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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

It feels to me like we've crossed an event horizon - the moment itself may feel unremarkable, but the transition puts all our discourse into a new context, and there is no going back.

Honestly it seems like some probably was hoping for more than a mere mention of Switch 2 in IR meeting, which never was going to be realistic, and based on majority of responses, that lines up. They're not going to reveal more than just a mention lol.

But more importantly, from my POV, the messaging is shifting going forward. Nintendo has signaled that June will most likely be the last Switch 1-only Direct. It's from this point forward we'll gradually hear more and more about Switch 2, including possibly from 3rd parties and "reliable" leakers.
I still have to ask, how?

as a way to attach joycons, what way could they apply gameplay mechanics to that

I want to agree with you, but then remember a certain puzzle in a certain Zelda game making use of the mere concept of closing your DS, and now I can't say for sure that Nintendo couldn't find a way to do the same thing with attaching the controllers to the body of the Switch 2 (to be clear, I'm not commenting specifically on the validity of the technology being speculated on, just this hypothetical).
It feels to me like we've crossed an event horizon - the moment itself may feel unremarkable, but the transition puts all our discourse into a new context, and there is no going back.

This is exactly it. On top of that, the vast majority of people who bought a Switch are not paying attention at all to Switch 2 rumors. The official Nintendo account confirming its existence might not be too exciting for people who follow console lifecycles or have been impatiently waiting for this moment for years, but it's now in the mainstream consciousness.

We're officially in Switch 2 season!
Let's rewind a bit, and hopefully this will make more sense. The person you responded to was responding to the following quote:

At the time you responded, it seemed as if you agreed with the person they quoted in terms of being perplexed by the reactions and vague connection to Switch 2, otherwise, I'm not sure why you quoted them specifically responding to someone else instead of simply posting your reaction on its own, which is clearly different than some other members here (and that is ok). The person they were responding to did not appear to be merely taking "...a step back and see that it doesn't really change the calculus.", as they expressed confusion about the reactions and seemed to suggest that the statement was not directly referencing the Switch 2 successor. So it seems to me the argument you're making is different than the ones being made by the people you were responding to.

As for your clarified position, it's fine if you feel it doesn't change your speculation, but even in that framing, whatever Nintendo officially confirms becomes one less thing for you to speculate over. Let's remember this is a speculation thread. Anything Nintendo officially confirms (that was not previously confirmed by some other means) will change the speculative discussion to focus on the remaining details that have not been (or may never be) confirmed. Also, people speculate about a lot of things in this thread. If you didn't speculate about announcement timing, that's fine, but many people have and now (at least in the broadest aspect), that timeframe will not be part of future speculation, which means something has changed. That's all I'm saying.
I interpreted the person differently and possibly gave them too much benefit of the doubt but it doesn't change the fact that DarthDiablo's response was unnecessary and that was the main crux of my issue. People are just getting caught up on the idea that I think it's understandable to not be too moved by the statement.

I think it's clear that I've taken away from my point by arguing for the idea that this isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. However, I think that being the focal point over the unnecessary condescending attitude is a bit wrong regardless.

And I get what you are saying and I don't think you're wrong. I still contend that in the grand scheme of things it's not wild to see this as something too exciting. It's exciting but hey we're still waiting for the reveal and that's really what will matter cause we'll get a release date and future games there. Listen I'm excited cause we have track for the train now lol. If someone is oh hum about it and wants something more clearer there should be room for that.

I'm just kinda over those talking down to people who aren't on their wavelength. It's the same nonsense we've been dealing with in this thread for a couple years now. Some people get very optimistic, which is fine, but then they allow no room for the other side and sometimes even get disrespectful.
Everyone in the region of the US I live in had trimesters once they got to middle school/no longer had the same teacher the entire day (and continued on through high school.) Though, our school trimesters were (loosely) a quarter of a calendar year because we didn’t have school June-August.

