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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

You have explained your concern about users being divided by hardware. Currently, you have both a handheld device business and a home console business. I would like to know whether the organizational changes that took place last year are going to lead to, for example, the integration of handheld devices and home consoles into one system over the medium term, or a focus on cost saving and the improvement of resource efficiency in the medium run. Please also explain if you still have room to reduce research and development expenses.


Last year Nintendo reorganized its R&D divisions and integrated the handheld device and home console development teams into one division under Mr. Takeda. Previously, our handheld video game devices and home video game consoles had to be developed separately as the technological requirements of each system, whether it was battery-powered or connected to a power supply, differed greatly, leading to completely different architectures and, hence, divergent methods of software development. However, because of vast technological advances, it became possible to achieve a fair degree of architectural integration. We discussed this point, and we ultimately concluded that it was the right time to integrate the two teams.

For example, currently it requires a huge amount of effort to port Wii software to Nintendo 3DS because not only their resolutions but also the methods of software development are entirely different. The same thing happens when we try to port Nintendo 3DS software to Wii U. If the transition of software from platform to platform can be made simpler, this will help solve the problem of game shortages in the launch periods of new platforms. Also, as technological advances took place at such a dramatic rate, and we were forced to choose the best technologies for video games under cost restrictions, each time we developed a new platform, we always ended up developing a system that was completely different from its predecessor. The only exception was when we went from Nintendo GameCube to Wii. Though the controller changed completely, the actual computer and graphics chips were developed very smoothly as they were very similar to those of Nintendo GameCube, but all the other systems required ground-up effort. However, I think that we no longer need this kind of effort under the current circumstances. In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems.

Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform. To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future.

The "Switch next model" thing is apparently a misrepresentation of what Furukawa said according to previous posts, and the Iwata thing is referring to an old plan no longer 100% relevant to Nintendo.
Spent a solid half hour troubleshooting the fucking Steam Deck trying to get it to dock.

Excited to get a proper hybrid console within the next twelve months.
True steam deck and pc gaming momento right there.
I was trying to play docked last night and the game would simply not run while the system was docked. God knows why.
Why are we still getting all of these tweets full of quotes that Furakawa didn't actually say? At what point will we get the actual statements so we can get a firm understanding as to what they're doing?
Why are we still getting all of these tweets full of quotes that Furakawa didn't actually say? At what point will we get the actual statements so we can get a firm understanding as to what they're doing?
Well they don't want the Switch 2 to overshadow Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, or the June Direct, so I suspect we'll be waiting a few months for more info from Nintendo themselves. We might get some more info from the investor's meeting as the translations are nailed down better, but we're back to square one - waiting. But now with a little more sanity!
Furukawa didn't share any info whether T239 will be Samsung 8nm or TSMC 4nm. I'm going back to sleep...
Terrible tweet from Furukawa. Of course he should have started his tweet with ''This is Furukawa, president of Nintendo. I'm here to announce that the Switch successor is fabbed on TSMC 4nm node for optimal clock speed''.
Terrible tweet from Furukawa. Of course he should have started his tweet with ''This is Furukawa, president of Nintendo. I'm here to announce that the Switch successor is fabbed on TSMC 4nm node for optimal clock speed''.
Wrong. Furukawa would never say something so important via twitter, he would post it in this thread.
Only thing I can think is Rugrats. Tommy Pickles? I didn't watch much Nickelodeon.

It is Rugrats!

Specifically from an episode where Angelica “breaks her leg” in order to be spoiled by Tommy’s parents.

They went to the hospital to get X-Rays, and the Doctor refers to them as Mr and Mrs Peaches. They correct him, and when looking through X-Rays, the Doctor mistakes them as Mr and Mrs. Peaches, and found the X-ray confirming a broken leg…except Angelica never broke her leg.

Turns out, there was a Mr. Peaches who I think was a Football player, and did break his leg, but the Doctor messed the X-Rays up.

So yeah, very obscure, and doubted anyone would really pick up a specific episode of a specific show from childhood.

Capcom and Sega/Atlus support is so exciting, also interesting enough, the list consist of all the Heavy Japanese Devs.

Also i wouldn't be surprised if one of them are currently working to make a exclusives, by using Nintendo IP, maybe a Capcom Zelda game and a Sega F-Zero game might happen Next Gen.

Haven't seen translation provided, so here it is:

Companies I've heard about "immediate support" for the Switch 2 with a lineup throughout 2025:• SEGA / ATLUS• Capcom• Electronic Arts• Bandai Namco• Square Enix• Koei TecmoObviously these are our own sources and you have no obligation to believe them, but since we are inaugurating the "next system" era, I decided to share what I've learned so far

Chrono Trigger's 30th anniversary is in 2025.

