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Bit late to it but all of this Triangle Strategy talk is reminding me that the game is still my most anticipated wishlisted title, above Mario Odyssey even (yes, don't ask me why I haven't bought and played SMO yet).

Nintendo discount it c'mon. Not that I'm already drowning in games to play as is.
The FFXVI DLC for Theatrhythm has gotten me more interested in the game then any of the interviews, previews, reviews, or impressions from the gaming media. Not enough for me to get a PS5, but I would pick up a copy for the Switch 2 if it ever happens.
The FFXVI DLC for Theatrhythm has gotten me more interested in the game then any of the interviews, previews, reviews, or impressions from the gaming media. Not enough for me to get a PS5, but I would pick up a copy for the Switch 2 if it ever happens.
The soundtrack for XVI was amazing and they grabbed nearly all of the best songs. Excited to play that DLC myself soon.
I put on hold CrossCode after 15 hours because although I am liking it, I crave more relaxed experiences as of now and this game is pretty demanding of you (not difficult as of now but still it demands that you take the puzzles and combat pretty seriously)

I started Persona 5 Royal (first playthrough) and I am 15 hours in, it's the type of experience I am craving now. Enjoying the mix of socializing and light dungeon crawling, I find the writing and humour to be pretty good until now (although the main plots like Kamoshida and Madarame are pretty simple, but it's very fun to read)
Honestly considering jumping to P5R despite starting P3P. Just haven’t gotten a rhythm on the latter so I’m curious to see if I have better luck with the former. I know I’m cool with the general style as I did enjoy soul hackers 2 and TMS#FE
So, I'm thinking about getting into the Tales of series. I have the following: berseria, zestiria, symphonia and vesperia. Which one should I play first?
So as a big Tales fan I'll give a quick thought for starting with each of these and a few others

Symphonia: First 3D Tales and many people's first Tales game. Might be harder to go back to if you play later Tales games that refined it's core gameplay. Story is fairly standard but it's executed well.

Vesperia: Many consider this to be the overall best game in the series between gameplay and story. Has a slightly older and more mature lead then other Tales games which might make it easier to jump into.

Zestiria: The worst of the 3D Tales games, it's still a solid experience, but it has a lot of problems and may give a bad first impression of the series.

Berseria: In many ways the perfection of the style of gameplay that started with Symphonia. It is a "sequel" to Zestiria though, 1,000 years later so it's largely self contained, though you may get more out of it if you play Zestiria first.

A few other titles that are a decent recommendation if you're willing to look into emulation/fan translations or have access to older systems

Phantasia: First game in the series, 2D and a bit archaic depending upon the version you play. PS1 with a fan patch is the best version you can currently play over the fan patches SNES or official GBA localization.

Destiny Remake: Many consider this to have the best combat system of any 2D Tales game. Fan translation for the ps2 version exist.

Tales of the Abyss: I think this game has the best overall story of any Tales game. It uses an advanced version of the Symphonia engine ironing out some of that games rough spots mechanically. Can be played on ps2 or 3ds both versions were officially localized.

Graces f: Many consider this to have the best combat system of any 3D Tales game. Only released on the PS3.
Bit late to it but all of this Triangle Strategy talk is reminding me that the game is still my most anticipated wishlisted title, above Mario Odyssey even (yes, don't ask me why I haven't bought and played SMO yet).

Nintendo discount it c'mon. Not that I'm already drowning in games to play as is.

Don't make me gift you both. (How would that even work on the forum).
I wanna pick up an RPG after I finish Wonder. I might pick up Pokemon Crystal Legacy since @Red Monster got me intrigued, but there’s always the off chance Chained Echoes or Octopath II goes on sale or something.
The soundtrack for XVI was amazing and they grabbed nearly all of the best songs. Excited to play that DLC myself soon.
Have to admit it's a great capstone for Theatrhythm's DLC, although I wouldn't be opposed to more in the future. They even gave it its own slot with the other FF titles rather then stuffing it in the Final Fantasy series slot like I thought they were going to do.
I wanna pick up an RPG after I finish Wonder. I might pick up Pokemon Crystal Legacy since @Red Monster got me intrigued, but there’s always the off chance Chained Echoes or Octopath II goes on sale or something.
Pokemon Crystal Legacy sounds really fun, and we're not getting a new Pokemon game this year (other than DLC) so I'm a bit tempted. But if you get the chance, both Chained Echoes and Octopath 2 are phenomenal games
Trying to figure out what to focus on(well till SMRPG drops). Either get back to Ryza, start P5R(May try P3P one more time since I haven’t even made a dungeon yet), or start FFIX(been long enough since 8 now).

