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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Like, I know my preferences aren't what's good for Nintendo's stocks, but I'd rather play fucking Snake on this thing for six months than sit and wait that long, lmao.
This is where I’m at too. If them wanting exclusives is what’s driving this potential 2025 delay then I genuinely would rather them instead just launch the system now and have the initial pull just be performance patches for Switch 1 games. My dream is to play through the Xenoblade trilogy again in actual native HD, not the sub-720p rendering that 2 (and DE, to a lesser extent) often suffers from. If they gave me native 1080p handheld mode and native 1440p docked mode for those games and similar resolution enhancements for their other first party games like Pikmin 4, TotK and the like, I legit would not care about not having exclusives for the first year. It’s not like there isn’t precedent for this either as that’s basically how the PS5 and Xbox Series’ launches went — although I understand the reason for that was likely due to the pandemic.
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Honestly tired of this shit. I will just wait official announcements from now.

And maybe it's time to play games.
And Nintendo better upgrade already the console.
So basically a week or two after they flat out said in their briefing that console launches aren't something you can just delay on a whim, they went and delayed it on a whim?

I simply don't believe that.

That is not an attack on Nate, he just communicated what he heard, all good. ❤️

Yeesh, that's dire. I've always been a proponent of a Summer/Fall 2024 launch and that was considered incredibly pessimistic for a very long time, only for it to look like that was actually an optimistic view of things. It's gone from "Switch Pro in 2021!" to 2022 to 2023 to 2024 to 2025 now.

I have to wonder if pricing was a big issue here? If the device is really a best case scenario where it gets 16GB of RAM and all that, maybe they're trying to wait until a point where components are cheap enough where they don't have to sell it for too much? I don't really get the claims here of the device being "outdated in 2025" when Nintendo was very obviously going to want this thing to last until probably 2030-ish at the absolutely earliest, likely somewhere around 2032. Another few months of waiting wouldn't change that.

Obviously if this was unavoidable on Nintendo's end, there isn't much you can change there, but it does seem to set them up for a pretty substandard year. Their current slate for 2024 is very weak and the February direct being a Partner Direct only makes things worse. On top of that, now they're going to be fighting against GTA VI next year as being the industry's big event. If they released it this year, it'd be a massive standout in what looks like might be a rather poor year for gaming.
Stock has been pretty steady today. Started lower but that seems seperate from the news
It's also down 3% for the day, which as a number if coming from what I normally invest in (index funds), it would sting, but maybe not for those who invest into individual stocks (like Shareholder Chad obviously).

I invest primarily into passively managed index funds, so my investments basically tracks S&P500 as a whole. If my index fund is down 3%, that would mean the entire market (well, S&P500 breadth anyway) is down 3% on average. For a long-term buy-and-hold (I'm talking decades, my shares are literally decades old), it does sting.

Bye maybe 3% is just "noise" to Shareholder Chad and others who invest primarily into individual stocks rather than index funds, and I imagine it's just noise because individual stock movements are clearly more volatile compared to index funds. Would love to hear his input if 3% is just noise or more significant than that.
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So basically a week or two after they flat out said in their briefing that console launches aren't something you can just delay on a whim, they went and delayed it on a whim?

I simply don't believe that.

That is not an attack on Nate, he just communicated what he heard, all good. ❤️
how do you know they delayed it on a whim lmao?
Honestly this 2025 rumor doesn't make sense, this year has nothing left, nothing really to drive more switch sales aside from MP4 (which obviously will be a Switch 2 cross-gen launch title), last game I bought was TOTK, I might get PMTTYD, my switch has been collecting dust since then, im desperate for something new lol.

I don't think a 6 month delay would improve things for Nintendo, just give us a couple new games and many enhanced patches for switch games (Id love to replay Xenoblade 2 without it looking so blurry on a 4k tv)
Welp, I did tell myself I’d get a Steam Deck if the Switch 2 wasn’t releasing this year, and it doesn’t look like that’s happening anymore, so…
The same point where they decide not to release a system and we are stuck with Switch for another 5 years
But for srs tho, what was Nvidia's roadmap like? I wish I remembered enough tech talk just so I could figure out what to Google, but something about their next generation chip is set to come out in 2025/2026? Odin or Thor or something, wasn't it?
Anyway, I imagine (former)Shareholder Chad is happy he sold all his stock already lol may not be a pretty sight Monday morning - temporary dip I'm sure though.
Conspiracy theory: This has all been a long con by Shareholder Chad to manipulate the market. He gins up enthusiasm about an imminent release, the stock rises, he sells it all with a fake story prepared about why, and then the stock crashes when this year turns out to be a dud.

Edit: I have to clarify that I don't believe this, before anybody takes it too seriously.
Fuck everything, I stand right behind Shareholder Chad. If he is wrong, one Switch 2 dissappointment more cannot harm me at this point. But if he is right, it will be the most epic victory I could imagine.
what did Shareholder Chad say
But for srs tho, what was Nvidia's roadmap like? I wish I remembered enough tech talk just so I could figure out what to Google, but something about their next generation chip is set to come out in 2025/2026? Odin or Thor or something, wasn't it?
Yeah, Thor is coming next year. I doubt they can upgrade to it without either massive costs or architecture incompatibilities... But it will be a choice.
Like, I know my preferences aren't what's good for Nintendo's stocks, but I'd rather play fucking Snake on this thing for six months than sit and wait that long, lmao.
It's the same for me too. I'm still rocking my launch Switch, and the battery isn't that great and the JoyCon rail is having issues every once in a while. I have to send my main set of JoyCon in for repair for the second time due to stick drift, my kickstand doesn't work anymore. I'm just ready for a new, clean piece of hardware.
You gotta be shitting me. Is Nintendo really gonna coast the whole year on more remasters and remakes? Are they gonna try to milk more sales from the Switch this Christmas and not even acknowledge the Switch 2 till after the holiday season?
Its possible they will just go ahead and release Prime 4 on Switch 1, even if it was originally planned as a cross gen launch title.
So basically a week or two after they flat out said in their briefing that console launches aren't something you can just delay on a whim, they went and delayed it on a whim?

