the console is delayed, odds are the announcement is delayed as well.
The most disappointing part of this if true is that I won't be able to scoop up used Switch games on the cheap for another year. Even if there is backwards compatibility I'm expecting the value of used carts to go down a bit after a new console is released.
People here assume too many things about Nintendo honestly. So many times I see things like "they'll never do that" "they don't work that way anymore" "that doesn't make any sense so there's no chance it happens" but the truth is none of us actually know, and none of us actually have the full story.

There could be any number of reasons why it could release next year that we just don't know about.
If it is releasing next year then Nintendo must have big problems getting their software done.
So , now a rumor from a podcast (@xdocontrole WHO?) that joined X on november 2023 and backed up from the guy that runs it (@phluttilippe WHO?) from 5 diferent sources on 3 continets :ROFLMAO: is stronger than anything we have heard from reliable sources? OK
not a clickbait for sure
If Nintendo want to ensure a strong launch lineup and the games aren't ready in time for Holiday 2024, I can see how they would decide to delay it.
Their usual February Direct (or at least the General one), does not exist. Why would they do that? This is more than ever? Because they moved onto new hardware.
Gang I'm just going to say to treat everything as contingent. Multiple people multiple times reported on more Zelda ports being due, or on a Pro model being due, and those things never emerged.

That's not to say Brazil is lying; he's a member of the community as well as a journalist and is reporting what he's hearing from multiple sources. But even multiple sources can be wrong about something, not least about a company as secretive as Nintendo.

Treat stuff as contingent until it's officially confirmed, and treat other people on this website as you want to be treated; not as punching bags for reporting rumours you dislike (or as idols for reporting rumours you do like).

Their usual February Direct (or at least the General one), does not exist. Why would they do that? This is more than ever? Because they moved onto new hardware.

Their main development teams have moved on to new hardware according to this rumor. It's not contradicting that. It's saying that this will be a slow year for Nintendo with the remains of what was being worked on being released.
I find it highly doubtful that they'd reveal the system a whole year before release, and a fairly imminent reveal would seem to be in line with how Nintendo is acting right now.
I'm just an outsider to this conversation overall but, personally, I do think this information can be true. I do feel like Nintendo can soft-confirm it next month in terms of a press-release, maybe provide some information on the specifications, and then say that they will have more to say later in the year. While I know people have already said this, Nintendo was talking about the NX years before it was officially released and didn't officially give it a release date confirmation until April of 2016, so while to us it may not make sense, I could see creditability to the claim overall!

The June blowout is a little more complicated to me but I could also see if being a smaller blowout if this is the case? Maybe we see the console officially for the first time, the major first-party launch game, and maybe some larger teases from first-party and third-party studios. It's obviously not the presentation that we imagined for this summer but I think it would be exciting nonetheless and they'll be giving something without giving it all away. In a lot of ways, the reason why I have been hesitant to say that we can see this console release before September, even before what was said today, isn't because of the hardware itself but the software. We don't know a single first-party game from Nintendo, including it's launch game, for this console. I always felt like, from the first time we see this launch game, it'll always be a six to nine month gap between it's reveal to its launch. If this happened in June, I could see this then fall into this same timeframe. Maybe the blowout could be later as well, as I feel like has been mentioned, it doesn't seem like a lot of this is solidified just yet.

It does leave the question about the Partner Showcase up to debate and why they'd do it but maybe we just are in store for a weaker lineup this year than past years. Since we are no longer constrained to an E3 timeline, it's possible Nintendo does a General Direct in May (noting there will be no news on next-generation hardware) and then reveals what much of the rest of the year will look like. It might not be ideal, but I do think it's possible.

The final thing I did want to pick up on is we all do believe it'll be revealed in time for GDC, and I think that's why it could get a soft reveal next month. More than likely, by the time of next GDC in 2025, it'll be out on this timeline, so this would be Nintendo's time to talk about it in this manner, before it's release.

Ultimately, obviously, we don't know anything until Nintendo officially does something but I do want to thank @Brazil for reporting on this! I really like hearing about these things because it makes me think a lot about what it could mean and speculate about everything, and I always think this is one of the funner parts of console lead-up periods or Nintendo Direct speculation periods, so thank you!! :)
Personally I doubt it, but Brazil must have a compelling reason to share this info so we shall see.
The main reason why the Switch skiped the Holiday 2016 launch was because of software, they wanted to have steady schedule of titles. I don't think that's the case here, even the new 3D Mario is in development for years.
I am taking it with a grain of salt but a few possibilities:

  • This March/April reveal is just a strategic comment in an investor's meeting or something
  • They are going to increase value through price cuts of hardware and/or software in order to bridge the gap
  • The new F-Zero is on track for 2024 and they have confidence that will carry them through the calendar year
  • There was some issue like getting factories online that impacted the physical reality of when they can launch
  • They had enough games greenlit for a Switch 1 soft-landing (or cross-gen games) that they have the elbow room, even if they aren't huge games
If other journalists are ready to corroborate then I'm prepped to make the bed but the marketing has been rather light for the expectation that the Switch still has a whole FY left in it. Unless we are looking at a drought in the last year (from a 1st-party standpoint, 3rd parties will have to carry).

Also this narrative that Brazil is a new/unreliable source... lol. They're a known reporter.
People forget that the same things about a lack of first party releases was said about 2023. "Switch 2 MUST be 2023, there are no games beyond Zelda!". Look what happened.
Gotta say, if this is true. There truly is nothing for me in gaming this year..

The only thing to hope for is a Zelda port for the Switch, and that's pretty sad. :(
Revealing the system in March 2024 when it's a year out seems...well that's a long time to wait. If it has been delayed, then it would make sense to wait until June for the reveal, do a blowout in September/October, then crank up the hype from there. I can't imagine Nintendo would want to completely cut off the legs of Switch 1 if its successor is 12 months away.
I am taking it with a grain of salt but a few possibilities:

  • This March/April reveal is just a strategic comment in an investor's meeting or something
  • They are going to increase value through price cuts of hardware and/or software in order to bridge the gap
  • The new F-Zero is on track for 2024 and they have confidence that will carry them through the calendar year
  • There was some issue like getting factories online that impacted the physical reality of when they can launch
  • They had enough games greenlit for a Switch 1 soft-landing (or cross-gen games) that they have the elbow room, even if they aren't huge games
Idk where F-zero came from but I like the cut of your jib
I find it highly doubtful that they'd reveal the system a whole year before release, and a fairly imminent reveal would seem to be in line with how Nintendo is acting right now.

6 months is the shortest timeframe from release window announcement to release in gaming history. 9-18 months is the normal range, the Xbox Series was announced with a game 11 months pre-release, the PS5 was announced in an interview 13 months pre-release.
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