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StarTopic The 2024 Completed Games Thread

1. Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon [ PS5 ] - 9
2. Dragon Quest [ SNES*] - 7.5
3. Another Code: Recollection [ NS ] - 6
4. Trace Memory (7th Replay) [ DS ] - 9
5. Celeste 64: Fragments of the Mountain [ PC ] - 3
6. Silent Hill: The Short Message [ PS5 ] - 4
7. Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (4th Playthrough) [ NS ] - 6 - 1st Switch
8. Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3rd Playthrough) [ NS ] - 9 - 1st Switch
9. Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (3rd Playthrough) [ NS ] - 10 - 1st Switch
10. Baldur's Gate III [ PS5 ] - 10
11. Infamous: First Light [ PS5 ] - 6
12. Resident Evil Village + Shadows of Rose [ PS5 ] - 6
13. Ufouria: The Saga 2 [ NS ] - 9
14. Elden Ring + Shadow of the Erdtree [ PS5 ] - 10
15. Detective Ridelle [ PC ] - 7
16. This Bed We Made [ PS5 ] - 7
17. Carpathian Night starring Bela Lugosi [ PC ] - 8
18. Dragon's Dogma II [ PS5 ] - 10 - 2 Playthroughs
19. Withering Rooms [ PS5 ] - 8.5
20. Gestalt: The Fifth Day [ PC ] - 8
21. Stellar Blade [ PS5 ] - 7
22. Sol Cresta [ PS5 ] - 9

*Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree [ PS5 ]

Much like the base game, there are a decent amount of annoying elements, between some trollish enemy placements, the at times silly boss attack patterns, janky camera during fast movement moments from the bosses and some overall annoying enemies, that are backed time and time again by legendary sequences, be it great NPCs, the spectacle of the bosses, the incredible new music tracks that I'll say eclipses the main game, the fantastic dungeon that is the Shadowkeep, the oppressing atmosphere and cool gimmick of the Abyssal Woods or the breathtakingly beautiful Shaman Village, the emotional punch of the second to last story fight, etc. Shadow of the Erdtree has a lot of the same magic that made me love Elden Ring.
18)Klonoa 2: Lunatea
Felt like a quick adventure and remembered I had this in the backlog. Another fun and charming adventure and pretty quick… Cept screw jewel collection. I’m also one short of the doll bells and I’m not sure I’m in the mood for the one I missed

1) Riccchhhhhaaarrrrd Metal Wolf Chaos XD
2) Toree 3D
3) Piczle Cross Adventure
4) Macbat 64
5)Metroid Prime Remastered
6) Good Job!
7)Golden Sun
8) Crash 4
9)Star Wars Starfighter SE
10) EDF2025(ranger normal)
11) Klonoa Door to Phantomile
12) Just Cause 2
13) Final Fantasy IX
14) SW Jedi Starfighter
15)Ace Combat 7
16) Megaton Musashi Wired
17) Super Mario 64
1- Dragon Quest Treasures (Switch)
2- F-zero (SNES)
3- The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie (SNES)
4- Gunple: Gunman's Proof (SNES)
5- Go! Go! Ackman (SNES)
6- The Legend of Zelda (NSO)
7- Super Bomberman 3 (SNES)
8- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
9- Castlevania III (Switch)
10- Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition (Switch)
11- Toem (Switch)
12- Super Castlevania IV (Switch)
13- Cuphead (Switch)
14- Cuphead - Delicious Last Course (Switch)
15- Super Mario RPG (Switch)
16- The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe (Switch)
17- Journey (PS4)
18- Hollow Knight (Switch)
19- Super Mario Bros 3 (NSO)
20- Pikmin 2 (Switch)

21- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (NSO)

Been a while since my last updated. I've been juggling between a bunch of different games, so hopefully I'll be able to report more completions soon.

