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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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I've said many times before that the only reason I really care about "insider" stuff and the speculation around it and all that is because I enjoy feeling like we're getting a little peek behind the curtain in this industry (which is probably why I have such a blah attitude about Pyoro because his way feels like just spoilers) so in all honesty even this new development fits the bill. I'm actually just as excited hearing about potentially churning/changing marketing plans as I am about "when Direct," possibly even more so, just because it's that curtain peek situation. Like what's going on over there? Maybe shit's all fucky because Nintendo's teams are cooking. The possibilities are interesting!

Anyway thanks @Brazil for the update, and glad you're still around. I said this to Nate when he was considering chilling out on the info stuff and I'll say it to you: feel free to stick around and just shitpost with us if you wanna. Despite how it sometimes looks we don't really neeeeeeeeed "inside info."

*runs away before anyone can refute that last sentence*
I was starting to feel like we probably won't get anything until the usual June slot, so I can't say I'm all that disappointed by the news that Nintendo may have scrapped ideas for an April Direct. Honestly, I'm more disappointed about the lack of an Indie World, because I want a release date for Rift of the NecroDancer.
Quick question, with Nintendo being secretive and how quite it has been, can we expect the switch 2 announcement this summer, or would it be more plausible if they did the same thing with the switch and announce it in ocktober.

Lastly thank you for your honesty and great response and not leaving us at the dark for the remaining month, it's highly appreciated.
Honestly, right now, I have no idea. I'm getting conflicting info all around, which makes me think no one outside Nintendo HQ knows for sure at this point.
I do wonder if this now does open the door for an Indie World to occur in the second half of the month since they have debuted in the April before! I was kind of feeling that we'd probably see one soon anyways since it has been a good amount of time since Nintendo has used the format - longer than I think they normally go without an Indie showcase!
They will say sth like 'Nintendo is always looking into new technologies and developing hardware concepts for the future' and then you won't hear anything about new hardware from them in this calender year.

No need for them to sabotage their holiday sales.
how long do you believe Nintendo will intent to refuse to knowledge Switch sucessor launch in year Y? Nintendo cant keep us/it investor in the dark forever, one day, they liking or not, will have to knowledge Switch sucessor existence
how long do you believe Nintendo will intent to refuse to knowledge Switch sucessor launch in year Y? Nintendo cant keep us/it investor in the dark forever, one day, they liking or not, will have to knowledge Switch sucessor existence
If Switch Sucessor is releasing later than March of next year it could be quite a while.
If Switch Sucessor is releasing later than March of next year it could be quite a while.
This is the key. If it's coming before the end of March 2025, then IMO we will hear something about it before or during the financial briefing in ~4 weeks. If it's coming after that and it's in the following fiscal year, then we may not hear about it this calendar year at all. Which would really suck.
??? AKA the highest-rated game in the entire series not named Awakening, yes. 89 is excellent for Metacritic lately, particularly in the last 5-10 years when breaking 90 is significantly more difficult than it used to be.

The post I was quoting was arguing that a Holy War remake could be as financially successful as Three Houses while being more critically successful and I pointed out that this was a confusing take as Three Houses has incredibly strong reviews.
The post I was quoting was arguing that a Holy War remake could be as financially successful as Three Houses while being more critically successful and I pointed out that this was a confusing take as Three Houses has incredibly strong reviews.
Ah, sorry, my mistake - I thought you meant the opposite. Carry on!
The post I was quoting was arguing that a Holy War remake could be as financially successful as Three Houses while being more critically successful and I pointed out that this was a confusing take as Three Houses has incredibly strong reviews.
There are a whole 11 numbers higher than 89 on the scale, so if it does well enough, there is room for it be more critically successful. Whether or not it does so is a different matter altogether. I don't see how that's confusing at all.
Hey, everyone! Didn't wanna leave you hanging for the entire month, so here I am.

You'll remember that the info I had back during the Switch 2 delay week was that we'd have a Direct in April and an Indie World presentation prior to that. I had those talks a couple of days after the Switch 2 discussions, but I now believe that the event info itself was already outdated at that point.

