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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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Artistically I think the game is still pretty underrated, it looks pretty great in certain rooms, especially Burenia and Ghavoran. It’s the mechanical areas like EMMI Zones and Dairon that drag it down. Lots of cool background details as well, like Z-57 getting created in Dairon.
I think this too. Despite the clamor for sprite based games, this game justifies using 3D visuals in its 2D gameplay. Some really stunning areas and I still am mesmerized by just the save rooms alone, they look like concept art. Not to mention Samus's wonderful animation and inverse kinematics.
Unlike what I said in the other thread, I'm actually going to try and get 2 physical copies. I'll reverse the cover on one of them.
Happy to see praise for Dread's environments and backgrounds. Easily one of the games strongest suits. I really hope MS (or whoever does the follow up) do not take all the criticism in this area to heart because it's wrong.
I also think Dread has some nice art direction in some places (Burenia and Ghavoran mostly), but it has a really tough time comparing with Retro's art (as most games do). I think their Castlevania games also had some really nice art in places as well, but just like with Metroid it's pretty inconsistent. There is definitely a lot of room for improvement on Metroid 6 in the audiovisual department. They're the only things stopping the game from being essentially perfect.
I hope that retro will introduce a new logo for the studio after mp4 (or just before it) cause

I dont like it. The blue tones are terribly dated.

Hopefully a new website too but idk. Noa's sites are consistently awful looking.
I hope that retro will introduce a new logo for the studio after mp4 (or just before it) cause

I dont like it. The blue tones are terribly dated.

Hopefully a new website too but idk. Noa's sites are consistently awful looking.
it already took them like 15 years to even get this current one lol

I really only meant bring back one boss though, I think more than that would be excessive.

I do agree mostly original is the way to go, but the fact that Draygon would have to have some serious thinking on how to adapt into 3d is part of the fun.
just to be clear I was mostly using your Draygon post as a jump-off point for my micro-rant. the "bringing back all bosses" was largely referring to how they do keep doing that with obviously Ridley (over and over), now Kraid in Dread and the planned-but-canned- Kraid appearance in Prime 1 and Phantoon in Other M. Out of all of these, I would actually say Phantoon in Other M was the only one that really worked (even though Kraid in Dread is sick as hell) since he comes across like essentially a space-Kraken that just goes wherever death is and doesn't even need to be "the" Phantoon but could just be "a" phantoon whereas Kraid is Kraid and Ridley is Ridley and stuff (although the boss statue gating the Tourian door conflicts with that).

Overall tonally, Dread continues with Fusion and Other M going a more “horror-lite” route for the series over the moody and atmospheric Super and Prime. I think most of its design decisions lend well to that. But I would like to see future 2D Metroids go back to Super and Prime-style and slow down the pace, WITH BETTER MUSIC PLEASE. Honestly, it’s still the OST that is really only the TRUE big issue that I have with Dread, I don’t even mind the artificial gating that much in the context of the game.
where 👏 are 👏 the 👏 tunes!
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it already took them like 15 years to even get this current one lol

just to be clear I was mostly using your Draygon post as a jump-off point for my micro-rant. the "bringing back all bosses" was largely referring to how they do keep doing that with obviously Ridley (over and over), now Kraid in Dread and the planned-but-canned- Kraid appearance in Prime 1 and Phantoon in Other M. Out of all of these, I would actually say Phantoon in Other M was the only one that really worked (even though Kraid in Dread is sick as hell) since he comes across like essentially a space-Kraken that just goes wherever death is and doesn't even need to be "the" Phantoon but could just be "a" phantoon whereas Kraid is Kraid and Ridley is Ridley and stuff (although the boss statue gating the Tourian door conflicts with that).
They introduced the current loo in 2004. Unless you meant the website.. which i mean its 8 years old already too.
it already took them like 15 years to even get this current one lol

just to be clear I was mostly using your Draygon post as a jump-off point for my micro-rant. the "bringing back all bosses" was largely referring to how they do keep doing that with obviously Ridley (over and over), now Kraid in Dread and the planned-but-canned- Kraid appearance in Prime 1 and Phantoon in Other M. Out of all of these, I would actually say Phantoon in Other M was the only one that really worked (even though Kraid in Dread is sick as hell) since he comes across like essentially a space-Kraken that just goes wherever death is and doesn't even need to be "the" Phantoon but could just be "a" phantoon whereas Kraid is Kraid and Ridley is Ridley and stuff (although the boss statue gating the Tourian door conflicts with that).

where 👏 are 👏 the 👏 tunes!

