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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack |ST| New Summer 2024 Poll!

Starting June 19th, which library will add the most games to the service by the end of 2024?

  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N64

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • GB/GBC

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Sega Genesis

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
My life is too stressful right now to care, I had fun playing a bunch of N64 games last night. I thought they looked good and didn't personally feel any notable lag.
This one, right?
Urg. I understand them wanting A being A and B being B, but they could have done just like the NES, with Y being another A and X being another B. It's so much more comfortable to keep your thumb in Y/B or at least X/A rather than moving your thumb around.

I was in no hurry to play N64 games already and they just keep nibbling my interest out of it.
I forgot how wild Mario Kart 64 could be. During my first race I got a triple red shell in 1st place, and a lightning in 2nd.
MK64's item "balance" is so busted. I swear chaining stars is a thing too, at least it always seemed that way back in the day.
So the Genesis emulation is good? Wonder if I should get this just for that.

How bad is the input lag for the N64 games? Is it that noticable?

Personally, I wouldn't have even thought about it if I hadn't read impressions online.

For reference, I find the Megaman X Legacy Collection very noticeable and bad. The Genesis Collection is also noticeable and sluggish feeling. I find the Psikyo Collection somewhat noticeable but fine.
Put now time in it. It seems some games have some quirks - OoT - but mostly it’s pretty solid. They should add button remapping though as the C Stick is already mapped to the right stick anyway.

Some bugs aside, the thread on the old place sure has some insane hyperbole. Like I understand wanting everything to work flawlessly - and I do hope they patch the problem ones like OoT - but when you’re complaining about a shadow on a shoe looking a bit off - now it’s just getting into “eating crackers” meme.
Pretty sure this is the same DPD nonsense I had with Metroid Dread, but attempting to track my N64 controller turns up a 'parcel not received' type message despite Nintendo emailing me with a dispatch notification yesterday evening. I think, with Dread, the DPD tracking only worked after I received the item. This is meant to be next day delivery, too.

Curious to try Yoshi's Story and Sin & Punishment while hoping Nintendo do something to improve Ocarina of Time. That's assuming I go ahead and buy in today - though I lose 4p off of my discount for every day that I wait...
I've played to the end of the Deku tree in OoT and it's fun, I think the issues that people have brought up don't really take away from the fun of playing the game. Having the 2 C buttons mapped to X and Y is actually handy for the slingshot and the Deku stick and having the other buttons on the right stick works for everything so far.

It does seem a little like the issues are being overblown, I understand it's expensive but I've had fun so far and can see myself having a lot of fun with the other games as well.
Pretty sure this is the same DPD nonsense I had with Metroid Dread, but attempting to track my N64 controller turns up a 'parcel not received' type message despite Nintendo emailing me with a dispatch notification yesterday evening. I think, with Dread, the DPD tracking only worked after I received the item. This is meant to be next day delivery, too.

Curious to try Yoshi's Story and Sin & Punishment while hoping Nintendo do something to improve Ocarina of Time. That's assuming I go ahead and buy in today - though I lose 4p off of my discount for every day that I wait...
Yeah I got a 30 discount because I had just renewed last month and three peeps here joined my account so only paid 20 bucks
Yeah I got a 30 discount because I had just renewed last month and three peeps here joined my account so only paid 20 bucks
If I renew soon I'll only pay £13 for the 12 months, so a saving of £22. That's mostly because I had a free 12 month subscription code which I'd tacked on to my existing sub, so getting that paid back as a discount works out fine. Given it'd only cost me £13 to access these games, whatever else they add, plus the AC expansion, I'll likely bite. I'm just frustrated once again that small errors continue to mar Nintendo's efforts with online.
If I renew soon I'll only pay £13 for the 12 months, so a saving of £22. That's mostly because I had a free 12 month subscription code which I'd tacked on to my existing sub, so getting that paid back as a discount works out fine. Given it'd only cost me £13 to access these games, whatever else they add, plus the AC expansion, I'll likely bite. I'm just frustrated once again that small errors continue to mar Nintendo's efforts with online.
Yeah I have 3 people with AC wanting the expansion so it was a no brainer for me. Didn’t want to shell out 75 bucks for the dlc.
Pretty sure this is the same DPD nonsense I had with Metroid Dread, but attempting to track my N64 controller turns up a 'parcel not received' type message despite Nintendo emailing me with a dispatch notification yesterday evening. I think, with Dread, the DPD tracking only worked after I received the item. This is meant to be next day delivery, too.

