• Hey everyone, staff have documented a list of banned content and subject matter that we feel are not consistent with site values, and don't make sense to host discussion of on Famiboards. This list (and the relevant reasoning per item) is viewable here.

Site Event (The WINNERS are here, check threadmark!) The Famiboards Game of the Year 2023 Celebration

edit the dang site glitched and i lost my entire post. thats so disheartening

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Best Comeback

Pikmin 2, God Damnit

There was a time in my life when Pikmin 2 was near unanimously appraised as the high point of the series (disregard the fact that is the second of two games; that fact is trivial and unappreciated). That time is not this time. We live in a time of Pikmin 2 naysayers. When the people speak of Pikmin 2, they speak of its frustrating difficulty curve, its lengthy and imposing caves, and its broken and simultaneously absent Purple Pikmin. They speak of poor pacing and just general bad design. They speak lies.

Pikmin 2 is the high point of the series. Its caves added a whole new dimension to the franchise. Yeah, they're kind of scary! You know what else is scary? Being a little space man in a dimly-lit cave full of creatures that want to wreck your shit and eat all of your best friends. Pikmin 2 puts you in the body of that little space man and makes you watch as all of the soldiers you've spent hours accumulating get pecked to death by a bouncing bird monster with a snake's torso. If that isn't immersive, then I don't know what is!

A lot of ink has been spilled celebrating the successes of Pikmin 4 this year, and with good reason! The game, despite everything, is awesome. It's awesome! There is no other word for it. Pikmin 4 took one of Nintendo's tiniest franchises (literally) and rejuvenated it for fans new and old alike.

But it couldn't have fucking done any of that without Pikmin 2.

Pikmin 4 came along this year and cherry picked around the design of 2 to resuscitate a brand that was almost felled by the destroyer of worlds that is better known as Arzest. Pikmin 4 has caves. Yeah, they're shorter! But they're all over the damn place. Pikmin 4 has crazy difficulty spikes! You know why those Dandori Challenges are so engaging? It's because they put your skills to the test in a way they haven't been since the Den of Dreams. Pikmin 4 has Purple Pikmin! They're more plentiful, which is kind of stupid, but they're back and they're fantastic.

Pikmin 2 walked so that Pikmin 4 could run in a more socially acceptable manner.

Also, Pikmin 2 came out this year as a part of the Pikmin 1+2 bundle so it doubly deserves this award for carrying the four hour Pikmin 1 to a $50 price tag.
Pikmin 4 came along this year and cherry picked around the design of 2 to resuscitate a brand that was almost felled by the destroyer of worlds that is better known as Arzest. Pikmin 4 has caves. Yeah, they're shorter! But they're all over the damn place. Pikmin 4 has crazy difficulty spikes! You know why those Dandori Challenges are so engaging? It's because they put your skills to the test in a way they haven't been since the Den of Dreams. Pikmin 4 has Purple Pikmin! They're more plentiful, which is kind of stupid, but they're back and they're fantastic.

Pikmin 2 walked so that Pikmin 4 could run in a more socially acceptable manner..
I honestly think the insanity is what made Pikmin 2 incredible. Like what other Nintendo game will throw 50 bombs, 2 unkillable extremely powerful enemies, and 3 self destructing spiders at you at the same time while also dropping bombs from the sky and pushing you to a ledge for your stupid little soldiers to fall off
Oh, I forgot to do this in my excitement over Pikmin 2.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2

I didn't come into this thread planning to nominate Spider-Man 2 in every category, and then it just kind of happened?

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 isn't innovative, revolutionary, genre defining, or any other adjective you might typically associate with a Game of the Year contender. It just does a really damn good job of exactly what it set out to do: Immerse the player in the Spider-Man experience for 20-30 hours to tide them over until the next 20-30 hour immersive Spider-Man experience. And I do mean immerse! They sling random crimes at you every five minutes to the point that you often feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities. Like Spider-Man! What could be tedious is fun as every action, be it swinging or clobbering baddies on the ground, feels great to do whether it's your first time around the block or your third helping of Insomniac's Disney's Marvel's Video Game Universe. It feels so good I never fast travelled once. I refuse! I will be Spider-Man even if it means spending 10 minutes swinging from mission to mission.

I would also like to use this as a trojan horse to nominate Mary Jane Watson as Best Badass. She takes down Symbiotes in a single hit that would take either Pete or Miles thirty strikes plus a couple of gadget-fueled maneuvers.
Game of the Year: Final Fantasy XVI

While not as tight as Resident Evil 4 or Armored Core VI, XVI still has a really good base for an action combat system that made for a fully entertaining ride. The game looks amazing, from the character designs and models, to the environments, the scenic shots, the cutscene direction, one of the most beautiful games I ever played and it has Soken's highest highs in his music repertoire, that are also of the whole franchise. Second best RPG I played from 2023 after Baldur's Gate 3. Clive has a jump button, can also step on enemies, and some context senstitive platforming. It has the Drake's Tail which is among the best sequences I ever seen in a videogame, the level all the way to the fight with Bahamut, peak shit. I can strategize when to call Torgal or set up enemies with parries and Garuda pulls. My brother watched me play some of it and he really liked it, reminded him a lot of VI which is his favorite, what a great multiplayer experience. It's puzzling how good the entire cast is, from all the mains to the support casts and characters I meet for a small sidequest. Featuring the best re-release of Omega, its theme and Azys lla from FFXIV. Coming from the best most inconsistent indie company Square Enix. Clive Rosfield is easily one of my favorite characters of all time, his journey and relationships are beautiful to experience. Despite some bumps, the characters, the side stories, and how the themes culminate in the end make for an overall excellent narrative. It has Dion Lesange, the most powerful Dragoon of all time, dude is just built different. And I came back to Playstation for this game, was worth it.

It has it all baybee, ten outta ten.
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Hey there @Irene and @Josh5890 !

Just pinging you both to ask whether perhaps you might consider amending the rules so as to allow late nominations for all of the other categories that have already been discussed so far.

I honestly don't really see a reason why there had to be a short nomination period of just a few days for each category in the first place, other than perhaps drawing attention to every one of them by giving them their own "moment", as well as keeping the discussion focused at all times.

However I feel this objective has been pretty much attained at this point of the nomination process, so I think members should now be allowed to nominate games in whatever category until the process comes to an end.

The thing is, I was personally looking forward to participating in this thread, but it wasn't until a few days ago that I found out about its existence, so I missed out on the opportunity to nominate games in a few categories.

Honestly I kinda feel this thread lacks visibility. I would have expected there to be an announcement about it pinned on the site's homepage or something, and on several occasions I even searched for the terms "Game of the year" using the built-in search engine, which never brought up this thread among the first results.

