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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

It was only yesterday I declared my resignation from the launch software discourse. This is another quality post from @oldpuck, however, so I'm tapping back in just this once. just-when-i-thought-i-was-out.gif

Sony likely didn't have much of a choice but to continue to support the PS4 for an extended amount of time, simply due to dev resources and need to recoup costs, and Sony had established the idea of a reduced/enhanced experience across console versions. [...] It's impossible to actually tell how well this gambit worked for Sony overall, as demand for game consoles was at a fever pitch by the time the PS5 launched, and millions of ex-gamers and new gamers suddenly couldn't leave their house, and the chip shortage constrained Sony's ability to deliver any system period.
IMHO the PS4 cross-gen support wasn't a forced hand, but deliberate strategy. And yes, I think we can tell how well the gambit worked for Sony:


(Note: The numbers on the top indicate the start of an FY. I.e., “20” means FY20/21.)

Historically, Sony Gaming was in the red every time a new gen was introduced, and yet PS5 defied that fate. FY20/21 not only didn't generate a loss, but was at the time the most profitable ever. The backward compatibility and network subscription tied the two gens together, encouraging users to keep spending regardless whether they upgraded to PS5 or staying put with PS4.

One may argue that the pandemic juiced the FY20/21 number, but the FY19/20 income (not impacted by COVID) was at the time the second highest ever—despite the announcement of PS5. Previously whenever a successor was revealed, that FY's income was decimated. This time around Sony continued releasing quality PS4 titles, and the buyers had the assurance of PS5 compatibility and in some cases Game Boost enhancement.

Today the success of a console platform does not hinge on one or two mega launch titles, but the size and momentum of its ecosystem in totality. I suspect that was a major reason behind the management's emphases on Nintendo Accounts and Annual Playing Users. They were very lucky that the Switch established itself despite starting from zero, and I don't believe that Nintendo would ever abandon the user base but to nurture it into the future.

Sony could deliver the same game across 3 consoles that were all with 2.5x of each other, and then use that to drive console sales to their OMGGRAPHIX core market. I find it harder to believe that Nintendo could deliver the same game across 2 consoles that are over 6x performance difference between them, and then use that to drive console sales to their "i don't care how dogshit it looks, i wants pokeman" market [...] I don't care if it's the TARDIS, if the library is substantially cross-gen, then you and David Tennant are going to be playing lightly uprezzed Switch games together.
Very good point. Nintendo, however, does have one major advantage over Sony in this regard: the Switch user base is more diverse than the PS', and Nintendo possesses IPs that are just as diverse to match. Sure, Pokemon games most likely will need to support the Lite model till its EOL, but that does not preclude Nintendo from releasing Drake showcasing titles such 3D Mario, MP4, or Wave Race.

Even if these Drake marquees are exclusives (or run like potato on the OG), Nintendo should have enough less-demanding games such as a new Rhythm Heaven and various remasters such as MP2/3 to keep the OG Switch owners satisfied for another 18-24 months post Drake. (The Drake owners would be happy to pick up these "lightly uprezzed" Switch games too, since no one is buying Rhythm Heaven for ray-traced reflections.)

Edit: typo
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I disagree with the notion that at launch, an exclusive title earmarked for 8 digit sales is necessary. I look at PS5 and say, Spider-Man was cross-gen. Where were the launch exclusives? Returnal was just under half a year later. Ratchet & Clank was just over half a year later.

I think that if Drake were to be released in time for holidays this year, then it is viable for The Next 3D Mario to be Drake-exclusive and launch in holiday 2024. Until then, I think that with the Switch brand now established, as far as exclusives go, you can survive off a steady stream of 7 digit sellers (both known 7 digit locks and attempts to raise dormant IPs to 7 digits) and 3rd party titles.

