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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Ok so there’s this one lovely person who watches my videos and always leaves comments, but they’re SO adamant that Switch 2 isn’t coming until at least 2026 for some reason. Like there’s two comments on my video about the investor call where they believe the announcement Furukawa is referring to will just be a codename reveal a la NX?! And that the earliest possible release timing is holiday 2025, but it’s more likely March 2026?! Like, my friend, I really appreciate you watching and leaving comments on most of my stuff, but holy you are a pessimist among pessimists, and you are going to be in the shock of your life when you’ve got at THE VERY LEAST a trailer for the next 3D Mario to comb over (if anyone wants to read these comments themselves just look up, “The Corner Switch 2” and go for the most recent video)
Metroid Prime 4 is in such a weird spot, in which we'll either get a Holiday release or a Switch 2 cross gen title.

Like there negative and positive with a Switch 2 launch or a holiday release.

Like Metroid has often been technical showcases, with Nintendo hardware, like, like Prime 4 with RT, 4K/60 would impress alot of people.
But being overshadowed by 3D Mario might be kinda risky... But 1-2 switch did sale about 3M copies, so maybe it won't affect sales too much.

Technical showcase
  • Metroid Prime Hunter DS
  • Metroid Prime Gamecube
  • Metroid Dread Switch Oled
But a holiday release would make Prime 4 have a higher chance of success and be a incredible final Switch title
But a holiday release would make Prime 4 have a higher chance of success and be a incredible final Switch title
not really, especially if the switch 2 is properly announced beforehand.

strictly speaking sales, a cross-gen release very early into the switch 2 life would cause early adopters to get the game just for new content and potentially greater legs
2nd Half Predictions:

July - NWC NES

August - Kirby and the Rainbow Curse + Pushmo

September - Fire Emblem - Genealogy of the Holy War

October - Mario Party

November - Pokemom Black and White Remakes or The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker

December - Metroid Prime 2 and 3 shadowdropped at TGA
my 2H24 predictions

June: Luigi mansion 2 hd
July: friend collection and Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
August: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse plus
September: fire emblem genealogy of holy war
October: kid icarus uprising hd
November: Metroid Prime 4
December: Pushmo (eshop title) + DQ3 - 2d HD switch exclusive
January: Pokémon Legends Z-A
February: nothing
March: Next gen Switch console launching with a brand new 3D Mario game 😅
If Nintendo is expecting 13.5 million Switch sales this year, either they have something big cooking or they are completely overestimating things. I'm assuming the former.
I think a new 2D Zelda is still a lot more likely than many think. Obviously because of development time we won’t be getting another brand new 3D adventure until the next system, but considering how often Nintendo likes to use Zelda and how we’re still without a brand new 2D entry for Switch, I think it’s got a solid chance. As much as I’ve always desired WW and TP, I’m starting to think they will be released next year, either still as Switch 1 titles just to give the console something while Switch 2 is getting the new games, or as Switch 2 titles to fill the Zelda void until a new 3D one comes to the new system.

I was predicting a Zelda blowout with new 2D, WW, and TP all in the next general, but I’m going to do a 180 and say new 2D game for November, and we get MP 2 + 3 instead. WW, TP, AND MP 2 + 3 just feels too unlikely all at once. It feels like this is the now or never time for the rest of the Prime games to make it to Switch. I know it’s not technically, but it’s the time that makes the most sense. If this Direct is mostly remasters and remakes as is expected, it also makes so much sense that Prime 4 was saved to be revealed here to get it as much attention as possible, since it’s not Nintendo’s biggest IP.
Hearing about what's going on with Perfect Dark makes Metroid Prime 4 sound like the smoothest possible development.
I've seen mentions of WWHD/TPHD being rumored in this thread. Can anyone point me to those rumors? I don't recall ever seeing credible rumors for those games and thought it was more a lot of "well, it makes sense for them to release" and "yes, I'd like this to happen" situation
It's one of those things that's gotten a lot of smoke over the years from various sources/outlets but never seems to actually turn up. Sorta like how Metroid Prime Remastered was for so long. The sense seems to be it's one more thing Nintendo's been keeping in their back pocket for a while, so while there's no rumors specifically pointing towards this year, it feels like it'd make sense to finally pull the trigger this year because the reported Switch 2 delay likely creates a gap they'd need to fill

- Jeff Grubb

- Nate

- Andy Robinson

- Nate again: 'They exist but knowing when they'll come out is a different matter. It's why they are often used in speculation as a schedule filler'

- Grubb again: 'I've always heard they're ready, they're sitting there, we're just waiting for Nintendo to pull the trigger. When they will, why they will, who knows?'

