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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

This video strongly implies that Dragon's Dogma 2 is CPU bound and the PS5 struggles to hit 30 because of that fwiw.

"There are games releasing soon that we are not at liberty of talking about that are in the 20s due to being CPU bound)
That's not the best trend lol. Getting ready to enter my hall of fame port begging era
That's not the best trend lol. Getting ready to enter my hall of fame port begging era

Yeah, DD2's CPU benchmark analysis is actually pretty important for the Switch 2, lol.

If this game runs like trash on CPUs in 2024, it's not clear Capcom can fix the engine before MH Wilds next year and that makes it a lot harder to project a Switch 2 version.
Yeah, DD2's CPU benchmark analysis is actually pretty important for the Switch 2, lol.

If this game runs like trash on CPUs in 2024, it's not clear Capcom can fix the engine before MH Wilds next year and that makes it a lot harder to project a Switch 2 version.
That's the one game I don't think misses Switch 2 tbh but future titles seem a bit iffy.

What happened to GPU reliant games man, we used to be a people!
The great majority of PS5 games have 60fps options (stable or otherwise), cleaning those up with better visuals, RT, upscaling and efficiencies is pretty good.

But future games might actually be more CPU bound than early gen, so it might not be possible without some heavy optimization work. Hopefully at least more 30fps locked games get 40fps modes.

Dogma 2 seems kind of unoptimized under the hood, I imagine they don't have the world's largest budget for what is a sequel to a very niche but fairly wide scoped game.

I finally did a PC upgrade (2070 super is good enough with DLSS, and I'll look in to those fan made FSR+DLSS upscaling things later). So I'm really trying to hold off on buying a PS5, the package is perfectly fine, I'm just cheap and don't like spending if I don't have to. It'd be a different story if there were more games and they weren't coming to PC eventually though.
A pro doesn't really push the needle because I was looking at pre-owned PS5s anyway, it might help push the price down though. If I still had my PS4 games I might be more interested.
We're on the same page here. I think it would be insane to overthrow such plans just because of a shitty economy, when there's no realistic outlook for an improvement.

In theory, what if this was the case and economy is the same or even worse in 2025? Delay again? Wait until the weather's finally good?
Would be a joke of an international operating company.

Though i'll be honest, i know Nintendo is thinking of Nintendo first and (mostly) only, and of course they want to have their games sell most on their system ...
But it feels really somewhat disrespectful to third parties, if they're not willing to let those carry the launch window a bit.

Especially when there's signs that thirds are actually willing to do so this time.

On top, i'd say launch window sales are also somewhat limited in how much software you can drop without starting to drown other games. The system won't be cheap, so the budget for games might be limited to begin with.
I sure as heck won't get more than 2 games at launch, despite having the financial freedom to get even more if i would want to.
the fact that Nintendo delays the Switch 2 due to first party games not bekng ready could also indicate that Nintendo is unsure themselves about the kind of third party ports that will be released in the launch window? Red dead redemption 2 and other older games? Yeah the Wii U launch window already shows that you don't want your new console launch to be dominated by ports of pretty old games.
the fact that Nintendo delays the Switch 2 due to first party games not bekng ready could also indicate that Nintendo is unsure themselves about the kind of third party ports that will be released in the launch window? Red dead redemption 2 and other older games? Yeah the Wii U launch window already shows that you don't want your new console launch to be dominated by ports of pretty old games.
any situation where they have to rely on third parties always turned out bad for them. doesn't matter what third parties do show up, if their own games can't make it, then the hardware should be delayed
Capcom used to be a close partner to Nintendo. Now they are usually as distant as most AAA developers.
Except MH Rise literally disproves what you're saying. MH Rise was initially released exclusively on Nintendo console, just like every mainline MH game (except for MH:World) since Tri in 2008.
I hope you are right but I think a late port is more likely if it comes to the Switch 2. I even started a thread recently here on famiboards about the likelihood of AAA games releasing day and date on the Switch 2 and the majority thought late ports of AAA games were more likely than day and date releases for the Switch 2. So its a pretty common belief, i think making ports for Switch 2 will take time and will not be as easy as porting a PS5 game to Xbox series x/s.