To continue on the 3rd party point, yes, the emergence of handheld PCs may have diluted the "AAA on the go" appeal to enthusiasts in general. But it was also brought up earlier about how there is no small amount of people who buy a system just to play certain one/two/three franchises. If you can secure the likes of full featured FIFA/Madden/COD, you gain access to a not-insignificant crowd. I am guessing that "FIFA/Madden/COD in your hands/on the go!" will appeal to a large enough segment such that handheld PCs flat out won't have the volume to satisfy for a while yet. There may even be a generation's worth of time to lock down the position of being the "$400 mobile FIFA/Madden/NBA 2K/MLB The Show/COD machine".
Of course, I'm not saying that being able to receive Elden Ring or <insert Capcom title> is useless. I'd dig them. You'd dig them. Even dimished, there's still enthusiasts/critics value to them. But just from a raw numbers perspective, enthusiast discussion may have a blind spot or two.

Alright, while your mouth is agape from my sheer audacity to suggest that a 8 digit launch exclusive isn't necessary, I can proceed to cram more down your throat. Maybe I'll eventually get wild enough to channel Michael Keaton's Batman encounter with Jack Nicholson's Joker ("You wanna get nuts!? Let's get nuts!"). (edit: my apologies to Mr. Keaton for misspelling his name the first time around)

It is now not unlikely for the September Direct to shadowdrop a GCN/Wii game. F-Zero is apparently the board favorite, due to having the most chatter. That can potentially set up for a Drake-exclusive F-Zero for the holidays. The plus side of this approach is that the F-Zero remaster can be the entry for the people only on base Switch, while the next F-Zero can utilize the opportunity exclusivity offers to go balls to the wall.
And/or it could be Wave Race: Blue Storm that's the GCN shadowdrop, thus setting up a launch exclusive Wave Race showcasing next level water physics.
...damnit, if only there was something to drop to setup a new Pilotwings.
Or hell, revive another IP, or even try to create a new one. The goal here is not to necessarily restrain yourself to preconceived notions of designing a broad appeal, 8 digit seller, but instead to test the limits of both hardware and your creativity. Push the bounds. Show the public the different sort of ideas and tricks that Nintendo can pull out with this new machine. Get us thinking, "Between Tears of the Kingdom and these, I, I, can't eve-, I can't even conceive of what the next big Zelda will be like."

In the meantime, why can't Super Mario Bros. Wonder be a cross-gen flagship title? Does a Drake-enhancement/bonus for a cross-gen have to be something strictly within the domain of visuals? What about cute/silly little bonuses?
Here's one on my mind: Leave the core game untouched, but instead add a new multiplayer mode (or two). Not just regular multiplayer, but... large multiplayer.
"Oh, so you're thinking of Super Mario Bros. 35"
No!...but also, yes, why not. That could be another mode (hence the 'or two' above). But the 'No!' is because what I had in mind originally was, "Why not go beyond 4 players within the same instance?" What about 8? 16? 32? Or 64 players all running around in the same instance of a level.
Granted, level design probably is not suited for that whatsoever, so new levels specifically for large number of players would have to be created. But ooh, the potential for levels to get funky if expressly designed for a lot of shenanigans to potentially happen simultaneously.

One last note:
I observe that Good-Feel has been busy recently with their upcoming Goemon spiritual successor. So if there's a Yoshi gaming coming out anytime soon, it's not by them. And it has been past 4 years since the last Yoshi title. Which means that there's still a timeline out there where we get a Yoshi's Island based god game/life simulator for Drake. I can still force us into that timeline through sheer willpower! ✊
My fingers are secretly crossed for the launch exclusive to be a Fluidity game about exploiting how light reacts with water to solve puzzles in a 3D environment. Imagine Fluidity but you control say, a whole room, a pipeworks, an entire island or ocean.
If we accept that, though, then "they have to be quiet to preserve Christmas sales" becomes moot.

