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The Future of Final Fantasy, discussion thread

This is what Japanese made for shit posting sometime ago. says that FF aren't really cultivated a new fans in Japan.

It's very interesting to see how there's entire generations of Japanese gamers that grew up mainly on mobile games and Nintendo. I'm sure that won't have an effect at all.
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Youa know what will be great idea a 2D HD Final Fantasy XVII, it can be the FF9 of this era, the return to the classic

Pixel remasters even are having an amazing success
I doubt this game would be pre ordering well if it was traditional turn based. The marketing, the style, the tone/vibe of the story and characters, and being ps5 exclusive at launch are all probably having a far bigger effect on a lack of pre-orders. Despite the hard core gamer bubble's best efforts to rewrite history, FFXV reviewed well, was popular, and had great legs which is why it went on to sell 10 million copies.
I think reviews and word of mouth are ultimately what’s going to make FFXVI a huge success or not at this point. I’m super hyped for this game, but I don’t think they did a good enough job of giving people characters to latch onto in the lead up to launch. It being a console exclusive might make for a better game, but it also doesn’t activate the whole gaming community the way I think a game like this needs.

Regardless, I’m glad the game will be in our hands soon enough. I’m probably going to skip it with the final game so close, but it sounds like there might be a demo soon which hopefully will be part of a turnaround for the game provided the quality is there.
Separate from my post above, wanted to share I was surprised on the anecdote level some of my friends who are more casual Final Fantasy fans and do have PS5s didn’t really know the game existed or was coming out so soon close to launch…so uh that’s potentially a problem for Square if their marketing isn’t even reaching people who would be interested lol.
Separate from my post above, wanted to share I was surprised on the anecdote level some of my friends who are more casual Final Fantasy fans and do have PS5s didn’t really know the game existed or was coming out so soon close to launch…so uh that’s potentially a problem for Square if their marketing isn’t even reaching people who would be interested lol.
General buzz about the game seems low. I’ve seen almost nobody talk about it outside of enthusiast forums. Especially compared to SF6 etc.
Makes sense. Combat is wildly more actioney than any other mainline final fantasy and the story seems much darker. I imagine a lot of existing fans are hesitant about the game.
Square have a huge problem with marketing in the last like 10 years, the only time a Square games get good marketing is when Nintendo do it
Doesn’t that hold up for XIII and XV too though? I mean, they’ve been on this track for such a long time now. I don’t think it’s just the experimental action combat systems that are the core of the issue with the franchise
Yes, XIII and XV both had these problems. And that's why XIII was notable as the beginning of the franchise's decline, which XV inherited and led to a massive over-shipment to retailers WW in its launch year, but especially in Japan. XVI is not the first game to suffer this problem, but it may be the most blatant expression of said suffering, a culmination of it, if you will.

It's not merely the combat system that is the problem, you're right, but it's the very first problem that emerged and all others follow from it, because the core of all the modern franchise's problems have a common origin: a desperate grasping bid to maintain franchise relevance and SQE taking the worst advice on how to do so.
Do people not pre order less now games are digital?

In the past, I’d pre order to make sure my game arrived on day 1 or there was a copy waiting for me in the store.

In the days of digital, I can just turn on my console when the game comes out and download hassle free without having to worry about any of that.
It's a shame that one of the things from past installments that they have really embraced this time is a lack of diversity.
General buzz about the game seems low. I’ve seen almost nobody talk about it outside of enthusiast forums. Especially compared to SF6 etc.
Yeah. This the most surprising thing cause I thought the game has been heavily marketed. But I don’t see much either. Of course in gaming fourm I do.

Funny contrast to Zelda where I saw a lot of anticipation from causal players. Even with the “lack” of marketing for that title. But that one did have the benefit of having a popular title still selling and well liked to this day (BOTW). Then the trailer 3 came out and everyone was looking forward to Zelda. Maybe a demo can help the game.
Yeah this thing is going to live and die by it's critical reception and subsequent word of mouth. The marketing doesn't seem to be working really, presumably the focus on combat and eikon battles has left it feeling a bit stale.

Personally I'm still pretty hyped on the game but the more they show of it, the further it recedes to the backburner of my mind. I can only see the same fights and early story beats so many times before my eyes glaze over. The Salvation trailer was better, at least. This combined with the fact that the game just doesn't have the stylish/outlandish and imaginative 'look' of the Nomura/Kitase games makes it seem kinda dull.

