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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

Which franchise/series will take the longest to get a new entry on Switch 2?

  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Mario 2D

    Votes: 14 13.1%
  • Donkey Kong (either 2D or 3D)

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Pikmin

    Votes: 23 21.5%
  • 3D Zelda

    Votes: 56 52.3%

  • Total voters
I’ve thought about this so much. Falco, Chrom, min-min, dark pit, zero suit, sheik, corrin, young stink, dark samus, Rosalina, hero, pyra/ mythra, isabelle, daisy
  • No reason to cut echoes of the original counterpart stays, they’re basically a free dessert.
  • Min Min represents a recent successful EPD IP & is currently Smash’s only woman of color (alts aside).
  • Rosalina is ridiculously popular.
  • Dragon Quest is the grandfather of RPGs.
  • Pyra/Mythra represent the best-selling Xenoblade game.
  • Animal Crossing is bigger than ever & Isabelle is hella popular with the masses.
Cutting Rosalina over Dr. Mario, Bowser Jr. or Pirahnna Plant ?? The gameplay she brings to the table is much more interesting than those 3 combined.
Don't hate Piranha plant

Don't hate Piranha plant

I don’t hate them, but they’re easily the second most expendable Mario character (ahead of only Dr. Mario). That said, I could see them retaining most of the Mario characters besides the doc.
Not true. The splatoon franchise has made a lot more money than the fire emblem mobile game.
Fire Emblem Heroes has brought in around $1 Billion. I don't think Splatoon has brought in as much with the games alone, Wikipedia has the series at >28 Million and people in other threads saying the sales of 3 being lower than 2's sales with Japan doing the heavy lifting.
  • No reason to cut echoes of the original counterpart stays, they’re basically a free dessert.
  • Min Min represents a recent successful EPD IP & is currently Smash’s only woman of color (alts aside).
  • Rosalina is ridiculously popular.
  • Dragon Quest is the grandfather of RPGs.
  • Pyra/Mythra represent the best-selling Xenoblade game.
  • Animal Crossing is bigger than ever & Isabelle is hella popular with the masses.
Well I dont like those characters so I’m cutting them anyway
Well I dont like those characters so I’m cutting them anyway
Just because you don’t like a certain character doesn’t mean they aren’t important for one reason or another. I don’t like how hyper-objectified Pyra & Mythra are, but that doesn’t mean I expect them to be removed from the roster.
Ever since this thread came out I stopped looking at the hardware thread seems like I care more about games than specs. Not surprised by this though
Inkling in their current form is hard-limited to Splatoon 1 from a mechanical standpoint, so Octoling can very easily pull from the later games & still be distinct. And even from a first-time standpoint, they can just do Marina w/ Pearl’s drone if they want a named character.

Splatoon would get a 2nd character, it’s too important not to get one. And the roster already has a number of sub-10 million sellers (Olimar, Marth, Shulk, Min Min via DLC, etc.). If anything, I was actually pretty close to giving Ring Fit a 2nd rep via Dragaux.
I disagree, you're putting more effort into how well a game has sold which Smash has rarely ever done. Every Smash game has chosen to include characters from either niche titles and/or from retro stuff.
Just because you don’t like a certain character doesn’t mean they aren’t important for one reason or another. I don’t like how hyper-objectified Pyra & Mythra are, but that doesn’t mean I expect them to be removed from the roster.
You could make a decent argument to keep like 95% of the roster based on the merit of the character, but I bet we lose more than 5% simply because some characters aren't going to be prioritized ahead of where the finite time/resources brings the axe down.

Not saying I agree with all those specific choices (though I do think a fair number of them will be among the lower priority fighters), but just because a defence exists for keeping the character doesn't mean they might not still get edged out by higher priority choices.

Also clones are the most commonly cut category of character, so suggesting they might be cut in proportionally higher numbers isn't without precedent. They might be a free dessert, but when foregoing one part of the meal, oftentimes it's the free dessert.
This is going to be my last post about the Smash roster since it dominates a thread about Switch 2 software too much, but it's funny how Ring Fit Trainee is treated like a guaranteed addition, but everyone conveniently ignores the Sportsmates from Switch Sports.
This is going to be my last post about the Smash roster since it dominates a thread about Switch 2 software too much, but it's funny how Ring Fit Trainee is treated like a guaranteed addition, but everyone conveniently ignores the Sportsmates from Switch Sports.