I no longer believe we'll get a Direct this month.

Apart from one person, who heard some rumblings two weeks ago, no one else seems to have heard anything about an April Direct since then - which they probably would've, at this point. One source in particular, that had talked about an April Direct before, is now expecting the next one to happen around the obvious SGF timeframe - so late May/early June. (Edit: Maybe even this is wrong! But we will get PlayStation/Xbox events in that timeframe, at least.)

The Indie World seems to have been planned to be aired pre-GDC, but I guess all of those plans went out the window immediately as well.

Anyway - that's it: the beauty of talking about planned event dates months in advance, haha. I'll catch flak for this, and that's alright, but hopefully that helps people settle back and enjoy the games coming out instead of getting anxious over more announcements for a while.

Edit: Also, obligatory apologies to anyone who was really looking forward to this due to my earlier info. I've said this before, but I only said anything because I was on cloud nine that week... and I probably should've restrained myself, haha.
at least we get honesty and openness to share critical updates from your statement, a quality thats rare at the nintendo rumour mill. thanks 😃. we needed this update as the nintendo stuff all over the online sites is at a doomer's level of uncertainty atm
Guys, just pretend the next Direct will be in late June, just before Nintendo's shareholders meeting, just like it has been in the last 2 years, because that's the most likely date it'll be. That is, there is a Direct happening before the meeting because Nintendo has to detail the rest of this year's plan, otherwise their shareholders might get a bit... unruly I guess.

Nintendo will probably acknowledge the Switch 2 in less than 4 weeks at least, but there is no guarantee they will... so keep the hype to a reasonable level or you just exhaust yourselves. If Brazil hasn't said anything about an event in May, he probably has not heard anything conclusive, other leakers are probably in the same situation, thus I doubt there'll be an event in May unless Nintendo keeps it super duper secret but that seems implaussible considering how much they need to coordinate for even a Direct.
Guys, just pretend the next Direct will be in late June, just before Nintendo's shareholders meeting, just like it has been in the last 2 years, because that's the most likely date it'll be. That is, there is a Direct happening before the meeting because Nintendo has to detail the rest of this year's plan, otherwise their shareholders might get a bit... unruly I guess.

Nintendo will probably acknowledge the Switch 2 in less than 4 weeks at least, but there is no guarantee they will... so keep the hype to a reasonable level or you just exhaust yourselves. If Brazil hasn't said anything about an event in May, he probably has not heard anything conclusive, other leakers are probably in the same situation, thus I doubt there'll be an event in May unless Nintendo keeps it super duper secret but that seems implaussible considering how much they need to coordinate for even a Direct.
Let them release a new DK for the holiday and hopefully prime 4 for an holiday release with smaller obscure games and I’ll be satisfied, also when it comes to Nintendo investors meeting to they announce a console at the last part's of the meeting, like early may.

Like I think they’ve normally announced the consoles nonchalantly at the beginning of the meeting, like the Wii U and the 3DS, but it might be me miss remembering.
Assuming there's not a Direct until June... then IMO we have to get some kind of Twitter announcement or something for a game in July before that. I just don't see them going all the way until mid-June without announcing their July game, and I really think there will be one.

Maybe we'll get a May Direct instead - that would still allow time for a July game announcement
Let them release a new DK for the holiday and hopefully prime 4 for an holiday release with smaller obscure games and I’ll be satisfied, also when it comes to Nintendo investors meeting to they announce a console at the last part's of the meeting, like early may.

Like I think they’ve normally announced the consoles nonchalantly at the beginning of the meeting, like the Wii U and the 3DS, but it might be me miss remembering.
May is not when their shareholders meeting happens, May 7th is their Annual Fiscal Year Report, they'll also share their projections for the current Fiscal Year, which ends in March 2025, as such, if a new gen is releasing in March and they expect to sell, say, 5-8m hardware in a month, it'd be in their projections and that's not something you can hide. They'll also will be paying the manufacturing, storage and shipping of the new system which would probably appear in their projections in some way.

