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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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Super was the first truly great Metroid game.
Aurc, you gotta play and beat Metroid II before you can say that even jokingly! Especially as our resident Metroid super fan and OP host :)
C'mon, Metroid 1 and 2 walked so that 3 could FLY!
And yet none of them could ever crawl. 🤷

My first Metroid game was Super Metroid and after beating it I immediately went back and played 1 and 2. Maybe nowadays people who started with Super wouldn't be motivated to do that, but I was, since those were the only other Metroid games at the time because I'm an old.
Same here!

I didn't get very far in either of them, but I did try. 😅
I feel like Metroid superfans owe it to themselves to give the OG 1 and 2 an honest shot. Don't play it for 15 minutes and give up. Give yourself a bit of time to find your rhythm with it, and use a map if you have to. They're both way ahead of their time with a lot of things they did, and they're really not that hard once you get used to them.
You aren’t a fake fan! You’re cool! Just wanted to poke you and help get you to finally play Metroid II since I think you’d dig it!

Looking forward to it :)
You're always so kind and helpful, Ghost 🥲 I know you're only looking to help me confront my gaps as a fan and reach true enlightenment! I can't just keep ignoring the original Metroid 2... I've been running away from it my whole life. In all my time as a fan of the series, that's been my biggest fraud factor... I've 100% Other M, but not played more than 15 minutes of the most narratively pivotal chapter of the entire series. That's shameful! The headass fraudery has to stop, once and for all. I'm gonna try to get through it before the June Direct airs.
I feel like Metroid superfans owe it to themselves to give the OG 1 and 2 an honest shot. Don't play it for 15 minutes and give up. Give yourself a bit of time to find your rhythm with it, and use a map if you have to. They're both way ahead of their time with a lot of things they did, and they're really not that hard once you get used to them.
You called me out with this line 🤣 So then, is SR388 super hard / annoying to navigate without the aid of a map? I'd prefer not to use one, but if you think I'd just end up going in circles otherwise, I'll probably pull one up.
You're always so kind and helpful, Ghost 🥲 I know you're only looking to help me confront my gaps as a fan and reach true enlightenment! I can't just keep ignoring the original Metroid 2... I've been running away from it my whole life. In all my time as a fan of the series, that's been my biggest fraud factor... I've 100% Other M, but not played more than 15 minutes of the most narratively pivotal chapter of the entire series. That's shameful! The headass fraudery has to stop, once and for all. I'm gonna try to get through it before the June Direct airs.

You called me out with this line 🤣 So then, is SR388 super hard / annoying to navigate without the aid of a map? I'd prefer not to use one, but if you think I'd just end up going in circles otherwise, I'd probably pull one up.
Of course :) That’s a great goal! Get yourself fully set up so when the June Direct airs you can focus entirely on how cool Prime 4 will be and have no lingering regrets / distractions!

I don’t think SR388 is too confusing in the sense you only need to keep working your way down into the planet. You’ll wipe out the Metroids in one zone, the ground will shake, and you head back to the central shaft and enter the next big zone that opens up because the acid receded. The big problem is depending on what graphics you are playing with especially screens can blur together a bit. In that sense a map can be a helpful reference to get a sense of the area you are in and help you plan where you want to go.

The last time I played, I used this one on GameFAQs. It does point out where all the Metroids are, so I’d only look at it a few times while playing. Even just knowing the rough shape of an area could be a good help.

You called me out with this line 🤣 So then, is SR388 super hard / annoying to navigate without the aid of a map? I'd prefer not to use one, but if you think I'd just end up going in circles otherwise, I'll probably pull one up.

I didn't mean to call anyone out, but I guess I did haha! As far as the map goes, the areas are self contained until you defeat the set number of Metroids, so it's not like you'd be lost in a massive space. But it's still pretty easy to get lost since everything can look samey on a first playthrough cause well, it's a gameboy game. I think a good compromise is to use a map that doesn't show you where all the upgrades are.
You called me out with this line 🤣 So then, is SR388 super hard / annoying to navigate without the aid of a map? I'd prefer not to use one, but if you think I'd just end up going in circles otherwise, I'll probably pull one up.

The game is structured in horizontal levels, you start in the surface and make your way down level by level, but you can't advance to the next level before killing all the Metroid in the current one. Because of that, there's very little backtracking and you only have to work within the area you currently are for the most part. Once you realize how that works, you really don't need a map, unless you're going for 100% of the collectibles (which you'll probably get close to without a guide anyway, since you're a seasoned Metroid player, everything is more or less on the critical path that you will be following to exterminate the metroid).