I randomly decided back into Octopath 2 after my last re-attempt went somewhat poorly, and it's been clicking with me a lot better this time. I still don't quite get the hype, especially given how much more it's hyped than the first game, but I'm having fun
Trying to figure out what to focus on(well till SMRPG drops). Either get back to Ryza, start P5R(May try P3P one more time since I haven’t even made a dungeon yet), or start FFIX(been long enough since 8 now).

Maybe try sticking with P3P at least until you see the dungeon gameplay. You’ll have a good sense of the loop after you finish the first set of floors.

Final Fantasy IX is awesome though so not a bad pick either.
Got myself Star Ocean 2 today. Anybody else did? Imma dive in tonight. Haven't played it for years.
Finally finished Octopath Traveler 2.
Although it's a better game than OT1 my god this is as copy-paste as can be.
Some qol adjustments, but same problems as the first one. Massive disappointment despite being a legit good game.
If there's an OT3 they should redesign everything from scratch. This felt like playing a story expansion instead of a new game.
Finally finished Octopath Traveler 2.
Although it's a better game than OT1 my god this is as copy-paste as can be.
Some qol adjustments, but same problems as the first one. Massive disappointment despite being a legit good game.
If there's an OT3 they should redesign everything from scratch. This felt like playing a story expansion instead of a new game.
I couldn't disagree with this take more
I couldn't disagree with this take more
Why though?
Same battle system, same classes, same story structure, same dungeon structure, same sidequests style.
There's a bit more interaction between party members and sped up battle. What else is new? I would even argue that some things are worse like 16(!) path actions and some overly drawn out stories.

I'm not saying is bad, it's definitely better than the first one, but the differences are miniscule.
Why though?
Same battle system, same classes, same story structure, same dungeon structure, same sidequests style.
There's a bit more interaction between party members and sped up battle. What else is new? I would even argue that some things are worse like 16(!) path actions and some overly drawn out stories.

I'm not saying is bad, it's definitely better than the first one, but the differences are miniscule.
The latent talent changes up the battle system and adds a further layer beyond boost points and breaking the enemy.
The classes are the same but the balance is better, as latent talent vastly improves apothecary and beasts aren’t limited use any more.
The guild system means you can have more than one of each class in the party which makes swapping everyone around much easier when reforming the party.
Exploration now includes verticality and water, where in OT field areas were just a crossroads. Now rivers go under bridges and through tunnels and different areas, while climbing changes the dungeons around and means more hidden areas.
Various QOL improvements like telling you exactly how much an item improved a stat, and the cursor starting on new pickups when looking at the time menu.
Better characters than the original set (your mileage may vary but Castii is amazing and one of the all-time great JRPG characters to me).
A final chapter that ties everything together and rounds off the game well, rather than just a post-game super boss.

I played them literally back to back and found OT2 a great example of an iterative sequel that improves on almost everything. To me OT is a solid 8/10 but OTII fully realises the concept.
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The latent talent changes up the battle system and adds a further layer beyond boost points and breaking the enemy.
The classes are the same but the balance is better, as latent talent vastly improves apothecary and beasts aren’t limited use any more.
The guild system means you can have more than one of each class in the party which makes swapping everyone around much easier when reforming the party.
Exploration now includes verticality and water, where in OT field areas were just a crossroads. Now rivers go under bridges and through tunnels and different areas, while climbing changes the dungeons around and means more hidden areas.
Various QOL improvements like telling you exactly how much an item improved a stat, and the cursor starting on new pickups when looking at the time menu.
Better characters than the original set (your mileage may vary but Castii is amazing and one of the all-time great JRPG characters to me).
A final chapter that ties everything together and rounds off the game well, rather than just a post-game super boss.

I played them literally back to back and found OT2 a great example of an iterative sequel that improves on almost everything. To me OT is a solid 8/10 but OTII fully realises the concept.
There's also a lot more done to keep the structure of the chapters to not be so rigidly town -> dungeon -> boss -> repeat four times.

