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Predictions Will There Be A September Direct?

will there be a September direct

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September is like a constant for Nintendo Directs so I expect something. This might be after they give a proper announcement for the Switch Successor, or it will truly be the last Direct that's solely focused on the Switch.
Yes, with the games that will launch from September to March, plus some crossgen games. Maybe in this event they will show that Metroid P4 is a crossgen title.
There has to be a Direct in September. There almost always is. And Nintendo just announced a killer slate so they will want to go into more details on those games and also announce more third-party and indie titles. Why is it being said that because they announced a bunch of games now, they won’t have anything to say in September? Nintendo usually features games at least twice, once for the initial reveal, and again to show gameplay mechanics and features.
I do think there will be a September Direct to provide more details on the announced games for the holidays as well as announce a couple more Switch games for 2025. I believe Switch 2 will launch in June 2025 and not be shown until December 2024, a direct in September focusing on Switch 2 still makes sense to me.
I think they will reveal it early 2025....

For me, there's no reason for them to do it this year :)
Makes sense and if it's launching that far into 2025 I agree with you! I'm still holding out hope for a reveal this year and launch near/just after March 2025. I think this Direct leaves that open as a possibility but how much ever content is revealed in a Switch-focused September Direct may clarify that.
I think so yeah. They have enough to talk about.

New reveals:
Fire Emblem 4 remake
Nintendo World Championship: SNES Edition
Pokemon Legends Z-A (gameplay)

More info:
Metroid Prime 4
Super Mario Party Jamboree
Mario & Luigi: Brothership

3rd party:
Professor Layton and the New World of Steam
Marvel Vs Capcom collection
Dragon Quest III HD-2D (and possible gameplay reveal of I&II HD?)
Other games I probably forgot

Maybe not enough for a full direct but that would be a pretty sick mini.
We'll get a Partner Showcase, but not a full Direct. There's no need. Zelda will be about to come out, Mario Party explains itself, and Mario and Luigi can get an overview trailer on its own. I think if Nintendo planned to have a September Direct then Donkey Kong Country Returns wouldn't have been revealed in the last Direct.
The fact that they mentioned back in May that it would be revealed before the end of the fiscal year leads me to believe that it will officially be shown off at some point in 2024. I don't see them waiting until 2025. If it was even January 2025, it wouldn't have made much sense to me for them to announce that now. I do think early December is likely for a reveal.
Some crazy crazy predictions for when the Switch 2 is going to be revealed. I see no reason why it wouldn’t get a trailer in October.

I feel like it’s very obvious they’re trying to replicate the Switch launch. A late 2025 release is absolutely asinine in my opinion.
We'll get a Partner Showcase, but not a full Direct. There's no need. Zelda will be about to come out, Mario Party explains itself, and Mario and Luigi can get an overview trailer on its own. I think if Nintendo planned to have a September Direct then Donkey Kong Country Returns wouldn't have been revealed in the last Direct.
There will be games coming out for February-April for Switch regardless of Switch 2 being a thing

DK was announced this early because it was probably meant to come out this year, and they wanted it announced before the park expansion opens
It depends on whether they want to achieve 13.5m target.

June ND is really amazing, which show they are trying hard to reach the sales target. So currently i think they will make a Sep ND as a last punch, and reveal Switch 2 in the late time of this fiscal year.
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I feel like it’s very obvious they’re trying to replicate the Switch launch. A late 2025 release is absolutely asinine in my opinion.

Switch can have a great first half of the year with DKCR, Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon Legend Z-A and two or three other games.

Nintendo is always a hit at Christmas. Releasing Switch 2 at this time is the best moment, in my opinion.

Makes sense and if it's launching that far into 2025 I agree with you! I'm still holding out hope for a reveal this year and launch near/just after March 2025. I think this Direct leaves that open as a possibility but how much ever content is revealed in a Switch-focused September Direct may clarify that.

They have announced three new games this year, including a new Zelda and Mario & Luigi.... Unveiling Switch 2 now would penalize Switch sales..... Let's not forget that they're aiming for 13M for this fiscal year.
There will be games coming out for February-April for Switch regardless of Switch 2 being a thing

DK was announced this early because it was probably meant to come out this year, and they wanted it announced before the park expansion opens
I believe the Switch 2 is coming in March with 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4. DK is the last game to release from Nintendo before then. Putting a game out a month before a new system would be dooming it.
I believe the Switch 2 is coming in March with 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4. DK is the last game to release from Nintendo before then. Putting a game out a month before a new system would be dooming it.
A new console launch is irrelevant to 99% of Switch owners since they won't be upgrading until later points of the systems life, if at all
A new console launch is irrelevant to 99% of Switch owners since they won't be upgrading until later points of the systems life, if at all
DK and Metroid Prime are still on the system in the meantime? It's not like they would be releasing nothing. Plus third party games are still there.
I'm not sure anymore lol
I've thought about it more and I actually hope they don't have a Sept direct as we've gotten plenty of NEW releases covered to November.

