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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Is having a direct in April not cutting it close to a potential June direct if they plan to show switch 2?
Nintendo won't reveal their successor in a General Direct. They can, however, make a "Next Gen Direct" or whatever that's exclusively focused on the Switch 2. So a Switch 1 April Direct won't be cutting it close to a June Direct
What is the over/under on how likely it is Nintendo people read message boards like this?
100 percent. Like I’m pretty sure one of the mods actually said someone from Nintendo made an account here
Mods here don't vet people like that but on ResetERA they do, and it was said there were some Nintendo employees on ERA. The general userbase don't know who exactly they were so we don't know if they came here when the migration happened, but it's possible.

Also Kit Ellis does have an account here and posted a little bit a couple years ago, so I would be shocked if Nintendo employees aren't at the very least aware of this place.
FYI I believe it was Emily who said someone from Nintendo has an account here. Now whether they're "monitoring us" maybe not. I think it was her because I remember her saying she was dying laughing because one of you was arguing with them about a game they worked on about "how wrong they were" but she had to stay quiet to keep their identity a secret.
Mods here don't vet people like that but on ResetERA they do, and it was said there were some Nintendo employees on ERA. The general userbase don't know who exactly they were so we don't know if they came here when the migration happened, but it's possible.

Also Kit Ellis does have an account here and posted a little bit a couple years ago, so I would be shocked if Nintendo employees aren't at the very least aware of this place.
Ah, okay. Got my message-boards mixed up
I bet the the cast of the live action zelda movie will be announced in a direct.
Honestly wish they'd keep multimedia and theme park stuff to its own presentations.

When I tune into a Nintendo Direct I want to hear about new games. I'm not so interested in details about films or a new menu item at a toad café tens of thousands of miles away
Mods here don't vet people like that but on ResetERA they do, and it was said there were some Nintendo employees on ERA. The general userbase don't know who exactly they were so we don't know if they came here when the migration happened, but it's possible.

Also Kit Ellis does have an account here and posted a little bit a couple years ago, so I would be shocked if Nintendo employees aren't at the very least aware of this place.
What mass migration?
If there are Nintendo employees here, then they are doing a terrible job, because I've asked for a new Wario Land about a dozen times and so far I've got nothing.
Here's my prediction based off nothing but speculation and my personal vibes haha. I think Nintendo will have overview trailers for Paper Mario and Endless ocean in April. May will be a quiet month for announcements leading into a early June full General direct that will focus on Metroid Prime 4 as the Holiday title, Windwaker and Fire Emblem Echos will also be announced for July and September releases. September Direct will be a mini and the last presentation to focus on Switch . February 2025 will be the big Switch 2 blow out with a late spring early summer release date. Obviously there will be a few more smaller scale games this year and Pokemon Legends ZA will be big.

Possible Schedule Prediction
May: Paper Mario TTYD, Endless Ocean
June: Luigi's Mansion 2
July: Zelda Windwaker
August: Nothing
September: Fire Emblem Echos
October: Metroid Prime 4, Possible Switch 2 teaser and Switch pricedrop
November: Mario Party Super Stars 2 based of gamecube maps and mini Games
December: Nothing

January: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
February: Switch 2 Presentation
March: Pokemon Legends ZA
April: Nothing
May: Switch 2 Launch with 3D Mario
All these people asking about if Nintendo employees are watching this place, not knowing Fami is just a ploy by Nintendo to see what fans want, and half of all users are actually spies sent to make sure the discussion stays on topic. Wait did I say that out loud
Here's my prediction based off nothing but speculation and my personal vibes haha. I think Nintendo will have overview trailers for Paper Mario and Endless ocean in April. May will be a quiet month for announcements leading into a early June full General direct that will focus on Metroid Prime 4 as the Holiday title, Windwaker and Fire Emblem Echos will also be announced for July and September releases. September Direct will be a mini and the last presentation to focus on Switch . February 2025 will be the big Switch 2 blow out with a late spring early summer release date. Obviously there will be a few more smaller scale games this year and Pokemon Legends ZA will be big.

Possible Schedule Prediction
May: Paper Mario TTYD, Endless Ocean
June: Luigi's Mansion 2
July: Zelda Windwaker
August: Nothing
September: Fire Emblem Echos
October: Metroid Prime 4, Possible Switch 2 teaser and Switch pricedrop
November: Mario Party Super Stars 2 based of gamecube maps and mini Games
December: Nothing

January: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
February: Switch 2 Presentation
March: Pokemon Legends ZA
April: Nothing
May: Switch 2 Launch with 3D Mario

I think your list is actually really good and I hope a lot of it does come true (except maybe I'd want one more bigger "new" game this year)!!