Another point someone on ERA brought up is: what exactly is there to latch on to with these characters? What do we know about Clive and why should I like him? He seems like a pretty serious guy who wants revenge and...not much else? He goes back with Jill, or something. I think he knows Cid.? Contrast with the lead up to XV, I was already heavily invested in Noctis, because the premise of the story made me give a shit about him.

I'm sure it will be great though.
FFXVI looks like everything around it has been decided by an AI fed on NA forum/Twitter posts in order to make the least amount of people mad

- Medieval setting with crystals to please the sci-fi haters that want FF to “go back to medieval, bring crystals back” (it always had sci-fi elements)

- Action combat because “turn based combat is archaic”, let’s bring in the DMC designer for extra clout

- FF’s main online presence nowadays is the MMO that has a free trial etc so let’s bring in that director, Yoshi P Yoshi P Yoshi P, Nomura has too many belts and doesn’t do anything, everyone else is unavailable, Ito is a janitor

- It has to be rated M because games need to be adult, anime is childish, let’s have GOT inspirations because that was the most popular fantasy thing in the last few years

- PS5 exclusive because that’s where the fans are, use the power of the next gen, greatness awaits

Before I got to play FF, as an outsider I always thought the most attractive part of the game is that they looked cool, the characters looked cool, you want to get to know them before even playing the game. FFXVI’s main character looks like dark haired Zell and it has no party. If they want to have FF stay as relevant as it was they better figure out to make games as evocative as VII and X again rather than chasing trends
Anyone who's been following the Famitsu sales for the last 1-2 years knew this was going to be the case for Japan. It's absolutely going to faceplant out of the gate and have a worse opening week than XV. If S-E is worried about the broader picture that's very interesting. Based on some of other recent headlines my guess is they're aiming to have an XBox Series version ready for the month after the exclusivity period ends, then a PC port following that.

If Switch 2 can run this, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a port in late 2024 or early 2025

I've seen some wild predictions, some attributing to the team while others to the brand. Even that does not guarantee sales.

Rebirth has a better chance of selling well because its 7, but even Remake fell off a cliff.
Rebirth is going to sell worse than Remake because a number of people were turned off by how they were redoing the game either mechanically or narratively. And unlike things like X-2 and XIII-2 this is a direct continuation of the story in the previous game so it's not like they're going to pull in new players to replace those ones.

Didn’t XV sell shitloads though? Lower preorders seems predictable if the next one is on less platforms?
XV had a very long tail if I remember correctly, but ended up being one of the best selling entries in the series.

The difference between the two franchises is that Final Fantasy started getting really funky with it's combat system and game structure post X, and has been struggling to maintain the same level of popularity since. It's still popular, sure, but nowhere near the juggernaut it was in it's PS1/PS2 heyday.

Pokemon on the other hand has kept iterating on the same combat system as the original games, and is still monstrously popular with old and new fans to this day.

Someone at Square Enix is telling the higher ups that turn based combat isn't popular and they need to keep going action focused for FF to be really popular again, and it's just not true.
Post-X, the series has been in a weird place of jettisoning gameplay mechanics but not being sure what to replace them with.
I forget if it was Retronauts or USGamer (wait those are the same people) but I remember one of the people affiliated with them pointing out that starting with X two things started happening. One, they seriously started putting the Final Fantasy name on projects that didn't start out as FF games (which isn't that new a phenomena outside of Japan when you consider how Mana and SaGa were originally branded in the US). Two, stuff that was usually done in spinoffs, like changing the combat system, increasingly happened with the main games to the point where there's very little connective tissue in the franchise outside of chocobos and maybe moogles (not a guarantee) or the summon pantheon (which gets shaken up every so often like with VIII and XII).

People from S-E saying they might drop the numbering from future installments might actually be for the best at this point.

Separate from my post above, wanted to share I was surprised on the anecdote level some of my friends who are more casual Final Fantasy fans and do have PS5s didn’t really know the game existed or was coming out so soon close to launch…so uh that’s potentially a problem for Square if their marketing isn’t even reaching people who would be interested lol.