Nightmare in Other M was actually pretty cool too.
And beaten

Despite some issues, like save point starvation and well, not having a map, I honestly had a good time with this. You can tell it's extremely ambitious for an early Game Boy game and Samus gets a lot of cool moves here, even stuff like the Spider Ball really adds a lot of depth to exploration. I liked the slower paced, more lowkey vibe, almost felt like an 8 bit horror game at moments.

So yeah, I liked it. Definitely nowhere near as unplayable as I was lead to believe. GBC palette looked great with it too. So I'll probably play Samus Returns before too long to compare.

So glad you decided to play it! Metroid 2 is a great game with an incredibly unique atmosphere and structure. It's a shame a lot of people ignore it because apparently the game is "too dated", which is nonsense.

I haven't played Samus Returns and I don't intend to anytime soon, I'm very satisfied with Metroid 2 and I doubt the remake was able to recreate the special atmosphere the original had.
So glad you decided to play it! Metroid 2 is a great game with an incredibly unique atmosphere and structure. It's a shame a lot of people ignore it because apparently the game is "too dated", which is nonsense.

I haven't played Samus Returns and I don't intend to anytime soon, I'm very satisfied with Metroid 2 and I doubt the remake was able to recreate the special atmosphere the original had.
I like playing the original before a remake to compare and contrast, I did that with Resident Evil 2 as well so I’m looking forward to that. But I’m playing a couple of other games first so I don’t burn out playing a bunch of Metroid games back to back. Hoping to make some progress on my backlog at least.
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So glad you decided to play it! Metroid 2 is a great game with an incredibly unique atmosphere and structure. It's a shame a lot of people ignore it because apparently the game is "too dated", which is nonsense.

I haven't played Samus Returns and I don't intend to anytime soon, I'm very satisfied with Metroid 2 and I doubt the remake was able to recreate the special atmosphere the original had.

There are some moments of brilliance in SR, but it's far too bloated for it's own good. The 3D effect is EXCELLENT though if you're into that. It's definitely worth a playthrough at some point imo.
I finished my Dread replay tonight. I feel empty now after beating it and Prime HD directly before it. I want to play more Metroid and now all games feel inferior and I don't know what to play. 😩
ever since i finished mpr i got burnout on metroid in general. Unless echoes itself is announced i dont want to see anything metroid related lmao
I played through MPR twice already (Normal and Hard 100% runs) and started up an Echoes Hard 100% run on GC. Just cleared the Agon Wastes and about to make my way back to the temple.
I played through MPR twice already (Normal and Hard 100% runs) and started up an Echoes Hard 100% run on GC. Just cleared the Agon Wastes and about to make my way back to the temple.
I'll likely end up doing the same, but on Wii. I like MPR a lot, but I assumed they weren't going to be able to top the Wii control scheme, and they didn't, imo. I'll always love the way these games feel to play there.
I'll likely end up doing the same, but on Wii. I like MPR a lot, but I assumed they weren't going to be able to top the Wii control scheme, and they didn't, imo. I'll always love the way these games feel to play there.
Hmm, actually, maybe I'll play the trilogy on PrimeHack the Wii. That way I don't have to wait for 2 and 3. Now I'm getting all excited lol.
I'll likely end up doing the same, but on Wii. I like MPR a lot, but I assumed they weren't going to be able to top the Wii control scheme, and they didn't, imo. I'll always love the way these games feel to play there.

Yeah, I tried out the motion control option for a bit, but as I feared it just doesn't work as well as the IR pointer. It makes me worried about a Corruption port/remaster honestly. At least it would look absolutely gorgeous in HD though.
I just beat the Boost Ball Guardian on my Echoes GC 100% Hard run. Guy is such an asshole. I've only ever got through him on hard once without dying. Took me three times this goaround. Now off to explore the depths of Torvus. This game is so amazing.
I hope everyone who’s going for an immediate replay of Echoes still supports the remaster when/if it comes

I won’t be able to take it if it underperforms again 😭
I know that as soon as Fusion and Zero Mission hit NSO I'm dropping everything to replay them.
This is the way

I'm going to have to finally spend $30 on NSO expansion pass when we get Fusion 😭

I hope everyone who’s going for an immediate replay of Echoes still supports the remaster when/if it comes

I won’t be able to take it if it underperforms again 😭
Well at this point the franchise's fate is based off of Metroid Prime 4. And I think the remaster of 2 and 3 might start development simultaneously this time around, so I wouldn't expect the sales of 2 Remastered to necessarily affect a 3 (also, remember when Nintendo was ok with Samus Returns sales?)