RFA is well liked while Switch Sports is viewed as a huge disappointment so people think about RFA more.
This is going to be my last post about the Smash roster since it dominates a thread about Switch 2 software too much, but it's funny how Ring Fit Trainee is treated like a guaranteed addition, but everyone conveniently ignores the Sportsmates from Switch Sports.
I haven’t…

You could make a decent argument to keep like 95% of the roster based on the merit of the character, but I bet we lose more than 5% simply because some characters aren't going to be prioritized ahead of where the finite time/resources brings the axe down.

Not saying I agree with all those specific choices (though I do think a fair number of them will be among the lower priority fighters), but just because a defence exists for keeping the character doesn't mean they might not still get edged out by higher priority choices.

Also clones are the most commonly cut category of character, so suggesting they might be cut in proportionally higher numbers isn't without precedent. They might be a free dessert, but when foregoing one part of the meal, oftentimes it's the free dessert.
The free dessert analogy is mostly to illustrate that they don’t take away from anyone else in terms of development resources. So if you’re bringing back the original counterpart (Ex: Marth), there’s no reason not to also bring back the echo (Ex: Lucina).

I disagree, you're putting more effort into how well a game has sold which Smash has rarely ever done. Every Smash game has chosen to include characters from either niche titles and/or from retro stuff.
And I’ve included some niche franchises on that roster (Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, Metroid, & ARMS).
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Is still sold nearly 10 million copies. People need to stop using the opinions of the gamer (tm) bubble.

NBA 2K24 is probably the worst AAA game ever made and is easily the worst 2K ever made and will sell 20m copies so okay.

But I was literally just referring to why people on forums and Discord talk and think about RFA more… They like it a lot more.
This is going to be my last post about the Smash roster since it dominates a thread about Switch 2 software too much, but it's funny how Ring Fit Trainee is treated like a guaranteed addition, but everyone conveniently ignores the Sportsmates from Switch Sports.
I really don't know what the sports characters could do that the Miis don't. They're this weird replacement for the Miis for a single game and we already have customizable Mii fighters. I guess that they could have a sports based moveset? But their schtick is being customizable like the Miis, and more customizables character just seems silly.
I really don't know what the sports characters could do that the Miis don't. They're this weird replacement for the Miis for a single game and we already have customizable Mii fighters. I guess that they could have a sports based moveset I guess? But their schtick is being customizable like the Miis, and more customizables character just seems silly.
A sports-focused moveset that the Miis lack due to their customizable nature?
Ultimately these "what if Smash was made today with no bias for old smash" questions come down to a litmus test of what you prioritize. Do you prioritize recent sales? Series legacy/impact over time? Amount of titles released? Unique moveset ideas? Franchise variety vs depth of franchises included?

Even Smash itself hasn't been consistent about this as a lot of it has been determined by Sakurai's own bias on these topics.
I don't see why the ring fit adventure girl is guaranteed to be a fighter. Wii Fit Trainer represents the Wii Series in a way, and was in part included for her wtf? factor. The ring fit girl has none of these factors.
Wii Fit is considered a different series in Smash Bros. and, in terms of popularity, I think Ring-Fit is on the same level as Wii Fit before being added to Smash Bros. and there is moveset potentil for Ring-Fit Girl.
ffs there is no ring fit girl

it's customizable

it's like calling villager the animal crossing boy
I don't see why the ring fit adventure girl is guaranteed to be a fighter. Wii Fit Trainer represents the Wii Series in a way, and was in part included for her wtf? factor. The ring fit girl has none of these factors.
Considering it sold over 15 million copies, I'd be surprised if it wasn't considered. Replacing WFT with RFT seems like a fairly easy way to keep that fitness fighter in the game but have a more modern character, especially if a Ring Fit 2 is being planned for the Switch 2. What Nintendo is planning for Switch 2 is the elephant in the room for the next Smash we can't account for. As an example, if Nintendo is planning a big new push for F-Zero with 99 being the first step, all these hypothetical rosters cutting Captain Falcon since "nobody would consider him if Smash was made today" would look pretty silly.
Considering it sold over 15 million copies, I'd be surprised if it wasn't considered. Replacing WFT with RFT seems like a fairly easy way to keep that fitness fighter in the game but have a more modern character, especially if a Ring Fit 2 is being planned for the Switch 2. What Nintendo is planning for Switch 2 is the elephant in the room for the next Smash we can't account for. As an example, if Nintendo is planning a big new push for F-Zero with 99 being the first step, all these hypothetical rosters cutting Captain Falcon since "nobody would consider him if Smash was made today" would look pretty silly.
I don't think sales equates to a placement in smash. Yes if a new game is coming out, it is a bit more likely a character for that franchise will come into the game to generate hype, but that doesn't really work for a game like ring fit.