Yes, XIII and XV both had these problems. And that's why XIII was notable as the beginning of the franchise's decline, which XV inherited and led to a massive over-shipment to retailers WW in its launch year, but especially in Japan. XVI is not the first game to suffer this problem, but it may be the most blatant expression of said suffering, a culmination of it, if you will.
Didn't the series peak sales-wise with VII though? There was a significant drop off in sales with VIII, IX didn't sell well due to
Personally I'm pretty stoked for XVI. But I get stoked for every final fantasy almost as much as I do for every Zelda. Admittedly I'm far more excited for Rebirth but I have a lot of faith in Yoshi and his team.
After the past couple years, I'm sure people are pre-ordering less than they use to. Waiting for reviews to see how potentially buggy and finished it is. Its the way to do it now.

I got burnt on Cyberpunk and Battlefiled 2042, they were ass at launch, so they single handedly made me never want to pre-order again.
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Square have a huge problem with marketing in the last like 10 years, the only time a Square games get good marketing is when Nintendo do it

I’m going to die on the hill of Neo The World Ends with You would’ve been better off as a Switch exclusive with Nintendo marketing versus Switch/PS4/PC.
Didn't the series peak sales-wise with VII though? There was a significant drop off in sales with VIII, IX didn't sell well due to
I’m not the best person for sales knowledge, but Final Fantasy XV sold over ten million copies ultimately. The actual number they wanted/needed to hit was much lower, but the director’s personal lofty goal was 10 million and they ultimately hit that. It was a big success.
FFVII was huge in sales, but VIII was still a 8.5(or 8) million copies and X was there too more or less

IX sold less like basically all 2000 playstation only games and also we where entrino the "this looks for babies" that plagues the early 2000s
I’m not the best person for sales knowledge, but Final Fantasy XV sold over ten million copies ultimately. The actual number they wanted/needed to hit was much lower, but the director’s personal lofty goal was 10 million and they ultimately hit that. It was a big success.
that 10mil numbers kinda lost a meaning when it frequently hit a bargain bin.
I think it will be fine, and Sony have no doubt footed the bill a lot which will ease some pain - the marketing has been okay... but i feel like they've shown too much of the same thing over and over since they started finally showing stuff for it - eikons, combat etc... whether that's because its all the game, or they're trying hard to avoid any spoilers has i don't know... but even the launch trailer in the Sony showcase felt very samey and didn't really get me excited for it - but you know we'll see... if it gets them to show Rebirth sooner then thats ok. Still keen for the game though and have it pre-ordered, whether there's something they can show close to release to make it a must buy like TOTK remains to be seen
This game does seem to have several factors going against it, including:

  • Heavy action focus may limit appeal
  • PS5 exclusive limits potential audience
  • Releasing amidst several other big AAA games
  • Characters/setting seem to be divisive
  • $70 games are a hard sell for some
It’ll be interesting to see how well it does - obviously strong reviews can help and FF still has major brand power.
that 10mil numbers kinda lost a meaning when it frequently hit a bargain bin.
That’s how a lot of bigger games operate. It got a lot of sales at higher prices upfront and then made steady sales at lower prices which not every game does as well. Someone more interested in sales than me could try to map average price to the sales milestones, but the main point here is a ton of people did pick the game up. If Square was happy with it, generally I don’t care beyond that.
wouldve happily bought if they were releasing it on a platform worth owning lol

i genuinely think the funniest and most fruitful timeline would be the game preforming so far beneath expectations that squenix never takes a sony limited exclusivity moneyhat again, but thats just a day dream. i just want this shit day and date on pc, man.

that said i dont think the marketing has done the game any favors at all. im not sure whats going on in yoship's brain, but the interviews hes given are such polar opposites of the ones ive heard im give about FF14 that it kinda blows my mind? when i got into ff14 last year i watched danny odwyers noclip doc about the ff14 reboot's development (a really fantastic watch if you have ~90 minutes) and i remember thinking to myself "wow, squenix is lucky they managed to hire this guy because he seems to really get it." the way he spoke about the a realm reborn project, and especially how candid he was willing to be about what the original FF14 release got wrong made it clear (or so i thought) that he understands the fans' reverence for the series because he's such a huge fan himself.

meanwhile in the ff16 marketing blitz i feel like every time yoship opens his mouth he manages to put off some portion of the fanbase online. any individual one of these wouldnt be a big deal on its own, but boy it was starting to compound lol. it almost makes me wonder if he has some higher up in his ear or something, since the contrast with how he talks about 14 is so stark.
I wonder if it has to do with how many people have PS5's? I can't really tell, but it feels like maybe there were more people that had a PS4 in 2016 (when XV was released) than the amount with PS5's today.
My feelings towards FF16 are all over the place. I was a pretty casual video game player until I got a PS2 with Final Fantasy 10 and Kingdom Hearts which changed my life forever (probably for the worse tbh). I could never get into FF12 or FF13 and I thought FF15 was decent until it shat itself at the end. I love action games like Devil May Cry 5 so FF16 should have me over the moon but something is just off.

