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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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The Metroid Dread Holographic Poster Set reward is back in stock via My Nintendo, as of today.

I'm going to come back to this thread soon with a mini essay about what Metroid means to me personally, and why it's one of my favourite franchises, and why the Prime games are GOATed as far as I'm concerned.

As for now, I really wanna stop by and again show appreciation for an absolutely stellar Metroid ST, @Aurc . The Dread ST back when the site started really inspired me, and this one also has a ton of love poured into it, great work.
I always see lots of awesome Metroid fan works (usually on Twitter, or Reddit). I think, in order to keep this thread going (even if there's no immediate news to discuss), I'm going to start posting cool community stuff I'd like to share with you all.

First off: this caught my eye other day, and the art looks promising! I'm excited to check it out!

This came out today! Just finished reading it. Really neat, short and sweet. I especially love the artwork!

Just started a new playthrough of Super on SNES mini. How is this game still so good?
It's a perfect game, yeah.

Metroid dovetailing into speedy action and more horror elements was absolutely for the best because Super Metroid Another One would never match the OG.
I'm really glad Metroid Dread (or should I credit Samus Returns? MercurySteam in general?) gave us the Thoha and Mawkin. For the longest time, the Chozo were treated as more or less monolithic, and unidimensional. Dread, however, showcases an interesting dichotomy, even if it's a relatively simple one between a tribe of scientists, and a tribe of warriors. It adds context and texture to the Chozo as a civilization, underscoring their divergences, and retroactively adding even greater depth to the lore of the Prime series, making one wonder which tribe it could've been that colonized Tallon IV and Elysia, or came into contact with the Luminoth. It creates potential for the future of the series to explore the Chozo in further, more meaningful detail, sidestepping the Planet of Hats trope. Eccentric tribes, cult tribes, exiled tribes, and so on. The possibilities are far reaching, and exciting to consider! I can only hope they take full advantage of them.

I'll also give a shout to Chozo Language Course! So cool that the language spoken in Dread actually has an order and structure to it, and that the different tribes each have their own alphabets!
I've said before (perhaps in this thread?) that I'd love to see a prequel built on the Dread engine starring Raven Beak leading Mawkin on a deadly hunt and exploring Chozo society in greater depth. It might even end with the rescue of a little girl orphaned by a space pirate attack.
I'm really glad Metroid Dread (or should I credit Samus Returns? MercurySteam in general?) gave us the Thoha and Mawkin. For the longest time, the Chozo were treated as more or less monolithic, and unidimensional. Dread, however, showcases an interesting dichotomy, even if it's a relatively simple one between a tribe of scientists, and a tribe of warriors. It adds context and texture to the Chozo as a civilization, underscoring their divergences, and retroactively adding even greater depth to the lore of the Prime series, making one wonder which tribe it could've been that colonized Tallon IV and Elysia, or came into contact with the Luminoth. It creates potential for the future of the series to explore the Chozo in further, more meaningful detail, sidestepping the Planet of Hats trope. Eccentric tribes, cult tribes, exiled tribes, and so on. The possibilities are far reaching, and exciting to consider! I can only hope they take full advantage of them.

I'll also give a shout to Chozo Language Course! So cool that the language spoken in Dread actually has an order and structure to it, and that the different tribes each have their own alphabets!
Yeah, I'd definitely say Returns and Dread made good on the promise that Prime introduced into the series, by giving us another look at just how different these crazy bird folk can be. And hell, thanks to the Elysia excursion, we at least can determine there's female Chozo SOMEWHERE out there in the universe! :ROFLMAO:

That said, as much as I love the Chozo, I do hope at least the Prime side continues to explore the various races we know, introduce a few more and continue to grow the setting. Like c'mon. Sylux is one thing, but what about the likes of the Kriken Empire? You mean to tell me there's ONE race that would actually get the Pirates and Federation to squash the beef for five seconds in order to eliminate a mutual, deadly adversary, and nobody wants to talk about them...?
Yeah, I'd definitely say Returns and Dread made good on the promise that Prime introduced into the series, by giving us another look at just how different these crazy bird folk can be. And hell, thanks to the Elysia excursion, we at least can determine there's female Chozo SOMEWHERE out there in the universe! :ROFLMAO:

That said, as much as I love the Chozo, I do hope at least the Prime side continues to explore the various races we know, introduce a few more and continue to grow the setting. Like c'mon. Sylux is one thing, but what about the likes of the Kriken Empire? You mean to tell me there's ONE race that would actually get the Pirates and Federation to squash the beef for five seconds in order to eliminate a mutual, deadly adversary, and nobody wants to talk about them...?
I like that you bring up female Chozo, as I'd really love to see one be an actual character, at some point in the series! It's pretty widely known at this point, but there's a mysterious figure looming overhead in Chozo Archives 08, and recently, it was brought to my attention that the figure in question has an Arm Cannon. This is particularly noteworthy, considering Samus and Raven Beak are two of the only characters in the series shown to wield them, with one of the visuals in Dread strongly implying that the reason Samus can use the Arm Cannon at all is because of her Raven Beak / Mawkin genes. Now, if I'm being honest, I don't entirely like that lore contribution, but regardless, the implication is there, and it contextualizes the Arm Cannon as something only a small minority of Chozo (or those with Chozo DNA) are capable of wielding.

