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Fun Club Switch Has It Together, Precluding One Simple Trick…

Do You Crave What I Crave?

  • Total voters


𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖊𝖉
𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 / 𝖘𝖍𝖊
My fellow threadizens, we need to talk.

We all know and love the Switch. It does what it says on the tin. You sling that sucker on a bus ride to nowhere and you’ll damn near play the last decades to four.

TV’s no different — you bloom on the big boy aquarium and get a whole heck of the glorious same. Hallelujah! What a world!

But one single thing keeps it from nirvana — and I sure as shots don’t mean Cobain.

Listen clear, Nintendo spies:

give us the gol dang
𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖔𝖓

I’m serious! I’m sawing more backlog than bedlog these days, least in the shuteye sense. We’re one inch from wonder. Take us there!

The powers that be are stuffing our stockings with war, famine, pestilence, and plight. O ye magi, one last gift: grant your fledgling console absolution. Take consequence from our joy-conned paws; let us spin the holy wheel.

If you’re thinkin’ to yourself “Suswave. What in the hell are you ramblin’ on about?” — well, then I implore you to read the title of this thread again, very, very carefully.

…and read this clearer explanation that came to me as an afterthought!

Agree? Agree but shy? Agree but pretending to disagree? Sound off below! Let’s get this show on the road!
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I voted "I am but the river" because it describes how I am in all things these days. The uncertainty overflows in my world, the random triggers my fear. I crave solid ground, certainty, understanding. My body is not ravenous, my spirit is not charged, I am mere flotsam waiting to see which shore I wash up on, so that one day I might dry out and finally see what sprouts. Perhaps then I might have the stability to accept random into my life. In the meantime I just want my goddamn symmetrical thumbsticks back.
I voted "I am but the river" because it describes how I am in all things these days. The uncertainty overflows in my world, the random triggers my fear. I crave solid ground, certainty, understanding. My body is not ravenous, my spirit is not charged, I am mere flotsam waiting to see which shore I wash up on, so that one day I might dry out and finally see what sprouts. Perhaps then I might have the stability to accept random into my life. In the meantime I just want my goddamn symmetrical thumbsticks back.
well shit, my dude; you are but the river
What Does It Mean… What Does It All Mean…
realizing now that I may have been too focused on making this post weird and not focused enough on saying what I mean

I’m talking about something on the home screen you’d click that would pick and start a random game for you from your collection, like an “I’m Feeling Lucky” or “Shuffle All” type thing!
This sounds so stupid on paper but I feel like this would be a feature a lot of people would actually use nowadays on various platforms. I might actually use it. When am I otherwise going to finally end up trying those Switch games I bought years ago like The Dragon's Trap, Horace, Necrodancer, the cyberpunk bartender one that's annoying to type? Certainly not of my own volition!

You'd probably need at minimum the ability to remove games you've already finished from the pool for it to work, though.
I may have been too focused on making this post weird

I’m talking about something on the home screen you’d click that would pick and start a random game for you from your collection, like an “I’m Feeling Lucky” or “Shuffle All” type thing!
oh shit I thought you were talking about controller button placement 🤣
that's actually a really nifty idea
oh shit I thought you were talking about controller button placement 🤣
that's actually a really nifty idea
it’s literally my #1 most wanted Switch feature, and it’d be so easy…

and no worries, I made it confusing as hell!
I picked "you invoke" because the Xbox Suprise Me! gives me a headache.

Xbox has at least SEVEN, and you can apply filters to each of them!

One for installed games, one for all games your account has a licence for, one for games you own in perpetuity, one only for games on Game Pass, one only for games on EA Play, one only for games claimed with Games with Gold, and one for all non-game apps you've ever installed.

You almost need a Suprise Me! button to decide which Surprise Me! button to press.

For Switch, two problems are that "classic games" are both vast in number and contained within apps, and there's no system level distinction between a "game" and an "app", nor between genres, so there wouldn't be filtering other than groups you make yourself, unless Nintendo made the Random button pull genre info from the eShop. It could absolutely work, and you could say, pick a random game from a group, but it really would be more of a crapshoot, and if it lands on an NSO app, they'd better have a Random button inside the app!
This sounds so stupid on paper but I feel like this would be a feature a lot of people would actually use nowadays on various platforms. I might actually use it. When am I otherwise going to finally end up trying those Switch games I bought years ago like The Dragon's Trap, Horace, Necrodancer, the cyberpunk bartender one that's annoying to type? Certainly not of my own volition!

You'd probably need at minimum the ability to remove games you've already finished from the pool for it to work, though.
true, but sometimes you want to replay an old one for fun!

the workaround there would be to have it also accessible inside folders
I picked "you invoke" because the Xbox Suprise Me! gives me a headache.

Xbox has at least SEVEN, and you can apply filters to each of them!

One for installed games, one for all games your account has a licence for, one for games you own in perpetuity, one only for games on Game Pass, one only for games on EA Play, one only for games claimed with Games with Gold, and one for all non-game apps you've ever installed.

You almost need a Suprise Me! button to decide which Surprise Me! button to press.

For Switch, two problems are that "classic games" are both vast in number and contained within apps, and there's no system level distinction between a "game" and an "app", nor between genres, so there wouldn't be filtering other than groups you make yourself, unless Nintendo made the Random button pull genre info from the eShop. It could absolutely work, and you could say, pick a random game from a group, but it really would be more of a crapshoot, and if it lands on an NSO app, they'd better have a Random button inside the app!
damn, I didn’t realize Xbox did this already. that’s the only win I’ll give Xbox

and I very much agree that it should be a feature inside NSO too!