I had finished Ages in the past, and I even took note of my password and attached it to my Seasons cartridge with tape so I could continue my journey someday, but since then, all my game boys broke lol When the Oracle games came to NSO I wanted to finally play it, but I was still hoping for a remake using the LA's assets, so I waited. However, last week when they announced Echoes of Wisdom, I figured that won't happen anytime soon and finally bit the bullet on playing Seasons on NSO. Ironically, I decided not to go for a linked game so I ignored the password I had took note of so long ago lol The reason is I've mostly forgotten everything about Ages at this point, so I decided to play both again back to back, starting with Seasons, which I hadn't played before.

The game is quite fun and breezy. My biggest gripe with it, as expected, is how clunky it is to open the menu every two seconds to reassign items. That alone would make a remake worth it, but oh well. Other than that, the game holds up pretty well, there are some clunky puzzles here and there but it's overall very smooth. I can tell it's an outsourced game, however, it's not nearly on the same level as LA, especially the music.

Anyway, I will take some time before playing Ages (hopefully not a decade again) so I won't get burnt. I'm super excited for EoW in just a couple months, so that was a great appetizer.
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Jun 2024 - Robotics;Notes DaSH

Main thoughts about this visual novel over on the VN thread. Along with my thoughts for almost every main 'phase' within the game.


If tl;dr, the ending was great. But you have to go through so much cringey, bad Gary Stu writing that it's not worth it for most readers. I don't hate fanservice but it can seriously be done better and more tastefully.

Now... what should I play next... Either Ryza 3 or TTYD (if I can get my hands on it for cheaper-than-retail-rate!)

#10. Castlevania Legends (GB NSO)

Once upon a time this was the first game on the Castlevania timeline, until Konami decided to scrub from the canon. In any case, it's a pretty simple old school action-adventure platformer. Gameplay is a little slow and stiff but not in a way that's boring. Level design is mostly fine but there's some BS decisions like enemies respawning whenever their spawn point goes off screen, which is super annoying in vertical sections of stages (there's a ton of them).

Overall, it's fun but honestly very average. It's pretty short (~2 hours for a first playthrough) so it's not a huge time investment at least.
Shadow of the Colossus: See, I feel like a game this peculiar doesn’t really warrant a traditional review, so instead I will rank the 5 best and worst colossi based upon design, strategy, and whatever else I want. Now, to get started with..

16.) Phalanx/ #13: Very telling for the quality of this game that the worst boss is a 7/10, but Phalanx still falls short compared to its gargantuan competition. Beyond the obvious fact that it, well, literally can’t kill you, his gimmick isn’t anything that hadn’t already been done better in other fights like Dirge and Avion. His design also just feels the most boring out of the colossi, and the monster designs in this game are one of its best attributes. All in all, 13 does the worst job at showcasing the strengths this game has, despite being an all around fine boss
15.) Basaran/ #9: Despite having the my favorite fan name of any colossi (and being based on one my favorite real life animals) , Basaran finds his tortious self in second to last. His gimmick of being tipped over by a water spout is actually pretty clever, if not slightly obvious by how out of place the spouts are in the barren desert. The big issue with the fight is how slow he is, just lumbering around for what feels like an eternity until he gets to the water. And even when he is toppled he is easily the most jank colossus to climb. All of this is really odd to me because no other titan, not even Phalanx, has these issues. Literally every other colossus is perfectly smooth to climb and takes just the right amount of time to beat, but Basaran just has to be different. At least his design is cool
14.) Pelagia/ #12: Definitely number 1 in the odd category, but sadly that’s not the metric of quality here so this bad boy goes in number 14. Design wise I can’t really understand the idea of giving him a set of musical rocks on his head, but you go king I guess. I also can’t say I enjoy how said musical rocks play into the fight, with his gimmick of being moved to a high platform not being nearly as natural as any other. Also, you’re supposed to get up to Pelagia by just swimming behind him without doing anything to stun or distract the beast, and it’s so frustrating because no other colossi is this easily to get on top of, why would I just assume to swim behind him? And Dormin gives easily his worst hint of the game here, like how does saying “sorry you can’t attack him now lmao” help me. For all my complaining, he is a good boss, and taking him down is satisfying, he’s just frustrating
13.5) Actually it’s time for a quick tangent because I just reminded myself of this, is the plural of colossus really colossi? Like is this something the devs just made up or is it proper English, because I‘ve never heard the word colossi in my life
13.) Phaedra/ #4: I really don’t have as much to say on this one, I just don’t really like the strategy to beat him. Making him look for you in a pit then jumping his ass from behind is satisfying, sure, but it has the issue of just feeling like an odd solution when no other colossi gets duped as easily as this one. Maybe he’s just a stupid boy, but that’s no excuse to be a relatively mediocre boss fight. Design is great, and I really like his dangly things, but that’s sadly not enough to save this horsey boy from 13th
12.) Hydrus/ #7: Mid, next