I went off on a bit of a tangent there, but to tie everything together: the mysterious figure in Chozo Archives 08 is not only significant, but also very likely to be Chozo. They probably escaped ZDR on one of the Hanubia ships, and I hope it ends up being a cool female Chozo. I just think it'd be neat! I don't think she necessarily needs to be genetically related to Raven Beak, but perhaps she was a member of the Mawkin tribe that didn't fall victim to the X. Better yet: she's from another tribe entirely, and she's been monitoring the situation on ZDR from a distance, for whatever reason we'll come to find out. It's fun to speculate, but we won't get any concrete answers until Metroid 6, and that's still years out (hopefully not 19 years). In the meantime: yes, the esteemed Prime lore... !

I'll be honest: Prime Hunters lore represents something of a gap for me. I didn't actually play it for the first time until last year, and just didn't enjoy it, unfortunately. I guess I'm sorta glad I went through it? Never confronted the final boss, though. I left off just before that. I know Sylux is set to be a big deal in Prime 4, but Hunters gave me no real info on him. He's just a multiplayer skin that shows up to shoot at you, same as all the other generic blokes. 😂 Still, you're totally right: the lore potential there is very much apparent. I do genuinely respect what the devs of Hunters and Corruption opted to do, in introducing some new, interesting looking species, and further fleshing out the Metroid universe. The 2D games are very tunnel vision-y, focused entirely on telling one, specific story (mostly involving Samus herself, and the aftermath of her mission to SR388), which works just fine for that saga, but I'm really glad the Prime subseries has far more of a desire to make the universe feel richer, more alive, and better rounded. Every planet has its own story, from Tallon IV, to Aether, to Bryyo, and so on.

I had to Google the Kriken Empire, but whoa, they sound really cool! Bring us more lore, Retro, bring us more lore. Give me obscure lore. Give me lore that answers questions nobody else asks. Tell me about the Monks of Grondheim! What species do they belong to? Is Grondheim a city? A planet? Something else? Why do they place value on crystal formations? Are the crystals used for religious purposes, since they're monks? What is the nature of their relationship to the Space Pirates? Do they work together out of necessity, or are the monks genuinely thankful for the Pirates, and their continued conflict against the Federation? The name "Grondheim" sounds Norse. Any significance there? The questions are endless, and they're all highly valuable to ask. I haven't even gone into the Ylla, or the N'kren. I'd be here for days, and this post is already too long.
One of the smaller touches I really love about Metroid Fusion's OST: the military drums in Facing a Huge Reaction, and Final Mission. The former theme plays at numerous points when the computer directs Samus to her next objective, while the latter, more triumphant and definitive theme, plays only during the finale, when she successfully reawakens her old military mentor's humanity. They're two of the only themes in Fusion that are overtly motivating and triumphant, as opposed to ominous, panic-inducing, or otherwise unsettling. As cold and hostile of a settling B.S.L. is, I've always appreciated the warmth the game creates through not only Samus's quiet reflection on her relationship with Adam, but also her reunion with the Etecoons and Dachoras. Parentage will likely always remain among the strongest overarching themes of Metroid, along with the metaphorical fragments of light that manage to shine through a vast, dark universe. Samus, and we as the player, by extension, are that tiny dot of light that finds its way through those dark, cavernous depths we're tasked with exploring. Though solitude is inherent to the series, things like the gifts the Chozo left behind for us, and what few non-hostile lifeforms we stumble upon, remind us that a hunter is never truly alone.