You have things like Partitio's investment quests, the split routes for Throne between Father and Mother, Osvald's force back to back chapters, and all of Ochette's chapter 2's being available at the same time. Chapters also don't always have bosses or dungeons, and you also have the joint chapters which help to fill out the world and characters.

The individual stories tease where the connected final chapter is going a lot more clearly with the various connections to the Shadows along with other hints about how things come together.

Having multiple of each path action day/night gives you a lot more flexibility for approaching challenges. For getting items as an example, you can steal on a %, win from a combat via mug, flirt if you're high enough level, or use cash to just buy whatever you can afford.

There's a lot more unique side content and a lot more optional areas with a ton of variety which keeps the world exciting to explore even after you think you've hit every major town.

OT2 is what an iterative sequel should be. Fix what didn't work in the original while improving the things that did. If you inherently don't like the concept of 8 disconnected stories that run in parallel, this sequel isn't going to change that even if I personally think the finale paid it off beautifully.
Enjoying the skill system of Star Ocean 2. It’s completely inessential but also completely broken the more you get your head around it. I poured points into the skill that reduces the SP cost of everything else, then the skills like boost xp gain (train) and the group skill that reduces money gained and increases BP/SP. After that, just experimenting with customising old weapons led to me finding some sweet new weapons that were like 100 points better than what was in the shops. I love stuff like this. You can just pour SP into the stuff that boosts attack, defence and HP if you want. Or you can really dig into increasing specialities that increase skills that create items or increase group skills that lead to even stronger stuff. Love it.
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It’s completely inessential but also completely broken the more you get your head around it.
That’s definitely one of the appeals of RPG skill systems— finding ways to break it all and revel in your newfound might.

I really enjoyed the demo for Star Ocean 2, it’s yet another entry on my to-play list…
I’ve reached what I assume is the end of Act One in Dragon Quest 11s, enjoying it so far but this intermission seems to have really took the wind out of the games sails for me. Think was the extra content added in over the previous release?
I’ve reached what I assume is the end of Act One in Dragon Quest 11s, enjoying it so far but this intermission seems to have really took the wind out of the games sails for me. Think was the extra content added in over the previous release?
The intermissions are cool in a vacuum, but yeah, the general opinion is that they hurt the pacing a bit compared to the original game. I wish they’d been put a bit later on and spaced out, but I won’t say more than that. Just push through them - they aren’t too long and you’ll be back to the good stuff soon!
Started Persona 5. The art style and UI presentation are great, but I'm not getting sucked into the game mechanics just yet.

I'm just coming down from XB3, so that might explain it. Hopefully Monolith hasn't ruined other RPG's for me. I'm still just starting, so I'm gonna push through.
Started Persona 5. The art style and UI presentation are great, but I'm not getting sucked into the game mechanics just yet.

I'm just coming down from XB3, so that might explain it. Hopefully Monolith hasn't ruined other RPG's for me. I'm still just starting, so I'm gonna push through.
Depends on your preferences, and a lot of other things! Persona is such a different style of game from Xenoblade that they're almost hard to compare in some ways. For me, the gameplay loop in Persona 5 is pretty much unmatched, and the only game that's right up there with it is Xenoblade 2. Persona 5 starts off slowly and just builds and builds as it goes; once the gameplay gets crunchier and you really unlock all the features and get into it a ways, it really sings. Plus I'm just addicted to demon fusion.
Impressions after the first 20 minutes of Star Ocean 2 R are absolutely stellar. I hope Square will give Gemdrops all the money they need to keep doing remakes (or even brand new games) likes this.

I won't be able to play it seriously for a while though, so i'll just stop here for now :(
Depends on your preferences, and a lot of other things! Persona is such a different style of game from Xenoblade that they're almost hard to compare in some ways. For me, the gameplay loop in Persona 5 is pretty much unmatched, and the only game that's right up there with it is Xenoblade 2. Persona 5 starts off slowly and just builds and builds as it goes; once the gameplay gets crunchier and you really unlock all the features and get into it a ways, it really sings. Plus I'm just addicted to demon fusion.