Judging by several posts, I don't seem to be the only one to have missed out on the opportunity to nominate a game (@chocolate_supra mentioned some puzzle game he forgot to nominate), and I'd also enjoy hearing about those other member's favorite games, as that's what this all is all about, right ?

So, what do you say ?

And if the rules cannot be bent, then do you think I could nominate a remaster of a 30 year old game (incidentally of great historical importance) in the "Best comeback" category ?

As per the rules, remasters, remakes and re-releases can only be nominated in the "Best rerelease" category, but someone just nominated Pikmin 2 as Best comeback, so I guess it should also be OK to also put a remake in there, right ?
Hey there @Irene and @Josh5890 !

Just pinging you both to ask whether perhaps you might consider amending the rules so as to allow late nominations for all of the other categories that have already been discussed so far.

I honestly don't really see a reason why there had to be a short nomination period of just a few days for each category in the first place, other than perhaps drawing attention to every one of them by giving them their own "moment", as well as keeping the discussion focused at all times.

However I feel this objective has been pretty much attained at this point of the nomination process, so I think members should now be allowed to nominate games in whatever category until the process comes to an end.

The thing is, I was personally looking forward to participating in this thread, but it wasn't until a few days ago that I found out about its existence, so I missed out on the opportunity to nominate games in a few categories.

Honestly I kinda feel this thread lacks visibility. I would have expected there to be an announcement about it pinned on the site's homepage or something, and on several occasions I even searched for the terms "Game of the year" using the built-in search engine, which never brought up this thread among the first results.

Judging by several posts, I don't seem to be the only one to have missed out on the opportunity to nominate a game (@chocolate_supra mentioned some puzzle game he forgot to nominate), and I'd also enjoy hearing about those other member's favorite games, as that's what this all is all about, right ?

So, what do you say ?

And if the rules cannot be bent, then do you think I could nominate a remaster of a 30 year old game (incidentally of great historical importance) in the "Best comeback" category ?

As per the rules, remasters, remakes and re-releases can only be nominated in the "Best rerelease" category, but someone just nominated Pikmin 2 as Best comeback, so I guess it should also be OK to also put a remake in there, right ?

Hey, no worries! You are more than welcomed to nominate something for another category at this point.

You are pretty much correct as to why we have a schedule. Giving the community a chance to focus on a couple categories at a time helps to make sure every category gets a decent amount of nominees. We would hate to get to the end of the nominations and everyone overlooked the RPG category! Also, seeing @VolcanicDynamo nominate Super Mario Bros Wonder for every category on the first day would be rather boring. We have to make him work a little harder than that :p

FWIW, we did have this thread stickied on day 1, but I can understand that sometimes people skip past those threads.

At this point everything has been given the spotlight so feel free to throw your hat into any ring. We still have two more days to go!
At this point everything has been given the spotlight so feel free to throw your hat into any ring. We still have two more days to go!
Is this just for the user you're quoting or can anyone throw a second-chance nomination for any category right now? 👀
Also, seeing @VolcanicDynamo nominate Super Mario Bros Wonder for every category on the first day would be rather boring. We have to make him work a little harder than that :p
The more you challenge me, the stronger you make me. Just wait until next year's thread. You'll see!
I don't give any exceptions to Segaboards fanboys!
Yea, knock your socks off.
well luckily I am currently sporting Dark Mode V2 so...

*deep breath*

Best Puzzle Game: Suika Game
This hooks me in ways Tetris never even did. It's so simple, the art is so endearing, the music is just one song on loop and it's seemingly impossible to get tired of it. I've been humming that song for weeks. The gameplay is just the right mix of challenge and straightforward simplicity, where I genuinely feel I can blame my own little mistakes when a jar doesn't fill very well (or I guess fills too well), and see where I can do better next time. It's not terribly stressful, it's not fast-paced, it doesn't feed any anxiety, it's just mellow and chill and the reward for progression is literally a jar of cute smiles. It's brilliant.
It's so good yall
With late entries being accepted, time to correct my biggest regret. I thought other people would want to snag it, but no one did.

Best Art Direction
Bayonetta Origins

Bayonetta Origins is drop dead gorgeous. It brings a magical fairy forest fully to life and beautifully twists it when dark forces and dimensional rifts are present. The camera work, which twists around the environments and structures, only accentuates the strengths of the art style. I tend to value a lot of other factors more in games, but being able to see every inch of the forest was one of the strongest pulls I felt in Bayonetta Origins. It’s a wonderful looking game from start to finish and easily is my pick for best art direction.
Now accepting late entries
We have decided to open up the current nomination period to not only accept nominations for Best comeback and Game of the Year, but also late nominations for all previous categories.

Since there’s still 2 days left of the nomination period and the majority of all heavy hitters of the year have already been covered, we see no real reason to keep the gates closed and restrict this final period to just the final two categories. If this means more nominees, it’s a net positive.

From now on, you’re free to nominate any 2023 game in any category. All bets are off! Just make sure to check the nominee list (the second post in the thread, see threadmarks) to see if your game hasn’t already been nominated.
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We have decided to open up the current nomination period to not only accept nominations for Best comeback and Game of the Year, but also late nominations for all previous categories.

Since there’s still 2 days left of the nomination period and the majority of all heavy hitters of the year have already been covered, we see no real reason to keep the gates closed and restrict this final period to just the final two categories. If this means more nominees, it’s a net positive.

From now on, you’re free to nominate any 2023 game in any category. All bets are off! Just make sure to check the nominee list (the second post in the thread, see threadmarks) to see if your game hasn’t already been nominated.
Best Comeback: every other category 😎
Well since you're still accepting nominations I guess I might as well add my personal GotY to the nomination list.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Future Redeemed was the perfect Xenoblade game for me, and not just because of the fanservice. Monolith Soft really followed through with their Affinity Goals systems, it perfectly complimented the exploration and did so without gating the progress of the player. Moreso it felt like it incorporated the lessons learned from every Xenoblade released to date, including Xenoblade X. It still delivers the staple of Xenoblade with environments that just inspire us to explore and inquire about what is on the horizon. But having access to a bestiary as part of the Affinity Goals system with every enemy getting checked off as we complete their entries was a new level of organization for the series. The only real downside in my opinion is that they did not get the chance to tell more of the story, especially for the children of our party. But for a bite sized Xenoblade it absolutely delivered a phenomenal experience. So that's why I'm nominating it for our Game of the Year.
Game of the Year:

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores

Aloy returns in a PS5 exclusive adventure. She travels down to the ruins of Los Angeles. There, she teams up with Seyka to solve the mystery surrounding recent volcanic eruptions. Guerilla once again shows that they are one of Sony's best developers as they created another gorgeous environment with new obstacles to tackle.