Timing isn't helping it either. I'm still deep in Tears of the Kingdom and then there's Street Fighter 6 which just came out, Diablo IV is around the corner, and I haven't even touched Dead Space, RE4, and Jedi Survivor. And all of those outside of Zelda are on Xbox which is my preferred platform. And by the time I'm done with all of those the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC and Armored Core VI should be out and then there's Starfield which is going to dominate my whole life.

I don't blame Sony for locking up Final Fantasy but I'm not sure when I'm going to hook up my PS5 to play it. And as I increasingly want to cut down to just one console to save money there's a chance I just don't. I'd never want to miss out on Final Fantasy but I can't choose it over Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.
They should be happy that it is even close to 15s preorders... The pre release hype back then was enormous

XV also had an insane amountt of hype in the leadup to launch
I’ll admit that I’m something of an outsider looking in regarding Final Fantasy, but my perception was that the brand is a lot stronger now then it was at XV’s release, given the reintroduction of FFVII into the limelight and the continued success of XIV. So it’s surprising to me that XVI isn’t tracking above the prior entry, especially as it has seemed pretty heavily anticipated from what I’ve seen.
I have to assume they also look into Digital pre-orders right? They would know that data too I feel.

Probably can be concerning there
It would be a shame, but i see a future where square stops making console games, and goes all in on mobile. Seems like their last few games have bombed pretty bad. Not that they are bad, but just not selling. They probably spent a lot of money on forspoken, and that thing just failed to sell
This is just my opinion as a fan of old-school FF, but here are things I would like to see as the "core" of Final Fantasy games:

1. Turn-based party combat. Obviously there can be a lot of variation here: CTB, ATB, etc. And there can be a huge variety of ways to level up and equip those characters: class system, job system, materia, skill trees, etc. "Turn-based" does not have to mean the death of innovation in any way.

2. Familiar character powers within that system: elemental spells, summons, limit breaks, etc.

3. Incorporation of steampunk or scifi elements within a fantasy world. Also, airships.

4. An original story which has familiar elements but doesn't depend on knowing any other game in the series. Obviously there can be exception if it's like an X-2 or something.

5. A world map. Maybe more controversial but I think when they lost the world map it was a step in the wrong direction. I don't want an open world for Final Fantasy, I want a large-scale world map which would be impossible to create as an open world. You can have important areas as fully explorable zones, labyrinths, towns etc. but FF deserves a large overworld.

6. A story based on an ensemble cast which starts with a small scope and rapidly expands to world-changing proportions.
I wonder if it has to do with how many people have PS5's? I can't really tell, but it feels like maybe there were more people that had a PS4 in 2016 (when XV was released) than the amount with PS5's today.
They already accounted for that
I doubt this game would be pre ordering well if it was traditional turn based. The marketing, the style, the tone/vibe of the story and characters, and being ps5 exclusive at launch are all probably having a far bigger effect on a lack of pre-orders. Despite the hard core gamer bubble's best efforts to rewrite history, FFXV reviewed well, was popular, and had great legs which is why it went on to sell 10 million copies.
You are overstating how well XV reviewed

XV has an 81 on metacritic so it reviewed....ok but for the next big AAA FF game I doubt square is satisfied with that score. They DEFINITLY don't want XVI to have that score
I wonder if it has to do with how many people have PS5's? I can't really tell, but it feels like maybe there were more people that had a PS4 in 2016 (when XV was released) than the amount with PS5's today.
There's a difference there, but not huge. Relative to time from system launch the game launch is just a few months earlier, and PS5 might be now/soon ahead of PS4 anyway.
I’m not the best person for sales knowledge, but Final Fantasy XV sold over ten million copies ultimately. The actual number they wanted/needed to hit was much lower, but the director’s personal lofty goal was 10 million and they ultimately hit that. It was a big success.
Yea, XV is sorta the odd one out, although I'd wonder if even with 10 million in sales if they actually recouped the development costs given how protracted the development was. But something with that game really resonated with people even despite all its faults which is still cool to see.