DKCR HD is January 2025.

If they have some more random ports to announce, would be great to just drop the news on Twitter, trailers on their YouTube channels, and then it gets shared around as usual.

Save that ad money for the Switch 2 reveal and following Direct!
I think everything will depend on the release window of the switch 2. I can imagine in September a Nintendo Direct with some announcements remaining among those we expected (fire emblem 4 remake, maybe starfox, maybe Kid Icarus, Metroid Prime 1 + 2 HD) , third-party games and a one more thing that officially announces the logo and the release date of the switch 2. But if the console does not come out in March 2025 but later, I think it will be a little early.
It'll be a mini or a specific one like partner or Pokémon or Zelda Direct. My bet is October we'll see the Switch 2 announced with a January Switch 2 presentation announced for January 2025.
Switch can have a great first half of the year with DKCR, Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon Legend Z-A and two or three other games.

Nintendo is always a hit at Christmas. Releasing Switch 2 at this time is the best moment, in my opinion.

They have announced three new games this year, including a new Zelda and Mario & Luigi.... Unveiling Switch 2 now would penalize Switch sales..... Let's not forget that they're aiming for 13M for this fiscal year.
This “hurting switch sales” argument is so tired.

People know a new system is coming next year, it’s not a secret anymore.
They have announced three new games this year, including a new Zelda and Mario & Luigi.... Unveiling Switch 2 now would penalize Switch sales..... Let's not forget that they're aiming for 13M for this fiscal year
If it's penalizing, they wouldn't have mentioned it, twice, on Twitter/X.
I expect a mini Direct.
When they announced last weeks direct, they mentioned and repeated Furukawa's words about that there'll be no mention of the Switch Successor. Sure, they can do that one time, but by the time September comes, I can't imagine they would mention that for a 2nd time, since people all over the place are waiting and expecting a reveal of the Switch 2. If they have a big direct, and they give the same mention to it, all kinds of people tend to find it weird or confusing that Nintendo keeps mentioning ''No mention of the Switch Successor'' in the Direct announcements if the system isn't shown at all, and/or getting impatient.

But say, if they show the Switch 2 before the september Direct, they actually can mention that message for a 2nd time, because people will then understand better since the Switch 2 might be revealed already, and thus understand that it would be focused on games mainly till December.

So this is my prediction of the timeline:

June Direct
August Switch 2 reveal trailer
September Mini Direct
November possible Switch 2 event?
February/March Switch 2 release

This is how my vision on the timeline is as for both Directs and Switch 2.

Note: I mentioned the Switch 2 event in November. This because, a september Direct also have a few games for 2025, but as I expect an august Switch 2 reveal with a Feb/Mar release, there'll be a huge gap between August and March. Even if it's like the 2017 event that took place, there'll still be a huge gap between August and January, and so november event which consists a showcase of the system and it's line-up would be a nice in-between the wait.
Personally, I hope. Many don't think so, but I personally see enough reason to have one with Mario & Luigi: Brothership, Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, and Super Mario Party Jamboree coming out this year. Could there be another surprise remake reveal for 2025? Maybe.

Could they just do individual game Directs? Maybe Personally though, I always hope for the Direct. Its always been something to look forward and I just like getting all the major game news at once rather than spread out across random Twitter drops.
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Because of Tokyo Game Show, I think a Direct of some kind will almost certainly happen. As for whether it'll feature first-party games, I'm unsure. I suppose they could use the opportunity to reveal more info about Echoes of Wisdom, Super Mario Party Jamboree, and Mario & Luigi Brothership, but I get the feeling Nintendo would want to announce at least one new game as well. Perhaps if there's a February Switch title, this would be the chance to show that.
Do we all believe there's a chance that the successor could be revealed in a September Direct? I know they've never done substantial hardware like that before in a Direct but, especially if this Direct would be rehashing much of what was revealed in the June Direct, I don't think it would really overshadow what is shown in the Direct (outside of third party games, which I'm sure is a consideration they are taking into account). I'm really just stuck in the middle because I do feel like this reveal does need to be a little more grander due to the need to also talk about it's launch title but I also can't see them doing a Mini/Partner and then a couple weeks later having a new console be revealed?
If 2witch is Q1 then a mini/partner (contractual obligations and such). If it's Q2 or later then general.
We have no word yet, but personally I believe they could afford to hold off until the 2nd half of the year, but that depends on if Pokemon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond launches in the first half. With Donkey Kong Country Returns HD and if there's any other surprises in the mix as well, there's some stuff to hold over fans long enough.