cool thanks, I'm still very much at the beginning
Star Ocean 2 does remind me that it’s such an odd series. The first game was a decent RPG but nothing spectacular. The second one is one of the best RPGs of its time, it’s great as it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next and the ‘sci—fi rpg but now we’re conveniently swords and chainmail again’ element is played up in various fun ways throughout as Claude’s fish-out-of-water setup works really well, with him randomly pulling out a communicator to try and call the fleet, or his gun mistaken for a magic sword. But then the third is all over the place, SO4 has a great premise taking the party into space in a spaceship at last but fumbled the plot, cast, script, everything to do with the writing. The less said about SO5 the better and SO6 seems… passable. Space Opera rpg just seems like such an obviously good idea with varied planets and tech levels etc that it’s wild that Star Ocean struggles so much to stick the landing. It’s like, a series I’ve been hoping would finally get everything right in one game for 25 years.
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Started Persona 5. The art style and UI presentation are great, but I'm not getting sucked into the game mechanics just yet.

I'm just coming down from XB3, so that might explain it. Hopefully Monolith hasn't ruined other RPG's for me. I'm still just starting, so I'm gonna push through.
Had a similar feeling from P4 (which I last left after the second dungeon, though I might get back to it later). The game is great in most aspects but the gameplay wasn't hooking me. I'm not a huge fan of the daily life parts and the dungeon crawling just makes me wish I was playing SMT. I prefer having a full party of demons to constantly train up and fuse, instead of that mechanic being limited to the protagonist and with no EXP share type mechanic to level up party demons

From what I've heard though P5 does seem like it improves on some of those problems I have with 4 so I might just eventually give that a try instead
I started Monark, tried the demo and bought the game for like 30$. Its a fascinating game, this is not indicating its good or bad. I am 15 hours in and I have so many questions lol.

Ill touch on 3 things so far:
-First is the presentation, its fine. character art is great, 3d models are ok, enemies are boring.
-Second is the combat, I think there is some cool experimentation with the madness/awakening mechanic (replacing mana) and there are some creative skills. But I think they tried a bunch of systems that kinda overcomplicate the game, from the lvl systems to the gear for non-humans.
-Third are the npc and the world, ok I get that something happen to the school but why is everyone very chill about the situation lol. There is an exit doors to building, stay outside and you will probably live. Also a lot of the students are either bullies or scumbags.
Star Ocean 2 does remind me that it’s such an odd series. The first game was a decent RPG but nothing spectacular. The second one is one of the best RPGs of its time, it’s great as it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next and the ‘sci—fi rpg but now we’re conveniently swords and chainmail again’ element is played up in various fun ways throughout as Claude’s fish-out-of-water setup works really well, with him randomly pulling out a communicator to try and call the fleet, or his gun mistaken for a magic sword. But then the third is all over the place, SO4 has a great premise taking the party into space in a spaceship at last but fumbled the plot, cast, script, everything to do with the writing. The less said about SO5 the better and SO6 seems… passable. Space Opera rpg just seems like such an obviously good idea with varied planets and tech levels etc that it’s wild that Star Ocean struggles so much to stick the landing. It’s like, a series I’ve been hoping would finally get everything right in one game for 25 years.
I’m still conflicted on this. I’m super interested in 2 but I’ve got 1 in the backlog… and a ton of other rpgs
After I finished a bunch of the big new 2023 games all back to back 100% (Mario, Spider-Man, and Alan Wake) and wrapped up Wario quickly, my attention has primarily shifted back to my Final Fantasy Tactics Advance replay. After putting it down for two weeks it was quite awkward to get back into at first as while most goals to work towards are easy enough to do, remembering all of them and your planned order to tackle them can definitely be lost if enough time passes. I’m not eager to have that happen again, so I think I’m going to focus as much as possible on Final Tactics Advance until I finish it.

I cleared a bunch of missions today in particular with minimal fuss, but I am concerned I’m now finally at the point where the game has a major difficulty spike. After you destroy the fourth crystal, the laws become much more strict and there are three of them active on each map. I only played three maps after this occurred so far and one of the new laws is don’t attack animals which is actually code for don’t attack monsters. That is…awfully absurd. If you get that law and don’t have the card to break it (which I didn’t) some missions ostensibly become impossible to run that day. Other laws aren’t much better like removing the Fight command. This is of course accompanied by a big jump in enemy levels at least in one of the maps I played. Provided I didn’t have to abandon a mission entirely due to a bad law, I’m thus far hanging in there despite the large range of levels on my team.

