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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

Which franchise/series will take the longest to get a new entry on Switch 2?

  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mario 2D

    Votes: 8 8.9%
  • Donkey Kong (either 2D or 3D)

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Pikmin

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • 3D Zelda

    Votes: 51 56.7%

  • Total voters
Watch it not be golden sun. Just to spite people. Will Nintendo be that petty? I hope so


Nintendo "we finally added the Golden game you all wanted"
Nintendo's year is something like:
January - Another Code
February - Mario vs Donkey Kong & Metroid Prime 2/3 Shadow-Drop
March - Princess Peach Showtime
April - Splatoon 3 Side Order
May - Fire Emblem Genealogy Remake
June - Paper Mario TTYD
July - Donkey Kong (?) & Metroid Prime 2/3 Release
August - ???
September - Donkey Kong(??)
October - 3D Mario & Xenoblade Chronicles X
November - Pokemon Black/White 3
December - Metroid Prime 3
I think this broadly a pretty good stab. I'd say something like-

January- Another Code
February- Mario vs Donkey Kong; Metroid Prime 2 shadow drop (Physical in early March)
March- Princess Peach (+ Metroid Prime 2 physical)
April- Luigi's Mansion 2 & Splatoon 3 Side Order
May- Fire Emblem remake
June- Paper Mario TTYD
July- Metroid Prime 4
August- Wii remaster, I'm gonna take a stab at Punch Out!!
September- Animal Crossing/Splatoon spin-off, likely a party game or something. Smaller project to hit the causal crowd before-
October- Switch 2, ladies. I'm saying 3D Mario, new Wii Sports-type game, RDR2 or Elden Ring (Big third party game Nintendo helped bring over), a new Nintendo-published game by Platinum, likely the Astral Chain guy.
November- Mario Kart 9
December- And breathe.
I really hope they add a new system to NSO soon because the GameBoy and GBA libraries feel especially hollow without Pokèmon to be honest. I feel like the DS was when Nintendo’s handheld offerings really started to become as great as their home console counterparts.
Some of the more recognizable UK names imo
  • Playtonic
  • Sumo Digital
  • Creative Assembly (part of Sega)
  • Chucklefish
  • Splash Damage
  • Team 17
  • Criterion (part of EA)
  • Feral Interactive
  • Frontier Developments
  • Hello Games
  • Two Point Studios (part of Sega)
  • Traveler's Tales (part of WB)
I can't wait to see some weird unexpected new spin offs of Nintendo series!

Travelers Tales Is interesting because I expect that eventually, one day, there will be a Mario Lego game, and I imagine Nintendo will go to the most experienced Lego developer to deliver it. If it goes well we might even see other Nintendo IP in Lego form 🤔

Creative Assembly is already licencing Warhammer for Total War right? I can totally imagine Nintendo going to them for a completely different take on one of their series like Fire Emblem or Zelda or Xenoblade, similar to how they got Tecmo to make Pokemon Conquest once!
Creative Assembly actually considered a Wii U version of Total War once!

Criterion once pitched an F ZERO right? Or was it Nintendo who asked them to work on it? Either way, Criterion put a tonne of effort into the Wii U version of NFS. We could see a relationship develop between these companies.

Snake Pass was a very creative and very fun game, it felt very Nintendo-unique, and I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't already collaborated with that team on something. It doesn't have to he Snake Pass 2, it's just the philosophy and creativity behind that game that maybe Nintendo will want to try to take advantage of.
I really hope they add a new system to NSO soon because the GameBoy and GBA libraries feel especially hollow without Pokèmon to be honest. I feel like the DS was when Nintendo’s handheld offerings really started to become as great as their home console counterparts.

My gut says we won't get any new systems until after the Switch 2 launches. My feeling/hope is that Nintendo is focusing on getting all of the current NSO apps set up to run on launch day for the next system.

FWIW, I think that Nintendo has barely scratched the surface with both of these handheld libraries.

Company you haven’t thought about in 20 years

  • is back!
  • has rebranded to capitalize on latest controversial business buzzword!
  • definitely has partnered with Nintendo for their software-altering hardware and has access to sensitive info like console release dates!
  • DEFINITELY not making stuff up for headlines!
I'm less surprised that Gameshark is trying an AI rebrand and more surprised I didn't hear about any attempt at an NFT rebrand when that was the current scam

Anyway, September sounds right in my head, but I also really doubt Gameshark of all companies would have the inside scoop on this kind of news
Nintendo will now move its release date up to November just to spite Game Shark.
I really hope they add a new system to NSO soon because the GameBoy and GBA libraries feel especially hollow without Pokèmon to be honest. I feel like the DS was when Nintendo’s handheld offerings really started to become as great as their home console counterparts.
GB and GBA have plenty of excellent games to offer without Pokemon. The GBA selection is small but high quality (Metroid Fusion, Superstar Saga, Minish Cap especially) and GB/C already has great stuff like Super Mario Land 2, Wario Land 3, Kirby's Dream Land and its sequel, and the Oracles games. The portable stuff was excellent before and without Pokemon, and I say that as someone who'd welcome the RPGs.
Not sure if this sentence is said in jest, but just in case it isn't (and to just post it here lmao). Included a screenshot for the blocked ones Among Us.