Do we all believe there's a chance that the successor could be revealed in a September Direct? I know they've never done substantial hardware like that before in a Direct but, especially if this Direct would be rehashing much of what was revealed in the June Direct, I don't think it would really overshadow what is shown in the Direct (outside of third party games, which I'm sure is a consideration they are taking into account). I'm really just stuck in the middle because I do feel like this reveal does need to be a little more grander due to the need to also talk about it's launch title but I also can't see them doing a Mini/Partner and then a couple weeks later having a new console be revealed?
If they revealed it in September, it probably would be a good thing if they had a presentation that also teased some Switch 2 games, then have a larger Direct in February that focuses on Switch 2 reveals and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond.
We have no word yet, but personally I believe they could afford to hold off until the 2nd half of the year, but that depends on if Pokemon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond launches in the first half. With Donkey Kong Country Returns HD and if there's any other surprises in the mix as well, there's some stuff to hold over fans long enough.
Oh yeah to be clear I'm in no rush for the 2witch, the only reason I want information is so I know how much to save up and start sooner. H2 would be better for me ultimately.
We have no word yet, but personally I believe they could afford to hold off until the 2nd half of the year, but that depends on if Pokemon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond launches in the first half. With Donkey Kong Country Returns HD and if there's any other surprises in the mix as well, there's some stuff to hold over fans long enough.

Yes :)

Switch has more great games to come....

Late 2024 :

  • The Legend of Zelda : Echoes of Wisdom
  • Mario & Luigi : Brothership
  • Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
  • FANTASY LIFE i: The Girl Who Steals Time (exclusive)

In 2025:

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
  • Metroid Prime 4 Beyond
  • Pokemon Legends Z-A
  • Dragon Quest I & II Remake HD-2D
  • Professor Layton and the new world of Steam (exclusive)

We can easily add the Fire Emblem 4 remake (if it really exists). Plenty of time to wait for Super Switch at the end of 2025.
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Do we know the codename for Fire Emblem Heroes? That would fit between as well development wise if I'm not mistaken.
Definitely mistaken. The gap is between 2019-2023, with Heroes releasing in 2017

This “hurting switch sales” argument is so tired.

People know a new system is coming next year, it’s not a secret anymore.
I think the "hurting sales argument" made a degree of sense when we thought Metroid Prime 4 might release this year

Echoes of Wisdom and Brothership can likely sell just fine even after the successor is revealed
Yeah, switch 2 reveal isn’t coming this year, they can do another “only switch 1” direct. They could still have to unveil FE remake, MP2&3 remaster, a new mosou collaboration or something minor.
I just want Prime 2 & 3 before 4, but hope keeps shrinking :/ it should have been at that last Direct - it was the only thing really missing for me. Sure, there’s a few additional games I’d still like on Switch, but those are the ones that feel the most tough to miss out on assuming we’re not getting a last-second reveal.

If we do get a General September Direct, I can’t imagine we’ll have too many big reveals left, given how many games from the last Direct will still be yet to be released. It would surely be mostly recap with maybe 2 or 3 surprises. If the Switch 2 isn’t getting revealed this year, the likelihood goes way up, of course, but even then nothing’s guaranteed as evidenced by this past February.
Yes :)

Switch has more great games to come....

Late 2024 :

  • The Legend of Zelda : Echoes of Wisdom
  • Mario & Luigi : Brothership
  • Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
  • FANTASY LIFE i: The Girl Who Steals Time (exclusive)

In 2025:

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
  • Metroid Prime 4 Beyond
  • Pokemon Legends Z-A
  • Dragon Quest I & II Remake HD-2D
  • Professor Layton and the new world of Steam (exclusive)

We can easily add the Fire Emblem 4 remake (if it really exists). Plenty of time to wait for Super Switch at the end of 2025.
They could do Legends Z-A in a Pokémon Presents, which should have happened already, tbh. They gave us a cinematic teaser, and then went radio silent.

The 2024 games already have a release date, and I could see them skipping September to then have a Switch 2 blowout later, and give dates to the 2025 Switch 1 games alongside a Switch 2 Direct in January. Here's hoping I'm wrong, though!
Do we all believe there's a chance that the successor could be revealed in a September Direct? I know they've never done substantial hardware like that before in a Direct but, especially if this Direct would be rehashing much of what was revealed in the June Direct, I don't think it would really overshadow what is shown in the Direct (outside of third party games, which I'm sure is a consideration they are taking into account). I'm really just stuck in the middle because I do feel like this reveal does need to be a little more grander due to the need to also talk about it's launch title but I also can't see them doing a Mini/Partner and then a couple weeks later having a new console be revealed?
Nope. Nintendo won’t announce their next generation system in a September Direct. That’s its own ordeal. This its own separate thing. It needs a separate presentation or a trailer drop.
Nintendo had to reiterate multiple times that this Direct would not contain anything about the successor to the Switch, and it's only June, I can't imagine them doing that all over again over the course of a year. It's really hard to imagine there's a whole other batch of Switch titles to reveal that wouldn't have been ready in time for this Direct but would be fit to show in September, rather than just holding off a bit longer and announcing it for next console, or be able to say right away that it's coming to multiple platforms.

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