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StarTopic RPGs |ST| Our Home Base For All Role Playing Game Discussions!

Happy December to everyone

One day, we'll know what's up in that planet T_T

More games need boss fight songs with big anime OP energy. Also flying controllable mechs.

I really hope Xenoblade X comes back one day soon…

One day, we'll know what's up in that planet T_T

I haven’t played Xenoblade Chronicles X (because I didn’t own a Wii U) but I have this track on my playlist because holy cow, it SLAPS.

Still trucking along my SMTV playthrough. I think I would be making more progress if I didn’t insist on ramming my head against optional bosses lol. Feels awesome to take them down though!
Damn 6 years since the GOAT released. Hope Monolith makes a game that reaches the peaks of 2 on Switch 2.
Damn right

Well it's officialy the anniversary on the west, and I did get that t-shirt, so , off to work

Thought some Dragon Quest fans might be interested Yuji Horii mentioned he is playtesting the Dragon Quest III HD 2D remake. Maybe we’ll finally hear something soonish.

Thought some Dragon Quest fans might be interested Yuji Horii mentioned he is playtesting the Dragon Quest III HD 2D remake. Maybe we’ll finally hear something soonish.

I will bet that this game is gonna be in the first Direct of next year.

The reason being a recent tweet by Team Asano, even thought I believe they are just assisting or supervising this game.


Gave me the cold neck chills
It's also one of the reasons I didn't hate the repeats as much as many. I saw Airy's wings changing throughout the loop and figured out it was a countdown. Then J saw the Airy Lies thing... doing the altered side quests and wondering how exactly everything will play out made the repeated boss fights/crystal sequences not as annoying.

I also thought you were supposed to not pray at those parts but that didn't work lol
Bravely Default is one of my all time favourites and I keep itching to replay it but I just don't have that time. Rather play BD 2 which I still haven't because it seemed like a step down and, again, time. They should port BD to Android so I can play it easily on the train lol
It's also one of the reasons I didn't hate the repeats as much as many. I saw Airy's wings changing throughout the loop and figured out it was a countdown. Then J saw the Airy Lies thing... doing the altered side quests and wondering how exactly everything will play out made the repeated boss fights/crystal sequences not as annoying.

I also thought you were supposed to not pray at those parts but that didn't work lol
Bravely Default is one of my all time favourites and I keep itching to replay it but I just don't have that time. Rather play BD 2 which I still haven't because it seemed like a step down and, again, time. They should port BD to Android so I can play it easily on the train lol
Bravely Default in my top 10 fave games. Bravely Second's job more inventive but 1 is just special. I need to do BD2 soon myself .
Hold on, is it just me or is this colosseum in KH1 a royal pain? Like is this a well known difficulty spike or do I just suck
Hold on, is it just me or is this colosseum in KH1 a royal pain? Like is this a well known difficulty spike or do I just suck
Kingdom Hearts 1 is a very tough game and the Colosseum is one of the toughest parts. You are not alone.

If you can get to Monstro, which is roughly halfway through, there are still tough parts to the game, but you’ll probably be able to overcome everything else. The other Kingdom Hearts games are significantly easier in comparison.
I am done with FF7Remake and now I am with FF8 on switch up to the part where the party plans to kill Edea at Deling City (end of disc 1, if I remember well).

I dunno, this game is messy, but it's such a vibe lol. I love the backgrounds and the music, and the npcs are fun and sometimes there are new dialogue when returning to previous locations. I love that kind of details in RPGs.
I am 55 hours into Monark and like in the final part/scene/boss. I have no motivation to finish the game lol. I tried the demo, liked it and got the game for like 28$, its good and fun till its not.

"Part 1" is interesting, teaming up with other people to fight the Monarks of the school. But then "Part 2" is a slog... from having, not suggested, to grind because enemies scale up by multiple levels, to the wrong move you might make at a boss after 10+ turns that took to get their and the repetitive nature of that part. I might as well finish it lol.
Hold on, is it just me or is this colosseum in KH1 a royal pain? Like is this a well known difficulty spike or do I just suck
Which part?

Cerberus is a notoriously difficult early game boss and you're better off putting it off until you clear Deep Jungle.
Switch RPGs peaked here for me. Of course many fantastic games came after but it's nuts that when I think of "best Switch RPG" my mind goes to this game from the console's first year.
Ever since the GBA handhelds have been synonymous with RPGs to me and it was XC2 that convinced me that the Switch generation was going to be a great time for RPG fans. Sure enough the Switch has become an excellent home for the genre with titles ranging from classics to all-new experiences.
Which part?