People would have the choice between two options rather than an outdated one, so no it doesn’t becomes moot

Also I don’t get why people get offended at other people connecting the dots, everyone should be happy about a next-gen console being around the corner but it looks like some people in this thread seems frustrated about it

With all the Switch competitors (ASUS, Steam Deck) out and now the Project Q from PlayStation (even if not a console but similar in function to Switch USP)

Nintendo will lose market share on handheld the more they wait, that’s why a new console is urgent for them
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People would have the choice between two options rather than an outdated one, so no it doesn’t becomes moot

Also I don’t get why people get offended at other people connecting the dots, everyone should be happy about a next-gen console being around the corner but it looks like some people in this thread seems frustrated about it

With all the Switch competitors (ASUS, Steam Deck) out and now the Project Q from PlayStation (even if not a console but similar in function to Switch USP)

Nintendo will lose market share on handheld the more they wait, that’s why a new console is urgent for them

None of your dots are connecting.
BOTW didn’t become the best selling Zelda by being Zelda, it became the best and the most critically acclaimed title from Nintendo by abandoning convention and remixing the whole formula.

I didn’t want to comment on the Metroid Prime 4 discussion, but y’all, Zelda of old is not like Zelda of new. Most people who bought BOTW dgaf about the old Zelda. Most don’t even know what Twilight Princess or even Wind Waker is. Many don’t even know what an Ocarina of Time is and that was a critical darling for a decade.

Nintendo chooses to take Metroid Prime 4 into a new direction for the series that catapults its popularity and changes the formula for it in a way that is more digestible to the wider market, then so be it. But no one here can honestly say “oh they def aren’t going to use this game series as a launch title because of X Y and Z reason”

My final note is this: you are have to abandon conventional thinking when it comes to a Nintendo, what to expect and what their plans are for the next platform. Relying on traditional data for determining every action that they do is a fools errand and you end up on the “losing”(dooming?) side. If you told someone six years ago that 3D Zelda would be out selling 3D Mario, and by a decent margin, they would laugh at you because Zelda has historically sold worse than 3D Mario. Hell 2D Mario used to be the better seller until recently.

The times are changing, you cannot be stuck in 2009 Nintendo Wii era, the year is 2023 and we are already halfway through the year, things change, and so do the people. Plans change™️ and what they decide is unknown.
Today the success of a console platform does not hinge on one or two mega launch titles, but the size and momentum of its ecosystem in totality. I suspect that was a major reason behind the management's emphases on Nintendo Accounts and Annual Playing Users. They were very lucky that the Switch established itself despite starting from zero, and I don't believe that Nintendo would ever abandon the user base but to nurture it into the future.
That. Thats what im arguing from the beginning, just looking over the whole industry. Thats also what iwata eluded to when he talked about ios and android.
And thats what worries me: sony and microsoft communicated long before the new consoles where out that thats there strategy and that the investments made into the accounts would transfer.

nintendo is (to my taste) to tight lipped. Instead of "whenever our next generation comes, we will commit to keep the your investments up further down the line" would be enough, but they don't do such a thing.
It also seems as if they are skipping the long cross gen period (by the time the redacted is out, switch will simply be way to old to reasonably keep a long cross gen period).

Well see, maybe it will all go well, but in my book this or last Financial year would have been the year for a reasonable cross gen period.
I already mentioned this earlier, but there is a very real possibility that Drake launches with Pokemon next Holiday and that's never been done before. It's unprecedented, but it could lead to a bigger launch than what the Switch had.
That. Thats what im arguing from the beginning, just looking over the whole industry. Thats also what iwata eluded to when he talked about ios and android.
And thats what worries me: sony and microsoft communicated long before the new consoles where out that thats there strategy and that the investments made into the accounts would transfer.

nintendo is (to my taste) to tight lipped. Instead of "whenever our next generation comes, we will commit to keep the your investments up further down the line" would be enough, but they don't do such a thing.
It also seems as if they are skipping the long cross gen period (by the time the redacted is out, switch will simply be way to old to reasonably keep a long cross gen period).