Again, I have to ask, how familiar are you truly with MH series in general? Your mention of "Rise 2" on Switch 2 does kind of makes me wonder if you are not that familiar with MH series in general - a name like "MH Rise 2" doesn't fit the Capcom/MH M.O. at all.

Anyway, I don't think it really is a given that Switch 2 isn't going to launch with any major 3rd party titles.

I wouldn't be surprised if MH:Wilds isn't released on Switch 2 for launch window.

I also won't be surprised either if MH:Wilds is released on Switch 2 inside the launch window, MH has basically been synonymous with Nintendo consoles/handhelds since 2008.
any situation where they have to rely on third parties always turned out bad for them. doesn't matter what third parties do show up, if their own games can't make it, then the hardware should be delayed
They just need one new solid first party at launch that covers them for 3-4 months that will cater to the entire fan base and will sell 10 million. Like a 3D Mario game

-March/Q1 2025 3D Mario/Odyssey 2 and an older switch port with more content and better performance

-Summer 2025 MP4 or Pokemon Legends

-Q4/Holiday 2025 Mario Kart or a Pokemon Game (such as Legends)

MP4 is gonna be in there somewhere.. Summer is a good spot. find it hard to imagine it would release on switch before switch 2. it Will be interesting to see which 1st party games next year will be exclusive to Switch 2, if any. Could will do as they have always done or pull a Sony/Ms and have mostly same 1st party support for 1-2 years. 3rd party exclusives are inevitable (Cyberpunk 2077, RDR2, Eldin Ring, Avatar, Monster Hunter, RE remakes/village, Dragon Quest) of course.

They don't have to put all their heavy hitters next year in one basket.

P.S. I'm not holding on to a Q4 2024 releases but despite what we've heard about it being pushed to 2025, I'm waiting to hear from the horses's mouth. Has a console ever been pushed forward early (or to their original date as intended)? If PS5 Pro release this holiday, they would probably be more inclined to release it next year though. But at least the rumor about having a solid 1st party game at launch is plausible, even if it means a 2025 release.
Except MH Rise literally disproves what you're saying. MH Rise was initially released exclusively on Nintendo console, just like every mainline MH game (except for MH:World) since Tri in 2008.

Again, I have to ask, how familiar are you truly with MH series in general? Your mention of "Rise 2" on Switch 2 does kind of makes me wonder if you are not that familiar with MH series in general - a name like "MH Rise 2" doesn't fit the Capcom/MH M.O. at all.

Anyway, I don't think it really is a given that Switch 2 isn't going to launch with any major 3rd party titles.

I wouldn't be surprised if MH:Wilds isn't released on Switch 2 for launch window.

I also won't be surprised either if MH:Wilds is released on Switch 2 inside the launch window, MH has basically been synonymous with Nintendo consoles/handhelds since 2008.
I do wonder if it’s in Capcom best interests to sort of merge releases and just have the games release on all platforms rather than splitting it
I have not played anything on Switch in a long time. 😄

Just waiting to move on. Seeing how slow these forums are these days, I think a lot of people are feeling the same way. Very little news of any kind. I think things will pick up if we get some juicy rumors or a General Direct.

I think that I slowly came to terms with it after the initial stage of being pissed.

I'm treating Nintendo this year the same way I treat FFXIV every time I complete an expansion. For example, once I beat the latest expansion I unsubscribe from the game until the next expansion is near, therefore I can catch up on all of the content I missed in preparation.

With Nintendo, I pretty much stopped using my Switch after I beat SMRPG and Mario Wonder. I'll still play TTYD, but I don't mind Nintendo having a quiet year. There's plenty to enjoy on other platforms, and if this delay helps Nintendo in achieving a launch lineup that's similar to the Switch's, then it's all good to me. I'll catch up on whatever else I missed on the next console.