I feel like this website would go crazy at a May 2025 release date for the next console though because that means Nintendo doesn't actually need to talk about it in May (to soft confirm it) at their investors meeting since it would be outside of FY 2025 hahah!! Really great predictions again though!! :)
I think your list is actually really good and I hope a lot of it does come true (except maybe I'd want one more bigger "new" game this year)!!

I feel like this website would go crazy at a May 2025 release date for the next console though because that means Nintendo doesn't actually need to talk about it in May (to soft confirm it) at their investors meeting since it would be outside of FY 2025 hahah!! Really great predictions again though!! :)
Hasn't this site already gone crazy with the "delay" to 2025 lol.

New games are very difficult to predict, but their definitively could be a smaller one in there maybe Rhythm Heaven? And that's why I picked a later release I do not think Nintendo is ready to talk about Switch 2 just yet before the fiscal meeting, I get the sense that they willing to weather the storm from the investors. Of coarse I hope I'm wrong, I am so ready to fully start the Switch 2 hype train.
100 percent. Like I’m pretty sure one of the mods actually said someone from Nintendo made an account here

Mods here don't vet people like that but on ResetERA they do, and it was said there were some Nintendo employees on ERA. The general userbase don't know who exactly they were so we don't know if they came here when the migration happened, but it's possible.

Also Kit Ellis does have an account here and posted a little bit a couple years ago, so I would be shocked if Nintendo employees aren't at the very least aware of this place.
at famiboards:
goombaicebro: (posts about super mario galaxy 3)

at nintendo HQ:
shinya takahashi: kon'nichiwa koizumi-san. we have found a comment on famiboards referencing super mario galaxy 3 and your name

yoshiaki koizumi: this guy at famiboards really thinks super mario galaxy 3 needs to exist thanks to me?

shinya takahashi and yoshiaki koizumi: PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So are we expecting switch 2 reveal near the usual E3 (RIP) timeframe?
I would say that Nintendo could reveal the Switch 2 at any moment especially with the Full year fiscal forecast coming up in early May. Unfortunately we are in a situation that it could realistically be as early as tomorrow all the way till next year.
I don't know, I don't really feel like this thread was made too early. While maybe in hindsight, just to make sure it stayed more active in the lull time before everything, it could have been made a little later, it is fairly possible that with how different things are this year, the thread would've been made a lot closer to when the direct airs opposed to the month or so before like usual, limiting a lot of the speculation and discussion we could of had about it. As some have already mentioned, after the whole diabolical that the February Direct/Partner Direct Speculation ended up being, with a lot of undeserved hate being aimed towards those that usually are the ones that speak about Nintendo Direct dates, it's possible that many people are going to stay on the down low for a while, even if they know anything just to avoid that happening again. In a lot of ways, I feel like we are really lucky that Brazil mentioned what they were hearing.

I also just, generally, do feel like with how different Nintendo is planning for this year to be, it's just possible that it's harder to pinpoint when the Direct will happen because this isn't a usual months for them. If anything, I feel like we should go off the past Indie World schedule if we want to put any dates down for timing predictions (and this doesn't even account for a possible Indie World that would likely be this week if everything goes to plan with our thinking). Also, being that at some point before December 31st, 2024, we are expecting some sort of reveal of the next Nintendo console that is beyond what we probably get at the investors meeting next month, it's possible Nintendo has made it harder for information to leak out, meaning we won't find out information weeks before but maybe a week or couple of days before, which then draws me back to if we waited for more solid information, it's possible this thread would've just been up for around a week or so. A lot of this is speculation on my end, and Nintendo making things more secure doesn't mean exactly that true Direct rumors shouldn't of started by now but I just think we still need to give it more time.

I said in a post earlier that if we don't hear anything by this coming Sunday, then I'd start to feel like it's possibly not this month (unless they want to do a Tuesday Direct on the 30th LOL) but I don't really think there's a reason to doom yet! Speculation is always fun and I do think this thread started at a good time as the expectation when it started on Super Mario Day was that the next larger information drop Nintendo would be doing, likely containing those games featured on March 10th, would be in a Direct!! There hasn't really been anything that's happened (outside of the fact that nothing has happened) that really has changed that idea! :)
Assuming it's before the financial briefing the Direct can still be any time in the next four weeks. That's a long time yet, even if we're narrowing down the window - so there's plenty of time yet before we can rule out anything happening.