And captain falcon will never be cut.
I think this thread is getting too much Smash discussion that maybe is worth another thread. Trying to align it again with main topic, what software do you think is going to be shown at first NG presentation? January 2017 Switch presentation lasted 1 hour but first 15 minutes were purely about HW (modes, joycons, release date/prices, etc). Then the order of games presented where:
1) 1 2 Switch (Nintendo)
2) ARMS (Nintendo)
3) Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)
4) Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)
5) Xenoblade 2 (Nintendo)
6) Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo/Koei-Tecmo)
7) Dragon Quest X/XI/Heroes1+2 (Square-Enix/Koei-Tecmo)
8) Shin Megami Tensei V (Sega/Atlus)
9) Octopath Traveler (Square-Enix)
10) Nagoshi talks (Sega)
11) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
12) Suda51 CEO talks, confirming new No More Heroes in development (Grasshopper)
13) EA VP talks, confirming FIFA (EA)
14) Sizzle Reel
15) Zelda Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)

Curious fact: MK8 DX wasn't formally announced at presentation, it was confirmed a later.

2017 presentation was very focused in titles that end up arriving at Switch first year, at least from Nintendo side. Third parties were a little bit of everything

Lets assume that next HW is in fact releasing at fall 2024 and first SW presentation (that is likely to be recorded like directs) will be around mid year. I think it will focus on FY 2024/25 titles with probably some recorded footage from various developers or executives from different third party publishers praising the HW. I can see that the amount of headlines being around 20-25 that is the usual for general directs. If I can make a simple prediction...

1) 3D Mario (Nintendo)
2) Mario Kart X (Nintendo)
3) Nintendogs (Nintendo)
4) Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)
5) Wave Race (Nintendo)
6) Street Fighter VI and various Resident Evil (Capcom, with comment from its CEO promising more titles)
7) FIFA/NFL/NHL/UFC/Battlefield coming to NG (EA with comment from its CEO)
8) Dragon Quest XII (Square-Enix)
9) New title by Team Asano (Square-Enix)
10) Red Dead Redemption 2 (Take-Two/Rockstar)
11) New Warriors, it can be Dynasty/Samurai or collaboration (Koei-Tecmo)
12) COD2024+Warzone 2.0 (no footage, with someone from Activion-Blizzard praising its new partnership)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (with comment from someone at CD Projekt Red)
14) Super Monkey Ball 4 (Sega)
15) Tekken 8 (Harada talking)
16) Alan Wake 2 (Remedy)
17) Assassins Creed/The Crew/Division/Star Wars/Avatar coming to NG (with Yves Guillemot talking)
18) Sizzle Reel

EDIT: The order is not the order of the presentation itself, just the first thing it came to my mind lol.
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I don't see why the ring fit adventure girl is guaranteed to be a fighter. Wii Fit Trainer represents the Wii Series in a way, and was in part included for her wtf? factor. The ring fit girl has none of these factors.
Successful new in-house Nintendo franchises usually get a playable representative in Smash.
  • Pikmin got Olimar (& likely Otachi next game)
  • Animal Crossing got Villager (& later Isabelle)
  • Wii Fit got Wii Fit Trainer
  • Splatoon got Inkling (& likely Octoling next game)
  • ARMS got Min Min
Ring Fit Adventure is next in line, as is Astral Chain now that Nintendo fully owns that IP.

Considering it sold over 15 million copies, I'd be surprised if it wasn't considered. Replacing WFT with RFT seems like a fairly easy way to keep that fitness fighter in the game but have a more modern character, especially if a Ring Fit 2 is being planned for the Switch 2. What Nintendo is planning for Switch 2 is the elephant in the room for the next Smash we can't account for. As an example, if Nintendo is planning a big new push for F-Zero with 99 being the first step, all these hypothetical rosters cutting Captain Falcon since "nobody would consider him if Smash was made today" would look pretty silly.
RFT & WFT are nothing alike besides surface-level comparisons. If anything, RFT would be closer to a Sonic-Bayonetta hybrid. So you could very easily have both of them.