When asked about a similar topic, Naoki Yoshida, the director of FFXIV, said the following:

It's alright not to play it everyday. Since it's just a game, you can stop forcing yourself if it's hard on you to keep that up. Rather, it'll just pile up unnecessary stress if you limit yourself into playing just that one game since there are so many other games out there. So, do come back and play it to your heart's content when the major patch kicks in, then stop it to play other games before you got burnt out, and then come back for another major patch. This will actually make me happier, and in the end, I think this is the best solution I can answer for keeping your motivation up for the game
Can we please wait before the game is fully released and appropriately reviewed before deeming it unoptimised? RE Engine scales really well and previous games on the engine have been quite performant across different kinds of hardware. Based on what we know and going off the ambition of the previous game, DD2 will be a complex open world RPG that will be simulating schedules and actions of so many NPCs, world events, etc. To me, this game seems like it's a title that is genuinely taking advantage of this gen's hardware rather than being a glorified PS4 era game.
Can we please wait before the game is fully released and appropriately reviewed before deeming it unoptimised? RE Engine scales really well and previous games on the engine have been quite performant across different kinds of hardware. Based on what we know and going off the ambition of the previous game, DD2 will be a complex open world RPG that will be simulating schedules and actions of so many NPCs, world events, etc. To me, this game seems like it's a title that is genuinely taking advantage of this gen's hardware rather than being a glorified PS4 era game.
RE Engine never had to work around a full blown open world game as you said, it might very well not be optimized for one.
I think that I slowly came to terms with it after the initial stage of being pissed.

I'm treating Nintendo this year the same way I treat FFXIV every time I complete an expansion. For example, once I beat the latest expansion I unsubscribe from the game until the next expansion is near, therefore I can catch up on all of the content I missed in preparation.

With Nintendo, I pretty much stopped using my Switch after I beat SMRPG and Mario Wonder. I'll still play TTYD, but I don't mind Nintendo having a quiet year. There's plenty to enjoy on other platforms, and if this delay helps Nintendo in achieving a launch lineup that's similar to the Switch's, then it's all good to me. I'll catch up on whatever else I missed on the next console.

When asked about a similar topic, Naoki Yoshida, the director of FFXIV, said the following:

Super Mario RPG and Super Mario Wonder were exactly the last two games I played on Switch lol. The Zelda HD remasters would bring me back though.
Super Mario RPG and Super Mario Wonder were exactly the last two games I played on Switch lol. The Zelda HD remasters would bring me back though.
I misjudge how much time people play regularly. I play Mario Kart once a week for about 90 minutes. I'm working on Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth on PC right now. I play maybe 4-5 hours per week. I spend more time reading. I keep meaning to pick up Baldur's Gate 3 again.
I've seen the boards blow up multiple times in the past six months every time a podcast drops, but each time it has been slim pickens every time. The excitement surrounding an upcoming podcast has consistently surpassed the excitement post podcast. It is very curious though, obviously a lot of developers do have access to development hardware at this point, but it hasn't provided meaningful leaks. It does suck, because back in early February it seemed like an almost certainty that the reveal would happen this month in March. Now, who knows. I still think they will announce it prior to the investors meeting in May, but that could be a simple PR statement similar to when Nintendo announced that NX would release in March of 2017 and they would share additional information at a later date. We could be looking at a very similar strategy for the successor.
Like I said I am almost positive that Nintendo went back to being strict with heir dev kits. At least with the triple A devs. I remember hearing that there use to be certain conditions in order to have a dev kits. I can only imagine they went back to it now or maybe Nintendo is using a cloud implementation. I can only say we will probably have to wait until the indie devs get their hands on it.
I do wonder if it’s in Capcom best interests to sort of merge releases and just have the games release on all platforms rather than splitting it
problem with that is, one is a home console the other is a portable device, capcom designed rise taking into consideration the portable nature of the switch, making the hunts more simplier and fast, mh wilds probably will center in the home console experience that maybe will be more difficult to enjoy if you dont have enough time to sit and play the game, i feel thats where dividing games for portable and home console help capcom, probably when they develop this kind of games they focus in one of the two experience (portable/console) and then design the game around that, of course if it is possible, they can port wilds to switch 2 but the experience is probably center around a full home console experience and not for a hibrid device
I expect to be much more impressed if the Gamescom demo leaks can still be trusted. I’ve no doubt there’s great things cooking.
I would personally say the gamescom demo can be trusted since it wasn’t only Natethehate who heard it, it were eurogamer, digital foundry and more.