I kinda wanna get some random thoughts on the game out between lists, so here: I really like the voice they gave Dormin, sounds so eerie and cool. Agro (or as I nicknamed him, Booster) is the GOAT, so happy he lived in the end. The music in this game, goodness gracious is it good. And visually for a PS2 game, what an amazing technical showcase for that consoles penultimate year. I also wanted to shout out Colossus 11, Celosia. He just barely missed top 5, and I felt he deserved something because of how interesting his fight is. It felt so much more brutal because it was something roughly your size, so you can see all its little movements as it desperately runs away, backs up in fear, or charges in self defense. And that’s a big thing with Celosia, he shows better then any other colossus just how far Wander is going to save Mono, going out of his way to hunt and kill a creature who is merely defending itself from an invader. Now, back to the list!

5.) Argus/ #15: It was a pretty tough choice between Argus and Gaius, but in the end Argus won me over. I love how towering he is, more than any other colossus at the point you meet him. He also has a really interesting strategy that harkens back to multiple previous colossi. You have to get him to smash specific points like Gaius, stab a weak point to open up his vitals like Valus, and have to lure him with the bow and arrow like Kuromori. He just feels perfect for an end game boss, putting everything you learned throughout your journey to the test before you reach the real big finale
4.) Kuromori/ #8: An almost perfect fight that mixes together spectacle with strategy in an all time awesome boss battle. The build up with you entering this great colosseum really set the mood well for something truly vicious waiting for you. The strategy in this boss is amazing, with you luring him onto the wall being perfectly hinted at though the suggestions of Dormin and the verticality of the colosseum. His design is amazing, that moment when you knock him off the wall is amazing, everything about this guy is just a home run. The only thing they could’ve done better was make it more clear that you couldn’t do anything on the ground, but even that’s a pretty small issue
3.) Dirge/ #10: Some of the most tense moments in the entire game come from Dirge. The first time you get into the ring and you have to think on the fly how to stun this giant thing as it chases just behind you is enthralling. His almost shark like design while under water might be my favorite in the entire game, just a perfect mix of cool and terrifying. His fight is short but sweet not overstaying it’s welcome like SOME colossi I know (looking at you Basaran). I feel like I don’t have much to say here because this boss is just amazing, no complaints
2.) Malus/ #16: What an insane finale this sucker is. This is actually one of the few colossi that I saw before getting to them in game, but I still never would’ve guessed just how big he was. This boss was probably where Team Ico brought in the dark arts and voodoo magic because the idea of this running on a PS2 is insane. And his actual fight is just as jaw dropping as his design, being the only colossus in the game that felt more like an action boss than a puzzle. Nothing feels better then that moment where you just barely cross from barrier to barrier as he throws gargantuan beams of light, and the first time you get to the top of his head and just look at the ground below, god. Easily one of my favorite final bosses, and one I’m sire will stick with me for a loooong time. But theirs still one boss that even better…
1.) Avion/ #5: One of the best examples I’ve ever seen of every strength a game has coming together into one beautiful moment. The way it edges you on to experiment and try new things to get atop the flying giant, the way the game rewards you for your experimentation with a truly transcendent moment when you first get on to his back in sync with music and hold on for dear life, this fight is just perfect. This is the first boss in the game that really requires the players all just to not fall off, with Avion twisting, turning, and thrashing to get you off. The difficulty, strategy, and spectacle mix together to make one of the best moments in any game I’ve ever played, and I would honestly recommend Shadow of the Colossus for this boss alone

So yeah, I kinda like this game. 9/10, real great time

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