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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

So first he couldn't even have a single of his own sources to corroborate on this delay, and now suddenly multiple third parties told him?

Really now.

I'm not believing any of this anymore.

It is a VERY strange situation. Though sometimes all it takes is one person before others start randomly chiming in.

Something else is up though. It's too sudden + supposedly too many people are being this open about the info.
Like, seriously. An apparently very abrupt decision to push an entire console launch back probably at least half a year, seemingly no major first-party announcements for the first quarter - if not half - of this year, judging by the Partner Direct? It's really, really not a good look for the year to come when the best you can say is "well, maybe something will be shown at the Pokemon Presentation." People can postulate about potential releases Nintendo could maybe, possibly, hopefully pull out of the ether, but there's every chance we're in for a bone-dry time for much of this year.
Man we really are living in the worst timeline


"We took a wrong left somewhere navigating through the multiverses"
The reporting is confident, but it still conflicts with other reporting of a reveal next month. Again I don't think they'd reveal next month or even in April for a launch next year. If we get more information that a reveal isn't happening soon I'm more likely to believe in Q1 '25 and this being a weird year.

Though wasn't that rumor about an imminent reveal like literally a week ago? Damn that was comically fast, lmao.
It's probably been talked about for awhile within the very tippy top of Nintendo, and no offense to any insider, but I doubt they're talking to Furukawa to get their information. The information has gotta trickle down to people willing to talk, which only happens when news is allowed to be passed down the chain of command.
If this is true and this isn't another Starfox Grand Prix situation, 2024 is not going to be a great year for gaming releases in general after the PlayStation announcement lmao
Wow this is developing quick, with the back2back report 🤔

I'll be curious if there's something in march officially, otherwise hopefully some grapevine rumours through GDC 2024.

Curious if 16GB is definitive and with the timeline potentially going into 2025, I suspect a smaller process node than NVIDIA Orin to be very likely for Drake now.
misrepresenting his post and the vgc article all in one post lmfao.
Yes, I too enjoy quickly written drafts that get updated mere hours later with more substantiated info because we couldn't wait a few hours to confirm the story otherwise we'd miss the headlines and some clicks!
I might be a bit slow but why is that unlikely? (3rd party telling him the rumor is true)?

Dunno, what exactly would've hindered those thirds from corroborating the initial report?

It's likely those initial sources who couldn't corroborate are third party contacts too.

You think Nintendo suddenly informed them just today? Where did the sources Brazil used got their info earlier?
Also European devs are in their weekend, so if VGC has EU based sources, they would've known before and weren't just briefed in the time between the initial report and the update.
It would be wild if (among other considerations) Nintendo decided to postpone Switch 2 by 3-4 months because they could now pad out their 2024 with MS games. Hilarious to think about.
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It's probably been talked about a lot within the very tippy top of Nintendo, and no offense to any insider, but I doubt they're talking to Furukawa to get their information. The information has gotta trickle down to people willing to talk, which only happens when news is allowed to be passed down the chain of command.
Yeah I'm not saying that it was decided that quickly within Nintendo internally, but the pace with which we've received this information on our end has been a roller coaster.
It's probably been talked about a lot within the very tippy top of Nintendo, and no offense to any insider, but I doubt they're talking to Furukawa to get their information. The information has gotta trickle down to people willing to talk, which only happens when news is allowed to be passed down the chain of command.
Just more proof that trickle-down leakonomics isn't a tenable system smh.
Like, seriously. An apparently very abrupt decision to push an entire console launch back probably at least half a year, seemingly no major first-party announcements for the first quarter - if not half - of this year, judging by the Partner Direct? It's really, really not a good look for the year to come when the best you can say is "well, maybe something will be shown at the Pokemon Presentation." People can postulate about potential releases Nintendo could maybe, possibly, hopefully pull out of the ether, but there's every chance we're in for a bone-dry time for much of this year.
If the alternative is rushing/crunching software development for Switch 2, I’d rather Nintendo take their time and “suffer” through a relatively dry 2024 tbh.
I expect insiders to start hear rumors of hardware cancellation around late summer 2024. Reports will come out after the holidays that Q1 2025, and furthermore 2025 is not longer in the plans.

We should expect Late 2026 -> Early 2027.

The cycle will then repeat itself forever. Switch 2 is just a long running gag.
If the alternative is rushing/crunching software development for Switch 2, I’d rather Nintendo take their time and “suffer” through a relatively dry 2024 tbh.
Oh, sure, if we're avoiding crunch, that's definitely ideal, don't get me wrong.

But this year's probably going to be boring as fuck, worth it or not.
Hello everyone. I'm Shinya Takahashi, and I'm responsible for development at Nintendo. Thank you so much for playing Nintendo games.

I wanted to speak with you today to give you an update on the next Nintendo console.

We deeply understand the high anticipation that Nintendo fans have for new Nintendo conosle. We have felt it especially from the passionate words from fans we heard when it became clear that Switch is starting to die.

As a result of your continued failure to play the games you bought at launch for the full price - although this is very regrettable - we have to let you know that your current backlog progress has not reached the standards we expect from Nintendo fans.

Nintendo always strives for the highest quality in our games and we expect our fans to honour that work by playing our games. If we're not satisfied with our customer's progress, we aren't able to deliver new games that will live up to their expectations.

