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Discussion Queen Elizabeth has Passed

Not sure why people in this thread are desperate to put words in my mouth or are trying to paint me as having an opinion I don't have. If you lack the ability to comprehend what you are reading then don't try to respond to the post next time. Fucking idiots.
You're free to criticize groups, including expressing that their actions make no sense to you, but please do not bring mental illness into it, as this does nothing but further stigmatize mentally ill people. - paranoodle, hologram, BozPaggs
I don't take pleasure in her death, she's someone's mum, gran etc. but the British population's "love" of the royal family is utterly bewildering to me (I'm a Scot who has lived abroad for 20 years). I cannot fathom how people are in tears at a 96 year old who they have never met, who didn't really do anything for the last 40 years apart from wave and take more taxpayer's money and paying off victims of her scumbag son.
I think a late part of the country, the flag-waving, Brit supporting royalists are utterly unfathomable.
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Now is as good a time as any time for us to make our exit; before we have to put Charles’ ugly mug on our currency.
Now is as good a time as any time for us to make our exit; before we have to put Charles’ ugly mug on our currency.
Sorry, the agreement clearly states that as long as we support your economy by importing episodes of Home and Away you have to stay in the Commonwealth.
Mate I couldn't care less about about the queen or what anyone thinks about her; who said anything about being polite and respectful? The post I quoted appears to be coming from a genuine place of being well informed and heartfelt, and isn't taking a totally one sided stance on the subject matter which is why I was shocked to see it here. It's completely at odds with the majority of posts I've read about the queen on this forum, so in what sense is my definition of reasonable warped? :ROFLMAO:
I won't say that the original post was malinformed, or that it was offensive, or not heartfelt, but I don't think that something being "balanced" makes it more reasonable.
Staff Communication
Given how much negative impact the monarchy (and the Queen specifically) has had on the world, it is completely understandable to celebrate her death and we are not interested in policing such reactions. If you do not share this view, fine, but please do not impose your own morality on others.

It is especially not appropriate to compare such responses to hate speech, nor call them vile or disgusting. Further posts with this rhetoric will be actioned.

At the same time, please do not respond to inflammatory takes with escalation. Report them and move on. Hostility directed towards other members is never acceptable and will be actioned.

-blondkayvon, BozPaggs, Donnie, hologram
If anyone fancies learning something out of this whole morbid affair:

The Queen had two first cousins, Nerissa and Katherine Bowes Lyon: They were the daughters of Fenella and John Herbert Bowes Lyon, the brother of the Queen Mother and general members of the British aristocracy.

Both girls were reported in the 1960s to have died, Nerissa in 1940 and Katherine in 1961. This was a lie. Both girls had mental disabilities meaning they never learned to talk.

Both were sent to Earlswood Hospital in 1941, where their family then abandoned them. None of their family ever visited them. The family only paid £125 a year to the hospital, no other money was ever given to the two sisters. Nurses at the hospital said no-one from their family ever sent them a Christmas or birthday card. When Nerissa died in 1981, only nurses attended her funeral, and her grave was marked with plastic tags and a serial number rather than a headstone.

The Queen Mother was their aunt, and the Queen their First Cousin.

This is the family that we're celebrating for long years of public service and embodying British values.

Fuck the monarchy.
Not sure if this in bad taste but man, I burst out laughing seeing this:


Absolutely brazen. Something to bear in mind when the wall-to-wall coverage is telling you that we're all wailing in the streets over this old lady.

Absolutely brazen. Something to bear in mind when the wall-to-wall coverage is telling you that we're all wailing in the streets over this old lady.

Just for context here, Chris Kaba was a black man shot dead by the Metropolitan Police while unarmed. Spreading misinformation that a march for justice is actually a tribute to the Queen is astonishingly low, even by the subterranean standards of British media.

I said earlier in this thread that being in this country would be absolutely insufferable but even I'm a little shocked by just how much the establishment and their media lackeys have completely lost their minds.
Just for context here, Chris Kaba was a black man shot dead by the Metropolitan Police while unarmed. Spreading misinformation that a march for justice is actually a tribute to the Queen is astonishingly low, even by the subterranean standards of British media.

