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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Resetera admin closed further replies from the topic, lmfao.

None of those other games looks like something he "just stopped in with donuts" for. I guess admin didn't think it was odd for Etsushi Iizuka to be credited with "special thanks" for BG3.. okay..
"For all we know they stopped in with donuts during development."

Sure, homie just hopped a plane to Belgium to drop off some donuts. :ROFLMAO:

Although to be fair, I've had baked goods in Japan before and they are worth begging someone to take a plane trip.
You're operating on "almost counts" mentality.

That's a not a confirmation, it's a suggestion something could happen at best.
But FOR ME it is a confirmation.
Please don't be an expectations inspector, everyone here knows how to differentiate a real announcement from a name on a list of credits.

1. It's currently not on the Series S, it has not been released yet.
2. It ran so poorly on the Series S in development that it caused Microsoft to have to end feature parity between Series S and Series X to get Baldur's Gate 3 to release on Xbox by cutting split-screen from the Series S version.
3. The Series S has a massively more powerful CPU than the Switch 2.

So none of that is very optimistic for a port of the game.
The Series S has the same CPU than the PS5. The hurdle they had was lack of RAM for splitscreen.

From the developers own words:
"but if the party splits up and there's four characters going in four different directions in the city, and they start doing the crazy shit that I'm doing - fireballs, [etc.] - it's a lot of simulation that has to happen on one screen. And so that's taxing. That requires memory."

Not only OG Switch has a good chance of having more RAM than the Series S, they can remove splitscreen if needed, just like they're doing for the Series S version.

1. It's currently not on the Series S, it has not been released yet.
2. It ran so poorly on the Series S in development that it caused Microsoft to have to end feature parity between Series S and Series X to get Baldur's Gate 3 to release on Xbox by cutting split-screen from the Series S version.
3. The Series S has a massively more powerful CPU than the Switch 2.

So none of that is very optimistic for a port of the game.

  1. It's about to be released, the main thing holding back the release very much seemingly being engineering work to make split-screen attempt to work (And MS Sending Engineers in to try to see if it can work at all)
  2. It's about to be released, the main thing holding back the release very much seemingly being engineering work to make split-screen attempt to work (And MS Sending Engineers in to try to see if it can work at all)
  3. I wouldn't say massively, A78C is a quite competent CPU config with far higher IPC than Series S's CPU. Not to mention more Cache, and being paired with infintely lower latency memory (Which CPUs love low latency). Also Series S|X/PS5 having a neutered memory IC and memory setup in general CPU side helps Switch 2's prospects more.
Add in DLSS letting them upscale the split-screen mode (Something that isn't in use on the consoles), 10-11GB of Accessible memory + DLSS would probably let them have a lot more flexibility on split screen if they wanted to add it.

And even then DLSS in general would let the game perform a lot better and more stably GPU wise considering DLSS can put in a far better return relative to the internal resolution at a given target versus FSR2 in PS5's Perf Mode.

Not to mention the PS5 version runs at literal ultra settings which is theoretically around 20% more heavy for little visual difference.
The game runs on Steam Deck...
Impossible! Because ItWasMeantToBe19 said so!

"Special Thanks" can mean many things.

I mean, Larian no doubt wants BG3 on as many platforms as possible.
We know. I've received a "Special Thanks" credit myself too in the past, it was for almost literally nothing (it was lending our pool area for filming).

That argument holds less water when you look at his other "Special Thanks" credits. Just saying. Yes, it could be for nothing, but stop pretending his other "Special Thanks" credits are all also nothingburgers.
The Series S has the same CPU than the PS5. The hurdle they had was lack of RAM for splitscreen.

From the developers own words:
"but if the party splits up and there's four characters going in four different directions in the city, and they start doing the crazy shit that I'm doing - fireballs, [etc.] - it's a lot of simulation that has to happen on one screen. And so that's taxing. That requires memory."

Not only OG Switch has a good chance of having more RAM than the Series S, they can remove splitscreen if needed, just like they're doing for the Series S version.

Well, here's the current Steam Deck performance.