Metroid Prime's opening narration:
In the vast universe, the history of humanity is but a flash of light from a lone star. The life of a single person should be lost in space and time. But among the stars, there is one light that burns brighter than all others. The light of Samus Aran. Her battles extend beyond her life, and etch themselves into history.
Anyway, since the 20th anniversary of Fusion and Prime is only a week away, I figured I'd say some words. These games will always hold a special place in my heart, especially Fusion.
I'm thirsty to try Metroid Prime but want to wait for the Prime 1 remaster. Could I play the games out of order to quell my impatience , e.g. 2 -> 3 on Wii then the remaster when/if it comes out? Or is it reliant on a linear narrative through all these titles? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm totally fresh to the Prime subseries.
I'm thirsty to try Metroid Prime but want to wait for the Prime 1 remaster. Could I play the games out of order to quell my impatience , e.g. 2 -> 3 on Wii then the remaster when/if it comes out? Or is it reliant on a linear narrative through all these titles? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm totally fresh to the Prime subseries.
There is a narrative but it's not super important, only thing you miss out is the origin of dark Samus which is a 30 second post credits scene
I'm thirsty to try Metroid Prime but want to wait for the Prime 1 remaster. Could I play the games out of order to quell my impatience , e.g. 2 -> 3 on Wii then the remaster when/if it comes out? Or is it reliant on a linear narrative through all these titles? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm totally fresh to the Prime subseries.
The trilogy does form an ongoing narrative that culminates in Prime 3, and there's plenty of lore to be gleaned, from game to game. How much that matters to you is going to depend on the extent to which you care about the lore of the Metroid universe in general, I suppose. Personally, I wouldn't say that temporarily skipping 1 to play 2 and 3 is a mistake for story related reasons, though. Prime 1 simply serves as the best introduction to 3D Metroid from a gameplay standpoint. It's a near perfect transition of the series's core design philosophies to the 3D space. Prime 2 and 3, comparatively, aim to shake up the formula a bit, so I think it's nice to have Prime 1 serve as a solid foundation and starting point, before seeing where the next two diverge. All that said, Prime 3 was my introduction to 3D Metroid, and loved it, so I don't think you absolutely have to play them in order. I just think it'd probably result in a better experience, for folks getting started with this awesome trilogy for the first time.

My advice? Just enjoy Prime 1-3 on the Wii. Put this supposed remaster of the first game at the back of your mind, for the time being. Don't let a hypothetical product deter you from enjoying an existing, cohesive experience! Prime Trilogy on the Wii is stellar. The controls are sublime, and the games all run at a solid 60 FPS. You should hopefully have a great time. Even if this Prime 1 remaster does finally see the light of day in 2023, you could just replay the game, right? That's certainly what I'll be doing. I'm curious as to how jarring it might be, for folks playing Prime 1 for the first time on the Switch, before going back to Prime 2 and 3 on the Wii...
Metroid series co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto (middle), composer Kenji Yamamoto (left), and Prime subseries producer Kensuke Tanabe (right). Great picture.
The trilogy does form an ongoing narrative that culminates in Prime 3, and there's plenty of lore to be gleaned, from game to game. How much that matters to you is going to depend on the extent to which you care about the lore of the Metroid universe in general, I suppose. Personally, I wouldn't say that temporarily skipping 1 to play 2 and 3 is a mistake for story related reasons, though. Prime 1 simply serves as the best introduction to 3D Metroid from a gameplay standpoint. It's a near perfect transition of the series's core design philosophies to the 3D space. Prime 2 and 3, comparatively, aim to shake up the formula a bit, so I think it's nice to have Prime 1 serve as a solid foundation and starting point, before seeing where the next two diverge. All that said, Prime 3 was my introduction to 3D Metroid, and loved it, so I don't think you absolutely have to play them in order. I just think it'd probably result in a better experience, for folks getting started with this awesome trilogy for the first time.

My advice? Just enjoy Prime 1-3 on the Wii. Put this supposed remaster of the first game at the back of your mind, for the time being. Don't let a hypothetical product deter you from enjoying an existing, cohesive experience! Prime Trilogy on the Wii is stellar. The controls are sublime, and the games all run at a solid 60 FPS. You should hopefully have a great time. Even if this Prime 1 remaster does finally see the light of day in 2023, you could just replay the game, right? That's certainly what I'll be doing. I'm curious as to how jarring it might be, for folks playing Prime 1 for the first time on the Switch, before going back to Prime 2 and 3 on the Wii...

Agree with everything here. I don't think it will be that jarring to go back. Prime 2 and 3 hold up incredibly well visually thanks to sublime art direction and 60FPS.
Bumping this to warm a seat, in case there's new stuff to talk about soon... 👁️👅👁️
Posted this in the general thread last night, but may as well post it here too. I dig the look of this new Samus figure! I just kinda wish they'd quit with the Varia Suit, tbh. Link's modern design is reflected here, but Samus is still looking as she did many years ago, despite Dread giving the Power / Varia / Gravity Suits some cool newer designs, and despite the myriad of other suits she's sported in past games.

Posted this in the general thread last night, but may as well post it here too. I dig the look of this new Samus figure! I just kinda wish they'd quit with the Varia Suit, tbh. Link's modern design is reflected here, but Samus is still looking as she did many years ago, despite Dread giving the Power / Varia / Gravity Suits some cool newer designs, and despite the myriad of other suits she's sported in past games.

I want both of those figures. I wonder if they’ll be hard to find..
Posted this in the general thread last night, but may as well post it here too. I dig the look of this new Samus figure! I just kinda wish they'd quit with the Varia Suit, tbh. Link's modern design is reflected here, but Samus is still looking as she did many years ago, despite Dread giving the Power / Varia / Gravity Suits some cool newer designs, and despite the myriad of other suits she's sported in past games.

