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Discussion Luigi's Mansion 3 was released 3 years ago


who the fuck is that
3 years ago, yeah it feels like it was yesterday. One of my most favorite games on the Switch and also great graphical showcase for the system. I am glad that LM3 break the selling record for Luigi's Mansion series, making it to sell over 11 million copies. With that said, I can't wait to see what will Next Level Games do with next instalment!

What do you think about Luigi's Mansion 3?




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I started playing this for the first time last weekend. It's wonderful top to bottom so far. It's everything I love about Nintendo games. So much character and charm, and hard to put down.
The haunted hotel was such a genius idea. Was just really fun how each of the game's floors had a weird and different idea to theme them around. I've thought of which setting they could do for LM4 and I've thought of either a haunted village, a cruise ship, or a theme park.
This game bummed me out. It got old about six levels in, and the B2 level is proof that creative thinking does not always lead to enjoyable execution.

I liked Dark Moon a little better than this, but not very much better, and I think I'm off of LM until a better dev than Next Level gets hold of the series. It's the rare "I sold it back after finishing it" Switch game for me.

This and then the latest Mario Strikers game pretty much put me off of buying any future NLG releases that aren't Punch-Out!!
2019 was such a underrated year
Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokèmon Sword and Shield
Switch Lite

Also this game can't possibly run on a Switch, this has to be Switch Pro footage /s.

2019 was crazy, my 2nd favorite year of the Switch behind 2017.

Mario Maker, Three Houses, Link's Awakening, and Luigi's Mansion were all great highlights for the year to me.
Also this game can't possibly run on a Switch, this has to be Switch Pro footage /s.

even better was the same people going from "it looks like an upresed 3DS game" to "can't run on base Switch" in a matter of months
This game bummed me out. It got old about six levels in, and the B2 level is proof that creative thinking does not always lead to enjoyable execution.

I liked Dark Moon a little better than this, but not very much better, and I think I'm off of LM until a better dev than Next Level gets hold of the series. It's the rare "I sold it back after finishing it" Switch game for me.

This sums up my feelings about it well. Drop dead gorgeous, brimming with ideas, completely mind-numbing to play.

I adored so much about it, but definitely felt it was wayyyy too "on-rails" with the floor setup. Moving off the 3DS they had reason to go back to the first game's more open structure, or at least the potential it demonstrated, yet they basically doubled down on it (save for improving on the the immersion breaking mess that was Dark Moon's level structure pulling you in and out of the mansion).

I suppose a more open ended game may be at odds with NLG's more cinematic approach, but god I hope they think big for number four. Especially on a system that got steps forward such as Odyssey, BotW and Forgotten Land.... let this be the Sparks of Hope to Luigi Mansion 3's Battle Kingdom!! (yes I'll even accept lowered graphical fidelity... on the base switch)

Oh, and the multiplayer was a huge wasted opportunity starved of any progression system + the bundled party games were an odd use of resources.
Luigis mansion 3 is a really good game. I beat it when it came out, and im running through it again now. However, its a tad too long for its own good and some parts really drag. For me its better than dark moon, but not quite as good as the original
I doubt this part took many resources to make but I do feel like the multiplayer felt superfluous here that I wouldnt mind if it skips LM4. I played it a bit but it just does not work without voice chat, and it would be awful to get caught in a trap and have team mates just ignore you. lol
Nintendo breaking their usual "games must release on Friday" schedule to put this out on Halloween was a great move.

Had a lovely time with this one as a cooperative game. Luigi and Gooigi work well as a pair with similar but not identical abilities, and having my partner along for the ride made some of the more difficult or annoying segments, like B2, more bearable. At this point the main weakness of the title are the ghost car segments, which ultimately felt kind of like a time waster. Wonderful atmosphere and charm carry the game pretty far.

I do wonder if playing it alone would have made the problems worse. A good coop adds a lot for me.
Probably my favourite of the whole LM series. I found a lot of the boss battles super memorable and really dug the whole "hotel with different-themed floors" angle.