Well see, maybe it will all go well, but in my book this or last Financial year would have been the year for a reasonable cross gen period.
Fwiw, you'd still have to wait until the majority of the Switch user base decides to upgrade, so a cross-gen period, however long it ends up being, would still be necessary. Though I do wonder if Nintendo and third-parties will have enough to support those stragglers for a while after Drake's launch. I do agree that we're getting further away from that ideal transition period. Next year, imo, is their last chance to have that smooth transition.
BOTW didn’t become the best selling Zelda by being Zelda, it became the best and the most critically acclaimed title from Nintendo by abandoning convention and remixing the whole formula.

I didn’t want to comment on the Metroid Prime 4 discussion, but y’all, Zelda of old is not like Zelda of new. Most people who bought BOTW dgaf about the old Zelda. Most don’t even know what Twilight Princess or even Wind Waker is. Many don’t even know what an Ocarina of Time is and that was a critical darling for a decade.

Nintendo chooses to take Metroid Prime 4 into a new direction for the series that catapults its popularity and changes the formula for it in a way that is more digestible to the wider market, then so be it. But no one here can honestly say “oh they def aren’t going to use this game series as a launch title because of X Y and Z reason”

My final note is this: you are have to abandon conventional thinking when it comes to a Nintendo, what to expect and what their plans are for the next platform. Relying on traditional data for determining every action that they do is a fools errand and you end up on the “losing”(dooming?) side. If you told someone six years ago that 3D Zelda would be out selling 3D Mario, and by a decent margin, they would laugh at you because Zelda has historically sold worse than 3D Mario. Hell 2D Mario used to be the better seller until recently.

The times are changing, you cannot be stuck in 2009 Nintendo Wii era, the year is 2023 and we are already halfway through the year, things change, and so do the people. Plans change™️ and what they decide is unknown.
Zelda moved to open world, an extremely popular genre and the sales followed. Are we discussing history and statistics here, or just fantasizing situations here and arguing backwards to prove their existence? Because that is what this Metroid discussion has turned into. It's fantasy football for fanfic games. All I've ever said is it's a pretty fruitless discussion until we at least have a trailer. Frankly, Retro Studios isn't NIntendo EPD, they haven't proven capable of delivering a game that revolutionary since the first Prime. They haven't put out a new game in a decade.

Also, I don't know why you grouped Twilight Princess with Wind Waker, it outsold Ocarina Of Time! It wasn't exactly a niche release.
The showcase title for Switch 2 us no doubt a 3D Mario game. Metroid Prime 4 will be there too but that will be cross gen. So a combination of 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4 for launch window as well as some casual game would be there lineup if I had to guess. Because a 3D Mario would be the launch title that rules out a Q1 2024 release. I feel like they wouldn't want to launch 2 Mario platformers within months away from eachother. If I had to guess when they will release Switch 2 I think September 2024. It will launch with Mario in September 2024 followed by a Metroid Prime 4 release in November 2024. Why September well if Nintendo is serious about multiplatform games they can have FIFA (or whatever it's going to be called now) and Call of Duty releasing day 1 with the other consoles as this games release September and October.
Zelda moved to open world, an extremely popular genre and the sales followed. Are we discussing history and statistics here, or just fantasizing situations here and arguing backwards to prove their existence? Because that is what this Metroid discussion has turned into. It's fantasy football for fanfic games. All I've ever said is it's a pretty fruitless discussion until we at least have a trailer. Frankly, Retro Studios isn't NIntendo EPD, they haven't proven capable of delivering a game that revolutionary since the first Prime. They haven't put out a new game in a decade.