You're right though, as a Metroid fan, I want the games to sell well
I know that as soon as Fusion and Zero Mission hit NSO I'm dropping everything to replay them.
I haven’t played Fusion in 20 years or so but its my first Metroid so I’m pretty nostalgic for it. Maybe I should just do a replay on the 3DS instead of waiting for it.

Definitely looking forward to Zero Mission though, that was a game I enjoyed but I got stuck and put the game down temporarily and I’d rather just go through it again on NSO than try to remember where I was.
I've gotten the impression that I'm in the minority but I've always thought the MP2 Dark Samus design was way cooler than the MP3 Dark Samus. Echoes Dark Samus still looks like a creature while Corruption looks like a suit, and I think that's really boring considering the character is literally Metroid Prime, freaky metroid mutation.


Honestly instead of walking it back for MP3 they should have gone even harder like the concept art. Shit was full of good ideas.



I wonder if anyone has modded MP2 Dark Samus into Smash.
I'm in full agreement with you there, @VorpalNonsense. That concept art is sick. The more alien, eldritch design of Echoes Dark Samus is far cooler than her look in Corruption. I'll even go one step further, with a take that might be on the hotter side: Samus's Metroid Suit in Dread is not visually appealing to me, and I think it was bested by Echoes Dark Samus, years ago:
I'm just not fond of the Metroid Suit's design, as I don't think it's as Metroid-like as it should be. It looks more like a bad cosplay, or a cheap toy. It lacks a translucent membrane, and the appearance of a Metroid's physiology in general. In other words: it's too sterile, and not as body horror as it should be. Echoes Dark Samus nailed the look of a Metroid-Human hybrid, and I don't feel as though Dread's take on the same thing is quite there. The teeth on the Arm Cannon, and red gaming PC lights in particular... ehhh.

From a lore standpoint, I suppose you could say Aeion had an influence on Samus's metamorphosis, and that's why her look ended up more closely resembling that of a latter stage SR388 Metroid, but I don't know. It still looks off to me.
I've gotten the impression that I'm in the minority but I've always thought the MP2 Dark Samus design was way cooler than the MP3 Dark Samus. Echoes Dark Samus still looks like a creature while Corruption looks like a suit, and I think that's really boring considering the character is literally Metroid Prime, freaky metroid mutation.


Honestly instead of walking it back for MP3 they should have gone even harder like the concept art. Shit was full of good ideas.



I wonder if anyone has modded MP2 Dark Samus into Smash.
I’ve always looooved the concept art for DS, and totally agree about echoes’ design being better than corruption’s for her.

I do feel like Smash was a pretty good blend of both and a great “standardized” look.
I'll even go one step further, with a take that might be on the hotter side: Samus's Metroid Suit in Dread is not visually appealing to me, and I think it was bested by Echoes Dark Samus, years ago:

I'm just not fond of the Metroid Suit's design, as I don't think it's as Metroid-like as it should be. It looks more like a bad cosplay, or a cheap toy. It lacks a translucent membrane, and the appearance of a Metroid's physiology in general. In other words: it's too sterile, and not as body horror as it should be. Echoes Dark Samus nailed the look of a Metroid-Human hybrid, and I don't feel as though Dread's take on the same thing is quite there. The teeth on the Arm Cannon, and red gaming PC lights in particular... ehhh.

From a lore standpoint, I suppose you could say Aeion had an influence on Samus's metamorphosis, and that's why her look ended up more closely resembling that of a latter stage SR388 Metroid, but I don't know. It still looks off to me.
agree agree agree
Metroid Suit isn’t one of Samus’ best but I don’t dislike it and it was cool to see her in such a different look.

I hope future games continue to experiment even more with suit designs - both Prime and the main series. Gives each game a unique flavor.

I’m fine if I don’t see Power-Varia-Gravity again. While the Fusion and Dread switch ups for the overall suit were nice, the upgrade path being the same is a convention I’m fine ditching.

Hell if they embrace the Metroid powers in Metroid 6 the suit upgrades can be named after Metroid evolutions. Prime can just go crazy with something totally new like Echoes did (and Corruption I guess, I love the final stages of the PED Suit)
Metroid Suit isn’t one of Samus’ best but I don’t dislike it and it was cool to see her in such a different look.

I hope future games continue to experiment even more with suit designs - both Prime and the main series. Gives each game a unique flavor.
Yup, same here. Can't wait to see Prime 4's new suit(s). For clarity's sake: I otherwise loved Dread's suit designs. The base Power Suit looks rad, and its Gravity Suit ended up becoming my favorite iteration across the whole series.
I actually loved the Metroid suit on my first playthrough, to the point where I was thinking it was possibly my favorite design even if just as a novelty. I like how monstrous the suit designs can get between the Metroid suit and the Fusion suit, and it has a sort of kaijuu like look to it that I think is interesting, it's almost like if you made a suit out of a Deviljho's chin teeth lol.

