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StarTopic The Game Awards 2023 |ST| Tears of the Keighdom

I'm reminded:

The teaser for Fallout 3 with the "I Don't Want to Set The World On Fire" song was pretty good.

That's it.

That's the comment.
Kinda surprised still not even a mention of all the layoffs this year. I thought there was at least a nod, but nothing so far IIRC.
Should I still play the Alan Wake games if I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to horror in games

Like, I've started RE4 twice -- on Switch and the demo of the remake on PC -- and both times I had to nope out of it
The first Alan Wake isn’t scary at all outside of something in the first hour that it never quite hits again. The second Alan Wake is menacing, there’s more blood and stuff, and there’s a bunch of jump scares, but I’m not a big horror person either and I was fine.
It's almost 3:30am in the UK. I figured I'd watch about 20 minutes of the thing then go to bed. I got 90 minutes in and decided might as well see this out. I am now flagging hard. I'm regretting every choice I've ever made.
My brother is watching with me and he's getting bored.

And I've been a big advocate for this show, but err, I'm also getting bored.
Cant wait for the last of us show remaster coming out next year, followed by a remake in 4 years
lol yall aren't the only ones getting tired


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