I’m personally not expecting any ps5 level games, but with studios like capcom, sega/Altus and square Enix, I can see couple of developers pivoting harder on the switch 2 and developing on the switch 2 first and later on ps5/Xbox
(the new prince of Persia game from Ubisoft’s is a good example).
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I misjudge how much time people play regularly. I play Mario Kart once a week for about 90 minutes. I'm working on Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth on PC right now. I play maybe 4-5 hours per week. I spend more time reading. I keep meaning to pick up Baldur's Gate 3 again.

I work a very physical job so I use gaming as a means to relax and rest. I only play on the weekends. A little treat to myself. Been tired a lot lately, worn down from work so I have been playing less then usual. Been meaning to star FF7: Rebirth but haven't yet. Baldur's Gate III is a great choice as well. Played a small portion of that. Seemed pretty great.

Reading is always great. Unfortunately I have this difficulty concentrating so it's more challenging for me to pick up a good book and stay focused but that's cool that you read. :)
Capcom used to be a close partner to Nintendo. Now they are usually as distant as most AAA developers. I hope you are right but I think a late port is more likely if it comes to the Switch 2. I even started a thread recently here on famiboards about the likelihood of AAA games releasing day and date on the Switch 2 and the majority thought late ports of AAA games were more likely than day and date releases for the Switch 2. So its a pretty common belief, i think making ports for Switch 2 will take time and will not be as easy as porting a PS5 game to Xbox series x/s.
Capcom? The same Capcom that release Monster Hunter Rise as a Switch Timed exclusive? Why wouldn't they be a close partner?
Super Mario RPG and Super Mario Wonder were exactly the last two games I played on Switch lol. The Zelda HD remasters would bring me back though.
I am gonna need more from at least twilight princess HD. I need som ray tracing, some PBR, and some beta content or real time developer comments.
Capcom? The same Capcom that release Monster Hunter Rise as a Switch Timed exclusive? Why wouldn't they be a close partner?

I am gonna need more from at least twilight princess HD. I need som ray tracing, some PBR, and some beta content or real time developer comments.

A remake of Wind Waker for Switch 2 including the dungeons that were cut from the original version would be a dream game
Capcom? The same Capcom that release Monster Hunter Rise as a Switch Timed exclusive? Why wouldn't they be a close partner?

I am gonna need more from at least twilight princess HD. I need som ray tracing, some PBR, and some beta content or real time developer comments.

I still want that Wii U Zelda tech demo to be a thing. A full remake of Twilight Princess (or new game) with those visuals. One can dream I suppose. :)
I still want that Wii U Zelda tech demo to be a thing. A full remake of Twilight Princess (or new game) with those visuals. One can dream I suppose. :)
That had me very curious. As they had this demo and they had TPHD and they knew they were releasing TPHD knowing that it will not look like the Wii U demo. I think we are going to get the next Zelda in the style of the TP demo. I am waiting for someone to go through their attic and pull out that Wii U prototype with the actual demo on it.
That had me very curious. As they had this demo and they had TPHD and they knew they were releasing TPHD knowing that it will not look like the Wii U demo. I think we are going to get the next Zelda in the style of the TP demo. I am waiting for someone to go through their attic and pull out that Wii U prototype with the actual demo on it.

Don't remember where I read it at but I heard the company that did the Zelda Twilight Princess Wii U port wanted to redo the entire game with those visuals but Nintendo cheaped out and wouldn't go for it.
problem with that is, one is a home console the other is a portable device, capcom designed rise taking into consideration the portable nature of the switch, making the hunts more simplier and fast, mh wilds probably will center in the home console experience that maybe will be more difficult to enjoy if you dont have enough time to sit and play the game, i feel thats where dividing games for portable and home console help capcom, probably when they develop this kind of games they focus in one of the two experience (portable/console) and then design the game around that, of course if it is possible, they can port wilds to switch 2 but the experience is probably center around a full home console experience and not for a hibrid device
... lol what?

Have you actually played Rise and MH:World? There is no practical difference between hunts in Rise and MH:World in terms of how simple or difficult and how quick hunts are.