I think this thread is getting too much Smash discussion that maybe is worth another thread. Trying to align it again with main topic, what software do you think is going to be shown at first NG presentation? January 2017 Switch presentation lasted 1 hour but first 15 minutes were purely about HW (modes, joycons, release date/prices, etc). Then the order of games presented where:
1) 1 2 Switch (Nintendo)
2) ARMS (Nintendo)
3) Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)
4) Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)
5) Xenoblade 2 (Nintendo)
6) Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo/Koei-Tecmo)
7) Dragon Quest X/XI/Heroes1+2 (Square-Enix/Koei-Tecmo)
8) Shin Megami Tensei V (Sega/Atlus)
9) Octopath Traveler (Square-Enix)
10) Nagoshi talks (Sega)
11) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
12) Suda51 CEO talks, confirming new No More Heroes in development (Grasshopper)
13) EA VP talks, confirming FIFA (EA)
14) Sizzle Reel
15) Zelda Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)

Curious fact: MK8 DX wasn't formally announced at presentation, it was confirmed a later.

2017 presentation was very focused in titles that end up arriving at Switch first year, at least from Nintendo side. Third parties were a little bit of everything

Lets assume that next HW is in fact releasing at fall 2024 and first SW presentation (that is likely to be recorded like directs) will be around mid year. I think it will focus on FY 2024/25 titles with probably some recorded footage from various developers or executives from different third party publishers praising the HW. I can see that the amount of headlines being around 20-25 that is the usual for general directs. If I can make a simple prediction...

1) 3D Mario (Nintendo)
2) Mario Kart X (Nintendo)
3) Nintendogs (Nintendo)
4) Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)
5) Wave Race (Nintendo)
6) Street Fighter VI and various Resident Evil (Capcom, with comment from its CEO promising more titles)
7) FIFA/NFL/NHL/UFC/Battlefield coming to NG (EA with comment from its CEO)
8) Dragon Quest XII (Square-Enix)
9) New title by Team Asano (Square-Enix)
10) Red Dead Redemption 2 (Take-Two/Rockstar)
11) New Warriors, it can be Dynasty/Samurai or collaboration (Koei-Tecmo)
12) COD2024+Warzone 2.0 (no footage, with someone from Activion-Blizzard praising its new partnership)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (with comment from someone at CD Projekt Red)
14) Super Monkey Ball 4 (Sega)
15) Tekken 8 (Harada talking)
16) Alan Wake 2 (Remedy)
17) Assassins Creed/The Crew/Division/Star Wars/Avatar coming to NG (with Yves Guillemot talking)
18) Sizzle Reel
Tekken 8 isn’t even coming to PS4, so I wouldn’t get up hopes up for a Switch 2 version. Same for the other current-gen only games you mentioned, as they’ll generally still be miracle ports going by the rumored specs.
I think this thread is getting too much Smash discussion that maybe is worth another thread. Trying to align it again with main topic, what software do you think is going to be shown at first NG presentation? January 2017 Switch presentation lasted 1 hour but first 15 minutes were purely about HW (modes, joycons, release date/prices, etc). Then the order of games presented where:
1) 1 2 Switch (Nintendo)
2) ARMS (Nintendo)
3) Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)
4) Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)
5) Xenoblade 2 (Nintendo)
6) Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo/Koei-Tecmo)
7) Dragon Quest X/XI/Heroes1+2 (Square-Enix/Koei-Tecmo)
8) Shin Megami Tensei V (Sega/Atlus)
9) Octopath Traveler (Square-Enix)
10) Nagoshi talks (Sega)
11) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
12) Suda51 CEO talks, confirming new No More Heroes in development (Grasshopper)
13) EA VP talks, confirming FIFA (EA)
14) Sizzle Reel
15) Zelda Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)

Curious fact: MK8 DX wasn't formally announced at presentation, it was confirmed a later.

2017 presentation was very focused in titles that end up arriving at Switch first year, at least from Nintendo side. Third parties were a little bit of everything

Lets assume that next HW is in fact releasing at fall 2024 and first SW presentation (that is likely to be recorded like directs) will be around mid year. I think it will focus on FY 2024/25 titles with probably some recorded footage from various developers or executives from different third party publishers praising the HW. I can see that the amount of headlines being around 20-25 that is the usual for general directs. If I can make a simple prediction...