Worked beautifully in terms of promotion, though.
November- Mario Kart 9
I was coming to this thread to mention the same exact thing.

I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me until recently - but it makes all the sense in the world for Nintendo to capitalize in Mario Kart early in the Switch 2’s life. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe being launch window was an idea I think they’ll want to revisit again, seeing as that game has sold monumentally even to this very day. I can totally see it happening.

(And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love love love 8 Deluxe, but as someone who has been playing 8 since it launched on Wii U nearly 10 years ago, I am sooo ready for a new Mario Kart!)
Kit and Krysta uploaded a new video today about the behind the scenes work, process and lead up to a new console/hardware announcement.

My gut says we won't get any new systems until after the Switch 2 launches.
I agree with your gut.

My feeling/hope is that Nintendo is focusing on getting all of the current NSO apps set up to run on launch day for the next system.
There is some interesting technical evidence of this. The NSO emulators aren't built on NVN, the Switch specific graphics library, but on Vulkan which is an industry standard. And Nintendo has taken the lead with the Vulkan working group on updates that specifically make emulation more performant.

So likely that the NSO apps won't require any significant updating to run on Switch 2, and that NERD is keeping their emulation toolkit (which also is underneath SM3DAS and Pikmin 1+2) ready to go regardless of what hardware comes next.

FWIW, I think that Nintendo has barely scratched the surface with both of these handheld libraries.
GBA: Wario Land 4, Custom Robo GX, DK King of Swing, Drill Dozer, Gunstar Super Heroes, WarioWare: Twisted, Metroid: Zero Mission, Mario Golf: Advance Tour, Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Sonic: Advance, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
GB: Super Mario Land, Final Fantasy Legend, Something Something Crazy Castle, Dr. Wily's Revenge, Wave Race, F1-Race, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, Mole Mania, Kirby's Pinball Land, Kirby's Block Ball

Plus goodness knows how many more if they're willing to track down some more obscure licenses, or pad out with the innumerable ports, Yu-Gi-Oh games, and historically interesting but not really that fun little games in both libraries.
PS3 was announced in May 2005, when PS2 shipments were around 90 million. 3DS was announced in March 2010, when DS shipments were 128-129 million. Switch was over 132 million through September and probably close to 140 million now. All this to help say that it's really no wonder the slightest Switch 2 rumor is making social media explode at this point. Having a system be this successful without the next thing announced is uncharted territory. Should be no surprise there's a record amount of anticipation shooting off without focus.
I was coming to this thread to mention the same exact thing.

I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me until recently - but it makes all the sense in the world for Nintendo to capitalize in Mario Kart early in the Switch 2’s life. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe being launch window was an idea I think they’ll want to revisit again, seeing as that game has sold monumentally even to this very day. I can totally see it happening.

(And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love love love 8 Deluxe, but as someone who has been playing 8 since it launched on Wii U nearly 10 years ago, I am sooo ready for a new Mario Kart!)
Absolutely this. They launch without it and have General New Console Hype + presumably an extremely acclaimed Mario game, then they get a huge second wave marketing push when the new instalment in, what, the second biggest video game franchise in the world comes out for the first time in a decade. It’d be enormous.
There was a poster on era who did say this in the game shark (we know is fake) topic
September is possible, yes, but we don't know what devs they're referring to. Could be an important Nintendo partner, could not. Could be a game to launch with Switch 2, could be it releases months after the 2's launch.
I haven't done a poll yet. I thought about it, but @xghost777 has been doing a lot of polls over in the Direct Speculation thread. I might do something after the (supposed) Feb direct actually airs.
Polls are fun especially in big threads that draw a lot of attention and votes :)
I haven't done a poll yet. I thought about it, but @xghost777 has been doing a lot of polls over in the Direct Speculation thread. I might do something after the (supposed) Feb direct actually airs.
Yeah I'm curious what people think.

We know that November is the latest it can launch. I also think roughly 5 months is the minimum time between announcement and launch. I also suspect that February will be reserved solely for the final Switch Direct to date the remaining games and maybe reveal a few more ports/remakes.

That means a reveal anywhere from March to June, and a launch anywhere from August to November.

I think I'm personally leaning toward a March reveal and June event/blowout, but I'm not sure if they would wait all the way until November to launch.
I've been pretty adamant that this thing will drop sometime from June to September. At this point, I'm thinking March reveal, June blowout, and September launch.They could go more rapid-fire than that to have a May release that investors apparently feel are in the cards though.
Never happening. That's bonkers money for something that likely wouldn't boost sales.
I mean they did it for the Switch back in 2017 so I don't see why not. It may not boost sales since this would be the reveal, but it would guarantee a lot of eyes would be on it.
Friend of mine seems convinced of a Friday, September 6th release, alongside a new flagship 3D Mario at launch, Metroid Prime 4 in October and Pokemon in November.

Fuck it, I put my faith in him solely because I want to. No fake insiders piggyback off this post when it's true
A title I thought had a connection to the Switch 2 is World of Goo 2. The first was a huge hit on the Wii, and it has that connection to Nintendo. And the fact that the game doesn't even have any platforms announced for it yet is coming out this year. I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of the Indie side of the Switch 2 presentation.

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