Also, I don't know why you grouped Twilight Princess with Wind Waker, it outsold Ocarina Of Time! It wasn't exactly a niche release.
You can call it fanfiction or whatever, it's still speculation, this is a speculation thread and we don't always have to use past data to make any sort of guesses. Besides, regardless of how each franchise has sold, I think the Zelda comparison still applies here, even on a micro scale.
The showcase title for Switch 2 us no doubt a 3D Mario game. Metroid Prime 4 will be there too but that will be cross gen. So a combination of 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4 for launch window as well as some casual game would be there lineup if I had to guess. Because a 3D Mario would be the launch title that rules out a Q1 2024 release. I feel like they wouldn't want to launch 2 Mario platformers within months away from eachother. If I had to guess when they will release Switch 2 I think September 2024. It will launch with Mario in September 2024 followed by a Metroid Prime 4 release in November 2024. Why September well if Nintendo is serious about multiplatform games they can have FIFA (or whatever it's going to be called now) and Call of Duty releasing day 1 with the other consoles as this games release September and October.
September definitely seems like the sweet spot. You can sell just a few million more units and it opens up the launch window, preventing many launch window titles from cannibalizing each other. It also makes way for Pokemon to release in November.
At this point in time I could easily see the supposedly "next gen" 3D Mario game being the launch game while Metroid Prime 4 releases afterwards in the same fiscal launch year.

Simply because imo the latter benefits from a slightly bigger userbase because 3D mario will undoubtly have longer legs and still sell during the second and even third year of the new hardware while Metroid Prime 4 will most likely get most of its sales during the launch year itself.

Nintendo does want to expand Metroid as a franchise, because why wouldn't they but the market realities make a mario game still much more impactful as the game to showcase new hardware and associate the new console with.

I don't even wanna speculate on a launch window because there are too many variables at play tho I'm hoping it's october 2024 at the absolute latest (and 2023 doesn't seem as likely anymore)
If we're entertaining a September 2024 launch for Drake, when do we expect it to be announced? June would lead it to having a super short turnaround, but it's doable, imo. Though the ideal announcement time, for me, would be March or April. That would be around the time the fiscal year ends and a new one begins. Here's how I'd think it would go:

March/April: First trailer

June/Not E3 season: A Direct that showcases the games and goes more in depth with the system.

September: Release with 3D Mario and some other game that is cross-gen, maybe Prime 4 along some third-party games.
If we're entertaining a September 2024 launch for Drake, when do we expect it to be announced? June would lead it to having a super short turnaround, but it's doable, imo. Though the ideal announcement time, for me, would be March or April. That would be around the time the fiscal year ends and a new one begins. Here's how I'd think it would go:

March/April: First trailer

June/Not E3 season: A Direct that showcases the games and goes more in depth with the system.

September: Release with 3D Mario and some other game that is cross-gen, maybe Prime 4 along some third-party games.
directly starting to officially talk about the new hardware after the fiscal year ends would make sense I think then you ramp up more and more the advertising and the preorders would officially start in June alongside whatever software is ready.
here's the thing: 2024 would be off-cadence for Nintendo

this year we should get another Switch 1 model, either a very low budget TV model or maybe even a Micro

then nothing next year

then Switch 2 in holiday 2025

this is just the way they operate
Fair enough. I just think we're overblowing the significance of shaking up the formula. @LoneRanger suggested a more open-ended format could work, maybe something like the 2D games. Metroid, to me, doesn't seem to be in need of any drastic innovations, especially at the cost of its identity.

I’d argue that innovation doesn’t need to be at the expense of identity. Metroid Prime was described as being a perfect shift of the formula into 3D, yet it’s still packed to the brim with gameplay innovations just by virtue of being 3D. We’re decades past that game’s release, and I think having another go at figuring out what Metroid Prime can be today is fair game, even necessary, if they want to break past the 3-5 million mark.
here's the thing: 2024 would be off-cadence for Nintendo

this year we should get another Switch 1 model, either a very low budget TV model or maybe even a Micro

then nothing next year

then Switch 2 in holiday 2025

this is just the way they operate
I have a problem with anyone claiming to know "just the way they operate".
here's the thing: 2024 would be off-cadence for Nintendo

this year we should get another Switch 1 model, either a very low budget TV model or maybe even a Micro

then nothing next year

then Switch 2 in holiday 2025

this is just the way they operate
They released the Micro the same year of the DS
here's the thing: 2024 would be off-cadence for Nintendo

this year we should get another Switch 1 model, either a very low budget TV model or maybe even a Micro

then nothing next year

then Switch 2 in holiday 2025

this is just the way they operate

That would have been a possibility if they didn't want to do cross gen and kill the Switch 1 on Switch 2 launch like they did Wii U (which reports indicate it's unlikely due to the huge success of the Switch 1)

