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Discussion [The Verge] Tech Fails of 2022: The Nintendo Switch Really Showed Its Age

It is time for a Switch successor

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Hero of Hyrule

Frieren the Slayer
The Nintendo Switch’s lousy performance is as enduring as the console itself. Grainy, stuttery graphics are synonymous with playing games on the 2017 system, which hasn’t gotten a spec upgrade to boost how games look and run. And in the five-plus years since the Switch was released, remarking on disappointing visuals has been a fixture in our reviews of the console’s best games.

The Switch’s hardware is pulling in the opposite direction of Nintendo’s modern software, which is bigger, better, and more ambitious in scope than ever before. And yet, its strategy of supporting a low-powered device that gets slowly updated is no different for the Switch than it was for Nintendo’s previous consoles. This long-tail strategy has been successful for Nintendo financially, especially so for the Switch, which is one of its best-selling consoles ever. But we’re past due for an updated model.

If there was ever a perfect time to launch a meaningful hardware update to the Switch (aside from any time in the last two years), it’d be on May 12th, 2023, the day when The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will release. It’s the follow-up to the 2017 launch title The Breath of the Wild, a brilliant Zelda game that revealed all that the Switch was capable of — and not capable of — out of the gate.


Calling it a "fail" may be a bit excessive, but I think I agree with the general point - we are now way overdue for a Switch upgrade. I love this system, it will almost certainly end its run as my favorite ever, but it was already behind contemporary platforms in 2017 when it launched (with the caveat that it traded off higher end visuals for portability), and it is completely outclassed now in 2022 (with even its portability tradeoff now being offered by other, higher specced devices).

Nintendo is obviously in no danger even if they do ride out the Switch for as long as they can, but they have stated that they want to be careful with handling the transition from the Switch to its successor, citing their own patchy record with this in the past. There is an optimal window of opportunity from moving from the Switch to its successor, while retaining the strong, engaged userbase and excellent third party investment in the platform mostly as is - and that window is now. It won't last forever.

It is time for a Switch successor.
It is time. It's showing age big time and the gap will only widen. With that being said, it's still a great device and selling well.
This lined urked me

There have been rumors of such a device, and its launch was reportedly postponed due to the chip shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. All that we’ve gotten is an underwhelming Switch OLED that has a better, slightly bigger OLED screen with similar internal specs and little else to tempt current owners. "

It briefly mentions the pandemic but seemingly just tosses it aside as if it wasn't a big deal and that it happened in the distant past. In case people have't gotten a clue yet, we are still facing the consequences of the pandemic even today. Supply chains have been fucked and are still fucked. That's a pretty significant reason why we haven't seen a new system yet. Continuously shouting how we need a Switch successor doesn't change the reality of what happened in the world and what is still happening the world.
It's definitely showing its age and it is definitely time for a Pro or a Successor or whatever but at the same time please for the love of god stop talking about it until it happens. We keep playing, loving, and making gifs out of these "underpowered" games anyway. Literally feels like 4 straight years of this.
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Another article about wanting a next-gen Switch that doesn't bring up the Drake leak which is evidence of a new hardware upgrade using DLSS. Sigh.

Edit: I'll amend this saying it's possible they want to avoid legal issues due to the nature of the data breach.
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A successor has been needed since a game like Animal Crossing was struggling to maintain 30fps
It's definitely showing its age and it is definitely time for a Pro or a Successor or whatever but at the same time please for the love of god stop talking about it until it happens. Literally feels like 4 straight years of this.
It's been at least 3, and people will talk about the need for a successor to the underpowered switch pro/2 soon as well. It's so tiring.
I appreciate the fourth option.
I am nothing if not fair

This lined urked me

There have been rumors of such a device, and its launch was reportedly postponed due to the chip shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. All that we’ve gotten is an underwhelming Switch OLED that has a better, slightly bigger OLED screen with similar internal specs and little else to tempt current owners. "

It briefly mentions the pandemic but seemingly just tosses it aside as if it wasn't a big deal and that it happened in the distant past. In case people have't gotten a clue yet, we are still facing the consequences of the pandemic even today. Supply chains have been fucked and are still fucked. That's a pretty significant reason why we haven't seen a new system yet. Continuously shouting how we need a Switch successor doesn't change the reality of what happened in the world and what is still happening the world.
I agree that these considerations add nuance to any evaluation and discussion on the matter at hand, and they need to be given more weight; I think, however, this piece is simply talking about how, the end result is, in 2022, the Switch, in spite of numerous new models and revisions in the nearly six years since its launch, is now begging for an upgrade; the pandemic was almost 3 years ago. I think we are now approaching the time when it can no longer be used as an immediate explanation for things.
Can we just dispel with the notion that Nintendo needs to capitalize on "momentum" and stuff like that? It's not a thing. Ultimately all these tea leaves mean nothing. The next Nintendo thingamajig will release when Nintendo wants it to be released.

