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StarTopic Luigi's Mansion 2 HD |ST| Dark Moon Rising

Full Japanese site for the game has launched. If there's any notable new features they aren't highlighting them.

Full Japanese site for the game has launched. If there's any notable new features they aren't highlighting them.

Glad to see it confirmed the collectible ghosts in the online mode. LM2's online was so much better than 3's so I'm glad to see it wasn't cut.
Full Japanese site for the game has launched. If there's any notable new features they aren't highlighting them.

TTYD and this should serve as reality checks that if there's meaningful new content in a remaster, it will be advertised from day one and even featured on the box and title if it's a brand new mode
Some of the art is fantastic

TTYD and this should serve as reality checks that if there's meaningful new content in a remaster, it will be advertised from day one and even featured on the box and title if it's a brand new mode
Ehhhh, the Mario vs DK remake didn't advertise either of its 2 new worlds in its reveal, Return to Dreamland Deluxe hid Magalor's Epilogue until like a month before release, Pikmin 3 Deluxe didn't put the new Olimar side stories in its announcement trailer, and the dungeon builder in the Link's Awakening remake definitely wasn't a day 1 reveal

That's just what I remember off the top of my head, but point is they're not always up front with this kind of thing and will sometimes play things close to the chest instead
Instead of the GC vs. 3DS version debate, I'm starting to wonder if there's a greater chance Luigi's Mansion 1 is getting the Prime Remastered treatment, or something similar.

Especially if we don't see Luigi's Mansion 1 as a Hagi port in next month's Direct (and I don't think we will, it'd be too close to the release of 2 - they gave Pikmin 4 more distance from the 1+2 ports)

I'm not saying it's a certainty, of course. But idk, something about dropping a Hagi port next year or the year after feels weirder and less likely than if they had just done the Pikmin thing.

Ninja edit: actually, duh. We’ve got LM4 coming in the next year or two most likely, I suppose they could “do the Pikmin strat” and drop a Hagi port in the lead up to that.
Ehhhh, the Mario vs DK remake didn't advertise either of its 2 new worlds in its reveal, Return to Dreamland Deluxe hid Magalor's Epilogue until like a month before release, Pikmin 3 Deluxe didn't put the new Olimar side stories in its announcement trailer, and the dungeon builder in the Link's Awakening remake definitely wasn't a day 1 reveal

That's just what I remember off the top of my head, but point is they're not always up front with this kind of thing and will sometimes play things close to the chest instead
Yeah, you are right actually
It's not the same engine as Luigi's Mansion 3, but I think there's been a lot of graphic work. I think the remasters look really great ! :)

I can't wait to play it, Luigi's Mansion is one of my favorite licenses.
The original version on the 3DS is 30fps, plus Luigi's Mansion 3 is also 30fps, so....
Sure, it's perfectly understandable for both.
But in the case of such a simple looking HD remaster that is essentially a 3DS game in HD, I think it's reasonable to expect a 60fps upgrade :/
Is there a reason NOA seems to not be marketing this at all? I feel like all the tweets are coming from European accounts and I don't even think NOA uploaded the latest trailer from weeks ago?
The overview trailer has some really nice looking areas, but they keep showing the same ones on the shorter trailers lol. I will say I really do like Dark Moons music(y)
Do any other previews mention the developer? I checked VGC's since they're usually good with that, but Nintendo is probably withholding it again like Another Code/Peach
Do any other previews mention the developer? I checked VGC's since they're usually good with that, but Nintendo is probably withholding it again like Another Code/Peach
No, although I have a hunch that it's Grezzo who's remastering this. I also feel like this is just going to be with all their games going forward.
Nintendo Life video review is definitely not glowing

All the criticisms here are fair. They really didn’t bother updating the controls? Even though we have a second stick now?
Nintendo Life video review is definitely not glowing

All the criticisms here are fair. They really didn’t bother updating the controls? Even though we have a second stick now?

From VGC's preview:
One improvement is the game’s control system. Because the 3DS only had a single analogue nub, controlling Luigi’s trusty Poltergust 5000 was a little fiddly, with players using either the B and X buttons to aim up and down, or using the handheld’s gyro controls.

While both these options remain present in the Switch version, the dual-stick controls offer the ability to move the vacuum with the right stick. It’s still not perfect – a couple of hours in it still feels a bit clunky – but it’s an improvement nonetheless.
This game looks weird in that they brought 3DS tier geometry to Switch tier effects and image quality. Just doesn't look right at all.
It’s the exact opposite, which is why this release looks so rough. The models and textures are all perfectly updated to HD, but the lighting not appearing different at all is not doing the updated graphics any favors, unfortunately.

As for who’s making it, I think it’s very possible this is NLG. After they got purchased by Nintendo, many positions went up. My theory is that this release has been used as a testbed to get a whole new team of developers accustomed and trained up under their workflow.
I've never played Dark Moon, and I still think $60 is steep. Can't imagine I'd be buying it if I owned a 3DS when it released, but I'm happy to have another quality single-player title to sink my teeth into after TTYD.

I think now is high time to revisit Doom Eternal at 120fps on Series X and dip into Hellblade II as well. I can wait another week or two for the Direct
Full price for this is outrageous. It’s going to be wild seeing this sitting next to Luigi’s Mansion 3 on store shelves for the same price lol

I think $40 would have been far more reasonable
Do any other previews mention the developer? I checked VGC's since they're usually good with that, but Nintendo is probably withholding it again like Another Code/Peach

Seems like they haven't finished the game yet based on twitter:

I don't think this looks great, but it's a big upgrade from the original 3DS visually. Just a downgrade from LM3.
Pricing, agree it shouldn't be $60, but i don't think Nintendo is thinking of this as re-releasing old content and therefore requiring a discount. They're thinking of this as introducing a game to a popular franchise to a new audience and discounting it undervalues the entire franchise and creates an expectation future games in the franchise would require it to be discounted.
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Why would this remaster retain the 3D feature, something that was exclusive to the 3DS family of systems?
I don't know that anyone would expect 3D to be retained in a Switch version. However, I can understand the 3D of the 3DS version being an advantage over the Switch version for some people and that (inevitable) missing feature hurting how desirable the Switch version is to a player. If the 3D was something a player felt added a lot to the game and the Switch version does not have enough other additions that they care about to make up for that loss, I can see someone not looking at the Switch version favorably and deciding it's not worth a purchase.

Personally, I don't care much at all about the 3D. However, I played the game on 3DS and remember thinking it was alright and not much more. This franchise isn't my favorite, but the visuals of Luigi's Mansion 3 helped keep me engaged. With this game looking better than the original version but not up to LM3's visual quality, me having already beat the game on 3DS without loving it, and seemingly no major gameplay additions/modifications to change how I'd feel about it or give me something substantial to discover, I don't have much interest in this release either. And that's okay with me.

I don't have to buy or like everything Nintendo publishes. I'm glad this game is being brought forward to a modern platform where new players and old fans can play it and where it will hopefully be available for years to come thanks to backwards compatibility on Switch 2. I just don't think this one is for me at this time.
Looks underwhelming on Switch, this feels like a very low effort port and the price is something.

I think the 3DS version with the fantastic 3D graphics looks much better.
I'm glad this isn't on the 3DS forever. Original game is great. Probably going to pick this up at some point. I figured the structure would remain the same. Not sure how the game would work if they got rid of the mission structure. I do hope people who didn't play on 3DS can enjoy the game. It is really good despite whatever shortcomings it may have.

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