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Predictions Will There Be A September Direct?

will there be a September direct

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"The Baby"
last year of the switch as the main platform for Nintendo, and reports of a Q1 release for the next system do you think we're going to get one more direct beforehand?
Already said this elsewhere but I’m not expecting Switch 2 to release in the current FY. So I’m expecting one more general direct to smooth out the lineup through the end of March 2025.
I think they'll skip it and do something related to the Switch 2 around the time its revealed
I think the next direct will be the Switch 2 reveal. When that occurs is kind of interesting. People are pretty confidently placing that thing as coming out in March 2025. If you announce and show it off before the holidays then you risk losing Switch sales. But doing it in January kind of seems late to me. Honestly it is a coin flip whether we see that thing this year or not.
No September Direct since they have laid out rest of the calendar year pretty well.
Rather, I expecting October Switch 2 Reveal Direct. Then its gonna be choo-choo hype train til spring release. 🚅

Fire Emblem, February
Kirby game, March
Metroid Prime 4 full blowout, March
Rhythm Heaven Megamix, April

All of this and more at the September Direct

Switch 2? That can wait

Console reveal and showcase in January
Launch in the summer
I say yes, but a Partner Direct because:

A) There’s always a Direct pre-TGS due to so many third party games and I don’t think this year will be any different
B) I don’t think Nintendo wants to do another General with more “there will be no Switch successor in this” disclaimers
C) They can get by with Twitter trailers and marketing for their Fall/Winter games and have a Partner Direct much the same way they did it in February earlier this year
No. There is no need to given that they have set up their calendar until January 2025 (plus, I doubt there is anything on February). I believe that Switch 2 is gonna release on March 2025, so the communications schedule will adapt to that, thus foregoing the September Direct.
It also helps them by ending the Switch era on a quite positive note with, to say the least, a remarkably solid direct instead of a mid one.
In my opinion, the only thing we will get is a Nindies direct in August. The rest is gonna be Switch 2 focus.
Now it really feels like they've played all cards and exhausted all potential that the Switch has in terms of especially first-party.

But I dunno, maybe I'm wrong and there's still stuff to come.

Money's on a Partner, though,
Prob a mini in September (maybe a partner showcase), bc they may have more to say about Zelda, Mario, Dankey Kang, Metroid etc... but I kinda feel like Sept/Oct will be Switch reveal for March release where we see 3D Mario, Prime 4 (talking about either switch backwards compatibility or a cross gen version) etc...
I think so, and after Echoes of Wisdom is released. If only to show off remaining Q1 2025 stuff for Switch to tide people over, especially if the reveal of Switch 2 isn’t until March or something, or they’ve got something meaty like Fire Emblem to show off for Feb. Then any further directs beyond that I expect to be entirely focused on the Switch 2 reveal.
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September Directs remind about the upcoming holiday games but more so they are for games releasing in the first parts of the new year. We do have a January game, so that could give them some cushion and just use game specific presentations for the holiday games.

The Switch 2 reveal and when it releases could also throw a wrench in there.
I voted no but I also thought that June 2023, September 2023 and February 2024 were the last Switch only Directs, so it wouldn't surprised me if I'm wrong again.
Yes. It will be the final switch only direct. Before the switch 2 is revealed.

Best time to announce prime 2 & 3.
I picked Yes for the poll, but I’m not really sure what it will look like exactly and if it slides into October that’s fine too. They’ll definitely want to have something for third party Switch 1 games releasing in 2025 I feel. I guess my big question is do they show off cross gen games or not. I’m currently expecting Switch 2 as early as March 2025 so I could see the current first party line up potentially carrying us to Switch 2. If it’s farther out, well more games to come of course!
Yes. If the Switch 2 is announced there or before, we’ll see cross-gen titles. If they announce it after the holidays, we’ll be filling out the schedule until March and maybe get some smaller shadow drops (MP2+3 not quite as remastered as MPR?)
Picking yes but I think September will be when the next console is unveiled properly so maybe our first mixed Gen Direct since the 3DS retired or possibly a mini direct to show off a handful of Switch titles like the rumoured Metroid Prime 2/3 and FE4 remake
Mini to get the lineup 25h1 in line.
Hint towards the new system in October. Showing it off in January.

They know themselves, the cat is out of the bag that a switch 2 is on its way. Why hide it in H2?
I think we’ll either get a Mini or partner direct, also Nintendo doesn’t really need to show any more games and surprisingly we got a hefty bunch of games for the Switch, surprisingly new games.