Realistically if they want to do cross gen, the next Switch drops this year, in 2023

Reveal July 2023
Presentation August/September 2023
Launch October/November with an unannounced game, Mario Wonder, Switch 1 4K patches and 3rd parties

But like Jeff said I don't think they will sell it as a Switch 2 but more like a Super Switch/New Nintendo Switch type stuff
here's the thing: 2024 would be off-cadence for Nintendo

this year we should get another Switch 1 model, either a very low budget TV model or maybe even a Micro

then nothing next year

then Switch 2 in holiday 2025

this is just the way they operate
They'd be dragging along an exploding engine at that point......
That would have been a possibility if they didn't want to do cross gen and kill the Switch 1 on Switch 2 launch like they did Wii U (which reports indicate it's unlikely due to the huge success of the Switch 1)

Realistically if they want to do cross gen, the next Switch drops this year, in 2023

Reveal July 2023
Presentation August/September 2023
Launch October/November with an unannounced game, Mario Wonder, Switch 1 4K patches and 3rd parties

But like Jeff said I don't think they will sell it as a Switch 2 but more like a Super Switch/New Nintendo Switch type stuff
why would Nintendo do crossgen? that's not their model at all

you buy the new console to play new games that weren't possible on the old one
why would Nintendo do crossgen? that's not their model at all

you buy the new console to play new games that weren't possible on the old one

Because they themselves said they were in uncharted territory with the Switch 1

Also that would give the opportunity for most Switch 1 users to smoothly transit to New Switch over 24 months

From a business perspective it's the right move
That would have been a possibility if they didn't want to do cross gen and kill the Switch 1 on Switch 2 launch like they did Wii U (which reports indicate it's unlikely due to the huge success of the Switch 1)

Realistically if they want to do cross gen, the next Switch drops this year, in 2023

Reveal July 2023
Presentation August/September 2023
Launch October/November with an unannounced game, Mario Wonder, Switch 1 4K patches and 3rd parties

But like Jeff said I don't think they will sell it as a Switch 2 but more like a Super Switch/New Nintendo Switch type stuff
I think that's definitely how it would been positioned, if it had released in the window reported by Nate (late 2022, early 2023). But the longer the Switch gen is dragging on, the more likely they are to position it as full on next gen imo. And this is just positioning/ marketing, I believe they would release the Drake we know either way.
why would Nintendo do crossgen? that's not their model at all

you buy the new console to play new games that weren't possible on the old one
Have you seen the graph posted several times here, about Sonys financials during generational launches? That's why cross gen is the way to go.
Pokémon is not gonna have a new game until november 2024.

Also 3D Mario + Super Mario RPG + Mario Wonder in 2 months it’s toooooo much.
I was talking about Fall 2024.

With an hypothetical 3D Mario (exclusive) + Pokémon RPG (crossgen) + Metroid Prime 4 (crossgen) as their main lineup.
Have you seen the graph posted several times here, about Sonys financials during generational launches? That's why cross gen is the way to go.
Nintendo is such a different company with such a different selling point though

you buy the new Nintendo for new Nintendo games and experiences that you can't get anywhere else
Nintendo is such a different company with such a different selling point though

you buy the new Nintendo for new Nintendo games and experiences that you can't get anywhere else
The hardcore, that are usually the first adopters would buy the system to play the definite version of the Nintendo games coming out, and the occasional third party exclusive. Once that market starts to be saturated, you start releasing true exclusives.
Guys your all reflecting too much on the Cross gen stuff

Simply Nintendo will probably have a lot of stuff developed for Switch that is on the retrocompatible Switch 2

Simple as it is
The hardcore, that are usually the first adopters would buy the system to play the definite version of the Nintendo games coming out, and the occasional third party exclusive. Once that market starts to be saturated, you start releasing true exclusives.