While as of now I don’t intend to mainline it as my team definitely needs to level up, I am down to the last nine story missions left so I’m one mission shy of being 2/3rds of the way done. I’ve been having an awesome time so far, so I would be bummed if this last stretch becomes a chore. We’ll see how it goes with the end in sight.
Star Ocean 2 does remind me that it’s such an odd series. The first game was a decent RPG but nothing spectacular. The second one is one of the best RPGs of its time, it’s great as it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next and the ‘sci—fi rpg but now we’re conveniently swords and chainmail again’ element is played up in various fun ways throughout as Claude’s fish-out-of-water setup works really well, with him randomly pulling out a communicator to try and call the fleet, or his gun mistaken for a magic sword. But then the third is all over the place, SO4 has a great premise taking the party into space in a spaceship at last but fumbled the plot, cast, script, everything to do with the writing. The less said about SO5 the better and SO6 seems… passable. Space Opera rpg just seems like such an obviously good idea with varied planets and tech levels etc that it’s wild that Star Ocean struggles so much to stick the landing. It’s like, a series I’ve been hoping would finally get everything right in one game for 25 years.
This is why I can't get into SO, the sci-fi elements often get dropped for 80% of the game to be another dime a dozen sword and sorcery fantasy. I'm still planning to get SO2 as it's the "best" and somehow only SO I've never played.
Star Ocean 2 does remind me that it’s such an odd series. The first game was a decent RPG but nothing spectacular. The second one is one of the best RPGs of its time, it’s great as it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next and the ‘sci—fi rpg but now we’re conveniently swords and chainmail again’ element is played up in various fun ways throughout as Claude’s fish-out-of-water setup works really well, with him randomly pulling out a communicator to try and call the fleet, or his gun mistaken for a magic sword. But then the third is all over the place, SO4 has a great premise taking the party into space in a spaceship at last but fumbled the plot, cast, script, everything to do with the writing. The less said about SO5 the better and SO6 seems… passable. Space Opera rpg just seems like such an obviously good idea with varied planets and tech levels etc that it’s wild that Star Ocean struggles so much to stick the landing. It’s like, a series I’ve been hoping would finally get everything right in one game for 25 years.

SO6 is really good. It unfortunately feels rushed in ways and has a bad PC port. I liked it a lot on PS5. Just need to get past the character designs. It is an ambitious and amazing game IMO.
This is why I can't get into SO, the sci-fi elements often get dropped for 80% of the game to be another dime a dozen sword and sorcery fantasy. I'm still planning to get SO2 as it's the "best" and somehow only SO I've never played.
It’s a shame really, like I said I don’t get why space opera stuff gets dropped to do chainmail and swords for the nth time. It is hilarious in SO4 that the thing that makes the party go for swords and archery is that alien energy fields only block fast projectiles. A sci-fi trope from Dune and Star Trek if ever I heard one. Also naturally the main characters are experienced sword fighters and archers just as hobbies. That was, er, convenient. Star Ocean 2 does at least have a pretty likable cast, although I particularly like that you can choose not to recruit most characters if you find them annoying, something I’ve done twice already.

@Yamanoi I do really want to play SO6 but don’t have a PS5/PC. Hopefully it’ll get ported to Switch 2 one day!
It’s a shame really, like I said I don’t get why space opera stuff gets dropped to do chainmail and swords for the nth time. It is hilarious in SO4 that the thing that makes the party go for swords and archery is that alien energy fields only block fast projectiles. A sci-fi trope from Dune and Star Trek if ever I heard one. Also naturally the main characters are experienced sword fighters and archers just as hobbies. That was, er, convenient. Star Ocean 2 does at least have a pretty likable cast, although I particularly like that you can choose not to recruit most characters if you find them annoying, something I’ve done twice already.

@Yamanoi I do really want to play SO6 but don’t have a PS5/PC. Hopefully it’ll get ported to Switch 2 one day!
My dream game has always been a "prime directive rpg" where the 3-5 planets you explore are at different levels of tech and you can only use equipment/items appropriate to that planets tech level. I realize the same premise could work with a time travel set up, but I'd prefer a story where the moral conundrum isn't "will fixing this mess up the timeline".
It’s a shame really, like I said I don’t get why space opera stuff gets dropped to do chainmail and swords for the nth time. It is hilarious in SO4 that the thing that makes the party go for swords and archery is that alien energy fields only block fast projectiles. A sci-fi trope from Dune and Star Trek if ever I heard one. Also naturally the main characters are experienced sword fighters and archers just as hobbies. That was, er, convenient. Star Ocean 2 does at least have a pretty likable cast, although I particularly like that you can choose not to recruit most characters if you find them annoying, something I’ve done twice already.