I think if it also worked inside folders, you wouldn’t need to overcomplicate it the Xbox way

I’d argue it should pick from downloaded games

but I also very much see the appeal of picking from any game and telling you to download it… hrm
So I personally am someone who plays one game at a time and hardly ever goes back after completion, but looking at how big my Switch library is (and having seen some others) I can see the appeal in having a Ransom button for those who are a bit more bouncy between games and have huge libraries to scroll through. I think if Ninty were to do it they'd implement it in a way that isn't too invasive or headachey (at least I'd hope, @Concernt) but with that NSO button you never know. 😅

Actually come to think of it, it might be interesting to have one on the eShop, too! Like if a sale is going on and there's a lot of discounts on all the things and you get choice paralysis (me) and could just click a button to have the eShop navigate to a random game that's on sale! Or maybe same idea but on your wishlist! Damn! I'm getting close to enough possible applications of a Random button to rival the Xbox apparently! 🤣
but I also very much see the appeal of picking from any game and telling you to download it… hrm
It only shows you games you have a licence to play, of course, not just any game on the store. The Microsoft Store doesn't have a Surprise Me! button, funny enough.
I'd love this. Making a folder for my backlog and letting jesus take the wheel might actually make me finish a game. Remove the decision paralysis from the equation.
I'm getting close to enough possible applications of a Random button to rival the Xbox apparently! 🤣
I would ABSOLUTELY welcome a Random button INSIDE the NSO Applet, to choose a random retro game on the subscription, or a random online-enabled game you own.
So I personally am someone who plays one game at a time and hardly ever goes back after completion, but looking at how big my Switch library is (and having seen some others) I can see the appeal in having a Ransom button for those who are a bit more bouncy between games and have huge libraries to scroll through. I think if Ninty were to do it they'd implement it in a way that isn't too invasive or headachey (at least I'd hope, @Concernt) but with that NSO button you never know. 😅

Actually come to think of it, it might be interesting to have one on the eShop, too! Like if a sale is going on and there's a lot of discounts on all the things and you get choice paralysis (me) and could just click a button to have the eShop navigate to a random game that's on sale! Or maybe same idea but on your wishlist! Damn! I'm getting close to enough possible applications of a Random button to rival the Xbox apparently! 🤣
the possibilities… are endless…

like I really think it would help for game discovery, both in the shop and in one’s own backlog. I have a lot of games that I’ve been meaning to try and am great at overthinking
Maybe if we all pay the ransom, they'll release Sonic 1 and CD on Expansion Pack finally release Earthbound 2.
LOL whoops 😅

I'd love this. Making a folder for my backlog and letting jesus take the wheel might actually make me finish a game. Remove the decision paralysis from the equation.


I already have a site I go to where you plug in names and it picks a random one, that I use to decide which backlog game to play next. Having that functionality in the actual Switch menu would be amazing.
LOL whoops 😅



I already have a site I go to where you plug in names and it picks a random one, that I use to decide which backlog game to play next. Having that functionality in the actual Switch menu would be amazing.
that’s exactly what I’m describing!

incredibly poorly!!
I’ve tried to homebake my own little randomizers but I do not have the attention span for constant data entry
Only if they add the stupid Spotify feature where they add in songs in your Shuffle that are not in your playlist. Free games but once you close one it rerolls
The only time I ever use a random button is for clicking it enough times until it gives me what I already knew I wanted before I started clicking that god forsaken button.

But if it means Nintendo has to add an actual feature with a firmware update instead of just "Stability", then I am all for it.
This might finally convince me to try out several games that have just been... sitting there. And would certainly help during moments of "want to play video game... but which one ?????"

Let me drift along the river, wherever it may take me.
I just have a numbered list of all the games I have on the Switch. Then I use a random number generator online with the parameters of one to however many games I have listed. Then I randomly generate a number, look through the list to find the corresponding game, and say "No, not that one." Reroll... "Not that one either"... "Eh, not right now."... "This is better with two people."... "Maybe I should just read a book instead."..."No, not that one."....
I am not surprised that @Suswave is an advocate for chaos.

That said, I would welcome it. I would embrace it. I love randomness in video games, from JRPGs mechanics to in-game not-gambling minigames, so why not bake that randomness with into the pre-gaming experience?
I just have a numbered list of all the games I have on the Switch. Then I use a random number generator online with the parameters of one to however many games I have listed. Then I randomly generate a number, look through the list to find the corresponding game, and say "No, not that one." Reroll... "Not that one either"... "Eh, not right now."... "This is better with two people."... "Maybe I should just read a book instead."..."No, not that one."....
but this would be so much nicer…

I definitely tried that method in the past… before I had [redacted] hundred games…
the real question is, as this thread sails off to its timely death…

how many of you found the secret message?
I’ve tried to homebake my own little randomizers but I do not have the attention span for constant data entry
Unless you’re literally constantly buying games, it wouldn’t be constant data entry? I keep handwritten lists of games to play and that’s much more time consuming then opening up an Excel sheet and typing “insert whatever game here.”

Assign each game a number to roll on a large dice and there you go.
Unless you’re literally constantly buying games, it wouldn’t be constant data entry? I keep handwritten lists of games to play and that’s much more time consuming then opening up an Excel sheet and typing “insert whatever game here.”

Assign each game a number to roll on a large dice and there you go.
I am literally constantly buying games
These choices sound like something out of the lore in Hollow Knight.

I cannot possibly take on this responsibility as it skirts above where I am unable to secure, and control...
Picture this: you click the Random button. The result?

Lost In Random

It's a risk you have to take

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