Also, “trimester” is a super, super common pregnancy term used everywhere in the country.
To be clear, I'm not from the US and didn't had many conversations about school/pregnancy in English. I was just pointing out that I didn't know the second meaning myself when the 2 posters I replied to didn't know the first meaning instead.
I'm just kinda over those talking down to people who aren't on their wavelength. It's the same nonsense we've been dealing with in this thread for a couple years now. Some people get very optimistic, which is fine, but then they allow no room for the other side and sometimes even get disrespectful.

Ok, that's totally fair and I agree with you. I welcome the diversity of opinions and reactions here and I am opposed to "groupthink". I also don't want to get caught up in semantics and I want to really get at the heart of what you're trying to say, so I think we can agree on that. I would just caution that when you're fighting against the behavior you're talking about, to not try to match that same energy, if possible. One very effective way we improve the things we don't like about our community (in a healthy way) is to lead by example instead of getting caught up in the toxicity, and it's something I'm trying to get better at doing every time I post here, but still make mistakes. I'm hopeful we'll continue to get better at this.

I want to agree with you, but then remember a certain puzzle in a certain Zelda game making use of the mere concept of closing your DS, and now I can't say for sure that Nintendo couldn't find a way to do the same thing with attaching the controllers to the body of the Switch 2 (to be clear, I'm not commenting specifically on the validity of the technology being speculated on, just this hypothetical).
maybe they could have a way of detecting if you detached the joy-con but kept it next to the system by using gyro & accelerometer and that would create a magnetic field in the game on the side that you detachted the joy-con from, like the detached joy-con is a magnet that is affecting the game world

(i am obviously not a game developer and this is probably not a very good/useful idea though lol)
This is Furukawa

To be clear, I'm not from the US and didn't had many conversations about school/pregnancy in English. I was just pointing out that I didn't know the second meaning myself when the 2 posters I replied to didn't know the first meaning instead.
Oh, for sure! I actually figured that may be the case so was just trying to add some context from my experiences! But, yeah, definitely outside of ‘special cases’ like schooling and pregnancy, you don’t hear terms like trimester or semester often from US English speakers at all. So, the definitions you provided were spot on. 😄
This is Furukawa

Your Furukawa posts were one of the highlights of my middle-of-the-night. Thinking about them is helping me get through the day. So, thanks for that!

(Though… now I just keep repeating that phrase in my head, but in James Earl Jones’ voice.)
Re: codename.

I said I'd drop it if it didn't publically leak before the announcement. And I will! But not today, for two reasons. There is likely to be a rush of rumors and leaks that get elevated because suddenly it seems "real." So it's magic powers are extra useful in the next week or so. That's the first reason.

The way I found out the codename is someone simply used it in conversation as if I already knew it, and I simply smiled and nodded. Later, 3 other folk independently confirmed it with me. I can't get in trouble, and the person who mentioned it offhand can't get in trouble. The worry is that I have reason to believe that 2-3 of the people that I heard it from have the same upstream source. I don't know that person, but they could get in trouble, if it all leads back to them.

The official announcement is going to make a few people blab, and in that chaos, I think the OG Source will have enough plausible deniability that no one will get hurt. I'm probably being overly cagey, but I'm not a journalist - I just want everyone to have a fun time playing the game.
The codename is "Puck"

It's been hidden in plain sight this whole time!
I do not know anything about Call of Duty. But given the fact that entire plotlines from that franchise seem to leak before the games are even announced, I wouldn't be surprised if we started hearing about a potential Switch 2 version soon.
I mean it’s almost certainly coming. Let’s just hope it’s a good port.
It's gonna be
  1. Switch 2
  2. Switch 2 lite
  3. Switch 2 Oled
  4. Switch 2 pro
Between 3. and 4., Bloomberg will publish an article claiming at least 11 developers have the Switch 2 pro devkit.

