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Pre-Release Luigi's Mansion 2 HD — Pre-release Discussion Thread (UPDATE: "A rude awakening" trailer, see threadmarks)

Hm, I hope this is a light lift or by an external studio and doesn't delay work on a fourth title
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I have an unplayed 3DS copy so this is gonna be a no from me, dawg. I’m a shill for remasters. I need to be more disciplined.
And I just bought a copy for the 3DS :cautious: (like literally last week) I wish should have waited (i love remasters). Will see if I double dip when the time comes.
I’m not sure if I really want to get this again, especially at first price, but I enjoyed Dark Moon more than most people. Hopefully the people who only played 3 will give this game a shot too.
Using LM3 engine… I’m all in. I really hope this is on the next console.
Every 3DS remaster brings us one step closer to Kid Icarus Uprising.

Also I doubt this has any effect on the development of Mansion 4, which will definitely be on Switch 2. This is just to tide us over.
Every 3DS remaster brings us one step closer to Kid Icarus Uprising.

Also I doubt this has any effect on the development of Mansion 4, which will definitely be on Switch 2. This is just to tide us over.
Same, I wonder if it's Grezzo. I think they did LM1 3DS while NLG was on 3?
I'm all for 3ds remasters but LM2 had a frustrating structure and is just so completely outclassed by LM3 that I struggle to see the point of this.
Given recent history, going to predict GCN Luigi's Mansion 1 shows up on the eShop between now and then.
I hope so; I still like Luigi's Mansion 1 more than 2 and 3 for the darker and more spooky aesthetic, but I'll happily grab both (especially if there's a chance for LM1 to have the added bonuses from 3DS and Dark Moon's mission mode structure being tweaked to be a little more palatable)
My favorite Luigi's Mansion ! Not better than the first one by a lot to me, but still my favorite.

I like the structure of it. I thought the third one was a weird mix of 1's and 2's structure and for that reason it didn't hook me as much as the second one.
Hoping for the first one to release too on Switch.
Nintendo really said fuck it, we'll bring every prequels to the games that are on Switch.
Fully expecting Country Returns and the likes in the near future now lol.
This is actually perfect cause I had to sell my 3DS copy several years ago unfortunately.

Kid Icarus Uprising PLEASE.
more 3DS remasters please, those games shouldn't be stuck there
Please. And most don’t need the 2nd screen anyway. Some of the best titles in these series need to be brought over to the current platform, especially with 3DS eshop being down. Not cannibalizing sales at all.
I really enjoyed this at the time (nearly a decade ago! eek), but there are issues with a re-release for me. Firstly, I feel like 3 surpasses this game in nearly every conceivable way that going back to this might not be all that enjoyable for me, but I don't know. Secondly, not packaging the game with the original is also frustrating. I'd buy a double-pack and be happy to have all the Mansion games on my Switch.
I wonder if this is being emulated... like Pikmin 1 & 2.

Seems to have the same unsteady framerate of the original 3DS release at least.
Considering that unlike Pikmin 1+2, several textures were replaced with new one instead of upscaled. Probably not.

This, in turn, is similar to how Luigi's Mansion 3 revealed to be pretty rough looking, but got significant upgrade in the final version.
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Honestly also a bit surprised LM1 is not coming as well.

But maybe they felt like not enough time has passed since the remake on 3DS?

Of course I'm hyped for more weegee regardless. This game deserved a second glance.
Ah yes, the best Luigi's Mansion game. Don't think I'll go in for full price again but it's awesome.

Come at me, haters.
This is the only LM I played and I thought it was a total snoozefest. At least the multiplayer was fun for a bit
I haven't played it since the game launch. Highly doubt I'm getting this day 1, but I'm sure that it will be an addition to my collection eventually.

Fun fact: I was able to buy the game one day early at Pax East back in 2013. Good times!

missed opportunity not having this be a collection of 1 and 2

Maybe they are holding back that announcement. Maybe not. The way they announced it was a little weird, but we have already hammered that point to death so who knows. It's Nintendo lol
This is definitely an oddball announcement. I felt LM2's graphics were well targeted for 3ds spec - it was a graphical showpiece there but looks a bit rough blown up to HD.

I still think LM1 is king when it comes to artstyle. A full budget remake of that for the next hardware focusing on particle effects and lighting would be awesome.
Random but does anyone think NST is doing this HD remaster/port? I think they did the LM1 3DS port iirc.

Please correct me if wrong though.
Considering that unlike Pikmin 1+2, several textures were replaced with new one instead of upscaled. Probably not.

This, in turn, is similar to how Luigi's Mansion revealed to be pretty rough looking, but got significant upgrade in the final version.
Pikmin has some textures replaced, as does even 3D All-Stars version of Super Mario 64. But this game goes beyond textures with replacement 3D models, doesn't it?

On the whole I feel like even if technically feasible, it would be much more a mess to try to turn a two-screen 3DS game into a one-screen rerelease by emulation without being really janky.
How odd that they're only bringing 2 to the Switch and not making it a combo pack with the original. The work of porting it to the engine of 2 is already done with the 3DS port, so you'd think porting both into the newest engine would be a given. But time will tell I guess, the port looks pretty rough for the moment.
I wonder if this is being emulated... like Pikmin 1 & 2.

Seems to have the same unsteady framerate of the original 3DS release at least.
I doubt it, they'd have to do a lot more work emulating the 3DS on the Switch, plus rework it quite a bit with the second screen and all. Seems like a full on port to the newer engine.
Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, Luigi's Mansion 2 was pretty unstable at first, but a system patch not much longer after the release of the game smoothed that out pretty well for the most part.
I remember Luigi's Mansion 3 looked almost like this when it got revealed in September 2018, so I think it's gonna look better by launch.

Also, here we go with Switch keeping the flow in 2024 lol.

I'm happy it exists because that makes other 3DS remasters more likely. Kid Icarus Uprising looks like a given now, hope they announce it for 2024 in September or February Direct. Metroid Samus Returns looks like a great shadow drop material for whenever they're close to the next 2D Metroid game coming.

But... Who's making this?? Grezzo made the 3DS remake of Luigi's Mansion 1, maybe they're behind this? Or is Next Level Games doing it in-house? A third option?
I'm assuming this releases October 2024, and this is the last release before the next console releases a week or two later.
I wish they renamed it Luigi’s Mansion 2 here in the states with this, the series being 1/Dark Moon/3 bugs me haha.

Like how Bamco renamed Bateman Kaitos Origins internationally this year.
I still think LM1 is king when it comes to artstyle. A full budget remake of that for the next hardware focusing on particle effects and lighting would be awesome.
I think it might get the Pikmin HD treatment and release this fall ($30 shadow drop Sept Direct, physical avail sometime in October).

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