-Kit&Krysta: Krysta: “I know they exist, they’re done, but I don’t think they’re going to talk about them at all … yet”
One thing I think that not a lot of people give a chance to, but I think is super likely, is a multiplayer Zelda based on the BOTW engine

Been a while since Tri-Force Heroes, reusing the BOTW engine again would help a ton in resourcing, and it would be super fun/wouldn't matter if it was "the same map" for the third time
I'm expecting a 2d zelda next year as first zelda game for the next switch, like a reverse of last year with a 3d mario at launch in march and a 2d zelda for the holidays together with mario kart.
For this year I think this is the year where metroi prime 4 happens together with fe4 remake and a new tomodachi life game to complete the holiday (and mario party I guess). I don't think we'll see a new donkey kong game and tbh I don't think windwaker or twilight princess are as locked in as many other thinks.
Other than that they could still blindside us with some new games that nobody expects like they always do.
It's one of those things that's gotten a lot of smoke over the years from various sources/outlets but never seems to actually turn up. Sorta like how Metroid Prime Remastered was for so long. The sense seems to be it's one more thing Nintendo's been keeping in their back pocket for a while, so while there's no rumors specifically pointing towards this year, it feels like it'd make sense to finally pull the trigger this year because the reported Switch 2 delay likely creates a gap they'd need to fill

- Jeff Grubb

- Nate

- Andy Robinson

- Nate again: 'They exist but knowing when they'll come out is a different matter. It's why they are often used in speculation as a schedule filler'

- Grubb again: 'I've always heard they're ready, they're sitting there, we're just waiting for Nintendo to pull the trigger. When they will, why they will, who knows?'

-Kit&Krysta: Krysta: “I know they exist, they’re done, but I don’t think they’re going to talk about them at all … yet”
This is helpful! I hadn't seen that Nate had commented on this in such a way (thought I can't see the post he's replying to). It's a little bit of a bummer that Andy deleted the original post with the information, but I get the picture. Thanks!

Japanese version, which based on the concept and trailer I'm surprised even exists?
The multiplayer looks pretty fun, will pick this up for sure assuming the physical isn't impossible to get.
One thing I think that not a lot of people give a chance to, but I think is super likely, is a multiplayer Zelda based on the BOTW engine
Even though I know it'd almost definitely be a terrible move at this point, I can't get the idea of a Zelda battle royale using TotK's map and mechanics out of my head now
For anyone who doesn’t remember the most amazing morning in Famiboards history (ignore the preview text):

Yes I keep this bookmarked.
I can't ignore the preview text, it's too damn funny
Cope: They're getting the Nintendo World Championships NES Edition announcement out of the way so they can have the big heavy-hitter announcements in the June Direct.

Really fun to see the Nintendo World Championships branding being converted into the Famicom theme for Japanese version; but even then, some bits of the western presentation lives in their package
Look, i don't know if this is sarcasm ... but you read the news that they announced a general Direct for June?
Haha it was, since the June direct was already mentioned I missed the “no direct, nintendoomed” posts when Nintendo announces something on Twitter
It's one of those things that's gotten a lot of smoke over the years from various sources/outlets but never seems to actually turn up. Sorta like how Metroid Prime Remastered was for so long. The sense seems to be it's one more thing Nintendo's been keeping in their back pocket for a while, so while there's no rumors specifically pointing towards this year, it feels like it'd make sense to finally pull the trigger this year because the reported Switch 2 delay likely creates a gap they'd need to fill

- Jeff Grubb

- Nate

- Andy Robinson

- Nate again: 'They exist but knowing when they'll come out is a different matter. It's why they are often used in speculation as a schedule filler'

- Grubb again: 'I've always heard they're ready, they're sitting there, we're just waiting for Nintendo to pull the trigger. When they will, why they will, who knows?'