WIP] Chrono Trigger | Video Games Open | Page 86 | RPGnet Forums
Capcom and Sega/Atlus support is so exciting, also interesting enough, the list consist of all the Heavy Japanese Devs.

Also i wouldn't be surprised if one of them are currently working to make a exclusives, by using Nintendo IP, maybe a Capcom Zelda game and a Sega F-Zero game might happen Next Gen.
Yeah who knows, maybe we see examples where these companies make not just ports to Switch 2 but exclusive games made for Switch 2 as well sometimes.
Chrono Trigger's 30th anniversary is in 2025.

WIP] Chrono Trigger | Video Games Open | Page 86 | RPGnet Forums
Nintendo should give SE several million dollars to do a proper remake , but not the bloated mulriparter like FF7, but a good remake HD 2D plus with amazing artwork and music. Make it their 2025/26 anchor RPG along with the expect XBC game on Switch 2
Well they don't want the Switch 2 to overshadow Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, or the June Direct, so I suspect we'll be waiting a few months for more info from Nintendo themselves. We might get some more info from the investor's meeting as the translations are nailed down better, but we're back to square one - waiting. But now with a little more sanity!
but like won't Nintendo have games coming out this fall and holiday? To your logic revealing the successor would, um, overshadow those games. This overshadowing thing shouldn't matter in the end. It's a short term loss for a long term game plan and hopefully gain. Switch 2 is the next 6-8 years of Nintendo's business model. While they are still diversifying their income lanes they need the successor to be a hit.
Still having issues with the site. This was happening before the announcement so I don't think it's fully related?
Site was take down for unscheduled maintenance, when we came back to the admins said it had nothing to do with traffic but for a bug they had discovered.

Today, however, definitely traffic related - because Cloudflare error page was coming up.

Those happening less than 24 hours apart is purely coincidental I believe.
but like won't Nintendo have games coming out this fall and holiday? To your logic revealing the successor would, um, overshadow those games. This overshadowing thing shouldn't matter in the end. It's a short term loss for a long term game plan and hopefully gain. Switch 2 is the next 6-8 years of Nintendo's business model. While they are still diversifying their income lanes they need the successor to be a hit.
They can wait 5 months to do it which lets the games and news that come out by then happen. They can easily follow the Switch's announcement timeline and be fine.
They can wait 5 months to do it which lets the games and news that come out by then happen. They can easily follow the Switch's announcement timeline and be fine.
yeah but I'm saying about the games, if there are any, that come out afterwards?
This somehow still feels unreal.

It was a funny moment for me because I saw the first post here about Furukawa's tweet (when it was posted) and it took me 3 to 5 minutes trying to understand if it was a very elaborate fake or the real deal lmao
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Terrible tweet from Furukawa. Of course he should have started his tweet with ''This is Furukawa, president of Nintendo. I'm here to announce that the Switch successor is fabbed on TSMC 4nm node for optimal clock speed''.
That would be an amazing tweet that would display his understandment of the common consumer.😊
From me I would include From within Bandai Namco who are the ones who publish most of their games
I wouldn't at this point, fromsoft are moving towards becoming their own publisher. Pretty sure they just bought elden ring from bandai.
I'm just hoping Square Enix is that desperate right now.

Also hoping Fromsoft is another developer on the immediate support list ^_^
,, Here at square enix we are excited to announce FF7 rebirth… The cloud version’’

Somehow I’m the most questionable with Square since I’m still upset that kingdom heart 1-2 got cloud based version, despite them being 20 year old games.

But I do have high hopes for Atlus, since all of their ports has been stellar on the Switch, one noticiable one being Cathrine full body, since i played that in December, solid game.
Nintendo should give SE several million dollars to do a proper remake , but not the bloated mulriparter like FF7, but a good remake HD 2D plus with amazing artwork and music. Make it their 2025/26 anchor RPG along with the expect XBC game on Switch 2
a couple million ain't gonna get Nintendo anything but a couple of months of exclusivity if Monster Hunter Rise was anything to go by
hello, zuko here [1 hour]

Hello. Furukawa here
But I guess you probably already know me. Sort of... Uh so, the thing is... I have a lot of Nintendo experience, and I'm considered to be pretty good at it. Well, you've seen me, you, know, when I was releasing base Switch games. Uh, yeah, I guess I should apologize for that. Bu-But anyway, I'm good now. I mean, I thought I was good before, but now I realize I was bad. But anyway... I think it's time I announced Switch 2
It is Rugrats!

Specifically from an episode where Angelica “breaks her leg” in order to be spoiled by Tommy’s parents.

They went to the hospital to get X-Rays, and the Doctor refers to them as Mr and Mrs Peaches. They correct him, and when looking through X-Rays, the Doctor mistakes them as Mr and Mrs. Peaches, and found the X-ray confirming a broken leg…except Angelica never broke her leg.

