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Discussion Time Magazine names Elon Musk 'Person of the year'. Who is your pick?


Hello, lady of the house speaking?

Wanted to post bits & pieces of their reasoning, but I got distracted by the ridiculous godhood status Time gives this man in their written piece, so read it yourself here.

What say you Fami? Is it deserved? Not desreved? Who would you name person of the year?
I wanted to name an alternative but I came up short. I realize I don't like celebrities all that much. So I'd like to nominate someone closer to home. Actually, it's more than one person. It's a volunteer run initiative in my hometown called 'Broodnodig' who distiribute food to homeless people when it's getting colder. They are definitely my 'persons of the year'.

imagine naming someone who abuses their workers as person of the year
What's really odd is that this has not been a great year for Musk. Publicly separated from his partner, his space initiative failing and on the verge of bankruptcy, the continued controversy surrounding his labor conditions. It's very odd to me that a man whose future is more uncertain than ever has been named Person of the Year.
imagine naming someone who abuses their workers as person of the year
The written piece they did on him makes him sound like a freaking saviour...:

This is the man who aspires to save our planet and get us a new one to inhabit: clown, genius, edgelord, visionary, industrialist, showman, cad; a madcap hybrid of Thomas Edison, P.T. Barnum, Andrew Carnegie and Watchmen’s Doctor Manhattan, the brooding, blue-skinned man-god who invents electric cars and moves to Mars.
Many people are described as larger than life, but few deserve it. How many of us truly exceed our life span? How many will make it into the digital textbooks our spacefaring descendants will study? As Shakespeare observed in Julius Caesar, it’s far easier to be remembered for doing evil than doing good. How many will leave a mark on the world—much less the universe—for their contributions rather than their crimes? A few short years ago, Musk was roundly mocked as a crazy con artist on the verge of going broke. Now this shy South African with Asperger’s syndrome, who escaped a brutal childhood and overcame personal tragedy, bends governments and industry to the force of his ambition.

etc etc.

It fucking goes on and on and on.

The biggest critique he gets is that he is "not a nice person". And how does Time describe his workplace abuse? They cal it 'legendary':
The toll his hard-driving style takes on staff is legendary.
His space stuff is great. on the 17th one of their boosters should go up for an 11th time, that's nuts.

His other stuff isn't as great and some things he's done are really shitty.
It's honestly really embarrassing that people can be confronted with evil billionaires with an endless list of misdeeds and all they can muster up is insults about their appearance which they will never see but plenty of other people with similar insecurities will.

Anyway. This is TIME, they largely give this 'honour' to heads of state, entrepreneurs, or to pay lip service to abstract concepts like whistleblowers or silence breakers or content creators. The write-up is aspirational arse-licking for sociopaths bent on mythologising privilege but who's surprised? Mainstream US journalism is full of it.
It's honestly really embarrassing that people can be confronted with evil billionaires with an endless list of misdeeds and all they can muster up is insults about their appearance which they will never see but plenty of other people with similar insecurities will.
I'm sorry but I will not be made to feel bad about making fun of Elon Musk's funny haircut

I made a serious post about it as well, but there's little utility to me pointing out the obvious about Elon Musk being a bad man
I'm so fucking sick of Elon Musk. This dude is not your friend and never will be. I'm sick of my generation worshipping him because "lolz memez"
If we are going for notoriety of the year, Sinema and Manchin. For admirable person I would vote for Stacey Abrams.
Well, at least they didn't go with Joe Rogan or something equally as bad.

Not that Elon is a much better choice, but I guess its a .1 percent better choice.

For the second year in a row it should be all the hospital staff trying to save us all during this pandemic.

Nobody else comes close.
This is honestly the right answer. Hell, even giving it to Fauci would've been decent last year, but they decided to give it to Biden/Harris? Like.....why.
What's really odd is that this has not been a great year for Musk. Publicly separated from his partner, his space initiative failing and on the verge of bankruptcy, the continued controversy surrounding his labor conditions. It's very odd to me that a man whose future is more uncertain than ever has been named Person of the Year.
What are the odds he paid Time to do it so he could feel better after all that?
I'm so fucking sick of Elon Musk. This dude is not your friend and never will be. I'm sick of my generation worshipping him because "lolz memez"

Word. Billionaires/the super rich aren't anybody's friends. So much cringe at the internet's and the media's collective attempts in making people believe that they are.

