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Discussion TGA 2021 is less than two months away. What reveals, if any, is Nintendo planning this year?

A lot of candidates. Prime Remake and a Prime 4 tease. A longer botw 2 trailer, Xenoblade 3 trailer, Resident Evil, Silksong, any kind of exclusive deal really. Usually Nintendo shows exclusive big games there so I’m looking forward to it.
Botw 2 gameplay reveal bu it would be probably only teaser trailer with release date. But i would like to see new games from EPD Tokyo or EPD 9.
I think they're gonna go balls to the wall and do a gameplay reveal for botw2. No subtitle though.

And then I could see some surprise title drops for n64 online.
BOTW2's March release date
The dream will never die!!!!!
Though in my most optimistic dreams it's early summer. It's not that I think that it won't be ready even for march, it's just that I think they'll take advantage of fall. I was gonna say if it were to come in March it would've been announced at E3 like Animal Crossing, then I remembered that BotW 1 wasn't dated until 1 month and a half ahead of launch.
Strictly Nintendo speaking, yeah BOTW2. I'm pretty sure Bill Trinen at E3 said we would see the game once more this year ? Did I imagine that ?

And yeah I expect Resident Evil Rev 3 to be there, but I don't expect it to be published by Nintendo. Capcom published themselves Monster Hunter, and that one was a console exclusive. RE will release on PS and Xbox too, I don't even expect a timed exclusivity tbh.
About the odds of BotW 2:
The original had a history with TGA. Also, it's not like we're not in due time to learn its subtitle. We new BotW subtitle in June 2016, almost 9 months ahead of its march 2017 release. We only got to know the 03.03.2017 date at 01/17/2017.
That leads me with:
1) it's not like it's a sure thing the game will come holiday 2022. It could get a blowout at TGA and be released in March and that would already be dated earlier than the original. Odds of that happening are almost non existent tho. A spring or early summer release is still in the cards tho imo.
2) it's not like going radio silent for another year after breaking the two year silence a smart ideia. Breath of the Wild was revealed at E3 2014, got gameplay at the TGA 2014, then a short teaser at November 2015 direct, then gameplay trailer, loads of gameplay, treehouse, title reveal and playable at E3 2016, then appeared at the Switch announcement at October 2016, had a story trailer and gameplay showcase at TGA, then its greatest trailer and release date at the Switch showcase in January 2017 for a march 2017 release.
BotW 2 was revealed at E3 2019, didn't appear at all in 2020, had a trailer and gameplay reveal and was dated for 2022 at E3 2021. And ... We're expecting it to only appear again at E3 2022 with subtitle for a October/November release? I don't think it'll work like that. I very strongly believe they will show it either at the TGA or at February Direct, maybe have its title revealed, and then having a great E3 blowout.
I might seem among the most optimistic but I even say I hope it gets its subtitle revealed at TGA. Zelda is the perfect franchise to appear there and it's the perfect opportunity to show and hype up the game. Not to mention it almost certainly will win most anticipated game.
Okay so I'll do my list:
1) Zelda Breath of the Wild 2: I think it's the most likely. It's gonna be Nintendo's biggest launch of next year (unless they release Mario Kart or 3D Mario surpasses Zelda this time). It's already hyped and can get even more hyped up. Also we're all eager to see more. And as @MaitreWakou said, Bill Trinen did say at E3 we would see the game again before the end of the year.
2) Resident Evil Outrage: I was thinking why people were bringing it up, then I remembered Resident Evil is more of an early year release. If they aim for a May launch like Village or March like MHR, it's the perfect spot to announce it. Tbh honest that announcement alone would be enough for all the spotlights going to Nintendo Switch, after all the praise the franchise has been receiving since VII. Would generate a lot of buzz. And it's not like there's any later date to announce a game coming in spring.
3) Metroid Prime Remakester/4: that would be the most likely, even more likely than Zelda if it wasn't for the 4 factor. Showing the remake without showing 4 would be misleading, and showing a game aiming for 2023 might not be the most Nintendo thing to do. Also there's the fact that announcing that just two months after Dread might take away its shine - even tho it can also put even more lights in Metroid. I will go dreaming to see it knowing I might have to wait till E3.

From now on it's stuff I don't really think will be there, but would somewhat make sense and other users are mentioning. Also guessing an unexpected surprise is fun.

4) Xenoblade Chronicles 3: I don't recall anything Xenoblade at the TGA? But it might be a good opportunity to get more eyes on the franchise. If it's really polished and has appealing graphics it might aim for open world enthusiasts and western RPG fans. Also BDII was a TGA announcement, and Joker for Smash got everyone going orgasmic so it's not like JRPGs and anime designs can't generate loads of hype. I'm excited to see this game but don't know whether I expect it or not. Would be cool to see it shown and releasing by may-july.
5) Donkey Kong by EPD Tokyo: they have to announce it some day and it's probably very close to completion. It might be a good opportunity to give DK the spotlight, as it being an E3 reveal might get it overshadowed by Zelda. Also it's a dormant IP as far as new games go, and it's pretty western centric and usually graphic appealing so it's a great chance. I don't think it'll be there but I'll love to see it. Also it'll be the spiritual successor to Cranky Kong in 2013.
6) Super Mario Odyssey 2/ whatever the next 3D Mario is: Mario is in a weird spot where it's the most popular franchise, the most acclaimed franchise (alongside Zelda), the best selling franchise(Mario as a whole) and yet it doesn't use the hype machine a lot. Maybe because it doesn't really need to? It's a be awkward that Zelda games are announced 2-4 years ahead of release and Mario is announced at E3 to release the same year. I don't think it should be announced way ahead, I don't even think Zelda should, but a 15-18 month hype cycle like Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Maker or Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS had, where it's announced at E3 for the fall of the following year, is pretty great to me. Balance of having a hype building up without going radio silent or waiting years for information. I always dreamed with Mario getting emotionally and edgy appealing like Zelda, SMO almost did, in fact Galaxy did I think. I would love to see Super Mario Odyssey 2: Subtitle being revealed at The Games Awards in a way similar to how SMO was shown at the Switch showcase or E3, where in the beginning you guess 30000 games but Mario, then having some CG-i/cutscenes drama, emotional Rosalina, huuuuuuuuge areas, etc, and then in the end the release year. Really just take Jan 2017 BotW trailer or E3 2021 BotW 2 trailer and make a t Mario. Make some people cry of emotion. I mean everyone because everyone loves Mario. It's just a fanfic tho, 100% not happening. I'll be overly pessimistic about it. So it'll happen.
Style Savvy. Clearly.