2019 was such a underrated year
Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokèmon Sword and Shield
Switch Lite

Also this game can't possibly run on a Switch, this has to be Switch Pro footage /s.

Don't forget Astral Chain!
It’s a top 10 Switch game for me. A little bit padded in certain places but it’s highs are incredibly high. And it did really great things for broadening the personalities of the Mario crew.

2019 was such a underrated year
Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokèmon Sword and Shield
Switch Lite

Also this game can't possibly run on a Switch, this has to be Switch Pro footage /s.
+Astral Chain, Dragon Quest XIS, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, etc.

Jam packed year.
It’s a top 10 Switch game for me. A little bit padded in certain places but it’s highs are incredibly high. And it did really great things for broadening the personalities of the Mario crew.

+Astral Chain, Dragon Quest XIS, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, etc.

Jam packed year.
Ooh, don't forget 2019 Game of the Year (damn it, it is!) The Outer Worlds, also on Switch eShop, purchase TODAY!

(OK, yes, the Switch version was released in 2020, but let me have this.)
2019 was such a underrated year
Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokèmon Sword and Shield
Switch Lite

Also this game can't possibly run on a Switch, this has to be Switch Pro footage /s.
2019 might be my favourite Switch year. Throw in Astral Chain, Ring Fit Adventure, DQ XI S, Cadence of Hyrule, Fire Emblem Three Houses... mighty fine year.
Definitely a contrary opinion, but this game to me cemented that the Luigi's Mansion series will never be what I want it to be (again). And that's fine! But, man, I can't deny that I was extremely disappointed.

The first game was short, but it had so much going for it. I loved exploring the mansion, encountering new ghosts with fun new designs, and completing the game multiple times and seeing what kind of shack I damned Luigi to live out his days in. Dark Moon (understandably) ditched that structure for something more friendly for portable systems. I thought 3 would go back to basics, but instead they seemed to just expand on Dark Moon. The hotel floors are basically miniature levels like Dark Moon had. They aren't cohesive at all, so the "hotel" concept rings pretty hollow. Worst of all, I think the ghost designs are just boring. They look like Saturday Morning Cartoon ghosts through and through, whereas a the ghosts in the first game had so much more going on.

Maybe my most disappointing Switch game. Sold it before I finished it, even.

Edit: Oh, and sucking up the ghosts isn't fun. It never really changes much, so it is just you slamming them over and over brainlessly until they are sucked in.
Easily in my Top 5, or even top 3, Switch titles. Fantastic game.
The original Luigi's Mansion game is one of my favorite games of all time, it has one of the most perfect atmospheres of any video game title.
LM3 do not capture that magic, but it excells in a lot of other ways, making it a awesome and VERY polished and pretty game.
I am soooo hyped for LM4
It can take place as a Haunted Yath. Or Haunted Amusement Park. Haunted Bowser's Castle/Peach's Castle. Haunted Open World Village. Haunted Space Station,
Or my favorite
Giant Haunted Zoo where the ghosts are based on Ghostly animals.
Personally, I'm a pretty big fan of LM3.

A favorite moment that really sticks with me is that one room where you get the chainsaw for the first time. Love destructible environments like that, and I wasn't expecting it at all.

Also love the ethical implications of the inclusion of a character like Morty. Did you capture him? Did you know you don't even have to?

Did you do it anyway? You did, didn't you?


You absolute monster.

me too lol
This game is awesome. Each floor brimming with creativity, Gooigi added new twists on the gameplay, and it’s the best the Mario universe has ever looked visually. Also some great and memorable bosses like the skeletal T-Rex and the shark.

The one critique I have is that there aren’t enough normal enemies. You run into the same blue guys over and over. But it’s still great overall.
Luigi's Mansion 4: It's Zoo Time
While out on a picnic with Mario, Peach, some Toads, and Polterpup, Luigi discovers there is a Zoo nearby. Polterpup reacts to it, and instantly rushes it, running into the Zoo, cuz that is where Polterpup came from!!
Luigi and co enters the Zoo to get Pulterpup back but Gadd, who owns the Ghost Zoo, tells them something terrible has happened. King Boo has opened all the enclosures and turnes the Ghost animals evil!
The enclosures are entire 'floors' with themes. One African theme, where the Boss is giant Ghost Elephant for example.
Etc etc
Good Polterpup origin story time
Best looking Switch game by a country mile to me, absolutely gorgeous and every room is filled to the brim with personality. Really good.