Nintendo is, allegedly, preparing to ship over 10m units of the system this FY. Mochizuki might have gotten the date wrong, but it's still in this FY even if it launches in March 2025. You can't exactly hide the impact of producing, shipping and selling 10m units of unknown hardware in a single month or even through 2-3 months.

This is why I believe that they will acknowledge the system in May 7, even if they don't say it's name, even if they don't mention any special new features, even if they don't mention any specific games being prepared for it. They might just send a memo that states it'll happen and to wait for further information at a later date which, seeing as there is probably no General Direct until late June for the rest of the Switch's schedule for the year, will probably be either in September or October (they could replicate the Switch teaser to launch plan).

I think they might also want to avoid hardware leaks from manufacturing, so if that starts in July or August, they might just come clean and show the new hardware to us, so that they can show it in the best light possible and control the narrative, unlike what happened with the Switch, which leaked through Eurogamer in late July 2016, thus the possibility of them not waiting until September or October to show it to us is not 0%.

This has all been an elaborate conspiracy to create a speculation thread early in order to increase engagement on Famiboards.com. Wake up people. There was never a Direct. There was never a Switch 2 delay. There was never a Switch 2 to begin with! It was the La Li Lu Le Lo playing us from behind the scenes!
as much as I wanna get really excited about Donkey Kong, Mario Party, FE4, and Prime 4 to give the switch one final strong holiday…

Man, MAN, I just don’t buy it. Why would they delay their new console launch while somehow still having enough games to make for a strong holiday? Something just doesn’t add up, because if that’s the case, then there’s no way they delayed the console launch due to a lack of software, because when would these games have been released otherwise? Would everything in the first year aside from 3D Mario and Kart be crossgen? It just doesn’t make sense to me, I’m still expecting panic mode to lead to a handful of easy ports for the holiday and maybe Prime 4 if it’s ready to go, anything more feels like insane copium.
I personally can’t see the Direct happening in May.

As much as I want a Nintendo Direct to happen right this very second, it just wouldn’t even feel right to happen in May.

June would give it that perfect E3 feel. But I hope it’s a banger of a Direct after such a long wait.
as much as I wanna get really excited about Donkey Kong, Mario Party, FE4, and Prime 4 to give the switch one final strong holiday…

Man, MAN, I just don’t buy it. Why would they delay their new console launch while somehow still having enough games to make for a strong holiday? Something just doesn’t add up, because if that’s the case, then there’s no way they delayed the console launch due to a lack of software, because when would these games have been released otherwise? Would everything in the first year aside from 3D Mario and Kart be crossgen? It just doesn’t make sense to me, I’m still expecting panic mode to lead to a handful of easy ports for the holiday and maybe Prime 4 if it’s ready to go, anything more feels like insane copium.
The thing with those games are that, those aren’t systems seller’s.

It’s plausible those game were meant to be cross gen, but Nintendo decided to polished their first party exclusives and maybe redesign NSO, by adding a new system emulator at launch.

Like I would love prime 4 to be a holiday game, but there’s a high probability that prime was meant to be a showcase of the switch 2 hardware, like RT

If we’re being realistic the only thing i can possible imagine is
  • 2D DK game
  • Zelda ports
  • Fire emblem 4 remake
  • Mario party
  • Some game we would never guess in a million year
as much as I wanna get really excited about Donkey Kong, Mario Party, FE4, and Prime 4 to give the switch one final strong holiday…

Man, MAN, I just don’t buy it. Why would they delay their new console launch while somehow still having enough games to make for a strong holiday? Something just doesn’t add up, because if that’s the case, then there’s no way they delayed the console launch due to a lack of software, because when would these games have been released otherwise? Would everything in the first year aside from 3D Mario and Kart be crossgen? It just doesn’t make sense to me, I’m still expecting panic mode to lead to a handful of easy ports for the holiday and maybe Prime 4 if it’s ready to go, anything more feels like insane copium.
To me, I feel like a lot of these games were already slotted to release on the Switch originally first and foremost with the promise then, as long as the console is backwards compatible, that you can also play them on next generation hardware. While I do not know how long Switch support will go on for following the release of next-generation hardware, I do have to assume that they were still planning to have at least one major game this holiday that would be playable and marketed as a Switch game and then could be a good model for how backwards compatibility works right there and then. I always believed that this likely was going to be a Mario Party game (weirdly enough, this is something Nintendo has already done with the Wii and 3DS having Mario Party games when a new platform was already released or in the same year as releasing) and so I feel like their holiday lineup always was going to have games oriented towards the Switch.