Curious to try Yoshi's Story and Sin & Punishment while hoping Nintendo do something to improve Ocarina of Time. That's assuming I go ahead and buy in today - though I lose 4p off of my discount for every day that I wait...
I found going to DPD's website and typing in the Waybill number from the tracking link in your email far more helpful. All I got with the default tracking was that it was out for delivery... DPD actually had a 1 hour time slot and fortunately my partner was in to receive.
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Can someone explain why the cost to upgrade is more expensive than the difference in price between the normal plan and the expansion plan? Like the normal family plan is 35$, the expansion pass standalone is $80, but for me to upgrade would cost $50(even with the "discount"). How does that make sense, LOL? I wasn't going to buy it now anyway with the unresolved issues, but that's ridiculous.
Personally, I wouldn't have even thought about it if I hadn't read impressions online.

For reference, I find the Megaman X Legacy Collection very noticeable and bad. The Genesis Collection is also noticeable and sluggish feeling. I find the Psikyo Collection somewhat noticeable but fine.

Oh, I had no issues with the Genesis Collection; haven't played the others.

Honestly the only time I noticed bad input lag was the Metal Slug ports on PS4. If it's not as bad as that, I'm fine with it. Plus I really want to play OG OoT and not the 3DS version.
Can someone explain why the cost to upgrade is more expensive than the difference in price between the normal plan and the expansion plan? Like the normal family plan is 35$, the expansion pass standalone is $80, but for me to upgrade would cost $50(even with the "discount"). How does that make sense, LOL? I wasn't going to buy it now anyway with the unresolved issues, but that's ridiculous.
It's pro-rated, so if your original family plan was started previously the months/time used are accounted for when upgrading.
Star Fox 64 doesn't seem to have the slowdown that was present in the patched Wii VC release, which would make it inaccurate as far as I know, but it's one instance where I don't mind it.
It's pro-rated, so if your original family plan was started previously the months/time used are accounted for when upgrading.
I know it's pro-rated. The problem is it's more expensive for me than someone who has no online pass.

Me: Online pass ($35) plus "discounted" Expansion pass ($50) = $85

Person B who didn't buy any online pass: $80
Do you have an estimate of the OG hardware input lag?
This is going to vary by game; for example, on the SNES, Super Mario World is measured to respond the third frame after input, while Super Metroid responds after just two. Generally speaking, you assume the lag measured on original hardware with a lagless CRT (and some do lag; can't say if mine does or not) to be the best case when emulating that game (if not using advanced techniques like run-ahead). With Yoshi's Story I'm getting ~5 frames (I said 4 earlier, but I think I just did quick math wrong in my head - though I did still have the difference correct at 3 frames). I'd say either measurement could probably be off by about half a frame, and I'm more likely to have measured them as too long than too short.
Can someone explain why the cost to upgrade is more expensive than the difference in price between the normal plan and the expansion plan? Like the normal family plan is 35$, the expansion pass standalone is $80, but for me to upgrade would cost $50(even with the "discount"). How does that make sense, LOL? I wasn't going to buy it now anyway with the unresolved issues, but that's ridiculous.
Because you're buying 12 months. Your subscription end date would be a year from the upgrade, not a year from your original renewal (presumably last month).

The $5 is for the previous month of NSO (which is an expensive rate for it, yes).
Played a bit of Shinobi 3 during commute

Well, that felt really good. I'll take a peek at Sonic 2 later, that's the Mega Drive game i know the most in original hardware
I know it's pro-rated. The problem is it's more expensive for me than someone who has no online pass.

