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Discussion What are your most wanted dormant Nintendo franchises to be revived?


When's Mega Raichu?
There are a lot of great Nintendo games coming and they have done a nice job catering to a lot of their franchise, but these really feel missing

- Golden Sun - Once considered to be among the greatest JRPGS ever made, there is a lot of potential in the franchise and I'd love to see it on a larger scale

- Kid Icarus (modern) - I'd even take an Uprising remaster

- F-Zero - Tons of love for this racing franchise from people so it really should be brought back.

- Mario & Luigi RPG - Its really unfortunate how the series ended with devs going bankrupt right at the start of the Switch gen, a lot of cool things could have been done with 2 players and the joycons

Post the ones you want to see revived

Do series that have skipped Switch so far other than a Wii U port count?

Besides that, older series I want to see again are Wario Land and Kid Icarus.
I think we'd need a proper definition of "dormant" before some of us can proceed.
Origami King pretty much had the same structure, right? Just no formal leveling/XP. But the game structure was similar to TTYD.
Eh it wasn't really what a lot of classic PM fans (myself included) were looking for still. Close, but no cigar. The unique partners are a huge part of the original style of games for me and those are still missing, and I long for a traditional battle system without all the weird gimmicks and pointlessness.
Eh it wasn't really what a lot of classic PM fans (myself included) were looking for still. Close, but no cigar. The unique partners are a huge part of the original style of games for me and those are still missing, and I long for a traditional battle system without all the weird gimmicks and pointlessness.
I feel you and I figured that's probably what you meant. I felt like it was a big step towards a TTYD type game again though. In the meantime have you played UnderHero and Bug Fables? The latter in particular scratches the TTYD itch. The former is great too.
After playing and completing Eternal Darkness a couple of weeks ago for the first time, that’s my answer. I feel like Nintendo is sitting on their own Resident Evil type IP that is unique enough to be separate from it. It has so much franchise potential. Remake it for Switch and let it shine.
Finally a worthy cause on which for me to spend my first post!


Especially now that Nintendo has revived Advance Wars through an external studio, I see no reason why they couldn't do the same with a Golden Sun 1+2 Reignited (ok, Spyro might take issue with that title).

In summation,

I feel you and I figured that's probably what you meant. I felt like it was a big step towards a TTYD type game again though. In the meantime have you played UnderHero and Bug Fables? The latter in particular scratches the TTYD itch. The former is great too.
Will have to look into UnderHero! Bug Fables definitely looks promising and I know the PM community in particular has been singing in it's praises, but I've hesitated because I feel like it'll just make me long for a proper PM game even MORE 😭 I should check it out eventually though for sure.
I'd even take an Uprising remaster

I want that more than a sequel tbh. With good controls that game would be a real masterpiece after all.

My answer: Doshin the Giant
Loved the game as a kid and the entire god sim genre is dead. Untapped market potential!
I would cast my votes for Golden Sun and F-Zero. I would also like to throw out the idea of bringing back Doshin the Giant if only to have that crazy WHAT!!! reaction. Edit- Beaten by mere minutes for Doshin.
I think this is exactly my answer.

I'd maybe put DK above Kid Icarus if that counts as semi-sleeping. I guess it would if Star Fox does.
With the re-release of DK Tropical Freeze, I guess it makes DK only a "sleeping with one eye" franchise 😉
Well we know one franchise we don't have to say is dormant anymore: Metroid.

And that feels good.
People will never agree on a definition for dormant. You had people calling WarioWare dormant before E3, and Gold was a 2018 release. I don't consider series like Star Fox or Rhythm Heaven dormant yet either (though yeah, i'd want to see Switch installments of those eventually).

Wario Land / Wario World on the other hand, are definitely 'dormant', and they need to come back. Next Level Games feel perfect for Wario; their expressive animation and writing, especially looking at Luigi's Mansion 3, would fit the series perfectly.

Other IP i'd like to see back on Switch (whether I consider them dormant or not, don't want to deal with the semantics):
  • Tomodachi - this one feels inevitable, but I still can't wait for it.
  • Wave Race / 1080 - would be nice if NST could make their own games again...
  • Kid Icarus - i'd take an Uprising remaster, please.
  • F-Zero - there's nothing else like it.
  • Chibi-Robo - 😢
  • Pushmo - I miss the smaller eShop exclusive IPs on 3DS; only Boxboy has made it over to Switch so far.
  • The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls - let Grezzo handle remaking this one.
  • Marvelous - ... or this one too!
  • Adventure Games series - after Famicom Detective Club (which I want more of too!) it'd be nice to see some of these other games revived:
    • Famicom Fairytales: Shin Onigashima / Yuyuki
    • Famicom Bunko: Hajimari no Mori
    • Hotel Dusk / Another Code (poor Cing...)
  • Sutte Hakkun - cute little Super Famicom game; gimme a remake with all stages from the different versions of the game + new ones.
  • Panel de Pon - a new one, with the original cast in-tact; can be an eShop game for all I care as long as it happens.
  • Mole Mania - fun little puzzle action game; a sequel would be nice.
  • Donkey Kong '94 - this totally counts as something that can be revived.
  • Custom Robo - give it another shot.
  • Doshin the Giant - why not.
I could go on.

There's one revival I don't want to see happen though: Mother. The series had an ending, Mother 4 doesn't need to ever happen. I guess if the "revival" is a remake of some kind i'd tolerate it, but a new game is a big no.
Kid Icarus would be great… agree even a remake of uprising would be cool.

Chibi Robo… i always wanted to play the original but never got to.