Speaking to the larger point of why the console delay happening because of software being ready, I do feel like this is something that wasn't really applying to the launch lineup (because, as you mention, there would be games this holiday that would have been exclusives to the console or playable through backwards compatibility) but instead something related to the pipeline later down the line. To me, I do feel like a lot of the games that you do mention like the Mario Party, DK title, and FE4 may be Nintendo Switch games first and foremost which would make sense why, if they release this year, it wouldn't be affected by the internal delay, while I do think it is possible MP4 may be moved to next year. I mean, we will never know but it is possible that the hardware coming out next year did make Nintendo have to change plans and maybe DK or FE4 were not actually meant to be as close to the holidays as they could end up being (if they are real) and maybe one was intended for July and the other August or something but now they did become the tentpole titles for Nintendo's holiday!

I am not really sure if this did actually address what you were saying so I apologize if it did not :D
Honestly, the insistence that Prime 4 is crossgen is feeling more and more like copium than a realistic prediction lol.

If we assume the reports of Switch 2 being delayed to 2025 are even true in the first place (as opposed to never being meant for a 2024 release), I think it's more likely that there aren't and never were any crossgen games, and Nintendo simply planned to market late Switch 1 games as playable on Switch 2 via backwards compatibility, which they'll still probably do even with the delay imo. Using this logic, it's easy to see how/why Nintendo would still have major Switch 1 software for the second half of this year even with the delay.
The wait for our next direct may have just gotten a lot longer, but at least I can look forward to this Metroid and Zelda merch arriving on my doorstep in the next week or so!

I think I already said this but I really doubt MP4 is coming this year. The vibes are non-existent.

Anyways, let's look forward to May in a few weeks and whether we can get a few crumbs of info about future plans.

Thank you of course for the update @Brazil. You're a real one.

With nothing announced, honestly we might be looking at a even worse year than 2016. At least 2016 had a Pokémon game, and Twilight Princess.

Of course, this potentially could switch on a dime, but Nintendo's actions right now does not inspire confidence for this year so far.
Despite all this, it still is interesting that Nintendo still doesn't have a pinned tweet. The only reason I could think they unpinned it was because it would've been close to a month of having the Mario Day video pinned, but I'm sure (especially now that there isn't an expectation for a Nintendo Direct this month), they could've waited until they released a trailer for Endless Ocean or Paper Mario: TTYD before they unpinned it... interesting and pretty funny nonetheless!
I was expecting a late may/June direct. Honestly at this point I’m not sure we will see a next gen reveal till January.

However I’m expecting a good last year for switch, they are still releasing a game per month, this means they have at least 3-4 unannounced titles for H2.
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ehhh...it's already like half way through April, and we got TTYD and endless ocean next month, then it'll be June and "E3" time. Not that long of wait imo.
being more hyped for endless ocean than any game since pikmin makes me feel like I'm living on a different planet than most of you

this year is already better than 2018

Thank you of course for the update @Brazil. You're a real one.

With nothing announced, honestly we might be looking at a even worse year than 2016. At least 2016 had a Pokémon game, and Twilight Princess.

Of course, this potentially could switch on a dime, but Nintendo's actions right now does not inspire confidence for this year so far.
If we get Metroid Prime 4, it‘ll be the best year of the Switch for me.
being more hyped for endless ocean than any game since pikmin makes me feel like I'm living on a different planet than most of you

this year is already better than 2018
Are you a marine biologist or...?