Me: Online pass ($35) plus "discounted" Expansion pass ($50) = $85

Person B who didn't buy any online pass: $80
I've said it in relation to UK and European pricing, but Nintendo don't value your base sub at its full price when they calculate your discount. Here's my post on UK pricing - something similar could be occuring for you:
I'm fairly likely to upgrade to this by the end of the year, but that's primarily because out of the remaining 16 months of NSO I have, 12 months of it came from a free code. That means that my discounted fee for the expansion pack is largely coming from a free code rather than out of my own pocket, which is fine, because the way they're calculating the discount rate is a little under-handed.

The issue I have with the discount is that Nintendo are short-changing people. The calculated daily rate they give you as a discount is below what it should be. In the UK, an individual subscription costs £17.99 per year, which, divided by 365, is £0.049, or effectively 5p per 1 day of an individual NSO subscription. Nintendo are giving you a discount based on a rate of 4p per day, which is nearly 20% lower than what you're actually paying. That means that, when you're 'upgrading' via a 'discount', you're actually losing out a little. For example, your discount for 12 months of an unused subscription (which costs £17.99) will total £14.60. To get up to the expansion tier you need to pay £35 per year. At Nintendo's discount rate, your subscription will cost you £20.40 for a year. If Nintendo actually gave you the full worth of your base NSO sub as the discount, you'd pay £17 for the 12 month expansion. In other words, Nintendo are making sure they get even more money out of existing subscribers by offering a discount which is worth less than what you've already spent to subscribe.

If you purchased your NSO subscription at a 1 month or 3 month rate, then the disparity between what you pay, and what discount Nintendo give you, is even bigger. You pay £6.99 for 90 days, for example, which works out as 7.76p per day - so Nintendo's 'discount' is worth half of what you've actually paid for your base sub.

Now yes, the amount of money we're talking about is negligible. But the principle here is that Nintendo's 4p per day discount rate is deliberately calculated at a lower rate than the actual cost of your base subscription in order to inflate the amount of money they'll get from existing subscribers. It's grubby and tight-fisted, really, and if it weren't for the fact I have those free 12 months to use as a discount, I wouldn't upgrade.
The VGC report on this is interesting and fairly balanced.

The major issues that should be addressed are a lack of button remapping, visual glitches, and audio delay. I don't think Nintendo have ever offered Controller Pak support in the past, but surely it can't be impossible to solve?
This is the first I'm hearing of audio delay. I don't have a good way of testing that.

There's evidence they at least worked on Controller Pak support. Who knows if they'll actually add it.
Because you're buying 12 months. Your subscription end date would be a year from the upgrade, not a year from your original renewal (presumably last month).

The $5 is for the previous month of NSO (which is an expensive rate for it, yes).
Okay, thanks for the explanation, I didn't realize it changed the renewal date, since as far I can tell Nintendo doesn't clearly explain that. I would have just let people upgrade their existing year based on the difference+pro-rated time left, but obviously Nintendo really wants to lock everyone into that full year no matter what.
I just played a bit of Starfox which I don't think I've played since I was about 10, having a very nostalgic day. I know it's probably impossible but I would love the N64 Rogue Squadron games on here!
Winback is actually a pretty cool game, its interesting because I have never even heard of it. It's pretty cool if not a little stiff on controls.
This is going to vary by game; for example, on the SNES, Super Mario World is measured to respond the third frame after input, while Super Metroid responds after just two. Generally speaking, you assume the lag measured on original hardware with a lagless CRT (and some do lag; can't say if mine does or not) to be the best case when emulating that game (if not using advanced techniques like run-ahead). With Yoshi's Story I'm getting ~5 frames (I said 4 earlier, but I think I just did quick math wrong in my head - though I did still have the difference correct at 3 frames). I'd say either measurement could probably be off by about half a frame, and I'm more likely to have measured them as too long than too short.
Thanks for the extensive answer!
Played a bunch of N64 games last night, didn't really notice any issues that the other place is raging about. I did find the controls kinda wonky but my N64 controller comes in Thursday, which should help. I know there's system wide remapping for controls but having the option for the emulator itself would be great.