I said earlier in this thread that being in this country would be absolutely insufferable but even I'm a little shocked by just how much the establishment and their media lackeys have completely lost their minds.
The Crown is the underpinning of the British establishment.

Everything from the Westminster media circus, the newspapers to the Aristocracy, operate on the basis that the Monarchy is fundamental to understanding British identity.

It's what allows discrimination by class and race to carry on unabated (as the closer you are to the monarchy, the obviously better quality a human you are).

It's what keeps our politics such a dog and pony show of arcane procedures.

The media will always make a song and dance out of this. If they didn't, it would suggest the Monarchy isn't actually that important to our day to day lives. Which in turn either suggest their fundamental portrayal of British identity is wrong.
Australians currently trying extremely hard to will a public holiday for this into existence, that’s basically what every group chat I’m in has been discussing all day.
Mission accomplished everyone, now let’s thank the monarchy by becoming a republic straight after.

As for the above, trying to co-opt the March for Chris Kaba into a tribute to the queen is genuinely disgusting. That’s bottom of the barrel stuff that I’ve come to expect from the Australian mainstream media. Murdoch’s gutter rags are just disgraceful everywhere.

And arrests and police intimidation for anyone holding a sign or even a blank piece of paper that might later become a sign. Are Liz would have loved this. :cry:

And arrests and police intimidation for anyone holding a sign or even a blank piece of paper that might later become a sign. Are Liz would have loved this. :cry:

She loved poor people dying so this is on brand.
American but my grandmother came over from Ireland so.... the royals are stupid lol ..... This whole monarchy thing is just stupid and shocked at how many americans care about them... Like really?
Abolish the monarchy.

The queens passing does nothing for me. That royal house of societal parasites have plagued the British people for a long time. Not just the people in the UK, but a large part of the world that suffered under colonial imperialism driven by the crown. Consequences of which people are still suffering from, like the racist ideologies that came out of that colonial era. They hold a monopoly on birthright based on being appointed by god that determines these particular human are better than all of us. That includes that scumbag Andrew also. This stupid fairytale larpy nonsense should be ended in this modern age.

People are being arrested in the UK for voicing their opinions, which are way tamer than what I have just said. Shameful.
I think my favourite so far has been Center Parcs (outdoorsy holiday company) telling holidaymakers that they would have to leave their lodges on the day of the Queen's funeral and find alternative accommodation for the night. They have U-turned on this now because it's astoundingly stupid and probably a bit much even for royalists, but jesus christ.

My hope, and it's a faint one, is that stuff like this, and the hospital appointment cancellations, and the food banks closing, will open some eyes as to how actually harmful the Monarchy and the culture around it is to the people of this country. But consent manufacturing machine goes brrrrrrr, I suppose.
If I had a pound coin for every time a colleague or relative or random stranger says "I'm not a Royalist but..." You know how it goes. Yes you fucking are! Stop pretending otherwise. It's no better than the "I'm not racist but..." or "no offense but..." You are defending modern day feudalism. If the BBC and Sky News are to be believed half the fucking country is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Years ago I thought we were inching towards republicanism (not the American kind), but the past week has alarmed me. We are so far off.

There is nothing compelling about watching people queue for 14 hours to steal a glimpse at a polished box holding the corpse of a privileged (to put it mildly) geriatric. Good grief. I've so far managed to stay fairly silent on the subject but today I need to vent a little.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
If I had a pound coin for every time a colleague or relative or random stranger says "I'm not a Royalist but..." You know how it goes. Yes you fucking are! Stop pretending otherwise. It's no better than the "I'm not racist but..." or "no offense but..." You are defending modern day feudalism. If the BBC and Sky News are to be believed half the fucking country is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Years ago I thought we were inching towards republicanism (not the American kind), but the past week has alarmed me. We are so far off.

There is nothing compelling about watching people queue for 14 hours to steal a glimpse at a polished box holding the corpse of a privileged (to put it mildly) geriatric. Good grief. I've so far managed to stay fairly silent on the subject but today I need to vent a little.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
The UK is perpetually paralyzed by the horrible media it has. Absolute hot trashjuice.

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