With this direct, I was expecting more Ports and remasters, but instead we got shitload of new new games.

I’m actually expecting that Nintendo are saving the ports and remasters as cross gen titles for the Switch, also Prime 2+3 will release two month before Prime 4, similar to Pikmin 1+2
I think so yes, the way this direct was structures I have a feeling we get a September direct, reveal some more ports and maybe FE4 remake
There will be a autumn direct. Be it mini or whatever. Nintendo won't drop the Switch like a hot potato. I guess Nintendo will support the Switch with more ports
Likely a partner. In terms of third party reveals, this direct was kinda half assed, fall/holiday season still feels incomplete. Namco and Sega have to be in one of them.
I'm gonna say yes. Maybe WWHD/TPHD and MP2/3 remasters get announced along with a handful of other titles, first and third-party. I also think they might use the Direct to announce the reveal for the successor is happening in October and to stay tuned for more details.
Disclaimer: I'm not joining any avatar bets or similar.

While i had no luck participating recent polls / bets (cough*Prime4*cough), i'll try again ... I say "No September Direct", but a first half of September Switch 2 reveal with some cross-gen announcements that basically "play the part" a September Direct would have.
No September direct as this was the last Switch 1 focused direct. Next direct, partner or mini will have both Switch 1 and Switch 2 games and I bet that Nintendo will reveal Switch 2 in October
I expect Fire Emblem in February so I would say yes.

Also more infos on MP4 for a release hopefully in the first half of the year.
I’m leaning towards yes because I think they’ll have the successor unveiled by then so their partners can freely show off what they have coming for it at TGS.

Otherwise it’s going to be a partner. They won’t skip doing it this year.
I am a little 50/50 on this because I could definitely see it go either way. In terms of a September General Direct, I do think, if one happens, it happens a week or two before Echoes of Wisdom comes out to give the game one last push (and, in terms of any Direct in September, it would need to happen before the game's release anyways as Tokyo Gameshow begins the day the game releases). In a lot of ways, I could see a general in September working to highlight the remaining first party lineup for the year that we know (Mario Party + Mario and Luigi), another small look at Donkey Kong Country Returns HD as a headline, and maybe some sort of look at Pokémon Legends: Z-A and/or Metroid Prime 4: Beyond. Truthfully, before the Direct aired yesterday, I was fully on board with the idea that there wasn't a General Direct in September and instead a new console reveal. I was thinking this because I did not really think we would get as full of a lineup of new games, ultimately meaning there would have not really been a need for a Direct to highlight these games again if majority of the lineup was ports/remasters/remakes with a Mario Party mixed in there somewhere. However, that isn't the case and I could see them feeling the need to do one. I do think it could be a Mini but I think with a lineup as full as the one we have now, Nintendo may want to do another Direct to re-highlight these games.

Maybe they won't though and they will go the route of trailers on social media, maybe Treehouse Segments, and Overview Gameplay videos. This is very possible as well and maybe we have something substantial related to next-generation. It has been brought up here that maybe they could also use the Direct to announce the next hardware and... honestly, I think that is possible. While I think they will take a similar approach to talking about hardware (mainly a shorter full reveal to release than we have seen in the past) to the Nintendo Switch, I do think we find out more this year about the console than we found out about the Nintendo Switch in 2016. This is mainly because I cannot see them reveal their main launch title in January (during a "Nintendo Switch 2" Presentation) and then also release it in March, it just seems like too short of a time period. They could do this with Breath of the Wild because we had seen the game so much before the reveal of the Nintendo Switch (both in October 2016 and January 2017) that it spoke for itself, but I can't see this happening for this console and a major title (which I think the assumption is 3D Mario). I do not think a September General will focus on the console by any means but I think a 7-10 minute closer with the console and 3D Mario puts it in a good position to then carry us to next year where they can hold a larger presentation. This is all going off the assumption that the console does release by March 2025 though and if that is not the case and its some time in the second half of 2025, I think Nintendo also does a General September Direct for Q1 of 2025.