If Square Enix would just release the two newest Final Fantasy timed PS5 exclusives on PC, I'd have something to play in the interim while waiting for Nintendo...

Or if Silksong dropped ( lol )

I'm not getting a PS5 for timed exclusives only... just for PS6 to be 2-3 years away.

Currently going through all the Mario and Luigi games in celebration of the TTYD remake.. Dream Team Hard Mode now.
Bowser's Inside Story was much better than I remembered.
Assuming there's not a Direct until June... then IMO we have to get some kind of Twitter announcement or something for a game in July before that. I just don't see them going all the way until mid-June without announcing their July game, and I really think there will be one.

Maybe we'll get a May Direct instead - that would still allow time for a July game announcement
It's entirely possible they have a July game that isn't getting announced in a Direct, like last year's June game (Everybody 1-2 Switch). Difficult to know exactly what it could be, but EPD 4 have been pretty prolific with Switch and we could be due another EPD 4 x indieszero title, so maybe another 'blue ocean' revival.
Is there a precedent for Nintendo Direct in June announcing a game coming out in July?

Another question that has little to do with: where does this somewhat annoying trend to constantly use the notion of 'copium' that I see everywhere in online conversations come from?
Hey, everyone! Didn't wanna leave you hanging for the entire month, so here I am.

You'll remember that the info I had back during the Switch 2 delay week was that we'd have a Direct in April and an Indie World presentation prior to that. I had those talks a couple of days after the Switch 2 discussions, but I now believe that the event info itself was already outdated at that point.

I no longer believe we'll get a Direct this month.

Apart from one person, who heard some rumblings two weeks ago, no one else seems to have heard anything about an April Direct since then - which they probably would've, at this point. One source in particular, that had talked about an April Direct before, is now expecting the next one to happen around the obvious SGF timeframe - so late May/early June. (Edit: Maybe even this is wrong! But we will get PlayStation/Xbox events in that timeframe, at least.)

The Indie World seems to have been planned to be aired pre-GDC, but I guess all of those plans went out the window immediately as well.

Anyway - that's it: the beauty of talking about planned event dates months in advance, haha. I'll catch flak for this, and that's alright, but hopefully that helps people settle back and enjoy the games coming out instead of getting anxious over more announcements for a while.

Edit: Also, obligatory apologies to anyone who was really looking forward to this due to my earlier info. I've said this before, but I only said anything because I was on cloud nine that week... and I probably should've restrained myself, haha.

Ultimately, it's on everyone themselves to believe things or not. And it's on everyone's own if they allow this stuff to get too serious.

So, instead of you apologizing, i'd recommend everyone who's angry at things changing / being wrong to step back from the internet for a while, and definitely not giving anyone who shares info a hard time.

Though i hope you don't mind me hoping for the day there's going to be backtracking from the delay rumors! ;D ^^

Are you a marine biologist or...?


Well, iirc raccoons can swim!
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how long do you believe Nintendo will intent to refuse to knowledge Switch sucessor launch in year Y? Nintendo cant keep us/it investor in the dark forever, one day, they liking or not, will have to knowledge Switch sucessor existence
They will unveil it in january or february, then have an extended presentation in march or so and launch in the next fiscal year.
Their short term goal is to have another strong Switch 1 holiday.
They will unveil it in january or february, then have an extended presentation in march or so and launch in the next fiscal year.
Their short term goal is to have another strong Switch 1 holiday.

If it releases within the current FY, they will have to acknowledge in May, before or at the time where they hold their briefing.
Is there a precedent for Nintendo Direct in June announcing a game coming out in July?

Another question that has little to do with: where does this somewhat annoying trend to constantly use the notion of 'copium' that I see everywhere in online conversations come from?
Not that exact scenario but last year the June Direct had Pikmin 1+2 drop immediately after it digitally with a physical release in September so they could do something like that again

And Metroid Prime Remastered had a February announcement with a physical release the same month in the US, March in Europe so there can be games that Nintendo will hold onto until a month before launch if they want to
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