Turns out, there was a Mr. Peaches who I think was a Football player, and did break his leg, but the Doctor messed the X-Rays up.

So yeah, very obscure, and doubted anyone would really pick up a specific episode of a specific show from childhood.
Nintendo should give SE several million dollars to do a proper remake , but not the bloated mulriparter like FF7, but a good remake HD 2D plus with amazing artwork and music. Make it their 2025/26 anchor RPG along with the expect XBC game on Switch 2
The best we can do is a mobile port HD and make that bad boy a HD switch 2 port…

It is Rugrats!

Specifically from an episode where Angelica “breaks her leg” in order to be spoiled by Tommy’s parents.

They went to the hospital to get X-Rays, and the Doctor refers to them as Mr and Mrs Peaches. They correct him, and when looking through X-Rays, the Doctor mistakes them as Mr and Mrs. Peaches, and found the X-ray confirming a broken leg…except Angelica never broke her leg.

Turns out, there was a Mr. Peaches who I think was a Football player, and did break his leg, but the Doctor messed the X-Rays up.

So yeah, very obscure, and doubted anyone would really pick up a specific episode of a specific show from childhood.

Is that the chocolate pudding episode?
a couple million ain't gonna get Nintendo anything but a couple of months of exclusivity if Monster Hunter Rise was anything to go by
Two things, i didn't say 'a couple' i said 'several' million which just implies less money, not no money being spent.
This is mostly to indicate they don't need to fund a large sprawling remake that take years to come out.
A Chrono remake in the scale of MHR would indeed cost a lot of money and probably not be out in time for Switch 2's launch window and probably won't make Switch 3's launch either.

There's no need to be overly pedantic in this time of happiness when we finally have a target to shoot for.

Edit: sorry if i didn't read your response right, but it sounds a bit argumentative to me.

The best we can do is a mobile port HD and make that bad boy a HD switch 2 port…

if it's mobile only with no corresponding multiplat releases, Nintendo would rather not have it than have it. Their track record on Switch is pretty clear. They didn't pursue the majority of mobile only games in franchises they could have used. I just think they don't want their console getting the reputation of getting mobile ports. If a mobile game is coming to all consoles, that is one thing, but not if it's only landing on Switch because the big brother versions aren't being ported (e.g COD)
I wouldn't at this point, fromsoft are moving towards becoming their own publisher. Pretty sure they just bought elden ring from bandai.
Yup they did, but I don’t think they’ll develop for the Switch 2, since Fromsoft has always leaned on Sony and are recently getting into the PC market, because of Elden Ring. If they become a publisher I can see Sony be willing to make some exclusivity deals.

But I can always be wrong
Site was take down for unscheduled maintenance, when we came back to the admins said it had nothing to do with traffic but for a bug they had discovered.

Today, however, definitely traffic related - because Cloudflare error page was coming up.

Those happening less than 24 hours apart is purely coincidental I believe.
I was getting the Cloudflare message before the announcement as well, but I don't think that means anything.
yeah but I'm saying about the games, if there are any, that come out afterwards?
I think Nintendo realizes, and that everyone needs to realize, that in some way, everything is gonna be overshadowed by the Switch 2. The Switch 2 will come, but in they're still going to give what is more immediately relevant the spotlight until then... Even if it seems like full speed ahead should be the plan since we're actually still 9 months out.
Yup they did, but I don’t think they’ll develop for the Switch 2, since Fromsoft has always leaned on Sony and are recently getting into the PC market, because of Elden Ring. If they become a publisher I can see Sony be willing to make some exclusivity deals.

But I can always be wrong
Pretty sure DS Remastered sold very well on switch. They are a business who want growth, they won't ignore this console. They also self publish some of their games already it's not like they're super tied to sony. Just had a couple of exclusives. I don't think it means all too much.
I've been using my knowledge gained from this thread to habitually update the Wikipedia articles for Nvidia architectures in various languages.

Did you know that there's no article for Ada Lovelace on Russian Wikipedia? It just redirects to the article for the RTX 40 series.
Pretty sure DS Remastered sold very well on switch. They are a business who want growth, they won't ignore this console. They also self publish some of their games already it's not like they're super tied to sony. Just had a couple of exclusives. I don't think it means all too much.
True, i was mostly mentioning future titles, but I can definitely see DS2-DS3 arriving since Bandai has the publishing right, but Sekiro is more questionable because that’s activision who I think owns the publishing rights.

But hopefully they’ll all arrive on the Switch 2
True, i was mostly mentioning future titles, but I can definitely see DS2-DS3 arriving since Bandai has the publishing right, but Sekiro is more questionable because that’s activision who I think owns the publishing rights.

But hopefully they’ll all arrive on the Switch 2
I'm also suggesting they could support future titles. I just genuinely don't see a reason other than technical issues which we can't confirm they have.
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