Thats right
April 2024 earnings, Nintendo will first mention it's next system and give is a release date Holiday 2024.

It will basically be the same as NX April 2016 mention (without the early 2015 reveal and Holiday release, instead of March).
I'm willing to bet money that Redacted launches with games that won't work on Switch. Switch games will work on Redacted, that's the important factor. Having exclusive content sells systems, that's been proven time and time again. Nintendo don't just want the core at launch, they want everyone.

Put an exclusive Mario Kart 9 on there, watch it fly.
I'm willing to bet money that Redacted launches with games that won't work on Switch. Switch games will work on Redacted, that's the important factor. Having exclusive content sells systems, that's been proven time and time again. Nintendo don't just want the core at launch, they want everyone.

Put an exclusive Mario Kart 9 on there, watch it fly.
Might do, but cutting of Switch entirely is not a great idea.
Might do, but cutting of Switch entirely is not a great idea.

Switch has a perfectly awesome library. It will still see releases well into the launch of the next console, but it already has a MK8, a 3D Mario, 2 Zeldas, (soon to be) 3 Metroids, and a whole host of other things........ Nintendo want to sell a new console, and if they want to do numbers then exclusive software is the way forward.
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April 2024 earnings, Nintendo will first mention it's next system and give is a release date Holiday 2024.

It will basically be the same as NX April 2016 mention (without the early 2015 reveal and Holiday release, instead of March).
I don't think they're gonna do that at the earnings call, there's no need to. There'll more likely be a trailer before then and that's when they talk about ramping up software development and keeping the ecosystem sound.
Hello I have a question about totk but I don't want to be spoiled, where can I talk about it please?
Maybe here? You can ask not to be spoiled and I think most will oblige.

I strongly think that Nintendo, Nvidia & other partners prank leakers regarding T239. I think they have a new customised SOC for a Switch 2 that we didn't know about
That sounds silly, but I recall publishers faking leaks before, so maybe you're on to something 🤔
Y'know, how realistic is it that they taped it out and just... sat on it, for whatever reason? Because that's the only explanation I can think of without something going VERY wrong
The only explanation I can think of is that the games weren't ready.
That sounds silly, but I recall publishers faking leaks before, so maybe you're on to something 🤔
Was REDACTED using T239 in the Lapsu$ hack? If not, I feel it's much more likely that a leaker was just given bad or old info rather than a faked leak
Y'know, how realistic is it that they taped it out and just... sat on it, for whatever reason? Because that's the only explanation I can think of without something going VERY wrong
My pet theory (for entertainment purposes only) is that they were originally going to position it as an iterative successor type product. It would literally have been a swoled powered by Drake. Then management changed their mind, and wanted to positioned it as traditional next gen. Change up the industrial design/ design a new controller, ready exclusive launch software/ add a non soc related feature or 2. That's what caused the delay.
People would have the choice between two options rather than an outdated one, so no it doesn’t becomes moot

Also I don’t get why people get offended at other people connecting the dots, everyone should be happy about a next-gen console being around the corner but it looks like some people in this thread seems frustrated about it

With all the Switch competitors (ASUS, Steam Deck) out and now the Project Q from PlayStation (even if not a console but similar in function to Switch USP)

Nintendo will lose market share on handheld the more they wait, that’s why a new console is urgent for them
how long do you think Nintendo will wait to anounce/launch Switch sucessor before, Switch start losing sales to this consoles you just mentioned?
Was REDACTED using T239 in the Lapsu$ hack? If not, I feel it's much more likely that a leaker was just given bad or old info rather than a faked leak
I think so? I forget if the link to that leak is even on the first page.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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