Edit: I just wanted to add on that when I say "reveal their main launch title in January", I do not mean that will be the first time we see as, like with the First Look at Nintendo Switch trailer, we saw Odyssey for the first time! What I mean is I think it would need a reveal trailer alongside the console reveal opposed to just being something we get a small glimpse at in the reveal trailer for the Nintendo Switch successor, as I do not think they could release it only two months after fully revealing it.
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but it will be a Partner, with Metroid Prime 2/3 HD port semi-shadowdropped (and developed by Forever Entertainment lol)

but it will be a Partner, with Metroid Prime 2/3 HD port semi-shadowdropped (and developed by Forever Entertainment lol)
That's not how it works. The original game is Retro so the remaster can't, or shouldn't show up in a Partner.

Don't forget Direct mini is a thing! And maybe even micro if that hasn't been retired yet
Switch 1 will get a pre TGS Direct mini or Partners Showcase. Meanwhile, the Switch 2 will have an indirect General Direct because it'll have a reveal trailer with some games and third parties can finally confirm what they've been developing for Switch 2
That's not how it works. The original game is Retro so the remaster can't, or shouldn't show up in a Partner.

Don't forget Direct mini is a thing! And maybe even micro if that hasn't been retired yet

well, we have seen Nintendo IP showing up in Partner showcases, if the developer is external!
so..we'll see, maybe it will be a Mini!
same option in terms of poll votes, so it works lol
I have absolutely no idea, but I'm starting to realize that we've officially entered potential next gen communication territory now that the June Direct is over.
I think they'll want to keep the Sept slot to show off more 2025 releases, and as gentle reminders of what's launching in 2024 and to support 3rd parties who may have more games to announce for winter.
That's the slot they've never missed, even during COVID when we got a partner direct that month.

I think it will happen before the Switch 2 reveal trailer. But you know, people could end up being right that this June general direct is the last 'full Switch direct' with the Sept direct being a bit weird , but it will stil happen IMHO
I'm thinking a Partner Showcase or a Mini. But as I was putting together this post... I think they could do one more proper Direct just for Switch if they really wanted to. Like, really wanted to. Looking at their known first-party release lineup for the period that Directs cover (next 6 months, plus a handful of further out stuff):
  • September: The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (could get a new trailer)
  • October: Super Mario Party Jamboree (could get a new trailer)
  • November: Mario & Luigi: Brothership (could get a new trailer)
  • December: Nothing (potential for a new game to be announced for this slot)
  • January: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (could get a new trailer; albeit part of a sizzle reel section)
  • February: Nothing (potential for a new game to be announced for this slot)
  • March: Presumably the launch month of the successor (potential for a new game to be announced for this slot regardless)
  • April-June: Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, probably (could get a new trailer, but doubt it would; potential for a second game to be announced for this Spring launch window)
So new trailers for three-to-five known games, and possible reveals for two-to-three Switch games that can act as tentpole announcements.

That said, I'm sticking to my Partner/Mini vote. After all, they could have done a regular Direct in February but decided against it; maybe because Echoes of Wisdom was seen as the only "big" reveal they could have done that would have lived up to the expectations they know that the normal "Nintendo Direct" label has: they weren't going to open or close a general Direct with Endless Ocean or Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. And I think a September Direct could be in a similar situation, where Fire Emblem 4: Genealogy of the Holy War might be the only big Switch title they've yet to reveal for H1 2025, so Nintendo might decide it isn't worth it to do anything more than a Mini or Partner Showcase.
Since I am all in on Switch 2 releasing in May, I bet there's a direct in september as well.

August - Indie showcase
August - Pokemon present
September - Direct
  • 1-2 more first party Switch titles in store
  • updates on announced titles+DLC's for some
  • As per usual some 3rd party game reveales prior to TGS.

January - Switch 2 teaser
March - Switch 2 presentation
May - Switch 2 launch
I don't think so, I think the next thing we will get from them outside of twitter and youtube drops is a switch 2 direct around October or november
Partner, Indie, or bust. I think October is when we get the first look at the Nintendo Switch 2. Blowout in January, release in March.
Yes, but that might be the Genealogy copium talking. Partly I wonder if the Switch 2 reveal is a little further out than people are expecting. They said it would be detailed by the end of this fiscal year, but that could be all the way out to next March. If the reveal isn't until early next year than I can definitely see a September Direct with things like Fire Emblem, F-Zero, whatever that 3DS remaster Nate's been talking about is etc.

October reveal for Switch 2 takes its place

I can see a Mini or Partner or Indie thing but my overall feeling is no, this was the last Switch specific stream, so I voted No outright.

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