Only criticism I have is it feels a little bit too long almost? Like the pacing is hurt a bit by the parts where you go find the cat again or find Toad etc.
My only complaint is I was expecting more dlc “content” to play. I wanted more levels. The game for me is still the best looking game on switch.
Do we suspect Next Level Games are already hard at work on the next one? It did sell, what was it, around 11 million, right? with Strikers done other than some probably-finished-a-while-back DLC coming, I assume they are at least far ahead on SOME other project
Do we suspect Next Level Games are already hard at work on the next one? It did sell, what was it, around 11 million, right? with Strikers done other than some probably-finished-a-while-back DLC coming, I assume they are at least far ahead on SOME other project

Yeah I imagine they're doing pre-production or starting development on their next game already. With Luigi's Mansion 3 they did some DLC and then went onto Strikers right away, and we don't know if they plan to continue supporting Strikers after the next free update so work on that game may be wrapping up.
The quintessential "good game" on Switch. Easily the best entry in the series but it also shows the mechanical constraints they're working under. If they make a new one I hope they try some new stuff beyond just sucking in ghosts.
One of the best Switch games in my opinion. I recently finished it again with my kid and the game surprised me again with the level design and puzzles and boss fights. I think they should move into a more open ended structure for the next game but even in this format there are loads of areas where they can improve the formula. I think there is a good chance we’ll see a new one in 2023 and I really want a new one.
Gonna be another voice that was let down by this game... but only a little because the writing was on the wall that this was going to be Dark Moon 2 rather than a proper return to form to the original.
My second favorite game on the Switch after Dread. Just a brilliantly designed game with hundreds of cool moments. Probably the best looking Switch game for me personally as well. I hope NLG continue to work on the series, there's nothing else quite like it!
The content of this game would have suited an amusement park much more than a hotel. To me a game set in a hotel would focus on learning about the hotel's occupants in their rooms and finding secret connections between them, both personally and physically. Not a grand tour of incredible locations which is what I felt this game was. I liked the penthouse though.
Personally, I'm a pretty big fan of LM3.

A favorite moment that really sticks with me is that one room where you get the chainsaw for the first time. Love destructible environments like that, and I wasn't expecting it at all.

Also love the ethical implications of the inclusion of a character like Morty. Did you capture him? Did you know you don't even have to?

Did you do it anyway? You did, didn't you?


You absolute monster.

me too lol
Why would anyone suck up Morty? He’s so cool! All he wants is to make an awesome monster movie. He’s got not only the best level in the game, but by far the best boss fight.

It’s too bad Polterkitty has to show up to ruin the good times after that fight.

Here’s my coldest take on this website: Polterkitty almost ruins the entire game.
Wow, I guess I’m in the minority for loving it. I played one run completely co-op and then another run completely single player. I think the game is a bit more fun played alone but playing it entirely with another person is very fun as well. I also prefer this style (gameplay and art) over the original.

The weird thing about it though is that while I have very few issues with it (it’s slightly too long thanks to unneeded backtracking), I never really think about it when I think about my favorite Switch games. It’s odd.
Game is fun and still is one of the best looking Switch games. Still can’t believe they never patched in inverted controls.
Its a really good game, but by the end it really felt like it was dragging, and the pacing is all over the place. Theres a great 6 hour game within that 10 hour game
One of the best Switch games.

My only complaint is that I wish the exploration of the hotel weren't so linear. For instance, I think it would be cool if we had to return to some floors later in the game with new items or keys to open the way to rooms that had yet to be explored. But maybe Nintendo is not willing to take Luigi's Mansion down that path.
For me this is one of the most beautiful games in motion ever created to this point. It’s pure animation.
One of the highlights of the Switch generation for me. NLG did a great job.

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