I still think that if Switch 2 is a continuation of the hardware design of Switch that we're going to see Square push like crazy to port the rest of their catalog over to Nintendo's hardware. XIII is hitting it's 15th anniversary next year, XVI will be exiting the exclusivity period in January (barring Intergrade style shenanigans), 7R can happen whenever and 7R2 will be out of any exclusivity window likely by middle of 2024. Sprinkle in native ports of KH games (at least the original trilogy) and you've got a pretty healthy pipeline.

Final Remix sold like shit though
Plenty of people were annoyed about the loss of the dual screen since it's derived from Solo Remix, and the replacement control scheme for playing on TV, plus I'm guessing a portion of that fan base had already moved on. I think people also felt kinda burned after Solo Remix sorta promising the new content that would eventually come with Final Remix only for it not to happen in Solo Remix.

I don't think it was just the marketing, but a lot of what made that game unique was really tied up with the DS and the context into which it was released. Persona hadn't really caught on yet in the west yet even though (coincidentally TWEWY and P3FES both landed the same day in NA) and in general S-E was struggling with the PS3 with FFXIII still about 2 years away at that point, and still coming off some their merger pains that started to rear their head in the late PS2 era. TWEWY was probably the project that made me take notice of what Square-Enix was doing on the DS after seeing fairly sour reactions to Tactics A2 and the Mana games in reviews and the online discourse.

Which is a long-winded way of saying that the market Final Remix and Neo entered into was vastly different than what the original game benefited from. And there was probably no way for S-E to recapture that lightning in a bottle again.
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Rebirth is going to sell worse than Remake because a number of people were turned off by how they were redoing the game either mechanically or narratively. And unlike things like X-2 and XIII-2 this is a direct continuation of the story in the previous game so it's not like they're going to pull in new players to replace those ones.
I agree. I believe that's why the sales plummeted for Remake, divisive ending and a padded out game (combat was fun though).
I’ll admit that I’m something of an outsider looking in regarding Final Fantasy, but my perception was that the brand is a lot stronger now then it was at XV’s release, given the reintroduction of FFVII into the limelight and the continued success of XIV. So it’s surprising to me that XVI isn’t tracking above the prior entry, especially as it has seemed pretty heavily anticipated from what I’ve seen.
All the hype before and during release notwithstanding, FFVIIR seems to have sold on the lower end of mainline Final Fantasies; I don't think we ever got an official update past the 5~ million figure
I have very mixed feeling towards this game

The spectacle and everything sure looks neat, but DMC combat just isn't what I want out of Final Fantasy.

Personally, I think that the series inability to nail down a solid vision for how it plays is a huge weakness. I hated XV, absolutely adore how FF7R plays, and am just not quite sure what to make of XVI.

If I could have my way, FF7R combat would be the standard for the whole series, but that's never gonna happen, especially when they seem so intent on chasing Western appeal no matter what
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Doesn’t that hold up for XIII and XV too though? I mean, they’ve been on this track for such a long time now. I don’t think it’s just the experimental action combat systems that are the core of the issue with the franchise, FFVIII’s combat system was turn based and that turned me off at the time too. I think it’s more the series has a wider identity crisis at this point, scattered across so many sub-series and ideas, but you’ve also got this AAA game trend of big series all wanting to be a big action game with rpg elements, no matter whether it started as an rpg or an action game. So it’s kinda torn between FF being all over the place (when the series has a history of experimentation, which is cool), but also the money being at a particular junction point between so many genres. I don’t know if that makes any sense. Sorry if not. I’m kinda having trouble getting my head around my own point 😅

I brought up Octopath as sure, it’s a different IP. But as someone who loved the older FF games it’s exactly what I want out of FF, lots of wonderful characters, scenarios, crazy steampunk vehicles and cities side-by-side with raw fantasy, the melodrama alongside the humour and the camraderie. I just don’t really need FF any more when Octopath II is the older FF games with a great battle system in all but name. I guess that’s why 2DHD exists, to serve people like me who just find that’s exactly what they want as a mix of the old and the new, rather than whatever the latest game with the FF branding on the box is.
The problems the FF series currently faces do go back to XV and XIII, and even further back I'd argue to X-2 and XII.

It's basically well documented at this point that every mainline FF game from XII onwards has gone into development hell. XIV is seen as a success story now, but that game basically had to be developed twice just to get to an acceptable state. XV was cobbled together from a decade of development ideas for Versus XIII. That's all contributed to the fact that the series now is less consistent and just less polished than it was during the SNES to PS1 era, when they had development of these games nailed down to a tee.

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