Also, RIP Lance Reddick.

Ok, we are approximately 24 hours away from starting the actual voting. This is your last chance to throw a nomination out here. Below is the current ballot.

Current Nominations:

Best action or action-adventure
  • Alan Wake II
  • Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
  • Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon
  • God of War Ragnarok Valhalla
  • Fate/Samurai Remnant
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Lords of The Fallen
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
  • Resident Evil 4 Remake
  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Best art direction
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Bayonetta Origins
  • Cocoon
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • Jusant
  • Lies of P
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Octopath Traveller II
  • Sea of Stars
  • A Space for the Unbound
  • Super Mario Wonder
  • Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy

Best RPG
  • Baldur's Gate 3
  • Octopath Traveller II
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
  • Sea of Stars
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Best soundtrack
  • Alan Wake II
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • Final Fantasy XVI
  • Fire Emblem : Engage
  • God of War Ragnarok Valhalla
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
  • Octopath Traveller II
  • Pizza Tower
  • Sea of Stars
  • A Space for the Unbound
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Best platformer
  • Afterimage
  • Disney Illusion Island
  • Sonic Superstars
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Best level/area/world
  • Alan Wake II’s Chapter 4- Alan called We Sing
  • Armored Core VI- Rubicon 3
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom- Wind Temple Approach
  • Like a Dragon Gaiden's Sotenbor
  • Pikmin 4- Hero's Hideaway
  • Pikmin 4- Serene Shores
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder: Piranha Plants on Parade
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder's The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon
  • Super Mario RPG- Booster's Tower/Marrymore
Best RTS/strategy game
  • Advance Wars: Reboot Camp
  • Aliens : Dark Descent
  • Fire Emblem: Engage
  • Jagged Alliance 3
  • Pikmin 4
Best multiplayer experience
  • F-Zero 99
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Waves 4-6
  • Street Fighter 6
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder
  • Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
Best puzzle game
  • Chants of Sennaar
  • Cocoon
  • Suika Game
  • Void Stranger
Best rerelease
  • Advance Wars Reboot Camp
  • Ghost Trick
  • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
  • Metroid Prime Remastered
  • Star Ocean The Second Story R -
  • Super Mario RPG
  • System Shock Remake
Best indie game
  • Cassette Beasts
  • Chants of Sennaar
  • Cocoon
  • Monsters of Mican
  • Nuclear Blaze
  • Sea of Stars
  • A Space for the Unbound
  • Tents and Trees
  • Tevi
  • Venba
Best protagonist or antagonist
  • Clive Rosfield (Final Fantasy XVI)
  • Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
  • Kazuma Kiryu - Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
  • Kratos (God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla)
  • Kraven (Marvel's Spider-Man 2)
Best narrative
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Final Fantasy XVI
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure
  • Master Detective Archives : Rain Code
  • Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
  • A Space for the Unbound
  • Venba
Most badass character
  • Castii (Octopath Traveller II)
  • Cidolfus Telamon (Final Fantasy XVI)
  • Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 4)
  • Link (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
  • Kosei Shishido (Like a Dragon Gaiden)
  • Moss (Pikmin 4)
  • Partitio Yellowil (Octopath Traveler II)
  • Rosado (Fire Emblem Engage)
  • Saga Anderson (Alan Wake 2)
  • Shinigami (Master Detective Archives : Rain Code)
Best comeback
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Alvis (Xenoblade)
  • Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
  • Every Category in the Famiboards Game of the Year Celebration
  • F-Zero 99
  • Final Fantasy XVI
  • God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla
  • Like a Dragon: Ishin!
  • Pikmin 2, God Damnit
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Game of the year
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
  • Baldur's Gate III
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • Fashion Dreamer
  • Final Fantasy XVI
  • Fire Emblem : Engage
  • Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2
  • Octopath Traveller II
  • Pikmin 4
  • Sea of Stars
  • Soft Kitten Experience
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder
  • Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Please let me know if I missed your nomination at some point!
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Alright, Fami. Our buddy @Josh5890 thought he could tease me. But he underestimated my power. No more holding back.

It's time to nominate Super Mario Bros. Wonder for every remaining category.

Best Action or Action-adventure
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of Super Mario Bros. Wonder's more interesting reoccurring level types are the KO Arenas. Choose your Power-Ups and get through the rooms as fast as you can. While Super Mario games rarely focus on combat - even this game limits them save for an excellent final boss encounter - these challenges show the interesting ways in which players can approach both speedy platforming and handling enemies with the power ups. Enemies above or below you? Try using the Drill! Got an enemy hiding behind a wall or who is too high up? Bubbles are your friend! Need a more straightforward projectile? Throw some fire balls! Need some muscle or a quick attack as you rush forward? Swing that elephant trunk! And all of this gets to be combined with the usual actions and reactions that come with the game's stellar platforming controls. Even when enemy combat isn't the focus, the sheer quality of Wonder's controls make for engaging moment to moment action.

Best RPG
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of the best aspects of the first two Paper Mario games was the badge system, replacing the typical equipment systems of other RPGs. By wearing different badges, Mario can customize the abilities of the party, granting new moves or changing your stats. This provided the freedom to build your Mario the way you like to play.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes this concept and brings it into the main series. Prince Florian can equip badges you unlock through the game. You can unlock new abilities to help with platforming, modify your stats, get passive perks, or make the game harder for yourself. Levels can be approached in so many different ways depending on your badge, making for an engaging and replayable experience regardless of skill level.

Best Soundtrack
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

They finally put a soundtrack filled with mostly new songs in a 2D Mario game. We have not gotten this since 2009. That alone is worth a nomination. But Super Mario Bros. Wonder consistently ties fun music to great moments. From Piranha Plants on Parade to Ninja Dance Party, from King Boo chasing you with song to a final set of levels that brought the jams for some killer platforming, music is an element that Wonder always comes back to. Of course, even without the mechanical aspects, we have some lovely tunes, both original (In particular, I enjoy the main theme and its variants, the snowy tunes of Fluff-Puff Peaks, the Shining Falls main theme, and lots of the Wonder themes) and the excellent remixes and callbacks to classic Mario tunes (the new underground theme and the Super Mario Maker airship remix are killer).

Best RTS/Strategy Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Playing The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon required some very big brain plays, especially in the infinite hopping and invisibility segments. While I eventually overcame them, it took much planning, patience, and strategy to figure out how to get through those hazards.