They really did perfect the varia suit in prime 2, it's still being used to this day. Wonder if prime 4 will keep it
I was at my local Walmart today and thought I’d check the toy section to see if they had those Samus and Link figures. Not only did they not have them, they didn’t have any Nintendo stuff at all besides Lego Mario sets.
I was at my local Walmart today and thought I’d check the toy section to see if they had those Samus and Link figures. Not only did they not have them, they didn’t have any Nintendo stuff at all besides Lego Mario sets.
Fun coincidence. I was at Walmart yesterday too, with the exact purpose of checking for that Samus fig I wanted. Same result: nothing! No Nintendo stuff at all. 🥲
Fun coincidence. I was at Walmart yesterday too, with the exact purpose of checking for that Samus fig I wanted. Same result: nothing! No Nintendo stuff at all. 🥲
It’s worse than that, pal. I went to another Walmart today, just to look for these figures, and struck out again. And I’ve been searching their website to no avail. All for this silly little toy. I’m almost 32 years old, and I’m taking time out of my life for this.
It’s worse than that, pal. I went to another Walmart today, just to look for these figures, and struck out again. And I’ve been searching their website to no avail. All for this silly little toy. I’m almost 32 years old, and I’m taking time out of my life for this.
😭 That sucks, man! I hope you come across them eventually, but it's a shame we can't just check the website, and simply place an order for store pickup. I don't think there's any shame in holding onto your passions, no matter how old ya get. I already have all the Metroid related amiibo, and will end up getting any future ones they decide to release. I'm not in the habit of accumulating a mountain of plastic junk, but the plastic junk I do allow myself to own is stuff I think is genuinely pretty cool.
Replaying Samus Returns for the site event (better hurry!) and man is it interesting to see post Dread. While the world design is worse and the metroid fights become boring fairly quickly these can be partially written off as necessities to reimagining the original game (which I hardly remember tbh, I played it literally a decade ago).

The core moving and shooting are incredibly solid though and feel quite close to Dread. Same can be said about Samus’s animations which really sell her momentum when running through the world and she still kicks ass during the metroid parry scenes. On the whole the game really is a rough draft of Dread, and I’m happy that potential was eventually realized.

I also find it amusing how two of the critiques I saw of Dread, music and controls, are also valid critiques of Samus Returns. I personally don’t mind the controls since you can do everything quickly once you know them, but the music is really lacking. Especially after replaying Prime I’m becoming tired of every lava area having the Lower Norfair theme, we’re not even on the same planet!
Replaying Samus Returns for the site event (better hurry!) and man is it interesting to see post Dread. While the world design is worse and the metroid fights become boring fairly quickly these can be partially written off as necessities to reimagining the original game (which I hardly remember tbh, I played it literally a decade ago).

The core moving and shooting are incredibly solid though and feel quite close to Dread. Same can be said about Samus’s animations which really sell her momentum when running through the world and she still kicks ass during the metroid parry scenes. On the whole the game really is a rough draft of Dread, and I’m happy that potential was eventually realized.

I also find it amusing how two of the critiques I saw of Dread, music and controls, are also valid critiques of Samus Returns. I personally don’t mind the controls since you can do everything quickly once you know them, but the music is really lacking. Especially after replaying Prime I’m becoming tired of every lava area having the Lower Norfair theme, we’re not even on the same planet!
Yeah, Samus Returns did really well to establish a solid foundation for Dread to build upon. It was also the first version of Metroid 2 I actually finished (I still haven't played the original for more than just a little while), so I enjoyed finally experiencing Samus's mission on SR388. While I do prefer AM2R, I'm in the camp that enjoyed SR's contributions to Metroid (melee counter, free aiming, dynamic counters), so I was glad to see them persist into the next game. Dread features what I'd say is easily the best gameplay in the series. The lore is also given more of a focus, with SR's Chozo Memories filling out the backstory, and Dread actually giving us two living Chozo as characters in the game (plus a bunch of X infected Mawkin to fight).

The music of Samus Returns and Dread is largely quite poop, unfortunately. Unless it's a rendition of an existing track, you can't really count on anything memorable, or particularly good to pop up. This track is a notable exception, though.
Hello my dear Metroid Fami!! How are y'all doing?
I'm having some late night/dawn thoughts that I wanna share with you all(also want to be corrected if I understood anything wrong).
I played Metroid Dread in mid 2022(life saving gaming experience btw) and couldn't not note something that was already spoiled to me but I couldn't understand correctly.