1) 3D Mario (Nintendo)
2) Mario Kart X (Nintendo)
3) Nintendogs (Nintendo)
4) Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)
5) Wave Race (Nintendo)
6) Street Fighter VI and various Resident Evil (Capcom, with comment from its CEO promising more titles)
7) FIFA/NFL/NHL/UFC/Battlefield coming to NG (EA with comment from its CEO)
8) Dragon Quest XII (Square-Enix)
9) New title by Team Asano (Square-Enix)
10) Red Dead Redemption 2 (Take-Two/Rockstar)
11) New Warriors, it can be Dynasty/Samurai or collaboration (Koei-Tecmo)
12) COD2024+Warzone 2.0 (no footage, with someone from Activion-Blizzard praising its new partnership)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (with comment from someone at CD Projekt Red)
14) Super Monkey Ball 4 (Sega)
15) Tekken 8 (Harada talking)
16) Alan Wake 2 (Remedy)
17) Assassins Creed/The Crew/Division/Star Wars/Avatar coming to NG (with Yves Guillemot talking)
18) Sizzle Reel
If 3D Mario is the big launch title, I think that has to end the show, not open it.
I think this thread is getting too much Smash discussion that maybe is worth another thread. Trying to align it again with main topic, what software do you think is going to be shown at first NG presentation? January 2017 Switch presentation lasted 1 hour but first 15 minutes were purely about HW (modes, joycons, release date/prices, etc). Then the order of games presented where:
1) 1 2 Switch (Nintendo)
2) ARMS (Nintendo)
3) Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)
4) Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)
5) Xenoblade 2 (Nintendo)
6) Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo/Koei-Tecmo)
7) Dragon Quest X/XI/Heroes1+2 (Square-Enix/Koei-Tecmo)
8) Shin Megami Tensei V (Sega/Atlus)
9) Octopath Traveler (Square-Enix)
10) Nagoshi talks (Sega)
11) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
12) Suda51 CEO talks, confirming new No More Heroes in development (Grasshopper)
13) EA VP talks, confirming FIFA (EA)
14) Sizzle Reel
15) Zelda Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)

Curious fact: MK8 DX wasn't formally announced at presentation, it was confirmed a later.

2017 presentation was very focused in titles that end up arriving at Switch first year, at least from Nintendo side. Third parties were a little bit of everything

Lets assume that next HW is in fact releasing at fall 2024 and first SW presentation (that is likely to be recorded like directs) will be around mid year. I think it will focus on FY 2024/25 titles with probably some recorded footage from various developers or executives from different third party publishers praising the HW. I can see that the amount of headlines being around 20-25 that is the usual for general directs. If I can make a simple prediction...

1) 3D Mario (Nintendo)
2) Mario Kart X (Nintendo)
3) Nintendogs (Nintendo)
4) Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)
5) Wave Race (Nintendo)
6) Street Fighter VI and various Resident Evil (Capcom, with comment from its CEO promising more titles)
7) FIFA/NFL/NHL/UFC/Battlefield coming to NG (EA with comment from its CEO)
8) Dragon Quest XII (Square-Enix)
9) New title by Team Asano (Square-Enix)
10) Red Dead Redemption 2 (Take-Two/Rockstar)
11) New Warriors, it can be Dynasty/Samurai or collaboration (Koei-Tecmo)
12) COD2024+Warzone 2.0 (no footage, with someone from Activion-Blizzard praising its new partnership)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (with comment from someone at CD Projekt Red)
14) Super Monkey Ball 4 (Sega)
15) Tekken 8 (Harada talking)
16) Alan Wake 2 (Remedy)
17) Assassins Creed/The Crew/Division/Star Wars/Avatar coming to NG (with Yves Guillemot talking)
18) Sizzle Reel
I think 3D Mario will be their highlight game, and its going to look visually amazing. I think they'd close the presentation on that, or either Prime 4. I can't think of anything else they could close on.
Seeing the Smash discussion here so I thought I’d say this:

If you believe that the next Smash will have a 20-30 base character roster, then I think you’re being a bit ridiculous, Smash has a lot of franchises represented even without including third party franchises, and I do not believe they’ll remove that many franchises and characters, this isn’t your average fighting game.

However, that doesn’t mean I believe that every character or series will return, even Sakurai said as much that it’s very unlikely.

I do expect at least 50 characters.
No cuts for Smash, just keep building on Ultimate. If the Square Enix characters and Steve(?) have to be DLC, then so be it
Sora as well, gotta account for Disney.