Best Puzzle Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder constantly throws environmental puzzles your way. From getting enemies to interact with certain objects to finding secret passages, you are constantly finding new ways to interact with the environment. New powers and new enemies are new options to explore and new ways to hide secrets. There's even a whole set of levels, the Search Parties, dedicated to environmental interaction and deduction!

Best Rerelease
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

"But VolcanicDynamo," I hear you say, "this game just came out in 2023! How does this even qualify for the award?" Well, this game re-released the serotonin in my brain after not having a Super Mario Bros. game in over a decade. I'm just gonna count that and move on.

Best Indie Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

What? This is a Nintendo EPD developed and published game? But I was told this was made by the D Team! Surely that's small scale enough to count. Regardless, said D Team put their hearts into making such a creative game, putting any downplaying they might have received to shame.

Best Protagonist/Antagonist
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Mario is my pal, and he is the pal of nearly everyone around him. He jumps right into action to help those in need. He approaches his adventure with such whimsy with all of the strange stuff going on around him. He saves a Poplin, gets given a Wonder Seed, then says "Thank you!" or "Toodeloo!" and I always get happy hearing it!! Massive props to Kevin Afghani for taking on such a legacy role and retaining the same warmth and charm of Charles Martinet. Can't wait to hear him grow into the role over the next few years!

Best Narrative
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the best story of any of the 2D Super Mario games. This may be damning with faint praise - Super Mario is rarely about the story, much less so the Bros. games - but there are a few refreshing twists here. No kidnapping means we get the Princesses involved. Prince Florian gets to be placed in an active role helping his people. Worlds are given their own little mini-stories through interactions with the Poplins, creating fun gags and memorable moments. Talking Flowers create these memorable moments that stick with you. With each level cleared, a Poplin is saved. It's the little things that give the adventure more of a purpose, small pushes that give each world a greater sense of identity.

Most Badass Character
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Take a look at this dude and tell me that he is not badass. You cannot. Wowie-zowie indeed!

You are welcome, Famiboards.
Alright, Fami. Our buddy @Josh5890 thought he could tease me. But he underestimated my power. No more holding back.

It's time to nominate Super Mario Bros. Wonder for every remaining category.

Best Action or Action-adventure
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of Super Mario Bros. Wonder's more interesting reoccurring level types are the KO Arenas. Choose your Power-Ups and get through the rooms as fast as you can. While Super Mario games rarely focus on combat - even this game limits them save for an excellent final boss encounter - these challenges show the interesting ways in which players can approach both speedy platforming and handling enemies with the power ups. Enemies above or below you? Try using the Drill! Got an enemy hiding behind a wall or who is too high up? Bubbles are your friend! Need a more straightforward projectile? Throw some fire balls! Need some muscle or a quick attack as you rush forward? Swing that elephant trunk! And all of this gets to be combined with the usual actions and reactions that come with the game's stellar platforming controls. Even when enemy combat isn't the focus, the sheer quality of Wonder's controls make for engaging moment to moment action.

Best RPG
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of the best aspects of the first two Paper Mario games was the badge system, replacing the typical equipment systems of other RPGs. By wearing different badges, Mario can customize the abilities of the party, granting new moves or changing your stats. This provided the freedom to build your Mario the way you like to play.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes this concept and brings it into the main series. Prince Florian can equip badges you unlock through the game. You can unlock new abilities to help with platforming, modify your stats, get passive perks, or make the game harder for yourself. Levels can be approached in so many different ways depending on your badge, making for an engaging and replayable experience regardless of skill level.

Best Soundtrack
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

They finally put a soundtrack filled with mostly new songs in a 2D Mario game. We have not gotten this since 2009. That alone is worth a nomination. But Super Mario Bros. Wonder consistently ties fun music to great moments. From Piranha Plants on Parade to Ninja Dance Party, from King Boo chasing you with song to a final set of levels that brought the jams for some killer platforming, music is an element that Wonder always comes back to. Of course, even without the mechanical aspects, we have some lovely tunes, both original (In particular, I enjoy the main theme and its variants, the snowy tunes of Fluff-Puff Peaks, the Shining Falls main theme, and lots of the Wonder themes) and the excellent remixes and callbacks to classic Mario tunes (the new underground theme and the Super Mario Maker airship remix are killer).

Best RTS/Strategy Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Playing The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon required some very big brain plays, especially in the infinite hopping and invisibility segments. While I eventually overcame them, it took much planning, patience, and strategy to figure out how to get through those hazards.

Best Puzzle Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder constantly throws environmental puzzles your way. From getting enemies to interact with certain objects to finding secret passages, you are constantly finding new ways to interact with the environment. New powers and new enemies are new options to explore and new ways to hide secrets. There's even a whole set of levels, the Search Parties, dedicated to environmental interaction and deduction!

Best Rerelease
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

"But VolcanicDynamo," I hear you say, "this game just came out in 2023! How does this even qualify for the award?" Well, this game re-released the serotonin in my brain after not having a Super Mario Bros. game in over a decade. I'm just gonna count that and move on.

Best Indie Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

What? This is a Nintendo EPD developed and published game? But I was told this was made by the D Team! Surely that's small scale enough to count. Regardless, said D Team put their hearts into making such a creative game, putting any downplaying they might have received to shame.

Best Protagonist/Antagonist
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Mario is my pal, and he is the pal of nearly everyone around him. He jumps right into action to help those in need. He approaches his adventure with such whimsy with all of the strange stuff going on around him. He saves a Poplin, gets given a Wonder Seed, then says "Thank you!" or "Toodeloo!" and I always get happy hearing it!! Massive props to Kevin Afghani for taking on such a legacy role and retaining the same warmth and charm of Charles Martinet. Can't wait to hear him grow into the role over the next few years!

Best Narrative
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the best story of any of the 2D Super Mario games. This may be damning with faint praise - Super Mario is rarely about the story, much less so the Bros. games - but there are a few refreshing twists here. No kidnapping means we get the Princesses involved. Prince Florian gets to be placed in an active role helping his people. Worlds are given their own little mini-stories through interactions with the Poplins, creating fun gags and memorable moments. Talking Flowers create these memorable moments that stick with you. With each level cleared, a Poplin is saved. It's the little things that give the adventure more of a purpose, small pushes that give each world a greater sense of identity.

Most Badass Character
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Take a look at this dude and tell me that he is not badass. You cannot. Wowie-zowie indeed!

You are welcome, Famiboards.
Alright, Fami. Our buddy @Josh5890 thought he could tease me. But he underestimated my power. No more holding back.

It's time to nominate Super Mario Bros. Wonder for every remaining category.