Cerberus is a notoriously difficult early game boss and you're better off putting it off until you clear Deep Jungle.
I’m doing that, but what would you say a good level is to take him down?
I’m doing that, but what would you say a good level is to take him down?
Level doesn't really matter (which is another way of saying I have no idea) but if you have Cure then you just hit it and dodge roll away. Equip whatever you've got, use items, and generally just play very slowly with quick pokes.
Wanted to give an update on two games I'm nearly done with:

- Sea of Stars:
I think I'm very close to the end of this game now, I just got to Serai's hometown and the dungeon after that with the bird people. My thoughts haven't changed too much since earlier on, although I am liking the game a bit more in the second half - it has a more interesting plot and intriguing lore. The good parts like the graphics, the music, and the charm are still great! But the parts that I'm a bit iffy on like the combat/battle system and some of the tone of the game (and the character development) are about the same, too. I like the game quite a bit but there's enough there that I think just isn't quite for me that I think I'd currently rate it about an 8/10. We'll see how it ends up!

- Lies of P:
Not sure if this counts as an RPG (I guess the Game Awards seems to think so...), but anyway! I'm in the final dungeon and just have a couple bosses left. This game turned out better than I expected in a lot of ways, and about as I expected in others - the combat, game feel, weapon systems, and a lot of the mechanical ideas it has are actually pretty good and from that perspective it might be one of the best non-From Soulslikes around. But the setting, enemies, lore, plot, and characters I'm still very much out on - it's just really hard for me to care about or take anything related to a 'dark fantasy version of Pinnochio' seriously. I think the level design isn't great and the art direction isn't very good, either. Bloodborne 2 this game is not. Still, I'd be interested to see what comes next from this studio if they can build on a lot of the good things this game does but do something more interesting with it.
Continuing Shin Megami Tensei V. A floating starfish helped me sabotage some mana terminals to weaken the goddess Ishtar. Then came the boss fight and the poor demon wasted three of her turns trying to use a skill that relied on those terminals that I’d just destroyed. Welp, thanks for the EXP I guess.
Been playing through Indivisible for a couple days. Geez this battle system is tough on my brain. Sounds neat to me on paper but it moves so fast and is so chaotic that it reminds me why I stan so hard for turn-based. This is the first game in a long, long time where I'm plowing through for as long as possible per session because I feel like I'll lose the muscle memory for it the next day.

On the bright side, I love the artstyle and the voice acting and the animations. Very very pretty game. Just wish they had "Active" and "Wait" modes like FFVIIR or CT 😅

Oh and a destination marker. A destination marker would be nice.
So, after taking a break from it after the end of Act One, i've gone back to Dragon Quest 11s and i'm back into it again! Just got through 3 of the intermission stories so far, not sure how many of them but I enjoyed them so far. Defo needed a break from the game after Act One though, I put 35 hours into it at that point so needed a palette cleanser or 3 before continuing.

My goal next year is to playthrough Persona 5 Royal, maybe over next summer.
I finish Monark and its a game that I will have trouble recommending to people. I felt kinda bad playing it, it felt to serious.

Seeing the SMT V talk, I booted it up. Always wanted to get back and get the other endings. Still as fun I remember.
I may have just bought another RPG to add to my growing list of RPGS to play, I picked up Octopath Traveller 2 after reading a few threads about the game on this very forum. Got it for £25, might actually play it over the Christmas break as it seems that sort of game.
I may have just bought another RPG to add to my growing list of RPGS to play, I picked up Octopath Traveller 2 after reading a few threads about the game on this very forum. Got it for £25, might actually play it over the Christmas break as it seems that sort of game.
My game of the year, it’s really, really good!
While we are on the topic of indie JRPGs I have to say, PK's really positive words on Rise of the Third Power recently sold me on the game, which was not on my radar at all!

I think I'll be skipping Stegosoft's previous work though, yes the one featured in the video's thumbnail, Ara Fell. Story seems to be a big selling point for Rise, not so much for Ara, and sometimes you're just better off prioritizing.