I saw a spoiler tag before playing the game about Samus having 2 gay dads. After finishing the game, the plot twist of Raven Beak being her father was shocking still.
SO, just so there's not any more doubt:
  • She's daughter of Raven Beak with the Phazon that saved her(I'm sorry I forget his name damnit but I cried a lot when he gave his copied life of X to make her human again);
  • Apparently, the way it was made was some cloning thing? Like using cells from both Raven Beak and the good one, and making an embryo out of them?;(until here it's all confirmed and explicit)
  • Both her dads are male, them mixturing would probably result on a person that has XY/XYY/XXY or whatever Metroid genetics are, and probably being born with a penis, therefore AMAB. Also probably intersex in hormones/chromosomes/gonads but don't want to get into deep biology here;
  • We have some teenage and childish stuff from her, there's a body image of her teenage or young adult body bones anatomy or something, she probably manifested her gender identity very young and was met with acceptance by her family, or signals of she being intersex and going through a "female" puberty started early, or very other variants really, there are a handful of ways to be a trans kid/teenager;
  • Unite this with the declaration of one of the producers or directors or designers idk of Metroid - Super Metroid flat out saying she was trans(while using terms that today are very offensive and not adequate anymore) and you can have evidence for Samus being trans even with Sakamoto apparently not being in on the boat

The other thing I wanna ask is:
Awhile ago, we got by LinkedIn that the writer of Metroid Prime 4 would be that journalist that made the fabled article about Samus being a trans woman. It was a case of us digging through linked in to see who was working on MP4 and their past work/experience, so I didn't find any news site reporting on it to link here, but I'm sure some of y'all remember what I was talking about. If not that journalist, someone that is a believer of the theory that talked about it on Twitter or something.
Just want somebody to tell me if I'm not the only one remembering it and I'm not going crazy and also tell who's the person and what was her position at Retro as the game's story writer.
Anyways, I think that if it's she indeed, there's a little chance we might get a confirmation of Samus being trans, even if in some riddle or like a scan of personal of information or anything. Metroid and trans fami please help me out lol.
Hello my dear Metroid Fami!! How are y'all doing?
I'm having some late night/dawn thoughts that I wanna share with you all(also want to be corrected if I understood anything wrong).
I played Metroid Dread in mid 2022(life saving gaming experience btw) and couldn't not note something that was already spoiled to me but I couldn't understand correctly.

I saw a spoiler tag before playing the game about Samus having 2 gay dads. After finishing the game, the plot twist of Raven Beak being her father was shocking still.
SO, just so there's not any more doubt:
  • She's daughter of Raven Beak with the Phazon that saved her(I'm sorry I forget his name damnit but I cried a lot when he gave his copied life of X to make her human again);
  • Apparently, the way it was made was some cloning thing? Like using cells from both Raven Beak and the good one, and making an embryo out of them?;(until here it's all confirmed and explicit)
  • Both her dads are male, them mixturing would probably result on a person that has XY/XYY/XXY or whatever Metroid genetics are, and probably being born with a penis, therefore AMAB. Also probably intersex in hormones/chromosomes/gonads but don't want to get into deep biology here;
  • We have some teenage and childish stuff from her, there's a body image of her teenage or young adult body bones anatomy or something, she probably manifested her gender identity very young and was met with acceptance by her family, or signals of she being intersex and going through a "female" puberty started early, or very other variants really, there are a handful of ways to be a trans kid/teenager;
  • Unite this with the declaration of one of the producers or directors or designers idk of Metroid - Super Metroid flat out saying she was trans(while using terms that today are very offensive and not adequate anymore) and you can have evidence for Samus being trans even with Sakamoto apparently not being in on the boat

The other thing I wanna ask is:
Awhile ago, we got by LinkedIn that the writer of Metroid Prime 4 would be that journalist that made the fabled article about Samus being a trans woman. It was a case of us digging through linked in to see who was working on MP4 and their past work/experience, so I didn't find any news site reporting on it to link here, but I'm sure some of y'all remember what I was talking about. If not that journalist, someone that is a believer of the theory that talked about it on Twitter or something.
Just want somebody to tell me if I'm not the only one remembering it and I'm not going crazy and also tell who's the person and what was her position at Retro as the game's story writer.
Anyways, I think that if it's she indeed, there's a little chance we might get a confirmation of Samus being trans, even if in some riddle or like a scan of personal of information or anything. Metroid and trans fami please help me out lol.

Briefly samus origin this far is this.

Samus was to born to two human parents the uh, classic way.

Her planet was attacked by space pirates, and Ridley in particular killed her human family except her.

Samus is found as the only survivor and adopted by the chozo Old Beak and as shown in Metroid dread, they give her Chozo DNA, to allow her to use their technology and survive harsher environments, because just injecting already well developed people with DNA for immediate results is just a thing that works in the Metroid universe. (If only it were that easy in real life, huh...). Metroid dreads images of the sequence suggest she was at bare minimum well in to her teen years when this occured given the body size shown in the images, if not outright an adult.