That said, expecting everyone to come back next time isn’t realistic (even if they continue to reuse assets).
Tekken 8 isn’t even coming to PS4, so I wouldn’t get up hopes up for a Switch 2 version. Same for the other current-gen only games you mentioned, as they’ll generally still be miracle ports going by the rumored specs.
I don’t think we know for sure if the Switch Successor will have equal or more power than the PS4, until we receive an official announcement of the console and it’s specs we won’t know what games can run on it

Tekken 7 had to be downscaled for the console versions with the PS4 version being 864p and the Xbox version being 720p due to the Arcade version being a bit more powerful (yes I know the arcade version is basically a windows pc but still)
Finally replying to this; I meant to when I got home on Thursday but after you basically announced that you had seen a take so bad that you were forced to immediately go to sleep, as it were, I forgot about it. My apologies to both you and the thread for dragging it back up.

EPDooming, really? This is basically an objection to development logistics; like saying nothing is safe at Naughty Dog because 200 people from ND were joined by 1000 outsourced staff when making Last of Us (or whatever the figures were - the real tragedy at ND is how they treat their contractors when shit hits the fan).
This comes down to my choice of words and I'd say it's a misunderstanding that I created. What I should have said was that nothing's status at EPD is safe; this was in response to some talk earlier in the thread arguing that some core series were going to stay majority EPD for the foreseeable future and that the company's resources for anything else were consequently nonexistent. I didn't reply to any specific posts because there weren't any I specifically wanted to engage with, but the lack of any context contributed to your perception of my post as unprompted "dooming."

And? It was a freebie in a port, probably outsourced entirely because the next 3D Mario is EPD Tokyo's focus (along with their 2D project). And it's a disservice to 1UP, the actual 3D Mario co-developer for the last decade, to act as if this arrangement is somehow resulting in games that are smaller in scope or quality, or to use Bowser's Fury, a bonus freebie, as proof of that. It's a particularly weak example to bring up because it likely demonstrates just how Nintendo conserve EPD's resources to focus on their prestige titles.
I think this response is built on the foundational misunderstanding that my phrasing created. I had absolutely no intention of implying that Bowser's Fury is a smaller game because it wasn't made in Tokyo.

As for your point of it indicating that EPD resources are reserved for the biggest titles, I don't agree that it works against my position. Yes, it is an example of internal resources being reserved by way of outsourcing, I think it indicates that the status quo of even 3D Mario is not immutable. Remember that Pikmin 3 Deluxe was Eighting's debut working on freebie content for a port, and where things went from there.

Zelda gets a lot of its modern identity from a man who joined Nintendo's internal development set up 20 years ago and has worked on the series since the late 90s, starting at Capcom. Roughly 100 Monolith Soft staff worked on Tears of the Kingdom, out of a total team in the region of 800 staff; and I think (someone please correct me if you have the numbers) around 300 of those were EPD.
I acknowledged in another post that my understanding of the new Zelda games' development is even hazier than the rest of my knowledge, so I'll take the L on this. I think that you diminish their impact unnecessarily here though. I don't know what roles those hundred people filled, but I think they do deserve artistic credit.

??? How is this relevant?
My argument, which I once again acknowledge was established poorly, was that the core Nintendo franchises do not have a stranglehold, if you'll excuse the dramatic term, on internal resources. Yes, Pocket Camp was just a mobile game, but Mario Kart Tour came straight from the source. I also remember Kyogoku acknowledging some inspiration and iteration from the ideas in Pocket Camp, but I can't find a source so I'll relinquish the point.

Sure, in arcades, and for development support; not in the creative direction of the series nor in terms of control and primary development.
I was indeed thinking of the arcade games, which I point out not for the sake of argument but to clarify for onlookers that I do not consider art support on the same level as co-development. Given the difference in positioning and in acknowledgement of the lack of "creative direction of the series" I'll concede that any perceived potential there is hopeful.

I get that new hardware generation has everyone stir crazy, and that the forum has actually needed to be reorganised, but come on gang. Put your energy into something less reliant on misrepresenting reality.
I'd like to attribute this to the perceived misunderstanding I acknowledged at the start of my post, but either way I find this really disrespectful and arrogant. Not only does it imply malicious intent, it also picks apart my argument while sweepingly admonishing everyone present. I really take no issue with being strongly refuted like this, as I hope the length of this reply indicates, but I'd rather not see other people disparaged in an otherwise very specific reply to one of my posts. I speak only for myself.