Best Action or Action-adventure
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of Super Mario Bros. Wonder's more interesting reoccurring level types are the KO Arenas. Choose your Power-Ups and get through the rooms as fast as you can. While Super Mario games rarely focus on combat - even this game limits them save for an excellent final boss encounter - these challenges show the interesting ways in which players can approach both speedy platforming and handling enemies with the power ups. Enemies above or below you? Try using the Drill! Got an enemy hiding behind a wall or who is too high up? Bubbles are your friend! Need a more straightforward projectile? Throw some fire balls! Need some muscle or a quick attack as you rush forward? Swing that elephant trunk! And all of this gets to be combined with the usual actions and reactions that come with the game's stellar platforming controls. Even when enemy combat isn't the focus, the sheer quality of Wonder's controls make for engaging moment to moment action.

Best RPG
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of the best aspects of the first two Paper Mario games was the badge system, replacing the typical equipment systems of other RPGs. By wearing different badges, Mario can customize the abilities of the party, granting new moves or changing your stats. This provided the freedom to build your Mario the way you like to play.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes this concept and brings it into the main series. Prince Florian can equip badges you unlock through the game. You can unlock new abilities to help with platforming, modify your stats, get passive perks, or make the game harder for yourself. Levels can be approached in so many different ways depending on your badge, making for an engaging and replayable experience regardless of skill level.

Best Soundtrack
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

They finally put a soundtrack filled with mostly new songs in a 2D Mario game. We have not gotten this since 2009. That alone is worth a nomination. But Super Mario Bros. Wonder consistently ties fun music to great moments. From Piranha Plants on Parade to Ninja Dance Party, from King Boo chasing you with song to a final set of levels that brought the jams for some killer platforming, music is an element that Wonder always comes back to. Of course, even without the mechanical aspects, we have some lovely tunes, both original (In particular, I enjoy the main theme and its variants, the snowy tunes of Fluff-Puff Peaks, the Shining Falls main theme, and lots of the Wonder themes) and the excellent remixes and callbacks to classic Mario tunes (the new underground theme and the Super Mario Maker airship remix are killer).

Best RTS/Strategy Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Playing The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon required some very big brain plays, especially in the infinite hopping and invisibility segments. While I eventually overcame them, it took much planning, patience, and strategy to figure out how to get through those hazards.

Best Puzzle Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder constantly throws environmental puzzles your way. From getting enemies to interact with certain objects to finding secret passages, you are constantly finding new ways to interact with the environment. New powers and new enemies are new options to explore and new ways to hide secrets. There's even a whole set of levels, the Search Parties, dedicated to environmental interaction and deduction!

Best Rerelease
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

"But VolcanicDynamo," I hear you say, "this game just came out in 2023! How does this even qualify for the award?" Well, this game re-released the serotonin in my brain after not having a Super Mario Bros. game in over a decade. I'm just gonna count that and move on.

Best Indie Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

What? This is a Nintendo EPD developed and published game? But I was told this was made by the D Team! Surely that's small scale enough to count. Regardless, said D Team put their hearts into making such a creative game, putting any downplaying they might have received to shame.

Best Protagonist/Antagonist
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Mario is my pal, and he is the pal of nearly everyone around him. He jumps right into action to help those in need. He approaches his adventure with such whimsy with all of the strange stuff going on around him. He saves a Poplin, gets given a Wonder Seed, then says "Thank you!" or "Toodeloo!" and I always get happy hearing it!! Massive props to Kevin Afghani for taking on such a legacy role and retaining the same warmth and charm of Charles Martinet. Can't wait to hear him grow into the role over the next few years!

Best Narrative
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the best story of any of the 2D Super Mario games. This may be damning with faint praise - Super Mario is rarely about the story, much less so the Bros. games - but there are a few refreshing twists here. No kidnapping means we get the Princesses involved. Prince Florian gets to be placed in an active role helping his people. Worlds are given their own little mini-stories through interactions with the Poplins, creating fun gags and memorable moments. Talking Flowers create these memorable moments that stick with you. With each level cleared, a Poplin is saved. It's the little things that give the adventure more of a purpose, small pushes that give each world a greater sense of identity.

Most Badass Character
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Take a look at this dude and tell me that he is not badass. You cannot. Wowie-zowie indeed!

You are welcome, Famiboards.
If Geoff learned from you, the Game Awards‘d be much better. How could he dare to make Baldurs Gate 3 Goty, even through Nintendo made this masterpiece? All this other games don‘t even deserve to be nominated.
Alright, Fami. Our buddy @Josh5890 thought he could tease me. But he underestimated my power. No more holding back.

It's time to nominate Super Mario Bros. Wonder for every remaining category.

Best Action or Action-adventure
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of Super Mario Bros. Wonder's more interesting reoccurring level types are the KO Arenas. Choose your Power-Ups and get through the rooms as fast as you can. While Super Mario games rarely focus on combat - even this game limits them save for an excellent final boss encounter - these challenges show the interesting ways in which players can approach both speedy platforming and handling enemies with the power ups. Enemies above or below you? Try using the Drill! Got an enemy hiding behind a wall or who is too high up? Bubbles are your friend! Need a more straightforward projectile? Throw some fire balls! Need some muscle or a quick attack as you rush forward? Swing that elephant trunk! And all of this gets to be combined with the usual actions and reactions that come with the game's stellar platforming controls. Even when enemy combat isn't the focus, the sheer quality of Wonder's controls make for engaging moment to moment action.

Best RPG
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of the best aspects of the first two Paper Mario games was the badge system, replacing the typical equipment systems of other RPGs. By wearing different badges, Mario can customize the abilities of the party, granting new moves or changing your stats. This provided the freedom to build your Mario the way you like to play.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes this concept and brings it into the main series. Prince Florian can equip badges you unlock through the game. You can unlock new abilities to help with platforming, modify your stats, get passive perks, or make the game harder for yourself. Levels can be approached in so many different ways depending on your badge, making for an engaging and replayable experience regardless of skill level.

Best Soundtrack
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

They finally put a soundtrack filled with mostly new songs in a 2D Mario game. We have not gotten this since 2009. That alone is worth a nomination. But Super Mario Bros. Wonder consistently ties fun music to great moments. From Piranha Plants on Parade to Ninja Dance Party, from King Boo chasing you with song to a final set of levels that brought the jams for some killer platforming, music is an element that Wonder always comes back to. Of course, even without the mechanical aspects, we have some lovely tunes, both original (In particular, I enjoy the main theme and its variants, the snowy tunes of Fluff-Puff Peaks, the Shining Falls main theme, and lots of the Wonder themes) and the excellent remixes and callbacks to classic Mario tunes (the new underground theme and the Super Mario Maker airship remix are killer).