I do think it's very positive that they're welcoming what is a fair analogy to people transitioning at any stage in life, at any rate. It's a little bit sketchy that the second time the transitioning analogu happened in fusion was without samus possibly giving her consent but you know.
Last edited:
Briefly samus origin this far is this.

Samus was to born to two human parents the uh, classic way.

Her planet was attacked by space pirates, and Ridley in particular killed her human family except her.

Samus is found as the only survivor and adopted by the chozo Old Beak and as shown in Metroid dread, they give her Chozo DNA, to allow her to use their technology and survive harsher environments, because just injecting already well developed people with DNA for immediate results is just a thing that works in the Metroid universe. (If only it were that easy in real life, huh...). Metroid dreads images of the sequence suggest she was at bare minimum well in to her teen years when this occured given the body size shown in the images, if not outright an adult.

I do think it's very positive that they're welcoming what is a fair analogy to people transitioning at any stage in life, at any rate. It's a little bit sketchy that the second time the transitioning analogu happened in fusion was without samus possibly giving her consent but you know.
I see, thank you very much!!

I was understanding the other way around (like she was made by Choo and adopted by human parents), so that's why I was confused.

I can't wait to see where the series will go from Dread and how MP4 story will turn out.
I was at my local Walmart today and thought I’d check the toy section to see if they had those Samus and Link figures. Not only did they not have them, they didn’t have any Nintendo stuff at all besides Lego Mario sets.
Oh yeah: I saw this Reddit post the other day. The figures are in the system, but not yet coming up as available for purchase, it seems. Worth checking back every now and then, I'd say.
Oh yeah: I saw this Reddit post the other day. The figures are in the system, but not yet coming up as available for purchase, it seems. Worth checking back every now and then, I'd say.
Now that’s a useful Reddit post!

I’ll check those links occasionally. And check the toy aisle every time I’m in my local store. Big thanks for sharing, pal.
Hello my dear Metroid Fami!! How are y'all doing?
I'm having some late night/dawn thoughts that I wanna share with you all(also want to be corrected if I understood anything wrong).
I played Metroid Dread in mid 2022(life saving gaming experience btw) and couldn't not note something that was already spoiled to me but I couldn't understand correctly.

I saw a spoiler tag before playing the game about Samus having 2 gay dads. After finishing the game, the plot twist of Raven Beak being her father was shocking still.
SO, just so there's not any more doubt:
  • She's daughter of Raven Beak with the Phazon that saved her(I'm sorry I forget his name damnit but I cried a lot when he gave his copied life of X to make her human again);
  • Apparently, the way it was made was some cloning thing? Like using cells from both Raven Beak and the good one, and making an embryo out of them?;(until here it's all confirmed and explicit)
  • Both her dads are male, them mixturing would probably result on a person that has XY/XYY/XXY or whatever Metroid genetics are, and probably being born with a penis, therefore AMAB. Also probably intersex in hormones/chromosomes/gonads but don't want to get into deep biology here;
  • We have some teenage and childish stuff from her, there's a body image of her teenage or young adult body bones anatomy or something, she probably manifested her gender identity very young and was met with acceptance by her family, or signals of she being intersex and going through a "female" puberty started early, or very other variants really, there are a handful of ways to be a trans kid/teenager;
  • Unite this with the declaration of one of the producers or directors or designers idk of Metroid - Super Metroid flat out saying she was trans(while using terms that today are very offensive and not adequate anymore) and you can have evidence for Samus being trans even with Sakamoto apparently not being in on the boat

The other thing I wanna ask is:
Awhile ago, we got by LinkedIn that the writer of Metroid Prime 4 would be that journalist that made the fabled article about Samus being a trans woman. It was a case of us digging through linked in to see who was working on MP4 and their past work/experience, so I didn't find any news site reporting on it to link here, but I'm sure some of y'all remember what I was talking about. If not that journalist, someone that is a believer of the theory that talked about it on Twitter or something.
Just want somebody to tell me if I'm not the only one remembering it and I'm not going crazy and also tell who's the person and what was her position at Retro as the game's story writer.
Anyways, I think that if it's she indeed, there's a little chance we might get a confirmation of Samus being trans, even if in some riddle or like a scan of personal of information or anything. Metroid and trans fami please help me out lol.
There wont be, that kinda character info would affect metroid as a whole and it wouldnt be made by retro (at least not only).

Furthermore nintendo does baby steps in lgbt themes, so at most i could see samus being bi. Going further... i would prefer if metroid never tackled the subject at all! Samus was never stated to be straight or gay or bi, just keep it like that : ).
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Hello my dear Metroid Fami!! How are y'all doing?
I'm having some late night/dawn thoughts that I wanna share with you all(also want to be corrected if I understood anything wrong).
I played Metroid Dread in mid 2022(life saving gaming experience btw) and couldn't not note something that was already spoiled to me but I couldn't understand correctly.