It's kinda crazy how quick one can catch "tell me you don't play MH series without telling me you don't play MH series" occurrences in the forums when you have been playing multiple entries from the MH series.
Don't remember where I read it at but I heard the company that did the Zelda Twilight Princess Wii U port wanted to redo the entire game with those visuals but Nintendo cheaped out and wouldn't go for it.
I remember that. They got out do by a modder or modders. I guess I am not surprised. Nintendo needed content to release. The Wii U had some dry spell.
... lol what?

Have you actually played Rise and MH:World? There is no practical difference between hunts in Rise and MH:World in terms of how simple or difficult and how quick hunts are.

It's kinda crazy how quick one can catch "tell me you don't play MH series without telling me you don't play MH series" occurrences in the forums when you have been playing multiple entries from the MH series.
That's the core of monster hunter. Also, I think people are forgetting that the Switch isn't just portable, it also a hybrid. You're allowed to have long drawn out gameplay session because you have a dock.
That's the core of monster hunter. Also, I think people are forgetting that the Switch isn't just portable, it also a hybrid. You're allowed to have long drawn out gameplay session because you have a dock.
True. I think some kind of forget there are those of us who play docked 99% of the time like I do.

I cannot imagine doing majority of my MH Rise hunts in portable mode. Maybe for low rank hunts sure but for HR/MR hunts, forget it, I'm doing it from the comfort of my couch and my trusty Pro controller.

Edit: All this MH talk makes me crave for some MH action. Thinking of learning a new weapon (I usually main Greatsword) and work my way through the ranks again
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True. I think some kind of forget there are those of us who play docked 99% of the time like I do.

I cannot imagine doing majority of my MH Rise hunts in portable mode. Maybe for low rank hunts sure but for longer hunts, forget it, I'm doing it from the comfort of my couch and my trusty Pro controller.
Yeah, I can't imagine raising my hands in the air for a long time or bending my head down and play. That hurts or very uncomfortable.
... lol what?

Have you actually played Rise and MH:World? There is no practical difference between hunts in Rise and MH:World in terms of how simple or difficult and how quick hunts are.

It's kinda crazy how quick one can catch "tell me you don't play MH series without telling me you don't play MH series" occurrences in the forums when you have been playing multiple entries from the MH series.
first i played rise and sunbreak completely, didnt have the chance to play world but i have seen plenty of gameplay and multiple people talking about both titles so im informed about the franchise in both gameplay and design wise.

Second, there is a clear difference in mh rise and world in terms of design and gameplay, the maps and tracking of the monster make the experience different, while world has a more paused gameplay and require more preparation for the tracking, rise design is basically directed for you to fight the monster as quick as possible similar to how the old mh games are design.

i dont know why you get so hostile for my opinion, for you i havent play monster hunter when in reality i been playing this franchise for a couple of years.

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first i played rise and sunbreak completely, didnt have the chance to play world but i have seen plenty of gameplay and multiple people talking about both titles so im informed about the franchise in both gameplay and design wise.

Second, there is a clear difference in mh rise and world in terms of design and gameplay, the maps and tracking of the monster make the experience different, while world has a more paused gameplay and require more preparation for the tracking, rise design is basically directed for you to fight the monster as quick as possible similar to how the old mh games are design.

i dont know why you get so hostile for my opinion, for you i havent play monster hunter when in reality i been playing this franchise for a couple of years.
Sure there are some differences between MHWorld and Rise in the same sense there are clear differences in design and gameplay between MH3U, MHGU, MHRise. You cannot just compare MHRise with MHWorld and make a (wrong) conclusion Capcom wanted to make hunts simpler and quicker because it's a portable. If what you said were true, then MHGU would have been a different game on Switch when it was released.

One of complaints about MHWorld is that the experience feels kind of sluggish, which I thought was weird because if one played MH3U and MHGU, the controls are even more sluggish and clunky. Maybe Capcom just decided to take feedback from MHWorld and improve upon those in Rise (Wirebugs) to make the experience feel more action-like and fluid.