I simply don't believe that.

That is not an attack on Nate, he just communicated what he heard, all good. ❤️
what nintendo said was that a launch of a console is not set looking at how their current hardware is doing, they address what people have been talking here that if nintendo have a weaker christmas they would launch it earlier and thats what furukawa is saying, they made their decision and they will release the console when things are in motion to do so not when the sales stop or decline, so if they need to delay the launch is because they found difficulties not because switch is doing better or worse
Between this and the outlook from the other companies, looks like this is the year I get to finish my backlog
Its possible they will just go ahead and release Prime 4 on Switch 1, even if it was originally planned as a cross gen launch title.

So they’d sacrifice Switch 2 software to help ease the burden of a delay caused by Switch 2 software not being ready?

I know that’s not 100% what you’re saying, but it certainly feels that way. Only way that’s possible is if MP4 just isn’t that important of a game for Switch 2.
So basically a week or two after they flat out said in their briefing that console launches aren't something you can just delay on a whim, they went and delayed it on a whim?

I simply don't believe that.

That is not an attack on Nate, he just communicated what he heard, all good. ❤️
They may have decided this internally 2 months ago, just because partners were given updates doesn't mean it isn't something they've thought about. I guarantee potential delays were always in the plans. There are probably quite a few launch days I guess

I don't think Nintendo has ever released a console D1 in Brazil, and a couple of them weren't released at all.

They were never releasing the Switch 2 day one here either way, the chances they are going out of their way to inform a regional delay to devs when that has no implications at all for when their games can release are basically 0.
that does not insinuate a decision was made on a whim....

They have to communicate such a decision quickly to thirds, so that they can adapt to that.

If that stuff was briefed to the thirds very recently as per the tweet, then Nintendo made that decision around that time too.
This will be a pretty big bummer if true. I'm inclined to believe there is something to this because both Eurogamer and VGC are backing it up. This does make the situation really strange. No general Direct this February because there isn't enough high profile Nintendo developed software to warrant a full scale Direct. Current rumors are suggesting that a Partners Showcase may happen next week. With Switch entering its eighth year on the market, how in the world does Nintendo find itself in a situation where they need to delay? The lineup for Switch this year is very weak. Its not quite as bad as what happened with the Wii in 2011, but it will be a pretty hard fall for sales. Who knows, maybe Nintendo really wants Switch to take that top spot making it the highest selling console ever. LOL
But for srs tho, what was Nvidia's roadmap like? I wish I remembered enough tech talk just so I could figure out what to Google, but something about their next generation chip is set to come out in 2025/2026? Odin or Thor or something, wasn't it?
Thor isn't going to do anything you haven't seen. It'll be 4N, just like Drake and not many meaningful improvements for gaming at low power
If this decision to delay it to March 2025 was made, internally, in late 2022/early 2023 (2 years), I think that could allow significant changes to the March 2022 chip (3 years between the leak and release date), like:
-12 cores like the Orin chip
-More Lovelace features like it's OFA
-A bigger battery? Better cooling solution?
They have to communicate such a decision quickly to thirds, so that they can adapt to that.

If that stuff was briefed to the thirds very recently as per the tweet, then Nintendo made that decision around that time too.
but conversations between the top brass can be had for many days or weeks before the decision is finally made
I know that’s not 100% what you’re saying, but it certainly feels that way. Only way that’s possible is if MP4 just isn’t that important of a game for Switch 2.
Yea, I think that's possible. We don't know if the improvements are substantial, beyond higher resolution and settings.
On a side note, it feels like we can really put to bed the idea that Nintendo can launch a new console without there being significant rumors well ahead of time. I know that was a bit of a talking point for a while, and Nintendo certainly keep a lid on a lot of things, but the last 6 months or so has definitely shown us stuff gets out in the presses pretty quickly when Nintendo makes key moves.
This will be a pretty big bummer if true. I'm inclined to believe there is something to this because both Eurogamer and VGC are backing it up. This does make the situation really strange. No general Direct this February because there isn't enough high profile Nintendo developed software to warrant a full scale Direct. Current rumors are suggesting that a Partners Showcase may happen next week. With Switch entering its eighth year on the market, how in the world does Nintendo find itself in a situation where they need to delay? The lineup for Switch this year is very weak. Its not quite as bad as what happened with the Wii in 2011, but it will be a pretty hard fall for sales. Who knows, maybe Nintendo really wants Switch to take that top spot making it the highest selling console ever. LOL

2011 Wii had Skyward Sword

They're killing any momentum they had by doing this

It's the equivalent of Wii's 2012 except they are waiting even longer
WUST was so much more fun than this era

Also we are gonna be getting a 4 year old processor in the Switch 2 if I am getting things right?

Exactly on Samsung 8nm, but it was what i was expecting.
8nm is not confirmed and I struggle to understand why something being four years old matters if that four year old SoC was designed with longevity and a modern featureset in the first place. I hope no one here threw out their completely useless and obsolete RTX 30 graphics cards. No one tell Valve that Zen 2 was almost 3 years old by the Steam Deck's release.

Also the architecture in the chipset being four years old does not mean the SoC itself is literally that age.
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