From this perspective, we have determined that the current state of Nintendo announcements is appropriate and we had to make the difficult decision as a publisher. We have decided to reexamine our announcement schedule itself and change it. Specifically, we have decided to not announce Switch 2 until our customers' backlog progress has reached a level that meets our expectations.

We decided to move Switch 2 into Q1 2025.

We did not make this decision lightly.

This will essentially mean no new game announcements, so the Switch 2 release will be delayed from our initial internal plans.

We strongly recognize that this will come as a disappointment to the many Nintendo fans who have been looking forward to the next Nintendo console. I'd like to extend my deepest, heart-felt apologies to everyone. It will be a long road until he next time we will be able to update you in a new Nintendo console However, we will continue developing Switch 2 so that when you have finished your backlog, we will be able to show them to you.

On behalf of Nintendo, I sincerely appreciate your understanding. Thank you very much.

I'm shocked that there are reports that software is the limiting factor here. Nintendo must really be having issues with the new technology if a 3D Mario and Mario Kart aren't nearly done by now, given the length of time since the last entries for those. Based on how long it's been since we heard from the major development teams, I was expecting them to building up a good amount of software for the first year or two of the system's life.
There is a good chance that not even Metroid Prime 4 is ready for release this year, so maybe Nintendo really have no software at all available for release on the Switch 2 this year and thus had no choice but to delay the console.

If that is true something have gone incredibly wrong at the Nintendo EPD, Maybe getting used to the Switch 2 devkits and all its new features took way longer time for internal Nintendo studios than we thought. Maybe Nintendo has found that it takes much longer time to develop software for Switch 2 than it did for Switch 1. If so Switch 2 could be more problematic for Nintendo than we thought, and the chance of having major barren periods of first party releases on Switch 2 cannot be ruled out.

Whatever is the cause for this delay surely must lead to Nintendo working out want went so wrong, because this is far removed from the smooth transition they were aiming for, because they now have no Switch 2 games ready for release this year and they don't even have games to fill out Switch 1 calender this year because all their teams are working on Switch 2 games by now.
That's pretty definitive. Probably a hardware or software issue. It will be interesting to see if anything happens in March at all now.
Wow this is developing quick, with the back2back report 🤔

I'll be curious if there's something in march officially, otherwise hopefully some grapevine rumours through GDC 2024.

Curious if 16GB is definitive and with the timeline potentially going into 2025, I suspect a smaller process node than NVIDIA Orin to be very likely for Drake now.
a few months delay isn't going to affect node.
I feel like I've seen this exact post like 4 times over the past 4 years
Yup it feels like we have gone through this the last few years. Excitement for new more powerful hardware rumored to be releasing soon only for reports to come out early in the year putting cold water on it.

2021 was particularly bad with most being sure of Switch "pro".
What if this whole thing is just because their sources confused the calendar and fiscal years? Nintendo considers April 2024 to March 2025 to be "FY2025", so it could just be that it's Q1 of FY2025, which would be April-June 2024.
Yes, I too enjoy quickly written drafts that get updated mere hours later with more substantiated info because we couldn't wait a few hours to confirm the story otherwise we'd miss the headlines and some clicks!
You know this happens in real world news too, right? Like it happened this week with the Russia nuke in space lmfao. We got an eye-brow raising statement, which reporters reported on. Then their sources began to yap answering questions people had and filling in the blanks. And that process continued throughout the day.

Some sources will not talk on the record until they know someone else has talked about the certain subject. Posting a news article is a great way of getting this to happen lmao. I don't know what to tell you.
This probably happened because I almost pulled the trigger on a Steam Deck OLED yesterday 😅

Guess I REALLY should've pulled that trigger lol!

I mean, this is the closest we've ever gotten to a concrete leak cause it's directly attributed to someone - publishers (Since Bloomberg's 11 devs and spices anyway) - and not just "analysts believe" or Nate/Necro mysterious sources (which could obviously be publishers I realize - and which I am not saying are false or whatever).

So that's something I guess.

Damn, the first acknowledgement might just be a press release announcement - or maybe a podcast?
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I'm shocked that there are reports that software is the limiting factor here. Nintendo must really be having issues with the new technology if a 3D Mario and Mario Kart aren't nearly done by now, given the length of time since the last entries for those. Based on how long it's been since we heard from the major development teams, I was expecting them to building up a good amount of software for the first year or two of the system's life.
Just remember that COVID delayed a lot of software production by 12-24 months, industry wide. Nintendo was no exception. There's a lot of downstream impacts to that.
Nintendo isn't gonna do a full reveal next month with a 12-month wait. They literally said they wouldn't do this after the NX stuff. Hope you guys enjoy Mario vs Donkey Kong!
I don't think anyone was saying a "full" reveal. But what does that entail to you?
By 2025 the Steam Deck OLED is probably going to get a signicant price drop and the Steam Deck LCD is probably going to get a second price drop. There's already reports of Microsoft looking into getting into the handheld market, and Sony is in a similar position with the PS5 as they were with the PS2 when they announced plans for a Playstation Portable.

Maybe nintendo will get lucky and manage to break records again with the switch 2, but I remember when Nintendo sat on the DS too long only to end up overpricing the 3DS.
What if this whole thing is just because their sources confused the calendar and fiscal years? Nintendo considers April 2024 to March 2025 to be "FY2025", so it could just be that it's Q1 of FY2025, which would be April-June 2024.
That is indeed possible, since it would align with other reports. Even though I think it‘s not very likely that all these panic is because of a misunderstanding.
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