Personally, I prefer the slower and older style like MHGU but that's just me. I miss the hunting styles (Brave, Guild, Striker, etc) but I can understand why Capcom decided to replace those with the Wirebug system, it seems to be a hit with the MH community in general.
Sure there are some differences between MHWorld and Rise in the same sense there are clear differences in design and gameplay between MH3U, MHGU, MHRise. You cannot just compare MHRise with MHWorld and make a (wrong) conclusion Capcom wanted to make hunts simpler and quicker because it's a portable. If what you said were true, then MHGU would have been a different game on Switch when it was released.

One of complaints about MHWorld is that the experience feels kind of sluggish, which I thought was weird because if one played MH3U and MHGU, the controls are even more sluggish and clunky. Maybe Capcom just decided to take feedback from MHWorld and improve upon those in Rise (Wirebugs) to make the experience feel more action-like and fluid.

Personally, I prefer the slower and older style like MHGU but that's just me. I miss the hunting styles (Brave, Guild, Striker, etc) but I can understand why Capcom decided to replace those with the Wirebug system, it seems to be a hit with the MH community in general.
You can read the first question of this interview.

My conclusion comes from reading and hearing a lot of interviews of the developers of the game, they said they took in mind the portability and design the game to be easy to pick and play in the time you have to spare, i dont know how my conlusion is wrong if the developers of the game state this already but ok
So in thinking about the new Switch hardware and where games could go visually.
I was just watching "The Last of The Nintendogs" Jeff Grubb and Mike Minotti Podcast and was shocked to hear that Sucker Punch made Ghost of Tsushima for 60 million dollars...

I don't get it, why do we have games costing 200-300 million plus to make again?
So in thinking about the new Switch hardware and where games could go visually.
I was just watching "The Last of The Nintendogs" Jeff Grubb and Mike Minotti Podcast and was shocked to hear that Sucker Punch made Ghost of Tsushima for 60 million dollars...

I don't get it, why do we have games costing 200-300 million plus to make again?
IP license costs are the major hammer here (MARVEL, Disney, etc.)
I do wonder if it’s in Capcom best interests to sort of merge releases and just have the games release on all platforms rather than splitting it
Capcom will always put their games on all platform except:
  1. Exclusive (MH: Rise SF5)
  2. Not wanting to down port (SF6, and Switch).

You can read the first question of this interview.

My conclusion comes from reading and hearing a lot of interviews of the developers of the game, they said they took in mind the portability and design the game to be easy to pick and play in the time you have to spare, i dont know how my conlusion is wrong if the developers of the game state this already but ok
I see that but I don't see where it is pick up and play (in the game itself, not the interview you posted). It just seems kinda contradictory to MH design itself. So a pick up and play design could be filler time. I would say it would be something you can ask yourself, "What can I accomplish in a couple of minutes?" Like super mario odyssey let's you get several moons in a spand of 10 minutes or less.
You can read the first question of this interview.

My conclusion comes from reading and hearing a lot of interviews of the developers of the game, they said they took in mind the portability and design the game to be easy to pick and play in the time you have to spare, i dont know how my conlusion is wrong if the developers of the game state this already but ok
I interpreted his answer a bit differently than you do. He's aiming to make MH series more accessible to the masses in general, particularly those who have never played MH before. "Casually pick up the game and do quest in spare time".

Keep in mind MHGU was released on Switch too. Older MH titles are notoriously clunky/sluggish, but that has always been the part of the charm for me. It feels like a "real time turn-based RPG" if that makes sense, lol. Have to plan out my moves in advance (especially for the weapon I main, GS). But anyway, over the last couple of titles (MH:World and MH:Rise), Capcom has decided to move away from the sluggishness/clunkiness and make the action more action-like (fluid), which wirebugs in MH:Rise were clearly designed for. It sort of goes against what I prefer to see, but the changes incorporated in MH:World and MH:Rise seems to be bringing in a lot of new fans.
As a reminder, AMD will have a trio of talks on the 20th, on FSR3, Mesh Shaders, and their RTGI solution. With any luck, they go up on gpu open
Capcom will always put their games on all platform except:
  1. Exclusive (MH: Rise SF5)
  2. Not wanting to down port (SF6, and Switch).