Best RTS/Strategy Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Playing The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon required some very big brain plays, especially in the infinite hopping and invisibility segments. While I eventually overcame them, it took much planning, patience, and strategy to figure out how to get through those hazards.

Best Puzzle Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder constantly throws environmental puzzles your way. From getting enemies to interact with certain objects to finding secret passages, you are constantly finding new ways to interact with the environment. New powers and new enemies are new options to explore and new ways to hide secrets. There's even a whole set of levels, the Search Parties, dedicated to environmental interaction and deduction!

Best Rerelease
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

"But VolcanicDynamo," I hear you say, "this game just came out in 2023! How does this even qualify for the award?" Well, this game re-released the serotonin in my brain after not having a Super Mario Bros. game in over a decade. I'm just gonna count that and move on.

Best Indie Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

What? This is a Nintendo EPD developed and published game? But I was told this was made by the D Team! Surely that's small scale enough to count. Regardless, said D Team put their hearts into making such a creative game, putting any downplaying they might have received to shame.

Best Protagonist/Antagonist
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Mario is my pal, and he is the pal of nearly everyone around him. He jumps right into action to help those in need. He approaches his adventure with such whimsy with all of the strange stuff going on around him. He saves a Poplin, gets given a Wonder Seed, then says "Thank you!" or "Toodeloo!" and I always get happy hearing it!! Massive props to Kevin Afghani for taking on such a legacy role and retaining the same warmth and charm of Charles Martinet. Can't wait to hear him grow into the role over the next few years!

Best Narrative
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the best story of any of the 2D Super Mario games. This may be damning with faint praise - Super Mario is rarely about the story, much less so the Bros. games - but there are a few refreshing twists here. No kidnapping means we get the Princesses involved. Prince Florian gets to be placed in an active role helping his people. Worlds are given their own little mini-stories through interactions with the Poplins, creating fun gags and memorable moments. Talking Flowers create these memorable moments that stick with you. With each level cleared, a Poplin is saved. It's the little things that give the adventure more of a purpose, small pushes that give each world a greater sense of identity.

Most Badass Character
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Take a look at this dude and tell me that he is not badass. You cannot. Wowie-zowie indeed!

You are welcome, Famiboards.

What about 'Best Antagonist'?
“Now accepting late entries. If this leads to more nominees, it’s a net posi….”

Alright, Fami. Our buddy @Josh5890 thought he could tease me. But he underestimated my power. No more holding back.

It's time to nominate Super Mario Bros. Wonder for every remaining category.

Best Action or Action-adventure
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of Super Mario Bros. Wonder's more interesting reoccurring level types are the KO Arenas. Choose your Power-Ups and get through the rooms as fast as you can. While Super Mario games rarely focus on combat - even this game limits them save for an excellent final boss encounter - these challenges show the interesting ways in which players can approach both speedy platforming and handling enemies with the power ups. Enemies above or below you? Try using the Drill! Got an enemy hiding behind a wall or who is too high up? Bubbles are your friend! Need a more straightforward projectile? Throw some fire balls! Need some muscle or a quick attack as you rush forward? Swing that elephant trunk! And all of this gets to be combined with the usual actions and reactions that come with the game's stellar platforming controls. Even when enemy combat isn't the focus, the sheer quality of Wonder's controls make for engaging moment to moment action.

Best RPG
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

One of the best aspects of the first two Paper Mario games was the badge system, replacing the typical equipment systems of other RPGs. By wearing different badges, Mario can customize the abilities of the party, granting new moves or changing your stats. This provided the freedom to build your Mario the way you like to play.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes this concept and brings it into the main series. Prince Florian can equip badges you unlock through the game. You can unlock new abilities to help with platforming, modify your stats, get passive perks, or make the game harder for yourself. Levels can be approached in so many different ways depending on your badge, making for an engaging and replayable experience regardless of skill level.

Best Soundtrack
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

They finally put a soundtrack filled with mostly new songs in a 2D Mario game. We have not gotten this since 2009. That alone is worth a nomination. But Super Mario Bros. Wonder consistently ties fun music to great moments. From Piranha Plants on Parade to Ninja Dance Party, from King Boo chasing you with song to a final set of levels that brought the jams for some killer platforming, music is an element that Wonder always comes back to. Of course, even without the mechanical aspects, we have some lovely tunes, both original (In particular, I enjoy the main theme and its variants, the snowy tunes of Fluff-Puff Peaks, the Shining Falls main theme, and lots of the Wonder themes) and the excellent remixes and callbacks to classic Mario tunes (the new underground theme and the Super Mario Maker airship remix are killer).

Best RTS/Strategy Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Playing The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon required some very big brain plays, especially in the infinite hopping and invisibility segments. While I eventually overcame them, it took much planning, patience, and strategy to figure out how to get through those hazards.

Best Puzzle Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder constantly throws environmental puzzles your way. From getting enemies to interact with certain objects to finding secret passages, you are constantly finding new ways to interact with the environment. New powers and new enemies are new options to explore and new ways to hide secrets. There's even a whole set of levels, the Search Parties, dedicated to environmental interaction and deduction!

Best Rerelease
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

"But VolcanicDynamo," I hear you say, "this game just came out in 2023! How does this even qualify for the award?" Well, this game re-released the serotonin in my brain after not having a Super Mario Bros. game in over a decade. I'm just gonna count that and move on.

Best Indie Game
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

What? This is a Nintendo EPD developed and published game? But I was told this was made by the D Team! Surely that's small scale enough to count. Regardless, said D Team put their hearts into making such a creative game, putting any downplaying they might have received to shame.

Best Protagonist/Antagonist
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Mario is my pal, and he is the pal of nearly everyone around him. He jumps right into action to help those in need. He approaches his adventure with such whimsy with all of the strange stuff going on around him. He saves a Poplin, gets given a Wonder Seed, then says "Thank you!" or "Toodeloo!" and I always get happy hearing it!! Massive props to Kevin Afghani for taking on such a legacy role and retaining the same warmth and charm of Charles Martinet. Can't wait to hear him grow into the role over the next few years!

Best Narrative
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the best story of any of the 2D Super Mario games. This may be damning with faint praise - Super Mario is rarely about the story, much less so the Bros. games - but there are a few refreshing twists here. No kidnapping means we get the Princesses involved. Prince Florian gets to be placed in an active role helping his people. Worlds are given their own little mini-stories through interactions with the Poplins, creating fun gags and memorable moments. Talking Flowers create these memorable moments that stick with you. With each level cleared, a Poplin is saved. It's the little things that give the adventure more of a purpose, small pushes that give each world a greater sense of identity.