Seriously, people that want a Switch successor, JUST SAY YOU WANT A SWITCH SUCCESSOR. No need to back it up with evidence. We all want the new shiny toy.
I am nothing if not fair

I agree that these considerations add nuance to any evaluation and discussion on the matter at hand, and they need to be given more weight; I think, however, this piece is simply talking about how, the end result is, in 2022, the Switch, in spite of numerous new models and revisions in the nearly six years since its launch, is now begging for an upgrade; the pandemic was almost 3 years ago. I think we are now approaching the time when it can no longer be used as an immediate explanation for things.

In the article, they mention the Switch successor should have released in the past two years. Two years ago was holiday 2020 at the height of the pandemic before vaccines were even available. Japan just opened up the country a few months ago. China is about to face it's biggest Covid outbreak ever. As I already said supply chains are still fucked from the pandemic. There are still months and years of back orders for items. Items already made are still waiting to be loaded off ships. You still can't easily walk into a store and buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X after two years. Is the rapid inflation people are experiencing just in their imagination?

The pandemic and its after effects are the obvious and immediate reasons why we haven't seen a new system yet. The pandemic killed millions of people and will be having a direct affect on everybody's lives for years to come. People need to stop downplaying it.
I would welcome a new hardware anytime from 2023 onwards, but I would not feel frustrated if it released throughout 2024 or very early 2025; the Switch is still a-ok for me.. And it's not even for Nintendo games that a I want a new console, Zelda, Splatoon and so on look great. It's because we are missing on generation defining games such as Elden Ring, and I would like to play those eventually.
In the article, they mention the Switch successor should have released in the past two years. Two years ago was holiday 2020 at the height of the pandemic before vaccines were even available. Japan just opened up the country a few months ago. China is about to face it's biggest Covid outbreak ever. As I already said supply chains are still fucked from the pandemic. There are still months and years of back orders for items. Items already made are still waiting to be loaded off ships. You still can't easily walk into a store and buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X after two years. Is the rapid inflation people are experiencing just in their imagination?

The pandemic and its after effects are the obvious and immediate reasons why we haven't seen a new system yet. The pandemic killed millions of people and will be having a direct affect on everybody's lives for years to come. People need to stop downplaying it.
Hey, I fully agree! I think the release being shuttled to 2023 (or early 2024) because of the pandemic makes total sense. But I think any later than that, and even with the pandemic, suspension of disbelief kinda begins to strain.

But let's see what their strategy is next year first.

A successor to PS5 and Series X is long overdue since the hardware seems incapable of keeping up with games such as Gotham Knights. Let's hope we see pro versions of these consoles in 2023 at the latest.
This is a pretty disingenuous comparison lol
A successor to PS5 and Series X is long overdue since the hardware seems incapable of keeping up with games such as Gotham Knights. Let's hope we see pro versions of these consoles in 2023 at the latest.
When it comes to the 4k twins, ive realized that im better off with a pc. I have both the series x and ps5 and they are great for their price and the power that they have, but if i want top of the line performance, its never going to come from these systems without some sacrafices. Id like to buy a beefy gaming pc this year to minimize those sacrafices where i can
This is a pretty disingenuous comparison lol
I know, I know. I'm just bitter about the whole switch pro situation. Most of the switch fails (as in, the Switch fail) comes more from a rushed product than the incapabilities of the system. In a year in which it has gotten amazing ports such as Persona 5, Tunic and NieR: Automata, a year that also launched one of the better looking games of the system in Mario+Rabbids, it somehow needs a pro and is showing its age because of Pokémon (whose faults are more a result of the software) and, to a lesser extent, Bayonetta.

