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StarTopic Splatoon 3 |ST| The Mammal with the Three Golden Eggs (Sizzle Season 2024 announced)

What would you do at the world's end?

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fellow americans, I don't understand why the day reset is an hour earlier. shouldn't it be an hour later?

edit: no wait I got it
I think I finally understand why a lot of people hate clam blitz. I still love it myself, but so many lower level players never even attempt to take risks and clear a path to the enemy basket, so it turns into a huge stalemate most games. It comes down to more casual players not knowing how and when to take aggressive positions and push properly, I think.
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I do not know what it is about Splat Zones that suddenly turns people's brains off but man is that mode my most frustrating game mode. There is nothing more depressing than watching you help a wipeout even if you splat than watch in utter horror as your three teammates decide to leave the splatzone to the enemy and charge forward. Yeah, people, you don't win if you keep the enemy at base if the enemy has the splatzone still.

...or watching in frustration as you manage to take out the E-Liter and the Splatling and the dualies despite being ranged blaster than die to a splattershot that snuck right behind you and took out the entire three members because they all decided to not move away from the splat bomb and decided that being grouped up was a great idea.

Repeatedly I will just watch people just...not care about the objective and leave it to the enemy. And not even Ref-lux users, I once saw a Explosher decide to paint the map. Not even Clam Blitz is this annoying. That one at least people are aware of the object even if they are too afraid to go to it. Splatzone I will repteadly lose because I'm force to be the only person on the team actually paying attention to the objective while the rest of the parting decides that this is Turf War for some reason.
Man… when you play with people who knows what’s they are doing, this game is sublime.
Even when you lose, it feels like a soccer game where you keep looking minimal choices that could have changed everything.
But when you play with dummies, this game is much worse than MK wii and the blue shells. Just horrible… there’s no middle ground here.
Man… when you play with people who knows what’s they are doing, this game is sublime.
Even when you lose, it feels like a soccer game where you keep looking minimal choices that could have changed everything.
But when you play with dummies, this game is much worse than MK wii and the blue shells. Just horrible… there’s no middle ground here.
That's why I play this game competitively with my squid squad :)

Been having some matches where I'm doing so well I started feeling bad for the other team lol. When you are In The Zone with the Hydra it is just a wall of death splatting nonstop. Getting double the splats of any other player sure is a good feeling
Man… when you play with people who knows what’s they are doing, this game is sublime.
Even when you lose, it feels like a soccer game where you keep looking minimal choices that could have changed everything.
But when you play with dummies, this game is much worse than MK wii and the blue shells. Just horrible… there’s no middle ground here.
wish there was general voice chat so I could direct these people because even in S+ clearly they’re dumb ass fuck.

I just had a rainmaker match where one guy took the rainmaker to the other point instead of the one we had pretty made open for them and they just fucking die. Then when I take it to the point we originally made clear they kept signal to go where they were originally wanted to go but I was able to actually get us closer to the enemy’s main check mark and win the game.

Dunno what it is about the Splatoon player base but you really shouldn’t have stupid plays like that in upper ranks.
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Holy shit I cannot comprehend how stupid every single asshole I get teamed with in this SR shift is. They literally do not have functioning brain cells. I hope every single one of them gets their Switch run over by a truck, the world will thank them for not subjecting the rest of us to such absolute idiocy.
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It's really off-putting how some of you refer to (or talk about) other players, to be honest 😐
Seriously, it's not hard to at the very least not publicly insult all your teammates who just play this game for fun and don't want to spend hundreds of hours to improve. I say my fair share of "ugh, my teammate ran in and died 14 times, I don't want to play with them again" but name calling is a low blow.
Holy shit I cannot comprehend how stupid every single asshole I get teamed with in this SR shift is. They literally do not have functioning brain cells. I hope every single one of them gets their Switch run over by a truck, the world will thank them for not subjecting the rest of us to such absolute idiocy.
remember that in every crew wipe you died too
Yeah when ever I get rough teamates I just blame matchmaking and the game's structure. If the game was better structured, it'd be harder, for example, for people with poor graps of salmon run to get to Eggsecutive VP.
there's also some disagreement among even the best salmon run players as to how to approach certain situations

you might think your crewmate is an idiot for not luring, they might think you're an idiot for crowding the basket beyond what the team can handle
Was surprised how brutal this Salmon Run rotation is, honestly. Weapons look good on paper, but I've run into terrible turfing issues every wave. Even when I'm on one of the better ink output weapons and concentrate on painting, I can't stay ahead of the spawns. And if I'm on a weapon that needs others to paint for them? Sisysphus has more hope of accomplishing something.
Speaking of Salmon Run:

Really, higher level Salmon Run should be played with voice chat with friends because at that point coordination because extremely important.
Then they will only have to worry about the frame rate almost hitting single digits :p
I played some 2 tonight and it was really weird

maybe it was just my old sensitivity settings but it felt really slow. turf war was almost soothing compared to 3

the ui also used to really suck lmfao
Well I’m now 3/3 siding with Shiver I think.

And Big Man pretty much confirmed he’s along for the ride and happy to be there. So my head cannon is happy.
I played some 2 tonight and it was really weird

maybe it was just my old sensitivity settings but it felt really slow. turf war was almost soothing compared to 3

the ui also used to really suck lmfao
I felt this way for a little when I went back to Splatoon 2 a week or so ago. It lasted until I tried Splat Zones, and got matched with top 500 players lol
there's also some disagreement among even the best salmon run players as to how to approach certain situations

you might think your crewmate is an idiot for not luring, they might think you're an idiot for crowding the basket beyond what the team can handle
There can be different strategies sure, but ultimately if you're dying every fucking 5 seconds, that's a YOU problem. At some point players have to learn from their own mistakes, instead of just doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Like, don't go down to the beach if you're holding a heavy splatling, you're gonna die. You're a support weapon, know your role, like 90% of wipes in Eggsecutive happen because of players trying to play the wrong role or not even using the rudimentary communication features
At some point players have to learn from their own mistakes, instead of just doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
I see some nicknames coming back from splatoon 2 that had well over thousand of hours of play and it's always the expected result.
It's a lost cause.
But in the end I have better result than in 2 and friends also noticed I was playing better, with the introduction of new technical moves, faster game and more importance of close combat the skill gap is higher, so you can shine more against people that play it like 2.
I've been gambling to get the "Little Demon" title. I got the "Little" part already, just need the second half.
Dumb question but how are people making such great art in the nu Miiverse features?
You can do the art with dots so it's actually not that hard to make something in another program, look at the color gradient, and then manually dot by dot recreate it in Splatoon. You still need to have the skills mind but you don't have to be dependent on the Splatoon's UI itself.
You can do the art with dots so it's actually not that hard to make something in another program, look at the color gradient, and then manually dot by dot recreate it in Splatoon. You still need to have the skills mind but you don't have to be dependent on the Splatoon's UI itself.
I don't have much in the way of artistic talent so walking around the squares in Splatoon games is always just 🤯 for me
y'know, now that I'm dreading another splatfest with no new maps I rescind my complaints about getting nothing in october

Got lucky with the gacha last night :D

So, are there any checkpoints for effective vip in salmon run? Or is one big no-life session needed to obtain the golden badge for a stage?
No checkpoints like in S2. You need to get to 999 during the 40 hours each stage lasts in rotation. I don't see myself ever getting it unless they change it in a future update :p

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