Most Badass Character
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Mario

Take a look at this dude and tell me that he is not badass. You cannot. Wowie-zowie indeed!

You are welcome, Famiboards.

“…. tive.”

In all seriousness though, I hope you are aware that the nominations for most badass character, best protagonist, and best soundtrack are all eligible!
I hope you all enjoyed my little joke around the nominations. I have to give props to @Irene and @Josh5890 for the festivities, the staggered nominations were a good idea in my opinion.
If Geoff learned from you, the Game Awards‘d be much better. How could he dare to make Baldurs Gate 3 Goty, even through Nintendo made this masterpiece? All this other games don‘t even deserve to be nominated.
Sadly we will have to settle for Best Family Game. 😔 But maybe we can make it the Best Family Boards Game too!!!

My one regret with the gag nominations is not throwing in a joke about Dave the Diver being nominated for best indie game at TGA. That one I do not understand.
What about 'Best Antagonist'?
Well, if you will all indulge me one last time...

Best Protagonist/Antagonist
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Bowser

Forget the kidnappings, forget traveling to Bowser's Castle. Now Bowser is the castle, and he's coming for you. Move aside, chumps! The King of the Koopas has both Wonder Power and sick beats on his side, and while you waste your time getting those Wonder Seeds, he only grows stronger.

While this nomination is a farce, you can make an argument that Bowser is a better antagonist toward our heroes and Florian than TotK Ganondorf is. That isn't fully the argument I am making, and I don't want to make that argument having not seen all of the TotK cutscenes, but...well, I'm not not making the argument!
“Now accepting late entries. If this leads to more nominees, it’s a net posi….”

“…. tive.”

In all seriousness though, I hope you are aware that the nominations for most badass character, best protagonist, and best soundtrack are all eligible!
See, the thing is...there's a part of me that wants to nominate Oatchi for Best Protagonist, and I don't know if I can reasonably say that Wonder is the best soundtrack of 2024...Mario is pretty badass, though. Hrm.
But Mario isn't even the best protagonist in Mario Wonder. That's Daisy!
Hey, nominations are still open for the rest of the day. You could always nominate her yourself!

New challenge: unironically get every single playable character from Wonder nominated for best protagonist.
Actually, I might toss in a late nomination myself and nominate Ganondorf for best antagonist.


Many people are of the opinion that Tears of the Kingdom's iteration of Ganondorf is underdeveloped and sort of flat. I do not entirely agree - yes, he doesn't really have a captivating backstory or the most compelling motive for his actions, that much is true. His drive to acquire the secret stones doesn't stretch much beyond wanting to rule the world. He's very "moahahaha".

However, I feel like he is still a great antagonist in many other ways that makes up for his somewhat flat characterisation. He commands a very impressive prescence, both in his mummy form as well as his "rehydrated" form. Immediately, you get a sense of a great, imposing and powerful evil force, where Matt Mercer putting in great job in making every line drip with spite and contempt. He's a man hailing from an inherently defunct monarchy and sparked by the destructive fires of hatred and greed.

But above all, this iteration of Ganondorf provides Tears of the Kingdom with the series' best Ganondorf fight, which is the main reason for me writing this, for what is the most important part of a video game antagonist if not the gravity of the final showdown? Like, holy fuck what a great fight this is. It's tense, exciting, really well choreographed, challenging, (Unless you cheese it with savage lynel spears+fatal power+banana food, but that's beside the point) and perfectly executed in the way that it rapidly escalates from playful warm-up to something so unbelievably epic that it made my jaw snap through the floor.


Again, Ganondorf is very moahahaha. But sometimes, moahahaha is all you need if you can make up for it with other aspects of what makes a villain that leaves a lasting impression.
Best action or action-adventure : Lords of The Fallen


Lords of the Fallen is a reboot of sorts of a Souls-like game of the same name that came out in 2014, and while I haven't played the original, my understanding is that both games are actually different enough that the 2023 entry shouldn't qualify as a remake or a re-release, so I'll throw it in the action-adventure category.

Though the game's release was surrounded with some excitement and anticipation within the Souls-like enjoyers community, it ended up flying somewhat under the radar due to it being met with quite a fair bit of criticism at launch, mostly for releasing in an unfinished state, as well as being perceived by many as frustratingly difficult.

However, the developers, who incidentally seem to be very passionate about their project, as well as very attentive to player feedback, have since then extensively updated the game at an impressive rate by releasing patches on an almost weekly basis, to the point where it's now in a much better place than it was at launch.

To an extent, even some of the complaints regarding the difficulty have now been addressed, as the game was indeed originally designed in such a way that you could sometimes easily get surrounded by hordes of enemies that would leave you with literally no chance of survival, which has now been somewhat mitigated, even though it must be stressed that it is still a rather difficult game, even by Souls-like standards.

So what is it that makes it worthy of a nomination, you might ask ?

Well, for one, Lords of the Fallen undeniably stands out for its rich lore and sophisticated world-building, served by some truly outstanding art direction where both the excellent soundtrack and incredibly detailed environments come together to bring to life the game's gritty universe, that will undoubtedly appeal to anyone who's even remotely interested in dark fantasy. Also regarding the story, I do find it appreciable that it's told in a rather explicit and straightforward manner, as opposed to the mostly cryptic and environmental storytelling you get in something like Elden Ring, which certainly helps the player feel more invested in what's going on.

Secondly, gameplay-wise, aside from featuring overall solid Souls-like mechanics, the game really sets itself apart with its gimmick of being built around the duality of two parallel intertwined worlds called Axiom and Umbral, the latter being a very dangerous place accessible to the player through the use of a magical lantern of sorts, as well being the place where they are revived upon death (Umbral being basically the realm of the dead). This rather innovative aspect of the game's design allowed for the creation of some truly interesting and satisfying environmental puzzles, as well as being somewhat reminiscent of what we saw in some of the older Zelda games (namely OOT as well as the Oracle games).
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Best art direction : Jusant

Jusant is a game set in a mysterious and desolate environment, that puts you in the shoes of a young boy who goes on a journey to climb towards the top of a huge mountain-like tower of sorts.

As it's a very simple game with no proper narration nor voice acting to speak of, it's unclear at first who the protagonist is and for what reason he is willing to climb the tower, and so it's up to the player to piece together the game's mystery by gathering environmental clues as they climb the tower, mostly in the form of notes and letters left by what appear to have once been the inhabitants of the tower.

It's a very short game that can easily be completed over the course of an afternoon, and while its gameplay offering that revolves around climbing is rather refreshing and overall decent, I found it a bit lacking in challenge to my personal taste, and certainly don't think it's anything to write home about.