Part of the reason why I, at least, am so tired is that we've been reading for years about the switch pro, it's been IMMINENT since reports first appeared in 2020, and now everything that comes out on Switch is compromised and would be better in a more powerful system (which, duh). The discourse is settled: The switch is old, the Steam Deck runs games better, Nintendo should release the switch pro now. And it's not going to get any better because the switch pro isn't coming next year.
In the article, they mention the Switch successor should have released in the past two years. Two years ago was holiday 2020 at the height of the pandemic before vaccines were even available. Japan just opened up the country a few months ago. China is about to face it's biggest Covid outbreak ever. As I already said supply chains are still fucked from the pandemic. There are still months and years of back orders for items. Items already made are still waiting to be loaded off ships. You still can't easily walk into a store and buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X after two years. Is the rapid inflation people are experiencing just in their imagination?

The pandemic and its after effects are the obvious and immediate reasons why we haven't seen a new system yet. The pandemic killed millions of people and will be having a direct affect on everybody's lives for years to come. People need to stop downplaying it.

This and the opening line convinced me the article is making a tired observation in the dumbest way possible.
In don't know what's more in bad faith : comparing the Switch to the Steam Deck without mentioning the fact that the Steam Deck's battery lasts ridiculously less time or that the $399 Steam Deck model isn't much use for modern AAA due to its very limited storage. Or calling the most sold system of the year a "tech fail".

Most of the switch fails (as in, the Switch fail) comes more from a rushed product than the incapabilities of the system.
100% agree with this. And also maybe some ports and games shouldn't be done on the Switch at all ? I'd love for a Switch 2 to come out, but in between, studios have to make games that can run on the system, not try to shoehorn things on it. Back in the Wii era, studios were making tons of Wii-specific versions of games, like Dead Rising for instance, but now it looks like they don't think it's worth it to do the same thing for a console with a bigger installed base.
People are just gonna have to fuckin' deal with it, because Switch 2 aint coming until 2024 lol

The whining is so overblown
Yup lol

but just to be sure, the next article about the extremely obvious aging Switch hardware should be two paragraphs longer to get the point across even more.
I agree it’s needed especially for its more ambitious games but unfortunately we’re not seeing a successor anytime soon.
I don't think a Switch "Pro" was ever planned for release last year or two years ago and was delayed because of the chip shortage. Nvidia Orin, which T239 (Drake) is based on, came out just this year. I find it unlikely Drake could have been released in 2020-2021.

They might have experimented with higher performance profiles for the v2 Switch, which uses a Tegra X1+ and is more capable when overclocked. But I don't think that ever got beyond the testing stage, and they may have opted to just take more time with an even more powerful 4K capable revision.

From the Nvidia leak Nvidia demo'd DLSS to Nintendo in 2019 and NVN2 has been in progress since 2020. So a next-gen Switch has been in development for about 2 years. For all our demands of a Switch successor "now", we know they're making new hardware already. It coming out 6 years after the original feels like a standard generational gap.
I think next year will be the final year of full support for the Switch, ToTK feels like its swan song for that generation. Hopefully, by May they officially reveal the next console.
This article literally says nothing lol. There was one from IGN earlier too I think. It would be nice if instead of repeating the same points over and over we'd get developers or people with mircoarchitectural knowledge discuss in detail the aspects they find lacking, but that wouldn't get as many clicks would it? Articles like this have no value other than to get people mad at each other/stir discussions. Even the points about the Steam Deck aren't that interesting. It just says "games run better, powerful", without any discussion about why and its effects on power draw or architectural design, or what concessions need to be made for a bigger library (just the fact that there's compatibility issues)

Edit: Also it doesn't put into picture the sluggish performance or back up any of its claims, especially weird considering the point they made about BotW. How can you claim something about a piece of software's design/limitations if you aren't privy to its implementation details?
I wonder if everytime someone mentions Switch 2 Nintendo push its release back a day like a parent teaching their child the virtues of patience.

Switch is old. We get it. But Nintendo aren't sitting on a pile of gold cackling at the pitiful fools still buying their old hardware. They're waiting for the optiminal time for them to release their new console and with the OG Switch still selling huge numbers there's no need to rush it. No need to dawdle either, but a new console will likely be out within the next 12-24 months so ultimately this article feels...counterproductive and unnecessary? Feel free to criticise Nintendo if they release a new console and it's barely an improvement, but right now it's just hypothetical musings that encourage the console warriors who wouldn't be happy even if Nintendo were releasing state of the art super boxes like Sony and Microsoft.