I'd say try playing without the map, and maybe consult one of you eventually get lost.
Spindrift is my favorite sparkling water, since it actually tastes like it has… well, taste 😄. Carbonated water isn’t really my thing but I do like that one.
I had been kicking it around a lot the last few days and I think the conversation with @Aurc here yesterday regarding Metroid II pushed me over the edge. I also want to clear out my remaining Metroid regret / distraction ahead of the Prime 4 trailer at the next Direct that will 100% be there (I think), so I decided alongside my Paper Mario TTYD replay I’m tackling the one Metroid game I’ve never finished, Metroid Prime Federation Force. I did not buy that game at launch since it didn’t look appealing at all, but when Metroid Dread was announced I scooped up a copy at a great discount. I played the tutorial and first level soon thereafter and it did not make a great first impression. It felt like a game clearly designed for four people and I just did not like either control option as I’m not a big fan of gyro aiming controls especially when you are using them with the screen you are holding and looking at.

Flash forward to today and I wrapped up six more missions so 7/22 cleared. It’s not…too bad? For the controls, I’m rolling with Option A on the New 3DS XL (the circle pad pro thus isn’t an option for me) which resembles GameCube Metroid Prime the most, but does ask you to use gyro aim to make precise shots as some enemies have shields ostensibly right on the lock on point. What I’ve found thankfully is that you typically only have to move it the slightest smidge with the gyro which helps avoid it be too too disorienting / uncomfortable. It can fail and get wonky which is annoying, but it 90% works. The load out system, which seems designed around four players, remains weird to me, but I noticed how to activate the drones that I don’t think I used prior which can help out and realistically I’ve found I only use the health packs and missiles / elemental ammo only when required which thus far is rare. While I remember that first level had given me grief, now I’m finding it too easy which is super fine honestly as I want to see the game, beat it, and get out.

So the actual game then…it’s ok-ish? Weird bobble head people aside, the environmental graphics do look quite nice on the 3DS. The shooting is tolerable. I can’t help but feel Hunters did it better, but it translates the Prime feel well enough. I just don’t feel most of the objectives / level design are very interesting and as it regularly asks just a touch more of you and does so frequently it can get a little tiring. I wonder how fast this would go if I was playing with others. Mission 2 for example has you shooting balls into little goal areas and there’s a section where you have to do four of them in different small paths on the level. By yourself then, you are responsible for all of them and a few are neat, but uh yeah. On the weirder end, there’s this one level where you actually exit your mech immediately and then run, jump, and stealth your way through a space pirate facility all in third person with no weapons. The level design had a single corridor at one point you need to stealth through, but then accommodated four people in what felt like a wacky obstacle course game show. Just extremely odd! On a better end, the last mission I played had an actual big alien fish boss monster to fight. I wasn’t expecting it and while it doesn’t really touch a normal Prime boss, it was cool to see.

Anyway this post is getting huge. Provided there are no big difficulty spikes, the missions are fairly short (10-15 mins) so I expect to get through this game relatively quick. I’ll post about it when I’m done. Based on what I’ve played so far, in no good conscious can I recommend it to Metroid fans. If you were ever curious about it and had an unplayed copy, it’s not necessarily horrendous either. It’s just kind of there. One last thing I almost forgot incidentally, there is no scan visor in the game, but there are these lore pads you can walk up to. They have some of the most whatever lore in the Prime series so far as there are too few and just cannot convey much in a single sentence. My favorite essentially said “we, these aliens, needed to defend ourselves, so we made a cannon.” Which wow…the lore…lol. Another in a Space Pirate facility barely could say “we did our tests and have left” and like yeah this space is empty I guess haha.
When the 3DS online service was ending, some Metroid fans got together and organized parties for Federation Force, and the game is actually fairly fun when you're in a group. Playing the game alone does the game a disservice.
I’m tackling the one Metroid game I’ve never finished, Metroid Prime Federation Force.
Hunters and Federation Force are also the only two Metroid games I've never beaten. I got Federation Force at launch and played with random players rather than people I knew, and I thought it was okay, but I didn't stay invested enough to get through the whole thing. I was curious as to how it works in single-player, and I'd give it a shot, but I'm worried about it being an utter slog.
I started Metroid 2 last night and got farther in than I ever previously have (the second area)


Rather than post my impressions here, I'll probably end up making a whole LTTP thread. For now though, I'll just say one of the things that's really striking me is how faithful a remake AM2R is. I'm recognizing the layout of the original based on my experience with its remake! I'm appreciating both games more. I may even replay AM2R and Samus Returns directly after this.
I said I wouldn’t post about Metroid Prime Federation Force until I beat it. Well I beat it lol. I thought I’d play it across a few days, but I got some momentum going and the moment I cleared the requirement for the big ending, I decided I’d power on through. I forgot to look at my clock, but I think I took less than eight hours to finish it so it wasn’t very long at all.