Edit: I feel a similar way with Shadows of Adam and it's spiritual successor, Quartet (which should be coming to Switch a little later in the year I think?). Where the new game just seems that much more ambitious and I can't help but be on board with one over the other.
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Still working on Baten Kaitos EWatLO, think I'm nearing the end. Wanna go off on the Celestial Alps segment for a bit:

so you go up to the cabin, get jumped by Giacomo+minions, it's the same fight as on the battleship earlier but with bigger numbers. okay. then Giacomo beats you in the cutscene, but you recover, and then... do the exact same boss fight again. identical to the one you just did, zero differences.

then the cutscene where Giacomo dies is all "ooouuuggghhh please stop Melodia." could've told me that before you made me beat your ass twice consecutively, dawg. then he tells his minions to help you, and they just go "nah."

like, yeah, I guess they needed another boss fight with Giacomo to send him off properly, and there's more lore that gets dumped here about Kee and Georg. idk, the writing thus far has been passable, real B- JRPG copy, but man, who thought this would be a good way to write this part.
I think I’m in the final area in Shin Megami Tensei V, where I have to get the three keys and seize the Throne with a capital T. Obviously means this is the opportune time to revisit the previous areas and clean out the sidequests lol
I think I’m in the final area in Shin Megami Tensei V, where I have to get the three keys and seize the Throne with a capital T. Obviously means this is the opportune time to revisit the previous areas and clean out the sidequests lol
On one hand, that area feels a bit too big and has SO much going on in it. But on the other, can't beat this music track:

And as an SMT follow-up, Metaphor being confirmed for Fall 2024 (I'd put money on it targeting late October/early November) lines up nicely with my hopes for another Atlus game being between Persona 3 and it. Likely a port or remaster of some kind, hopefully SMT-related, but maybe SMTV:A? Something? I'm hopeful!
Happy 1 year to Chained Echoes! You should check this game out if you like turn-based battles with a unique twist, FF6 and Chrono Trigger vibes, and a lot more!

Hoping for a sale like every other rpg on my wishlist :D I do badly want to play it though
Happy 1 year to Chained Echoes! You should check this game out if you like turn-based battles with a unique twist, FF6 and Chrono Trigger vibes, and a lot more!

it was such a nice surprise for something I only ever even touched on a whim because I happened to feel like playing something and had heard nice things about it, there's so many games on my radar in similar ways that i'll never end up touching just because I don't really play all that many games

will definitely pick up whatever they end up making next day 1
Happy 1 year to Chained Echoes! You should check this game out if you like turn-based battles with a unique twist, FF6 and Chrono Trigger vibes, and a lot more!

I do own this one on Deck, will probably get around to it at some point. It looks pretty up my alley so I'm fairly confident I'll love it
And as an SMT follow-up, Metaphor being confirmed for Fall 2024 (I'd put money on it targeting late October/early November) lines up nicely with my hopes for another Atlus game being between Persona 3 and it. Likely a port or remaster of some kind, hopefully SMT-related, but maybe SMTV:A? Something? I'm hopeful!
Sega would kinda be bordering on too many JRPGs at that point, they already have P3, Infinite Wealth, Unicorn, and Metaphor. Not that I'd complain about more SMT

Anyways, started and got a good way through Atelier Ryza! It's my first Atelier game, and I'm honestly quite enjoying the crafting focus. It's got that same addictive feeling of an SMT (haha, post connectivity) where you can just increasingly optimize what you have. Story's pretty damn slow paced and is pretty bad at naturally telling you what you have to do next (but you can just check the in-game journal to find out) but the vibes are pretty charming at least and I think I've gotten to the point 12 hours in where stuff might start happening at a slightly faster pace.
On one hand, that area feels a bit too big and has SO much going on in it. But on the other, can't beat this music track:

Oh yeah the area feels so huge, but it’s a great time. And yes that tracks SLAPS

Hoping for a sale like every other rpg on my wishlist :D I do badly want to play it though
Yeah Chained Echoes and Octopath II are both on my shortlist of RPGs to buy on sale

Atelier Ryza!
I really enjoyed the anime for that, so I’m looking forward to further impressions you have down the line hehe
I do own this one on Deck, will probably get around to it at some point. It looks pretty up my alley so I'm fairly confident I'll love it

Sega would kinda be bordering on too many JRPGs at that point, they already have P3, Infinite Wealth, Unicorn, and Metaphor. Not that I'd complain about more SMT

Anyways, started and got a good way through Atelier Ryza! It's my first Atelier game, and I'm honestly quite enjoying the crafting focus. It's got that same addictive feeling of an SMT (haha, post connectivity) where you can just increasingly optimize what you have. Story's pretty damn slow paced and is pretty bad at naturally telling you what you have to do next (but you can just check the in-game journal to find out) but the vibes are pretty charming at least and I think I've gotten to the point 12 hours in where stuff might start happening at a slightly faster pace.
Yeah Ryza 1 is the slowest regarding pacing, with that said at the point you mentioned things start happening faster and you have more tools as well.

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