Remember Switch is nearly six years old, so still within the confines of the expected life of a console historically. If we're having this conversation in over a year's time however, then yeah, maybe there's a point to be had.
Tech fail? I would rather save those words to a new piece of hardware and not a soon to be 6 year old device :p

Clearly it's getting up there in age and a Switch 2 will come sooner rather than later, but it's absolutely exhausting of a topic and sadly it will be repeated even more in the coming months since I am of the opinion that I dont think it will release this spring but next holiday at the earliest.
Nintendo are pushing Switch further than they used to so there is obviously internal appetite for more powerful hardware. And obviously if they want to continue getting some downports after cross gen period has ended they need new hardware out because the days of radically different versions of games to suit hardware is gone.

Personally though I don't care so much. Most of the types of games I'm interested in can run fine on Switch. More than half of the time I use my Steam Deck is for VNs lol.

Though one thing I do want out of a successor is the ability to run Switch games with dynamic resolutions and framerates at their maximum resolutions and frame rates (rather than running exactly as Switch did). Would clean up a few games I haven't got around to playing.

But the endless desperate forum posts asking for a successor are honestly annoying given that there is plenty of evidence one exists. It'll come when it comes.
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Oh Jesus F Christ, are we really seeing this in the same year Xenoblade 3, Mario Strikers, Switch Sports (say what you will about their content, these games deliver tech wise, moreso when it comes to anything developed by Next Level Games) Kirby, etc...

This is tiring, and just a cheap way to get clics for The Verge.
They’re right. Bayo 3 was one of my most anticipated. It runs and looks like shit. The gameplay is still great. The game deserves better.
Bayonetta always pushes the target hardware to the point of never actually delivering. Happened on Xbox 360, happened on Wii U and happened on Switch once again. More than the console's fault, it's Platinum's development ethos.
Well at least the article didn’t mention Pokemon

As for the Zelda talk it’s pretty baseless honestly, if TOTK’s performance is on par with BOTW it’s still fine, just like how people are fine with the way that consensus 2022 GOTY Elden Ring is performing. Doesn’t Xenoblade 3, which released 5 years after Xenoblade 2, looks and runs better than its predecessor? Well we could expect a similar jump from TOTK I guess. Either way it will run better than Elden Ring, the only ones that will make a big deal about that red bar dipping under 30fps once will be mostly the crew that thinks performance should factor more in reviews, the ones that think anything under 1080p60fps is literally unplayable. It was never that way, if the game is good no one will care and no matter how powerful consoles get, it’s a pretty regular occurence that the big ambitious 3D games will usually settle for 30fps and have points where they will drop
I would also like to interject that I think this article's assertion that not releasing a more powerful Switch is a 'blunder' is a spectacularly loose interpretation of the word 'blunder'. For something to be a blunder, an action, or this case inaction, has to result in a significant financial or reputational hit. Has Nintendo seen a financial hit from not releasing a new Switch? Absolutely not, the bleeding thing is still selling insane amounts and at the same price it launched at no less. Is it providing Nintendo with a reputational hit? Among the greatest of graphics enthusiasts maybe, but let's be honest, these people don't buy Nintendo consoles anyway. The author also asserts that this is allowing Nintendo's competitors to steal a march on them, but again ignores that Switch is still often outselling their rivals at this stage and has given Nintendo their greatest audience mindshare since the peak Wii days.

It's OK to want a new more powerful Nintendo console and to be encouraging Nintendo to make a new one, but the idea that not rushing one out for 2022 is somehow a blunder is...well the evidence doesn't back that argument up.
How much money do people have that they are whining about not having another powerful device to buy?