Furukawa pushes back his scary shiny glasses (anime trope), uttering "Not true"

Switch 2 Pro never happens, we get Switch 3 instead.
How would they even do a switch 2 pro? Would it be console only and have like a butterfly version of the t239 with a custom power port? It would only make sense if they have a wireless VR headset for the switch 2 via wifi 6e or 7. It would be so stupid.
Something I hadn't thought of before -- while IMO this level of announcement is not enough for (officially sanctioned) third-party game announcements, it might be enough for suppliers and production chain to start confirming their involvement with the console. As discussed previously, MegaChips has already been talking about winning business for a "next-generation console." We might start to hear more from them, and Macronix and others.

MegaChips has their financial results this Friday. Probably won't change anything in the actual results or slide deck, since they prepared those before just this week. And if they do mention it on a conference call, I don't think we have access to reporting on something that niche, unfortunately.
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Re: codename.

I said I'd drop it if it didn't publically leak before the announcement. And I will! But not today, for two reasons. There is likely to be a rush of rumors and leaks that get elevated because suddenly it seems "real." So it's magic powers are extra useful in the next week or so. That's the first reason.

The way I found out the codename is someone simply used it in conversation as if I already knew it, and I simply smiled and nodded. Later, 3 other folk independently confirmed it with me. I can't get in trouble, and the person who mentioned it offhand can't get in trouble. The worry is that I have reason to believe that 2-3 of the people that I heard it from have the same upstream source. I don't know that person, but they could get in trouble, if it all leads back to them.

The official announcement is going to make a few people blab, and in that chaos, I think the OG Source will have enough plausible deniability that no one will get hurt. I'm probably being overly cagey, but I'm not a journalist - I just want everyone to have a fun time playing the game.
make sure to put it in a post count spoiler that isn't big enough that active users with a couple months of posts aren't able to see it but users that are proooobably nintendo leaktuber accounts (very few posts, barely active) can't
They're not giving up asymmetrical multiplayer out of the box, so no d-pad by default. But I would love a proper wireless d-pad joy con, and Id prefer it above the analog stick.

Y'all ready ?

(Just a mockup that I modified btw)
It seems a little bit too much like the sw1tch( I've decided this is how I'm gonna call it from today) I think they need something else for products differentiation.

You have explained your concern about users being divided by hardware. Currently, you have both a handheld device business and a home console business. I would like to know whether the organizational changes that took place last year are going to lead to, for example, the integration of handheld devices and home consoles into one system over the medium term, or a focus on cost saving and the improvement of resource efficiency in the medium run. Please also explain if you still have room to reduce research and development expenses.


Last year Nintendo reorganized its R&D divisions and integrated the handheld device and home console development teams into one division under Mr. Takeda. Previously, our handheld video game devices and home video game consoles had to be developed separately as the technological requirements of each system, whether it was battery-powered or connected to a power supply, differed greatly, leading to completely different architectures and, hence, divergent methods of software development. However, because of vast technological advances, it became possible to achieve a fair degree of architectural integration. We discussed this point, and we ultimately concluded that it was the right time to integrate the two teams.

For example, currently it requires a huge amount of effort to port Wii software to Nintendo 3DS because not only their resolutions but also the methods of software development are entirely different. The same thing happens when we try to port Nintendo 3DS software to Wii U. If the transition of software from platform to platform can be made simpler, this will help solve the problem of game shortages in the launch periods of new platforms. Also, as technological advances took place at such a dramatic rate, and we were forced to choose the best technologies for video games under cost restrictions, each time we developed a new platform, we always ended up developing a system that was completely different from its predecessor. The only exception was when we went from Nintendo GameCube to Wii. Though the controller changed completely, the actual computer and graphics chips were developed very smoothly as they were very similar to those of Nintendo GameCube, but all the other systems required ground-up effort. However, I think that we no longer need this kind of effort under the current circumstances. In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems.

Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform. To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future.

Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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