So…mixed feelings here. I actually had some levels I legitimately enjoyed including some of the defense / last stand missions, the one where you capture the Metroid egg, and one of the escort missions with the mining cart with a turret mounted on it. Some of the bosses were a little long alone, but solid enough too. In the last stretch, the game became fairly demanding by myself which I largely enjoyed, yet I did have a major issue in that I regularly needed to hold my 3DS in a very uncomfortable position to be able to mash the attack button constantly, dodge, and, most annoyingly, gyro aim as the need to lead your shots both increased in frequency and in length which meant tilting your 3DS ever farther away from a comfortable position. The big final boss in particular was killing my hand. I had to pause it regularly and shake it out because it was so uncomfortable and I even had two phases fall apart because my hand was in pain. One of those resulted in a death so I had to redo the mission once :/ Also that final boss was bad conceptually for what it is (Kidnapped Samus who gets transformed into a giant mind controlled Morphball :/ )and in a vacuum (big ball you shoot like a soccer ball) is also just bizarre for a finale. Years removed now from when I first played a Blast Ball demo at Comic Con, I did not expect the end to be what it was lol.

So uh yeah! My journey essentially went from this game stinks, to this game is ok and exists I guess, to maybe there’s some good stuff if you stick with it, to this game is physically painful and I thus cannot recommend it lol. If nothing else, Federation Force will haunt me no more and I can finally say I have beaten every Metroid game. Also, I’m fully looking forward to Prime 4! I even rewatched that 30 second announcement trailer again for good measure lol.
With the official announcement of the Legend of Zelda Lego set, I'm once again imagining a hypothetical Metroid Lego set. I doubt Nintendo will allow it (I remember someone pitched a Metroid Lego set concept for Ideas and it got shot down, presumably because Nintendo wouldn't license Metroid out for it), but I think there's potential.

I think maybe the most obvious Metroid set they could do would be Samus's gunship + a Ridley build. Maybe it could be a recreation of the opening scene of Super Metroid. Are there any other Metroid scenes that you'd like to see in a Lego set?
Are there any other Metroid scenes that you'd like to see in a Lego set?

Someone made a Metroid Prime set years ago at the Artifact Temple that I thought was pretty cool.

Other than something like that I’d take a ship build with removable cover.
I'm planning to do a replay of the Metroid games if I have time this year and I'm debating whether I should play Metroid 1 and 2 for the first time or not, I'm leaning towards at least trying them but I know if I try them I'll force myself to beat them even if I hate them 🥴
I'm planning to do a replay of the Metroid games if I have time this year and I'm debating whether I should play Metroid 1 and 2 for the first time or not, I'm leaning towards at least trying them but I know if I try them I'll force myself to beat them even if I hate them 🥴
You can try to make it through them, and if you just can't do it, don't force it. Gamedrop them and play Zero Mission or Metroid Planets and Samus Returns or AM2R instead.
🤔 😵‍💫 🫨

This might be the weirdest Metroid track I've heard. It's amusingly bizarre.


I could use a Metroid to play right now. Already played Prime Remastered twice, Fusion fairly recently, finished Dread but didn't like it enough to play again (at least not yet), and I don't have a PC! Let's get Zero Mission or Prime 2 going on the Switch already.
You can try to make it through them, and if you just can't do it, don't force it. Gamedrop them and play Zero Mission or Metroid Planets and Samus Returns or AM2R instead.
Yeah the current plan is

Metroid 1
Metroid 2
Replay Super Metroid (might skip this because my last playthrough went so well and I don't want to ruin my memories 😭 )
Replay Metroid Fusion
Replay Zero Mission
Play AM2R (don't know where to put this on the list)
Replay Metroid Dread
Relay Metroid Prime Remastered (might skip this because it's long)

Skipping Metroid Samus Returns (I've played it and it's good but it's definitely my least favorite and the least interesting one conceptually)
Skipping Metroid Prime 2/3 (I'd rather wait to replay 2 and play 3 when the remakes come out)
Skipping the spinoffs and Other M (I don't have a sensor bar)

I usually can't binge games from the same series one after another so it's unrealistic but then again Metroid is the best game series of all time and most of the games are fairly short and we are talking about 3 months here
Yeah the current plan is

Metroid 1
Metroid 2
Replay Super Metroid (might skip this because my last playthrough went so well and I don't want to ruin my memories 😭 )
Replay Metroid Fusion
Replay Zero Mission
Play AM2R (don't know where to put this on the list)
Replay Metroid Dread
Relay Metroid Prime Remastered (might skip this because it's long)