The online tweets of Mario Kart are ridiculous though, if you have shit wifi, you're going to have shit performance. Saw plenty of instances of smooth online Mario Kart matches.
Played a bunch of N64 games last night, didn't really notice any issues that the other place is raging about. I did find the controls kinda wonky but my N64 controller comes in Thursday, which should help. I know there's system wide remapping for controls but having the option for the emulator itself would be great.

The online tweets of Mario Kart are ridiculous though, if you have shit wifi, you're going to have shit performance. Saw plenty of instances of smooth online Mario Kart matches.
I'd bet good money most of those videos were deliberately set up with one of the players hotspotting onto a mobile with poor reception in Australia or something, just to generate some good 'ol Twitter outrage. So long as all the players have a decent connection and aren't on the other side of the world from eachother it ought to run ok.
Because you're buying 12 months. Your subscription end date would be a year from the upgrade, not a year from your original renewal (presumably last month).

The $5 is for the previous month of NSO (which is an expensive rate for it, yes).

Earlier you didn't get anything if you wanted to upgrade your single NSO to a family plan. That was very frustrating when I opened my first family group, but then you save in total compared to several individual plans.

For some reason I'm ending up playing Dr. Mario 64 the whole time :D
If anyone wanted to verify those N64 / MD game IDs themselves, Nintendo made it very easy to do that! Check the URLs on the pages and images for each game on their revamped NSO site.

Definitely curious to see how the next batch rounds things out, expecting December but hoping for next month
Man. Custom Robo popping on would probably make me upgrade to this. I need to make some number go up somewhere on their internal charts so they see that someone cares about that series.

Right? I never thought about how much I played as a kid until seeing it announced for this lineup.
Both Custom Robo games are already confirmed for Japan so they take those 2 slots
Jesus that thread on the other place is rough.

Hopefully they patch to fix the fog issues, everything else is a non-starter.
The silence around Mega Drive/Genesis could be because a) people are disappointed with N64 after rushing to try that, which means nobody is trying MD/Genesis or b) there are no issues with MD/Genesis.

Or it could be both!

Apparently there are no scanlines when you select them from options. The screen just gets blurry. So they added the blur effect from the NES and SNES scanline option, but they forgot to add the scanlines themselves.

I don't have the app though. Can someone confirm?
My only real complaint from last night would be the button layout and that will get fixed when my controller arrives later this week.

Obviously that doesn't fix the problem for everyone. Hopefully Nintendo makes some changes and at least allows button mapping.
Apparently there are no scanlines when you select them from options. The screen just gets blurry. So they added the blur effect from the NES and SNES scanline option, but they forgot to add the scanlines themselves.

Huh? I played Shinobi 3 with scanlines on portable mode
I think a lot of the emulation and online-play criticisms are valid, but man, I appreciate this community for not falling into toxic discourse. We can criticize without getting nasty.
Everytime a service like this launches the internet gets filled with comments about how everything performs terribly, how things are unplayable and similar stuff, and every single time I play the thing and barely notice the things that people complain about. This isn't to take away from anyone who actually notices problems but I feel people tend to go into hyperbole mode for this stuff often.

Now, things like lack of control remapping are truly annoying.

Note: I don't own this yet, my post is more about previous stuff that's been highly complained about in the internet. Examples like input lag in previous VC, framerate in Link's Awakening, etc.
I'm counting the minutes to replay OoT and all the other games, but I´m not paying the expansion until they clarify if I'm going to have the option to buy the Animal Crossing DLC and keep it forever even if I'm subscribed to the online expansion pack, or if I'll only be able to take it for free. I dont want the DLC to be dependant to the subscription, escpecially if it needs to make a online check every 7 days like with the online consoles.

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