@Yamanoi I do really want to play SO6 but don’t have a PS5/PC. Hopefully it’ll get ported to Switch 2 one day!
I'll triple dip if that happens and join you!
It’s a shame really, like I said I don’t get why space opera stuff gets dropped to do chainmail and swords for the nth time. It is hilarious in SO4 that the thing that makes the party go for swords and archery is that alien energy fields only block fast projectiles. A sci-fi trope from Dune and Star Trek if ever I heard one. Also naturally the main characters are experienced sword fighters and archers just as hobbies. That was, er, convenient. Star Ocean 2 does at least have a pretty likable cast, although I particularly like that you can choose not to recruit most characters if you find them annoying, something I’ve done twice already.

@Yamanoi I do really want to play SO6 but don’t have a PS5/PC. Hopefully it’ll get ported to Switch 2 one day!
It's funny because you can see it as handicap from the 4th dimension beings or whatever they were to make more entertaining watching the games.

I was having some trouble getting into , but then I realized it was the peninsular spanish subs, it just doesn't feel right with some of the wording. I mentioned before but I hope they would consider Spanish LATAM subs more. I changed to English now I'm feeling it
My dream game has always been a "prime directive rpg" where the 3-5 planets you explore are at different levels of tech and you can only use equipment/items appropriate to that planets tech level
This is an awesome idea. Would be a great way to keep forcing players to change up their playstyles too!
This is an awesome idea. Would be a great way to keep forcing players to change up their playstyles too!
Also change up the party too. Your party could consist of

1-3 "Star Fleet" who can go anywhere

1-2 "Star Fleet" who aren't approved for planetary travel (ie they're locked to the current tech planet)

And then each of the other 2-4 planets have 1-2 characters who can only join when on that planet.
My dream game has always been a "prime directive rpg" where the 3-5 planets you explore are at different levels of tech and you can only use equipment/items appropriate to that planets tech level. I realize the same premise could work with a time travel set up, but I'd prefer a story where the moral conundrum isn't "will fixing this mess up the timeline".
This would be a great idea for a game. Closest thing I can think of (that isn't really close at all...) would be Rogue Galaxy, since it has you going to lots of different planets with different tech levels and getting party members from all over the place who use different equipment styles, but IIRC it's not limited in any way and the game overall is still more fantasy-feeling rather than really leaning into the scifi.
My dream game has always been a "prime directive rpg" where the 3-5 planets you explore are at different levels of tech and you can only use equipment/items appropriate to that planets tech level. I realize the same premise could work with a time travel set up, but I'd prefer a story where the moral conundrum isn't "will fixing this mess up the timeline".
That’s an awesome concept, I’d love that.
This would be a great idea for a game. Closest thing I can think of (that isn't really close at all...) would be Rogue Galaxy, since it has you going to lots of different planets with different tech levels and getting party members from all over the place who use different equipment styles, but IIRC it's not limited in any way and the game overall is still more fantasy-feeling rather than really leaning into the scifi.
That’s yet another rpg I hope we see again one day. I remember skipping it in the closing years of the PS2, I think
That’s yet another rpg I hope we see again one day. I remember skipping it in the closing years of the PS2, I think
It's available as one of the "PS2 on PS4" PSonline games, I have it there and played it around 5-6 years ago for the first time. It's... not amazing, although it has a lot of that PS2 Level 5 charm and feel. Same composer, graphical feel, and just overall 'vibe' is very similar to Dark Cloud 2, for example.
I'm in Palace 7 in P5R (on hard) and man you get so incredibly overpowered in Royal it's starting to drag lol, it's not engaging. Kind of wish Merciless was a more traditional difficulty above hard because using the fusion system and everything feels pretty pointless right now. Still really enjoying it but it definitely could have been like 20 hours shorter.
Just rolled credits on Star Ocean 2. Good stuff, and a nice tight 26.5 hours. Even then I poured a ton of time into the skill system, item creation etc so probably added an extra few hours there. Really enjoyed that, it finished up just at the point where the combat system had opened up, boss fights were getting tougher, and dungeon puzzles weren’t being repeated. Just exactly the right length.

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