Elon is the sort of person who would watch everyone on Earth die, whilst he sits on his space colony with his very rich friends.
extraordinarily high it seems
As someone who used to be a journalist for years I know almost every publication has its price, but isn't the Time list just a bit too big for being used as advertorial space?
??? I hate cops, but this dude is a hero.
Yeah there's "cops," and then there's "a few people who stood up to a violent mob that was attempting to overthrow an election and install their own leader" and I consider Goodman the latter.

Though perhaps I shouldn'tve opened this can of worms, sorry.
Yeah there's "cops," and then there's "a few people who stood up to a violent mob that was attempting to overthrow an election and install their own leader" and I consider Goodman the latter.

Though perhaps I shouldn'tve opened this can of worms, sorry.
If those weirdos were truly a threat to 'overthrowing an election' the US Army would have shot them all dead. They got plenty of practice doing it elsewhere.
Some peoples hatred of cops will not let them see actual life saving as a good thing. It's insane but it is what it is, best to not engage with them.
Incredibly naive if you think the actions of the capitol police department were “life-saving”. This only happened because they allowed it to happen. Forgive me for not patting them on the back
Quoted by: VHS
Incredibly naive if you think the actions of the capitol police department were “life-saving”. This only happened because they allowed it to happen. Forgive me for not patting them on the back
Repeating the same conspiracies that got you banned from the PoliEra discord I see, have fun not engaging with conspiracy theorists.
Repeating the same conspiracies that got you banned from the PoliEra discord I see, have fun not engaging with conspiracy theorists.
“Conspiracies” that are on hours of video footage live streamed from that day, lol.
Some peoples hatred of cops will not let them see actual life saving as a good thing. It's insane but it is what it is, best to not engage with them.
People all over the world do live saving stuff all the time they don't get any praise like this person does because they're not wearing a uniform. Hell, this cop wouldn't have even needed to be "heroic" at all if his fellow cops hadn't allowed all of those chuds to walk right into the building through the front door. The fact that people use him to defend the police and therefore continue the everlasting system of oppression they exists for is why we make fun of people that celebrate this dude.
People all over the world do live saving stuff all the time they don't get any praise like this person does because they're not wearing a uniform. Hell, this cop wouldn't have even needed to be "heroic" at all if his fellow cops hadn't allowed all of those chuds to walk right into the building through the front door. The fact that people use him to defend the police and therefore continue the everlasting system of oppression they exists for is why we make fun of people that celebrate this dude.
To be clear, I'm not using him to defend the police. I appreciate what he did, the individual, and the significance of how close we got that day to a mob, which was chanting that they were going to murder politicians, actually entering the room where the politicians were. And yeah, politicians in a lot of cases aren't great! I'm not defending politicians either! But those politicians were in the act of certifying an election, and that mob was trying to stop them from doing it so that the guy they decided "actually" won would remain president (the guy whose fuckin flag they installed on that building after taking down the flag of our goddamn nation, if we wanna bring up footage we saw that day). And that shit is goddamn horrifying and infuriating. Meanwhile half the news channels on American television are trying to pretend that shit didn't really happen. SO having the picture on Time of someone who stood between that mob and literal democracy I thought would be a good symbolic pick for the type of year we've had, regardless of the fact that he was wearing a cop uniform.

Again, sorry I brought it up. I didn't realize he was a controversial figure.
People all over the world do live saving stuff all the time they don't get any praise like this person does because they're not wearing a uniform. Hell, this cop wouldn't have even needed to be "heroic" at all if his fellow cops hadn't allowed all of those chuds to walk right into the building through the front door. The fact that people use him to defend the police and therefore continue the everlasting system of oppression they exists for is why we make fun of people that celebrate this dude.
Again, I hate cops. I never defend the police. I don't like this guy because he's a cop. I like him because he actually did the right thing compared to his coworkers. And hey, maybe we should praise everyone that helps save lives, and I agree that we need to do better.
Don't apologize man, these people are conspiracy theorists and he did save lives. Do not let them ruin your day and tear a hero down.
I don't think it's productive to call people conspiracy theorists because of off-site drama.

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