I see that but I don't see where it is pick up and play (in the game itself, not the interview you posted). It just seems kinda contradictory to MH design itself. So a pick up and play design could be filler time. I would say it would be something you can ask yourself, "What can I accomplish in a couple of minutes?" Like super mario odyssey let's you get several moons in a spand of 10 minutes or less.
i mean each hunt take about 10 - 20 minutes, all depends in your gear, you can play mh for hours or do 1 and 2 quest in 20 minutes as well, specially with rise desing where you dont need to track a monster, you can wyvern ride other monster to deal more damage and end the quest quicker, you have palamutes to reach the monster even faster that in previous games, i dont see where is the contradictory part of the pick up and play with rise

I interpreted his answer a bit differently than you do. He's aiming to make MH series more accessible to the masses in general, particularly those who have never played MH before. "Casually pick up the game and do quest in spare time".

Keep in mind MHGU was released on Switch too. Older MH titles are notoriously clunky/sluggish, but that has always been the part of the charm for me. It feels like a "real time turn-based RPG" if that makes sense, lol. Have to plan out my moves in advance (especially for the weapon I main, GS). But anyway, over the last couple of titles (MH:World and MH:Rise), Capcom has decided to move away from the sluggishness/clunkiness and make the action more action-like (fluid), which wirebugs in MH:Rise were clearly designed for. It sort of goes against what I prefer to see, but the changes incorporated in MH:World and MH:Rise seems to be bringing in a lot of new fans.
I mean if you interpretate his answer differently is perfectly fine, im not trying to change your mind and i respect it, but for some reason you come to me to tell me im wrong because i dont understad them the same way you do 🤷‍♂️.

Lets end this conversation here, since this is the hardware threat, lets enjoy wilds when it release ;)
I mean if you interpretate his answer differently is perfectly fine, im not trying to change your mind and i respect it, but for some reason you come to me to tell me im wrong because i dont understad them the same way you do 🤷‍♂️.
I'll say one last thing then move on - the answer to the interview question you linked said nothing about making hunts simpler/quicker either, so IDK where your original conclusion of MHRise having simpler/quicker hunts due to Switch being a portable compared to MHWorld came from? You're probably thinking of wirebug system that does make action more fluid but that is mostly natural progression of MH series in general, moving away from the slow general pacing to quicker traversal across maps.

The changes between each MH game is pretty substantial. In MH3U you have hunts that's literally entirely underwater - you swim around swinging your weapon around. It's extremely disorienting and sluggish. Going from MH3U to MHGU, swimming doesn't exist anymore, but added were the hunting styles (Valor, Strike, Guild, etc). If you compare MHGU with MHWorld, there's Claw Clutch, and the skill system was completely revamped. If you go from MHWorld to MHRise, you see wirebug system and the improved mounting system. Just design/gameplay differences that has nothing to do with Switch being a hybrid or portable. You can fully expect MHWilds to have design/gameplay differences, it's just what MH series do in general, they introduce mechanisms to keep things fresh, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
Monster Hunter Rise on the Switch alone sold basically the same numbers as Monster Hunter World did on the PS4 (7.8 mill vs 8.5 mill, given the PS4 version has had several extra years of sales, this is a wash).

The Switch has a case for being the co-lead platform for the series, period. That's not opinion, that's borne out by objective sales analysis and the sales being nearly equal.

That's not the case for many other 3rd party titles other than maybe Minecraft, so you can't say "well 3rd parties do this with XYZ franchise". Monster Hunter is a special case on Nintendo platforms, it is a big seller and sells as practically as much as the PlayStation audience, maybe more.
You can read the first question of this interview.

My conclusion comes from reading and hearing a lot of interviews of the developers of the game, they said they took in mind the portability and design the game to be easy to pick and play in the time you have to spare, i dont know how my conlusion is wrong if the developers of the game state this already but ok

World is way more pick up and play friendly than MH4 or MHGen and those were handheld only games. It's fine if they want to say they took portability more into account when designing Rise but I've played every Monster Hunter game since MHTri and they all play the exact same when you boil it down.

There is nothing special about the structure of World.
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