And, I know it's not your intention, but posts like this rub me up the wrong way because they overlook how valuable creative collaboration can be, and it unintentionally demeans the work that support studios, co-developers and contractors put into these games.
As far as I can tell this point is predicated on an assumed foundation that Bowser's Fury (and I suppose Pocket Camp) are inferior. Despite its diminutive size I'd put Bowser's Fury well above Odyssey, and direct comparison to a mobile game is unfair.

Without them, we don't get this stuff.
This is true, and it's a lesson I've learned very slowly over many years of engaging with video game development discussion. However, I find both this conclusion and your calling it "EPDooming" quite funny, because there is absolutely an element of wishful thinking in my post. I want to see series with strong identity lean on co-development specifically so that EPD can apply their unique culture and artistry to entirely new games and revitalizing older games with imaginative sequels. The thought of an EPD relegated to an assembly line of the same five projects, with a few unique games pursued when accommodations allow, frightens me. (edit: I'd even say this is the primary cause of the sense that I'm grasping at straws throughout my post: I'm trying to rationalize a favorable belief, i.e. coping)

Despite this, I have never felt more highly of Nintendo's development structure than I do now. Pikmin 4, despite some unfortunate flaws that seem to be unrelated to co-development, was a resounding success, and its contracted status allowed for a richness of content that would not have been possible internally. As for internal projects, it seems to me that care is being applied very liberally thanks to the pipeline security that all of Nintendo's development partners have provided: Wonder was able to flourish in its planning phases without a deadline and Tears of the Kingdom got a full year after content completion to makes sure that the game's many systems were flawless. While I don't especially care for the final result, Tears is a project of special curiosity to me: a sequel to Nintendo's biggest game ever, afforded the privilege of an entire layer of the game kept totally secret (shoutout to @Skittzo for calling that one), and given vast time and resources to pursue a vision that was outwardly a simple iterative sequel set in the same world.

It's one reason I'm glad Nintendo don't go in for the kind of studio branding shenanigans Sony and others push (though I do wish Nintendo forced their studios to credit everyone who worked on a game; stares at Metroid).
I have no idea what Sony stuff you're referring to (I only barely keep up with Nintendo), but I of course agree about Metroid.
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If they added enough new stuff and more interesting characters I wouldn't mind honestly
The problem is that the game was already ridiculously successful, so most of the people who wanted to buy Ultimate already got it. This is the opposite of Mario Kart 8, which was trapped on a failed system with games that couldn’t be played on the successor.

This is before we get to the legal issues that could prevent a port, or at least wouldn’t justify the effort of doing a port as opposed to a new game.
I think it's time we see a shift in perception of old games. There is no reason games like Smash Ultimate or Mario Kart 8 should stop being played, so why do we treat them like moldy bread that needs replaced? At this point I'd absolutely favor a Mario Kart 8 III if it yielded us fresher stuff from the Yabuki clan
I think it's time we see a shift in perception of old games. There is no reason games like Smash Ultimate or Mario Kart 8 should stop being played, so why do we treat them like moldy bread that needs replaced? At this point I'd absolutely favor a Mario Kart 8 III if it yielded us fresher stuff from the Yabuki clan
I believe what most people mean by "We don't want ultimate DX or MK8D 2" is that they have been playing the same games for a generation (or two gens in some cases). They want new experiences.

They are not saying the old games are bad in any way. But restricting Nintendo's talented devs to the SAME game for yet ANOTHER generation would be incredibly lame. We praise Nintendo for coming up with brand new ideas and making games that feel really fresh. Releasing enhanced ports for the 2nd time is not how you continue this legacy.
All I want is a smash game with a good online experience but idk maybe I'm asking for too much and we deserve 7 more years of Ultimate
Nobody is stopping you from playing these games lol. It’ll be there forever for you. Mario Kart isn’t even like Smash. We get fresh new experiences every gen. Shitty Wii U put Nintendo in that predicament to have to resell their Wii U games on Switch. Nintendo should just continue Mario Kart 8 for a third generation because…?

It’s an anomaly. Anomaly is not a representation of what Nintendo has done overall as a company. Just like when COVID came and so many fing people went on about how directs are dead because Nintendo announced Paper Mario on Twitter. Or they didn’t do any General Directs so it must mean Nintendo is gonna announce games a new magical way! It’s the same with the business mindset from Wii U to Switch. It was necessary due to circumstances of an epic failure.

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