One truly remarkable aspect of the game however is certainly to be found in its art direction, and more specifically its strikingly beautiful visuals that are truly unlike anything else I've ever seen in a video game. Just look at how the beautiful clay-like pastel colored environments are sublimated by some of the most incredible lighting and shadows I've ever seen in a game :





Needless to say that seeing it in motion makes it only more awesome.

Also, combined with a perfectly-fitting, delicate soundtrack, those visuals are much of what contribute to make of Jusant an incredibly chill and relaxing experience.
Best rerelease: System Shock Remake

As a great enjoyer of games within the immersive-sim genre (2017 Prey or Deus ex being a few examples of those), it's only natural for me to nominate SSR in the best rerelease category, in light of the incredible historical importance of the original System Shock game, that has inspired so many others in its wake.

It's just so delightful to get the opportunity to play a game that actually trusts you as a player, doesn't hold your hand and requires you to really use your wit to overcome the tricky situations it presents you with, by interacting with the environment in really meaningful ways.

System Shock Remake, in all its faithfulness to the original, allows you to do just that. It also sets itself apart with a strikingly distinctive visual style that manages to blend retro and modern in a way that could hardly have been any more convincing.

Best antagonist : Shodan (System Shock Remake)

Hear that vicious robotic-sounding female voice in the background of the above trailer, that keeps stalking and taunting you as a player throughout the whole game ? Well that's Shodan, the rogue AI that has taken over Citadel, the space station where the game's action takes place, and incidentally one of the most iconic villains in all of videogame history, almost making GLaDOS pale in comparison. And just by her dialogue and the way she sounds, you should be able to tell why !
Best RTS/strategy game : Aliens : Dark Descent


As an enjoyer of both strategy games and the Alien franchise, my attention was of course immediately caught when I heard about Aliens : Dark Descent, a real-time-with-pause strategy game set in the Aliens universe. Therefore I decided to give it a shot based on the mostly favorable reviews, and I'm happy to report that it definitely didn't disappoint, as it turned out to be an overall solid strategy game, that especially stands out for its good story as well as its great art direction, that succeeds in faithfully recreating the universe of the franchise in all of its horror and creepiness.

Also, as someone who enjoys being challenged in videogames, I was truly pleased with the level of difficulty on offer with this title, which is high enough to make it challenging even in normal mode, whereas the real-time-with-pause gameplay paradigm combines the best of both worlds by offering the freedom and flexibility of an RTS while still giving you plenty of time to reflect on your moves like a turn-based game would.

If you like good strategy games and don't mind the horrific setting, then Aliens : Dark Descent is a title you definitely shouldn't overlook !
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Game of the Year and Best soundtrack : Fire Emblem : Engage

So I'm going to keep the motivation short for this one as I'm obviously running out of time and it's getting very late anyway in my location.

What I'll say is that since I first played Fire Emblem : Three Houses for the first time little over three years ago, it has now become my favorite game of all time, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I was eagerly awaiting the release of Engage at the beginning of last year.

It's now a well known game among the community, so it doesn't really need any introduction as all has already pretty much been said about it.

Personally, I find that it improved over its predecessor in almost every aspect, except of course for the story, writing and character depth, but that in my opinion is still enough to make it worthy of a nomination as Game of the year.

As for the soundtrack, the music being the language of emotions, it's hard to really put a motivation into words, but just listen to the following track and tell me it's not dope !

Well, we have reached that time. Thank you to everyone who nominated something this year. We had a new record of 131 nominations!

Famiboards 2023 Gaming Celebration Ballot

  • There are three pages to this ballot. One for the genre categories, one for the technical categories, and one for the Game of the Year race.
  • There is no requirement to vote for every category this year.
  • You can vote for up to three games in each category. Points are tallied 3, 2, 1.
  • Game of the year will be set up to where you can vote for up to 10 games. Points are tallied 10 down to 1.
  • The ballot will close on January 31st, 2023, at 11:59pm EST.
Well, we have reached that time. Thank you to everyone who nominated something this year. We had a new record of 131 nominations!

Famiboards 2023 Gaming Celebration Ballot

  • There are three pages to this ballot. One for the genre categories, one for the technical categories, and one for the Game of the Year race.
  • There is no requirement to vote for every category this year.
  • You can vote for up to three games in each category. Points are tallied 3, 2, 1.
  • Game of the year will be set up to where you can vote for up to 10 games. Points are tallied 10 down to 1.
  • The ballot will close on January 31st, 2023, at 11:59pm EST.
I did what it said and played that Mario Party track while reading the instructions, but then when it finished youtube autoplayed this track next while I was getting started with the voting. Kinda appropriate, I think. :cool:

Edit: wait omg @ADR91 wasn't kidding, he actually did 😮🤣😂🤣😂
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I wish a knew about this earlier

genshin impact not being nominated for best soundtrack is a crime, this years additions were amazing.

im not gonna recommenced a song, there are like 1100 lmao, find one on your own. (the underwater stuff is good)

also I really liked octo 2's ost, they never miss.

I think I might like jrpg's

thats all I really play at this point

well may as well vote
Well, we have reached that time. Thank you to everyone who nominated something this year. We had a new record of 131 nominations!

Famiboards 2023 Gaming Celebration Ballot

  • There are three pages to this ballot. One for the genre categories, one for the technical categories, and one for the Game of the Year race.
  • There is no requirement to vote for every category this year.
  • You can vote for up to three games in each category. Points are tallied 3, 2, 1.
  • Game of the year will be set up to where you can vote for up to 10 games. Points are tallied 10 down to 1.
  • The ballot will close on January 31st, 2023, at 11:59pm EST.

can’t pick Armored Core for best comeback in the number one spot

also it’s not submitting at all for me — we’re allowed to leave some blank, right?
Hey y’all, and thanks for setting this up. Sorry for just lurking these past few months.

Anyway, after filling in the form [both pages] and clicking on “next”, it just goes back to the first one again??
I’ve done it like 12 times, which, like... The only indication of it being saved is the cloud icon with a checkmark telling me it’s saved my answers “for later”. Am I missing something or is Google Forms just borked?
Ok, we are good. Nothing to see here :)
You did forget my nomination of Shodan from System Shock Remake as best antagonist though!

But no hard feelings, there are already too many nominees and it wasn't gonna win anyway. As long as we get to talk about the games or at least mention them, that's all that counts. 🙂
For some reason it is not going beyond page 2 for me and keeps going to the previous page after I finished best indie game. I'm on the road so I'm not sure if this is a network issue.

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