But yeah, it has waned on me a bit.
Yup, same here. Can't wait to see Prime 4's new suit(s). For clarity's sake: I otherwise loved Dread's suit designs. The base Power Suit looks rad, and its Gravity Suit ended up becoming my favorite iteration across the whole series.
Yeah Dread gravity suit is badass.

And I think my edit went through after you replied, but I really hope Prime 4 not only has new suits, but ditches the Power-Varia-Gravity upgrade path overall like Echoes and Corruption did. And Metroid 6.

Come up with additional pickups like MP2’s gravity boost that allow traversal through water and fire and allow for Suit upgrades that are more unique to each game
Just got the Light suit in Prime 2 after defeating the Quad man. Which I'm very happy about because I think the Dark Suit is the ugliest suit in the Prime series. And it also happens to be the one that you have for the longest period of time, well over half the game. Sanctuary Fortress is still GOAT. Tonight I will do the key hunt and final item sweep and put EI and DS to bed for good.
So just after finishing Prime (missing 1 missile tank😡) Still haven’t got my fill of Prime and not wanting to play 2 or 3 in case remasters come out, I randomly remembered Prime Hunters Exists so downloaded it on the Wii U. I’ve not played it since launch on the DS and all I remember is that is was not as good as the Retro games. Holy shit it look like a Prime PS1 demake. It’s both hideous and beautiful at the same time on my giant 4K screen. The controls on the Wii u are a touch uncomfortable but much nicer than the DS. I remember it being quite short so hoping to finish it this weekend, then onto my first ever Replay of Other M since launch.
So just after finishing Prime (missing 1 missile tank😡) Still haven’t got my fill of Prime and not wanting to play 2 or 3 in case remasters come out, I randomly remembered Prime Hunters Exists so downloaded it on the Wii U. I’ve not played it since launch on the DS and all I remember is that is was not as good as the Retro games. Holy shit it look like a Prime PS1 demake. It’s both hideous and beautiful at the same time on my giant 4K screen. The controls on the Wii u are a touch uncomfortable but much nicer than the DS. I remember it being quite short so hoping to finish it this weekend, then onto my first ever Replay of Other M since launch.
I could never get beyond the abominable controls of Hunters, but poking around this morning I see that there is a LUA script for emulation that allows the game to be largely played with a normal controller dual stick so maybe I'll give that a shot.
I could never get beyond the abominable controls of Hunters, but poking around this morning I see that there is a LUA script for emulation that allows the game to be largely played with a normal controller dual stick so maybe I'll give that a shot.
So just after finishing Prime (missing 1 missile tank😡) Still haven’t got my fill of Prime and not wanting to play 2 or 3 in case remasters come out, I randomly remembered Prime Hunters Exists so downloaded it on the Wii U. I’ve not played it since launch on the DS and all I remember is that is was not as good as the Retro games. Holy shit it look like a Prime PS1 demake. It’s both hideous and beautiful at the same time on my giant 4K screen. The controls on the Wii u are a touch uncomfortable but much nicer than the DS. I remember it being quite short so hoping to finish it this weekend, then onto my first ever Replay of Other M since launch.
If you have a modded New 3DS, you can play Hunters aiming with the C-Stick! The hack also has experimental support for the gyro.
Huh. Never seen that before. Was it in the video game section or toys?
the toy aisle, along with the other jakks pacific nintendo figures. they also recently released a botw link and zelda, but my store only had link. i didn’t get one though.
the toy aisle, along with the other jakks pacific nintendo figures. they also recently released a botw link and zelda, but my store only had link. i didn’t get one though.
Thanks! I’ll check it out the next time I’m there.
I’ve been thinking and I kind of want Nintendo to show Samus’ face more in marketing.

And I don’t mean ZSS. I mean a middle ground between a faceless hero that she is in most games and her traipsing around in the zero suit with ass shots during cutscenes in Other M.

Like the fact that we don’t really have a key art of Samus in her suit but with her helmet off looking strong and imposing is kind of crazy to me.

I think only seeing the hero behind the suit in the ending was a super cool reward in past games, but in this day and age I want Nintendo to really embrace one of the best female protagonists in gaming. I honestly think it would help the series.

Basically I want them to
1) make seeing Samus’ face feel “normal” and not like a secret reward. Other M DID accomplish this, but…
2) have seeing her face not always come with having to see the over sexualized zero suit. More shots with the helmet off but in the suit, like when she had to spontaneously take it off in order to throw up the Phazon in prime 3
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