I saw a spoiler tag before playing the game about Samus having 2 gay dads. After finishing the game, the plot twist of Raven Beak being her father was shocking still.
SO, just so there's not any more doubt:
  • She's daughter of Raven Beak with the Phazon that saved her(I'm sorry I forget his name damnit but I cried a lot when he gave his copied life of X to make her human again);
  • Apparently, the way it was made was some cloning thing? Like using cells from both Raven Beak and the good one, and making an embryo out of them?;(until here it's all confirmed and explicit)
  • Both her dads are male, them mixturing would probably result on a person that has XY/XYY/XXY or whatever Metroid genetics are, and probably being born with a penis, therefore AMAB. Also probably intersex in hormones/chromosomes/gonads but don't want to get into deep biology here;
  • We have some teenage and childish stuff from her, there's a body image of her teenage or young adult body bones anatomy or something, she probably manifested her gender identity very young and was met with acceptance by her family, or signals of she being intersex and going through a "female" puberty started early, or very other variants really, there are a handful of ways to be a trans kid/teenager;
  • Unite this with the declaration of one of the producers or directors or designers idk of Metroid - Super Metroid flat out saying she was trans(while using terms that today are very offensive and not adequate anymore) and you can have evidence for Samus being trans even with Sakamoto apparently not being in on the boat

The other thing I wanna ask is:
Awhile ago, we got by LinkedIn that the writer of Metroid Prime 4 would be that journalist that made the fabled article about Samus being a trans woman. It was a case of us digging through linked in to see who was working on MP4 and their past work/experience, so I didn't find any news site reporting on it to link here, but I'm sure some of y'all remember what I was talking about. If not that journalist, someone that is a believer of the theory that talked about it on Twitter or something.
Just want somebody to tell me if I'm not the only one remembering it and I'm not going crazy and also tell who's the person and what was her position at Retro as the game's story writer.
Anyways, I think that if it's she indeed, there's a little chance we might get a confirmation of Samus being trans, even if in some riddle or like a scan of personal of information or anything. Metroid and trans fami please help me out lol.
Great post! I see @Linkstrikesback has already done a solid job of answering a few of your questions, but I do wanna add a couple more details from the manga, here and there (without going overboard with them, of course).

As previously stated, Samus was born to two human parents: Rodney and Virginia Aran, on K-2L. The planet was rich in Afloraltite, a resource used to power ships. Rodney was chief of the mining operation. I'm going to omit a lot of the details (you can click these links if you want in-depth info), but basically: the Space Pirates (Ridley included) attack K-2L in an effort to steal Afloraltite. Rodney sacrifices himself by blowing up a Pirate vessel, while Virginia is killed by Ridley, in her efforts to protect the then three year old Samus.

Old Bird and Gray Voice, two Chozo who'd previously met Samus during a visit to K-2L, find her as the sole human survivor of the Pirate raid, and bring her to Zebes. It's there that she undergoes the process of Chozo DNA integration, via the Body Adaptation Machine. Most of Zebes is of an atmosphere uninhabitable to ordinary humans, which is why the procedure was deemed necessary. I don't believe there's any evidence that the first infusion was when Raven Beak's DNA came into play. Dread, depicting Samus as an older child in the Zero Suit during the big reveal, seems to confirm that Raven Beak's genetic contribution occurred later in the timeline. Samus eventually comes to learn that it was Gray Voice who contributed his DNA when she was first brought to Zebes, so that's her Thoha donor that Dread mentions.

As for her bird dads being gay: I don't believe there's any canonical implication of a relationship between Old Bird and Gray Voice, but I've also not finished the manga yet, despite knowing all these details. I need to go back and read the rest of it. I don't believe there's anything to suggest Samus is trans either, but I see no harm in that being some people's preferred view of the character.

Couple of sad, morbid details:
  • When Samus first met Ridley as a child, she aimed to befriend him, despite finding his appearance frightening. He responded by trying to kill her.
  • Stranded on K-2L, Ridley consumed the corpses of the colonists in order to survive... including Virginia's. He later taunts Samus with this fact.
Couple of cool, fun details:
  • Old Bird and Gray Voice appear as cameos in Metroid Dread. They're the two figures in the back, shrouded in shadow.
  • Samus had a cute pet Rabbit-Squirrel named Pyonchi. She brought him with her from K-2L to Zebes, and he lived among her and the Chozo for years. He's not dead or anything, she just left him with someone else. Maybe he'll appear in a game someday.
Great post! I see @Linkstrikesback has already done a solid job of answering a few of your questions, but I do wanna add a couple more details from the manga, here and there (without going overboard with them, of course).