I’m seeing a few different DKs mentioned… so I’m gonna throw in 3D DK. I loooooved DK64 even if it was a mess. I would love to see them retry it now.
Think I’ll be the only person to say this but I’d love to see Nintendo go big on Dillon’s Rolling Western on Switch. Turn that IP into a big adventure series, because it has proper potential to be cool.

In terms of actual dormant franchises, I think I’d be most excited to see F-Zero in HD. Would love Star Fox too but a new game would have to move the series forward to actually excite me.
Sin & Punishment obviously because it'd also mean the glorious return of Treasure which would be the best possible outcome for everyone.
If we are talking simply about franchises that have not appeared on the Switch at all, Star Fox.

If we are talking about franchises that been MIA for 10+ years? Wave Race and F-Zero.
I'm pretty confident both Mario Baseball and Basketball will get Switch games(and I'm not sure if they count anyways) so my real answer is...

Endless Ocean!

Let's trigger some primal terror of the depths in a new set of players, all accompanied by the serene sounds of Celtic Woman of course!
For a definition of "dormant" I'll say "hasn't appeared in about a decade."

Wario Land is the most obvious one. Especially if Kirby is moving to 3D, you can't use the excuse that it's crowding 2D platformers and Wario Land has sold more than Ware. Surely there's a talented dev out there that can take a crack at it even if R&D has moved on.

Kid Icarus Uprising was one of my favorite games of the last decade but I get why there's no urgency for a sequel there as it sold modestly and without Sakurai wanting to pen it I doubt anybody would take it up. I would still fork over good money for a Switch remaster.

There's some that would be fun to see again, like F-Zero or Wave Race, but I'm not particularly attached to them. I'll throw in my hat for a Paper Mario closer to Thousand Year Door while also knowing we'll never get it.
F-Zero is definitely the biggest for me since it has been gone so long. While I most want a new one, I’d still gladly take an Advance Wars style revival of porting GX, touch up the graphics a tad, and adding online play. Maybe make an easy difficulty for the story and have all the tracks unlocked from the start. Throw in a few extra if possible.

I also want a proper Super Mario RPG 2 and Paper Mario RPG 3. Super Paper Mario, Color Splash, and Origami King were all awesome though I miss new characters and friends to meet and new worlds to explore. Get the Mario Odyssey team and Mario committee directly involved so they know just how far they can push both styles of Mario RPGs. I hope a break the glass we need some old school good will asap plan exists for Super Mario RPG 2 lol. Every year that goes by makes it seem more unlikely, but done right it could hit SNES fans hard and get Square fans excited to have a big impact.
Will have to look into UnderHero! Bug Fables definitely looks promising and I know the PM community in particular has been singing in it's praises, but I've hesitated because I feel like it'll just make me long for a proper PM game even MORE 😭 I should check it out eventually though for sure.
Life's too short! Bug Fables is splendiferous and I'm confident you'll love it as a PM fan. Please do check it out sometime. It starts a little slow but quickly becomes awesome. It's absolutely filled with sidequests and secrets, and the badge/medal system is the best of its kind I've ever encountered.
It's not just dormant franchises; there's no reason something like DK, Metroid or 2D Zelda should go 7+ years without new mainline entries

I do love me some Pushmo though, does that count?
Kid Icarus and Punch Out. Both new instalments and remasters of their latest games so that they’re more widely accessible.

It might not be ‘dormant’ but it’s been 5 years since the last Rhythm Heaven game, which was mostly a collection of old tracks. This is by far my most wanted Nintendo game left for the Switch, and with Tsunku wanting to make another one I do hope we see it eventually.
It’s a bit difficult after Advance Wars came back but personally:
-Wave Race
-1080 Snowboarding

All need to come back.
These. Absolutely these.

Also, I know the Professor Layton series isn’t so much dormant as having a light nap, but I really wish they’d wake up already!
Hmm, it’s a toss up between Kid Icarus and Punch Out. Would also love a proper follow up to Excitebike.

I also want a proper Super Mario RPG 2 and Paper Mario RPG 3. Super Paper Mario, Color Splash, and Origami King were all awesome though I miss new characters and friends to meet and new worlds to explore. Get the Mario Odyssey team and Mario committee directly involved so they know just how far they can push both styles of Mario RPGs. I hope a break the glass we need some old school good will asap plan exists for Super Mario RPG 2 lol. Every year that goes by makes it seem more unlikely, but done right it could hit SNES fans hard and get Square fans excited to have a big impact.
Aren’t Mario and Luigi technically the proper Super Mario RPG since it’s from the people that made the original after leaving Square?
Completely dormant franchises I’d like to see return.

Custom Robo
Eternal Darkness
Elite Beat Agents
Golden Sun

I also want a new entry in Mario Strikers. We’ve gotten tennis and golf consistently but Strikers has been missing since 2007.
Mario & Luigi and Kid Icarus would be at the top of the list for me. I genuinely really liked PM: TOK but I still want my Mario RPG fix and I think there's still plenty that could be done with the style of M&L. KI should just go without saying and I think the game would be more comfy to play with gyro / dual-analog controls
Oh, Elite Beat Agents is another one I would buy the instant it's announced. It's another one I know we'll never get. :(
Kid Icarus and Punch Out. Both new instalments and remasters of their latest games so that they’re more widely accessible.

It might not be ‘dormant’ but it’s been 5 years since the last Rhythm Heaven game, which was mostly a collection of old tracks. This is by far my most wanted Nintendo game left for the Switch, and with Tsunku wanting to make another one I do hope we see it eventually.
I forgot about Punch-Out !
It's a case of "dormant by K.O." franchise 😋

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