Of course, they could just announce something with a twitter drop or make a few quick PR statements at the financial meeting and wait on a Direct. But it's too early to call it yet.
Hello Fami. Rare poster here and I want to start by bringing up a thought that might be a downer, but imho Nintendo is in no rush to announce its H2 or next console atm. We could easily see a scenario where the marketing in this calender year is all about Switch 1:
no April direct,
a June or July direct about H2,
January 2025 Switch 2 announcement, March 2025 Nintendo Presentation (similar to January 2017 event),
May 2025 Switch 2 launch.

For me personally this makes more sense, as I don't see why they would do a Partner only direct in february and then do a regular direct in april. I don't see why they would announce the new system already in summer, at least nine months ahead of launch. They want to minimize a risk of cannibalizing holiday season sales and not announce any succesor too early. Late announcements also might avoid confusing Wii - Wii U type of marketing.
The overall sales situation at the moment is is rather good and comfortable, there is no rush to move on like there was in the end of 2016.
Guys, since you're on it, I must confess I'm actually a high elite employee from Nintendo, and the Direct was actually uploaded two days ago, but you missed it because we secretly uploaded it in the staff's private section of Milwaukee's local grocery store website. Sorry.
With Grubb saying he heard about MP4 assets getting ready for the summer a typical June direct makes sense as the last big one for NSW1. I was hoping we get one this month alongside the NSW2 reveal in August with hands-on in Septemeber at Nintendo Live.
Some of you folks really overreact a bit, it's only the start of second week of April, relaaaaax.

And if there is no Direct, well then there's none. Happens. That's it.

I'd say the odds of Brazil giving us reassurance are about 7-1.

I was there (at home, in front of the TV). I watched that live together with my grandfather (huge football fan).
He needed to go to the bathroom before half-time, he missed two goals in those couple of minutes.

It was insane. The whole town went nuts after the game.

I bet the the cast of the live action zelda movie will be announced in a direct.


Going to be a bad day.
Next Direct shadowdrop :

Turrican : Back to High School
In this Metroidvania heavily inspired by Persona 5 and Bubsy 3D, unveil the mysteries of a new kind of Machine that tries to disrupt the computers of the campus. Explore a fully 3D rendered university with new innovative "tank" controls.

Either that or a boring GameCube remaster.
I think the April Direct isn't happening, but I feel like we are getting Switch 2 tweet this week. Not a proper reveal, but acknowledgement that it is coming
Really hoping we get to see some really cool new first party stuff soon. I've got a few stragglers left to beat on the Switch, Prime Remastered, Age of Calamity, Skyward Sword and Captain Toad (which I did 100% back on Wii U), but other than that I've played and beaten every exclusive I've ever been slightly interested in for the thing. Don't even care if all the cool stuff is only on the Switch 2 now, I just wanna have a reason to be excited as a Nintendo fan again (cough)DonkeyKong(cough)
do we have any reason or rumor to think of an April direct is a legit possibility from insiders? Or was it just a guess from some random account because the direct in February was a partner mini?

I'd love a full general direct this month, but if we don't get one I see June fitting right. I see more of an indie world happening this month than a direct, it's been awhile since then.

What I really want is a new fire emblem/that remake of fe 4 if it exists. Starting to have legit doubts :/
do we have any reason or rumor to think of an April direct is a legit possibility from insiders? Or was it just a guess from some random account because the direct in February was a partner mini?

I'd love a full general direct this month, but if we don't get one I see June fitting right. I see more of an indie world happening this month than a direct, it's been awhile since then.

What I really want is a new fire emblem/that remake of fe 4 if it exists. Starting to have legit doubts :/
Brazil (the guy who first claimed that Switch 2 was delayed) was saying we get one in April.
Really hoping we get to see some really cool new first party stuff soon. I've got a few stragglers left to beat on the Switch, Prime Remastered, Age of Calamity, Skyward Sword and Captain Toad (which I did 100% back on Wii U), but other than that I've played and beaten every exclusive I've ever been slightly interested in for the thing. Don't even care if all the cool stuff is only on the Switch 2 now, I just wanna have a reason to be excited as a Nintendo fan again (cough)DonkeyKong(cough)

We'll get cool new first party stuff...

For Switch 2.
I'm actually a high elite employee from Nintendo
Nintendo said: you’re now one of my elite employees

With Grubb saying he heard about MP4 assets getting ready for the summer
Didn’t he say May, and that the info was old, could be outdated and plans changed?

Asano hasn't thrown his decision dart yet. The other options are new "IP", Bravely 3rd, Triangle Strategy 2 and a tiny little area for DQ3 HD2D.
Something Bravely related ‘cause they teased the anniversary


Would it be unprecedented if Nintendo reveals a game via Twitter? Like, for an April release


I feel like, after the rumored Switch 2 internal delay, marketing plans for current hardware-software are veeery dependent on how they keep shuffling the successor
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