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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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I'm not giving you the fuckin' Direct date because I don't want people reporting it. Clear enough for you?

You tell em, don’t need direct dates just enjoy the ride! (The direct is literally this month anyway)
Nintendo will keep their word.
They haven't on many occasions, this could be another one. Who knows.

Not that it would be bad in this case because the game would probably look better, had they at one point decided to shift development to Switch 2.
It started development as a Switch game and as recently as last month, has still been listed as a Switch game on Nintendo's fiscal reports. They are not going to have it skip the Switch altogether after all this time and with no warning. The most we can expect is either a cross-platform release on Switch 2, or a patch that upscales it for Switch 2. But my gut tells me it will strictly be Switch 1 only but playable on Switch 2 via backwards compatibility.
I think what would make it closer to a guarantee is Nintendo's listing, nothing else.
They haven't on many occasions, this could be another one. Who knows.

Not that it would be bad in this case because the game would probably look better, had they at one point decided to shift development to Switch 2.

I think what would make it closer to a guarantee is Nintendo's listing, nothing else.
Nintendo has NEVER "betrayed" their people with that tbf. BOTW released in the WiiU, a console with 12M units sold worldwide. So I don't see why they do that now, it'd be weird tbh. I don't see why would they release it exclusively in a new console with a smaller base (since it's new) than the console with the biggest user base ever, close to the top 1 in sales. That would kill the game, especially for a smaller franchise like Metroid.
Nintendo has NEVER "betrayed" their people with that tbf. BOTW released in the WiiU, a console with 12M units sold worldwide. So I don't see why they do that now, it'd be weird tbh. I don't see why would they release it exclusively in a new console with a smaller base (since it's new) than the console with the biggest user base ever, close to the top 1 in sales. That would kill the game, especially for a smaller franchise like Metroid.
If the game were to release in 2025 or 2026, that's one way I think it wouldn't make it weird to become a Switch 2 exclusive.

And as always, I understand the argument about installed bases, but does it hold any watter? The original Prime, conversely, released on one of Nintendo's smallest bases ever, and it still did fairly well, particularly for the time and place. If anything, I was thinking about Prime 4's potential to move a modest amount of units of the new system.
If the game were to release in 2025 or 2026, that's one way I think it wouldn't make it weird to become a Switch 2 exclusive.

And as always, I understand the argument about installed bases, but does it hold any watter? The original Prime, conversely, released on one of Nintendo's smallest bases ever, and it still did fairly well, particularly for the time and place. If anything, I was thinking about Prime 4's potential to move a modest amount of units of the new system.
The first thing (not literally) they did with Prime games was porting them to Wii, sooooo that tells a lot IMHO. It's not that weird to release games on Switch in 2026. PS5 released in 2020 and in 2024 even first party games are releasing on PS4 still. That will happen with the Switch for sure
I mean the guy can do whatever he wants, but saying "I know the day of the direct but I'm not telling cause reasons :sneaky:" is getting the attention it deserves.
I know there were other posts in general, but I talked about waiting for Nate to say “soonish”, someone responded that Nate probably won’t be hinting soonish anymore and Nate responded. He’s a member of this community and has thrown us some well needed reassurance from time to time, the hate he gets from some people on here is unwarranted and unnecessary tbh.
seeing stuff like flying broom game, Civ 7, Lego Horizon on Switch 1 from western devs and crickets from the 3rd party JP pubs is really sad.
seeing stuff like flying broom game, Civ 7, Lego Horizon on Switch 1 from western devs and crickets from the 3rd party JP pubs is really sad.
Its insanity and cannot have a logical explanation. Nintendo basically dominates Japan while Xbox gets more 3rd party Japan support.
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Its insanity and cannot have a logical explanation. Nintendo basically dominates Japan while Xbox gets more 3rd party Japan support.
I'm so torn lol. I mostly buy JP-developed games day 1 on full price but western-developed I get them on big discounts or play them through Game Pass. the amount of money I give to JP pubs is disproportionate to how garbage their support is. They either port the game really late or there are no ports at all. Look at those 3 western games I mentioned they're coming the same time as the other platforms and I'm sure the effort required to even have Switch versions is not small. quite frankly the last 7 years are a big L for the Japanese games industry.
Its insanity and cannot have a logical explanation. Nintendo basically dominates Japan while Xbox gets more 3rd party Japan support.
think it was capcom that was complaining about recruitment issues and it's like yeah buddy i wonder why. jp devs might be doing holding patterns for the switch 2 at this point but like I really think they are overestimating switch 2 owners springing up for reheated leftovers. but their loss.
After SGF... Nintendo, for the love of god please bring heat for the Direct, we need something to be excited about.
Pretty sure Nintendo will have a decent Direct though i'm expecting Microsoft to have the best show. The Xbox Showcase has been the big event the past few years.
Microsoft showcase could be better than Nintendo’s. For me it’s what Nintendo ends up bringing because I think MS will be very good.
Pretty sure Nintendo will have a decent Direct though i'm expecting Microsoft to have the best show. The Xbox Showcase has been the big event the past few years.
But has any of the Xbox showcase actually brought any good games.

Since the presentation are always good, but i personally feel like, Xbox don't really deliver with these game, once their out.

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