-Kit&Krysta: Krysta: “I know they exist, they’re done, but I don’t think they’re going to talk about them at all … yet”
Oh there's a lot more smoke than what I remembered. I remember Grubb and Robinson talking about them but the rest is new to me so thank you for putting this together!
Machine translation of the investor Q&A is never spot on, but some of the information there makes me think this year's strategy is two fold. Nintendo must be aware of the fact that, for the last decade or so, market leading systems have faded very quickly once their successor launches, which is true of both DS and PS4. I wonder if they're moving the emphasis of the Switch business now so that it stands a better chance of enjoying a long tail.

Firstly, it's very obviously about making low resource games so that the bulk of resources are directed towards new hardware. I'd say that's the primary goal with this year's software line up: maintain regular releases and a diversity of genres and franchises without heavy investment of development resources for the sake of prioritising new hardware. It's also a trend that was easy to predict.

But I also wonder if, secondly, Nintendo are pushing forward a line up which transitions the Switch into a different role: the place to play lower price offerings and an affordable place to play older titles, whether that's re-releases or NSO. The next step in doing this would be cutting the price of all existing Switch models, introducing a Nintendo Selects range, and perhaps adding a little more to the subscription (maybe Nintendo Selects come into play there, too). The successor will obviously be positioned as the primary place to play new Nintendo games.

What I would say though is that this is more or less what I've expected for a while, but with the obvious hiccup in Nintendo's plans that appears to be a 5 months-ish hardware delay. That creates a scenario where Switch becomes less exciting for the core audience without the compensating buzz that would've come from being able to talk more firmly about hardware in the near-term. For example, next month might've been the window for an all-singing, all-dancing reveal, including the reveal of exciting blockbuster games, and so the window in which there are minimal high-attention Nintendo products in people's sights would've been brief.
Ok so there’s this one lovely person who watches my videos and always leaves comments, but they’re SO adamant that Switch 2 isn’t coming until at least 2026 for some reason. Like there’s two comments on my video about the investor call where they believe the announcement Furukawa is referring to will just be a codename reveal a la NX?! And that the earliest possible release timing is holiday 2025, but it’s more likely March 2026?! Like, my friend, I really appreciate you watching and leaving comments on most of my stuff, but holy you are a pessimist among pessimists, and you are going to be in the shock of your life when you’ve got at THE VERY LEAST a trailer for the next 3D Mario to comb over (if anyone wants to read these comments themselves just look up, “The Corner Switch 2” and go for the most recent video)
I've seen multiple people in my friend circle also say that. Main reasoning I've seen is "they wouldn't have said that they plan to announce it if they also want to release it in this FY". I've honestly just given up arguing by now.
It's crazy that this is the first year where we don't have to even think about them announcing a game in May and that it'll have implications on if a June Direct exists :)
Not sure if this is a subtle hint or he is simply misremembering when Prime remastered came out, but Andy Robinson mentions some sort of Metroid remaster.

me to andy
It would be funny if we get a Samus Returns port for Switch instead of Echoes and Corruption. As an Echoes fan I'd be sad, but I'd also love to be able to play the whole Metroid II trilogy without needing to get a 3DS for the one singular game.

(Actually the real curveball announcement would be if they say they've changed their mind and let AM2R be ported to Switch, lmao)

As far as Zelda goes, I did see a thing about Toon Link turning up in Nintendo's recent copyright renewal stuff, so I kinda wonder if we'll get Wind Waker now, but Twilight Princess will be saved for next year. Or maybe just Spirit Tracks lol.
That's kinda funny coming from one of the guys who insisted Nintendo had no more games after TotK 😅
Yeah, that's why I kinda doubt this is anything.
With Nintendo expecting 13 million Switches sold this fiscal year I expect something bigger than remasters.
For what it's worth, I think it's been over 3 years now that I've also been hearing on and off about The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess remasters. More often than not from people that could just be wishful thinking, but occasionally from some that usually know better than that.
For what it's worth, I think it's been over 3 years now that I've also been hearing on and off about The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess remasters. More often than not from people that could just be wishful thinking, but occasionally from some that usually know better than that.
This is not a 13,5 milions line up, I think.
By this point there's no game they could launch that could somehow be more enticing than the more than 20 games on Switch that have sold over 10 million units

Hitting 13.5 million will hinge on bundles and discounts
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