Now seriously, it would be a good time for another BOTW2 trailer. Part of me would say seeing something Metroid Prime related, but i got burned on betting on it being there a few years ago lol
BotW2 is my guess as well. Nintendo knows TGAs audience, and past reveals have been Zelda, Bayonetta, and Smash which all have extremely passionate followings from adults. Smash is done and I doubt it's Bayonetta this soon after the latest Direct.

Resident Evil Outrage also makes a lot of sense, but I dont really think of that as a "Nintendo reveal" similar to Ghosts n Goblins reveal at last year's TGAs which was also a timed Switch exclusive.
BoTW2 or the Prime remake are my guesses.

If RE Outrage is there I think that announcement will be handled by Capcom like Ghosts n' Goblins was.
Golden Sun The Collecxtion, remade for the Switch from the ground up. It is just middle tier for Nintendo that I could see them doing that.
I feel like there won't be a reveal of something new. I think we'll get a Splatoon 3 trailer with the two new girls with a date for early 2021 (Feb. is still my guess on this game). They've been tweeting about Splatoon 3 a lot lately.
I could see Breath of the Wild sequel getting a trailer. I can see some more Metroid news. I am not sure if they already plan now to do something during the event. But if Metroid Dread is nominated in some way or form I wouldn't be surprised that Metroid gets pushed in some way
Celebrating success of Metroid Dread, capitalizing on its recent win in "Best Search Action Game of 2021", MP1 reveal + gameplay for April 2022

But wait...!

CGI cinematic teaser, followed by Metroid Prime 4: [four syllable title] (2023)

(BotW2 won't get a title drop+gameplay until March 3rd, 2022 for the five year anniversary of Switch/BotW).
The absolute silence from Team Cherry reminds me of the silence we got for Bayonetta 3. Nintendo may have stepped in and wanted absolute silence on the project as they provided further support. My speculation entirely. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Silksong highlighted in the same way other partners have gotten highlighted on previous award shows.
The absolute silence from Team Cherry reminds me of the silence we got for Bayonetta 3. Nintendo may have stepped in and wanted absolute silence on the project as they provided further support. My speculation entirely. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Silksong highlighted in the same way other partners have gotten highlighted on previous award shows.
I think Bayonetta 3 is a bit different as it's basically a Nintendo project at this point, fully funded by them, which isn't the case on Silksong, probably it's still an independent endeavor. Would be cool if Nintendo gets them a spot on a big event like that though, and they already did it once at an E3
I think the most likely reveals are Xenoblade 3, the Metroid Prime Remake, and RE Outrage in that order and we get 2/3 at most. All three are rumored to be nearly done and fit the “excites the older Nintendo fan” criteria. It sounds like Xenoblade 3 leans closer to the original’s tone (or perhaps even darker?) so that should play well. I’d be worried Metroid Prime Remake needs to be shown with Prime 4, but it would be more Metroid synergy after Dread. I think RE Outrage makes a ton of sense, but there could be backlash announcing a Switch exclusive in a normally PS/Xbox first franchise at the Game Awards.

I don’t think Zelda will be there since I don’t think it is making 2022. Would love to be wrong.
My predictions:

Metroid Prime Remake and Metroid Prime 4 teaser.
Xenoblade 3
Fire Emblem Remake

Capcom will handle RE Outrage.
Earthbound 64 finally released on NSO, of course, along with Goemon. Then announcements of new Mother and Goemon games coming to Switch next year.

Or Metroid and Zelda. We’re surely due Outrage news soon too.
Fire Emblem Remake
More Echoes would be so great.
One or two of the following

  • BotW 2
  • Resident Evil Outrage - Its absence in the September Direct means one of the two things to me: it is either coming later than the leak suggested or the reveal is gonna be at TGA.
  • Metroid Prime Remake - TGA is a fine venue for such an announcement, especially if it come with a...
  • Metroid Prime 4 update - although I don't think we'll be seeing anything on that until 2022.
  • Xenoblade 3 - TGA has been used to announce Nintendo-exclusive JRPGs before, with Bravely Default II. Xenoblade's scope would fit well for a TGA reveal.
Fucking Donkey Kong, baby~! Proudly show that K. Rool is back, too.

Prime remake is another good one. Though I almost wonder if it'd be too soon, if they wanted give Dread breathing room.

Outrage is something I can see, too. But on the other hand, Nintendo could easily keep that for themselves, and reveal it in something like a January/February Direct. Make it another primetime Direct, if they got more than one "mature" game to show off, like another view at Bayonetta 3.

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