Skipping Metroid Samus Returns (I've played it and it's good but it's definitely my least favorite and the least interesting one conceptually)
Skipping Metroid Prime 2/3 (I'd rather wait to replay 2 and play 3 when the remakes come out)
Skipping the spinoffs and Other M (I don't have a sensor bar)

I usually can't binge games from the same series one after another so it's unrealistic but then again Metroid is the best game series of all time and most of the games are fairly short and we are talking about 3 months here
AM2R is peak, so I hope you enjoy it. Do your best not to listen to the minority of haters who'll poo poo it for being an unofficial work, as their opinions are generally suboptimal / bush league. Both remakes are well done, but I personally find AM2R to be the clear winner in moment-to-moment gameplay, boss design / diversity, and OST. It also does a better job of honoring the lore.
Speaking of fanmade Metroid content, I just 100% completed the Super Metroid romhack Subversion and it was incredible! The logbook, numerous areas and sub-areas (even ones that change as the game progresses) and custom music were so good. Plus it’s got a massive bonus area complete with a superboss and a whole second quest mode unlocked by a sophisticated unlock sequence that starts with saving the animals and escalating from there. Metroid fans can make some really stellar stuff.
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Speaking of fanmade Metroid content, I just 100% completed the Super Metroid romhack Subversion and it was incredible! The logbook, numerous areas and sub-areas (even ones that change as the game progresses) and custom music were so good. Plus it’s got a massive bonus area complete with a superboss and a whole second quest mode unlocked by a sophisticated unlock sequence that starts with saving the animals and escalating from there. Metroid fans can make some really stellar stuff.
This looks awesome! As far as Super Metroid hacks go, I've only played Redux and Vitality so far (both of which are excellent). Subversion sounds like it should be my next one. Loving the aesthetic in those screenshots, and a logbook in Super sounds wild. How challenging would you say it was, relative to vanilla SM?
I'm planning to do a replay of the Metroid games if I have time this year and I'm debating whether I should play Metroid 1 and 2 for the first time or not, I'm leaning towards at least trying them but I know if I try them I'll force myself to beat them even if I hate them 🥴
Play 2 with a map. I enjoyed it that way, honestly. I didn't even finish Samus Returns.
This looks awesome! As far as Super Metroid hacks go, I've only played Redux and Vitality so far (both of which are excellent). Subversion sounds like it should be my next one. Loving the aesthetic in those screenshots, and a logbook in Super sounds wild. How challenging would you say it was, relative to vanilla SM?
Easier than most romhacks, probably just a hair harder than vanilla in terms of combat. But getting 100% was quite simple, as it’s got both the “circles for uncollected items -> dots for collected items” thing on the map that Fusion / ZM / AM2R / Samus Returns do, plus it’s got an endgame pickup that marks every single expansion on your map even in unexplored rooms, like in Prime 3. The logbook also has a hint system so finding the path forward usually made sense.

The bonus area is where the difficulty ratchets up considerably, and I’m sure the second quest is much harder.
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Play 2 with a map. I enjoyed it that way, honestly. I didn't even finish Samus Returns.
I'm slowly inching my way through it for the first time, and I haven't needed to consult a map yet, but I guess that may change later on. So far, each area's been pretty small and contained.
Easier than most romhacks, probably just a hair harder than vanilla in terms of combat. But getting 100% was quite simple, as it’s got both the “circles for uncollected items -> dots for collected items” thing on the map that Fusion / ZM / AM2R / Samus Returns do, plus it’s got an endgame pickup that marks every single expansion on your map even in unexplored rooms, like in Prime 3. The logbook also has a hint system so finding the path forward usually made sense.

The bonus area is where the difficulty ratchets up considerably, and I’m sure the second quest is much harder.
Sounds great! Thanks for the heads-up about its existence. If I end up playing it soon, I'll probably @ you with some impressions. 😛
@Aurc how is your Metroid II playthrough going?
I haven't played in a couple nights, but I'll return to it soon!
I'm slowly inching my way through it for the first time, and I haven't needed to consult a map yet, but I guess that may change later on. So far, each area's been pretty small and contained.
If you're familiar with AM2R you really shouldn't need a map. Except for maybe that one Metroid nest in area 3...
If you're familiar with AM2R you really shouldn't need a map. Except for maybe that one Metroid nest in area 3...
Yup, what immediately struck me upon playing the original is how faithful AM2R is in its layout, which I couldn't appreciate until now. Almost 1:1 at times.

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