As previously stated, Samus was born to two human parents: Rodney and Virginia Aran, on K-2L. The planet was rich in Afloraltite, a resource used to power ships. Rodney was chief of the mining operation. I'm going to omit a lot of the details (you can click these links if you want in-depth info), but basically: the Space Pirates (Ridley included) attack K-2L in an effort to steal Afloraltite. Rodney sacrifices himself by blowing up a Pirate vessel, while Virginia is killed by Ridley, in her efforts to protect the then three year old Samus.

Old Bird and Gray Voice, two Chozo who'd previously met Samus during a visit to K-2L, find her as the sole human survivor of the Pirate raid, and bring her to Zebes. It's there that she undergoes the process of Chozo DNA integration, via the Body Adaptation Machine. Most of Zebes is of an atmosphere uninhabitable to ordinary humans, which is why the procedure was deemed necessary. I don't believe there's any evidence that the first infusion was when Raven Beak's DNA came into play. Dread, depicting Samus as an older child in the Zero Suit during the big reveal, seems to confirm that Raven Beak's genetic contribution occurred later in the timeline. Samus eventually comes to learn that it was Gray Voice who contributed his DNA when she was first brought to Zebes, so that's her Thoha donor that Dread mentions.

As for her bird dads being gay: I don't believe there's any canonical implication of a relationship between Old Bird and Gray Voice, but I've also not finished the manga yet, despite knowing all these details. I need to go back and read the rest of it. I don't believe there's anything to suggest Samus is trans either, but I see no harm in that being some people's preferred view of the character.

Couple of sad, morbid details:
  • When Samus first met Ridley as a child, she aimed to befriend him, despite finding his appearance frightening. He responded by trying to kill her.
  • Stranded on K-2L, Ridley consumed the corpses of the colonists in order to survive... including Virginia's. He later taunts Samus with this fact.
Couple of cool, fun details:
  • Old Bird and Gray Voice appear as cameos in Metroid Dread. They're the two figures in the back, shrouded in shadow.
  • Samus had a cute pet Rabbit-Squirrel named Pyonchi. She brought him with her from K-2L to Zebes, and he lived among her and the Chozo for years. He's not dead or anything, she just left him with someone else. Maybe he'll appear in a game someday.
Thank you very much for this post!!
I didn't know much about Samus past beyond what's shown in Dread and Fusion, and a couple Other M cutscenes I ended up seeing.
Her story ended up being much more sad than I would've thought. The details on the manga really put more perspective on how Ridley killing her mom affected her, moreso with she trying to befriend him beforehand.
I would totally dig a prequel game that goes all the way to Samus' child memories, but is more focused on her being trained by chozo and becoming a space pirate.
i still haven’t found that Samus figure, but I haven’t given up hope!

well actually no, I did find them on ebay. but they’re going for like, thirty bucks, which seems like a lot. i can wait till i find it in the wild.
i still haven’t found that Samus figure, but I haven’t given up hope!

well actually no, I did find them on ebay. but they’re going for like, thirty bucks, which seems like a lot. i can wait till i find it in the wild.
I haven't been to a Walmart since the one time I checked for them (early last month), but I've been checking inventory via the BrickSeek link I told ya about before, and their status is still listed as unknown! 🥲 I've seen them pop up on Mercari for $20-30, which is 2-3 times what they retail for, but I may just bite the bullet. Metroid is the only series I collect merch for, and I don't wanna have to keep checking Walmart.
I haven't been to a Walmart since the one time I checked for them (early last month), but I've been checking inventory via the BrickSeek link I told ya about before, and their status is still listed as unknown! 🥲 I've seen them pop up on Mercari for $20-30, which is 2-3 times what they retail for, but I may just bite the bullet. Metroid is the only series I collect merch for, and I don't wanna have to keep checking Walmart.
Well, you know the type of stuff I used to do with lego purchasing, so if I happen upon them I'll see what I can do about giving Melba and Peter a friend. ;p
Also fun Ridley Fact! He's my favorite metroid character.
Well, you know the type of stuff I used to do with lego purchasing, so if I happen upon them I'll see what I can do about giving Melba and Peter a friend. ;p
Also fun Ridley Fact! He's my favorite metroid character.
❤️ Thank you, Mega
So in light of Metroid Prime Remastered seeing the light of day, it looks like Nintendo's updated the Metroid website.

Now features MPHD and even Metroid 1, 2 and Super through NSO. Also gives a shout out to Smash Bros.
Changed the thread title.

Self-Destruct Sequence Activated > The Galaxy is at Peace

The process was trusted, and all is well 🙌
So in light of Metroid Prime Remastered seeing the light of day, it looks like Nintendo's updated the Metroid website.

Now features MPHD and even Metroid 1, 2 and Super through NSO. Also gives a shout out to Smash Bros.

Wonder how long it will take Retro to update their own website :p

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