An upgrade will come. If you just can’t handle it, play your PlayStation and stop yelling at your entertainment daddy to satiate your hunger for more pixels.
I think the "issue" of the Switch being underpowered only gets further accentuated by the fact that we're seeing many home console style games (Xenoblade, Bayonetta e.g.) having to run on (objectively) dated mobile hardware. Which means that the gap between what people would want to get out of these games in terms of presentation and performance and what they're actually getting doesn't just exist because of Nintendo staying behind on home console hardware on purpose (as has been the case since the Wii), but that it gets or is even wider this time around due to them also going with mobile grade technology this generation (aka making a hybrid console). Which in turn makes the Switch even more lacking in this department to certain groups, especially enthusiasts looking for the best bang for their buck.
All that to say that I kinda get where some of the complaints are coming from, but it's just as important to keep things in their context to make fair criticism. The constant Switch Pro talk for two to three years thus was pretty non-sensical to me, but I'm also one of those slowly hoping for a new device in 2023/24, because I think in context it's a fair expectation to have by now.
I'm gently begging people who aren't happy with Switch hardware to play on different platforms or find new hobbies for the next year or so rather than repeatedly argue about something that you cannot materially affect. And despite my demeanor I don't enjoy watching people constantly hurt themselves without good reason.
I think next year will be the final year of full support for the Switch, ToTK feels like its swan song for that generation. Hopefully, by May they officially reveal the next console.
It’s they somehow manage to release the next device next year I could see them doing what Sony did for the PS4 to PS5 transition. At least I hope they copy it.
i mean if a console that's still selling amazingly and delivering great exclusives isn't a tech fail, i don't know what is. if only people knew that instead of enjoying a console and its games they can just complain about it for years on the internet.
I think next year will be the final year of full support for the Switch, ToTK feels like its swan song for that generation. Hopefully, by May they officially reveal the next console.
Not that I disagree, but I'm curious about what makes you feel that way.

The first 5 months for Switch are pretty stacked and TOTK is the only one among them that looks like it's going to majorly push the hardware in any way. Fire Emblem Engage, Octopath Traveler 2, Kirby Return To Dreamland DX, Bayonetta Origins, the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters, Persona 3 and 4 (having just gotten a fantastic version of Persona 5 Royal) all feel like they're coming in under par for the system's capabilities. Pikmin 4 is coming later in the year. There's still plenty on the docket for people to say so confidently "oh yeah the Switch is def winding down".
One may also argue that hardware with longevity is a positive thing for the consumer who gets more out of a single device, and even the environment. If anything, I think hardware cycles should become slower. Obviously this is not just a gaming thing.
I think it's easy enough to say you want more powerful hardware without shitting on the current/previous generation hardware.
This lined urked me

There have been rumors of such a device, and its launch was reportedly postponed due to the chip shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. All that we’ve gotten is an underwhelming Switch OLED that has a better, slightly bigger OLED screen with similar internal specs and little else to tempt current owners. "

It briefly mentions the pandemic but seemingly just tosses it aside as if it wasn't a big deal and that it happened in the distant past. In case people have't gotten a clue yet, we are still facing the consequences of the pandemic even today. Supply chains have been fucked and are still fucked. That's a pretty significant reason why we haven't seen a new system yet. Continuously shouting how we need a Switch successor doesn't change the reality of what happened in the world and what is still happening the world.
Definitely agree, and this is something I've seen a lot online, too, especially from US folks. So many people believe that "the pandemic was only like a couple-month event in 2020, it's been over for ages", "the chip shortage was a thing but surely that's gone now too (without doing any research or having any knowledge about it)", etc. It's a mix of lots of people downplaying it, while also lots of people legitimately believing that it's over and it was no big deal. Hell I talked to a group of coworkers the other day for the first time in a while and the subject of Covid came up and they all said they've barely thought about it in ages, which made me double-take. That kind of attitude is everywhere, unfortunately
If this is what counts as a ‘tech fail’ it just reinforces how little I care about specs and performance. Sure, it’s about time for an upgrade. Sure, ToTK feels like a reasonable time for it. But I can’t say I care too much either way.
As a poll answer I say it's time for an upgrade, sure, but it's still pretty BS to say that 6-year-old-technology not seeming up to date could be considered a fail.
I can see people getting defensive if this article was written in 2020 after four years on the market, but here we are on the verge of Switch's SEVENTH year on the market (unprecedented for Nintendo to go this long without introducing a new system or a huge refresh) and people are acting like its not time for Nintendo to move on yet.

Its been six years, Nintendo needs to move on. I will be extremely let down if new hardware does not launch with TotK. If they do not have a new system paired with TotK, then they are wasting that games potential to carry the launch of new hardware in ways that only Zelda can.

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