(To be fair, this guy has very bad settings as he could boost his visuals dramatically without harming his framerate much)
Well, here's the current Steam Deck performance.

(To be fair, this guy has very bad settings as he could boost his visuals dramatically without harming his framerate much)

So it runs? (although of course not ideally).

Where do you see Switch 2 ending up at? Below Steam Deck specwise? Or above it? Be honest.
Well, here's the current Steam Deck performance.

(To be fair, this guy has very bad settings as he could boost his visuals dramatically without harming his framerate much)

I'm not watching the 10 min, but from a quick glance at multiple points:

  • The game seems GPU limited there, usually at 90+%, while CPU is in the 60~80% range
  • Steam Deck is half of the Series S CPU at it's highest clock. We don't know yet how NG Switch compares to it.
  • Witcher 3 also had frame drops in the PS4 and they were able to cut down multiple things to make it playable on the Switch CPU.
(On page 1604, sees it’s up to 1665)


Don’t think I’ve missed much the past few days, have I?
Sorry but what's your point really ? You seem to have taken the tangent.

I pointed out an example pointing out how demanding this game is and people immediately started trying to argue against the specific example.

So I point out another example showing how demanding this game is.

Here's another example, the PS5's extremely powerful CPU can't maintain 30 FPS in Act 3.

It's not touchy, the thread just seems to have lost the plot and have devolved into bizarre conspiratorial stuff.
If you think this is a new problem, you haven't been involved with the Nintendo sphere for that long. People are desperate for information at all, so they devolve into conspiracy-level theories at the drop of a hat. I'm personally alright with it because usually the people here have a semblance of grounding in reality when it comes to what's possible.

However we've hit the uncomfortable phase of "Oh god we want this thing to be announced and we'll crack theory ourselves into finding any possible details". It's always the worst part of discussing a potential new console.
I don't think Nintendo will include number in the name. Too much potential confusion IMHO for casual gamers
I've been thinking the opposite. This century there are so many rereleases of a system within a single generation that already take the base system name + another word, that doing the same thing for a new generation makes it less obvious it's something different. If you want something people aren't going to lump together with Lite or OLED, I think "2" does that more clearly than "Super" or "Next" or "Up". Not something that was an issue back with the NES->SNES transition.
Neither company would have had any idea another company was working on a different Mario RPG project. Hell, teams inside Nintendo themselves don't even know what other internal teams are working on.
It's not like these are Mario RPG projects in development in 1400 in Europe and North America. At minimum they'll share some producers.
People are conditioned by Sony to think higher number is more powerful.

And Nintendo Switch 2 has a lower number than PS5

Oh dear
Same reason GTA VI will do so much worse than FF XVI.
I pointed out an example pointing out how demanding this game is and people immediately started trying to argue against the specific example.

So I point out another example showing how demanding this game is.

Here's another example, the PS5's extremely powerful CPU can't maintain 30 FPS in Act 3.

Series S has been able to run BG3 since the start of the controversy, only issue was that they couldnt make co-op work and due to the ‘parity’ needed between Series X and S they couldnt drop it until recently. I would think that if it could be ported to Series S in most cases it can be ported to Switch 2 with some downgrades
I pointed out an example pointing out how demanding this game is and people immediately started trying to argue against the specific example.

So I point out another example showing how demanding this game is.

Here's another example, the PS5's extremely powerful CPU can't maintain 30 FPS in Act 3.

Then your point is that a Nintendo employee being credited for BG3 means nothing because the game simply couldn't run on Nintendo's upcoming and unannounced console ?
I mean, it's true that sometimes the thread crosses the line between speculation and conspirancy (and that's fine).

But this is a literal Nintendo worker who has been credited for a game that has the potential to be released in Switch 2, and we know that this worker has been credited multiple times for other projects that launched on Nintendo consoles (obviusly, being a Nintendo employee). Speculating about the significance of this is the most logical thing in the world.
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I pointed out an example pointing out how demanding this game is and people immediately started trying to argue against the specific example.

So I point out another example showing how demanding this game is.

Here's another example, the PS5's extremely powerful CPU can't maintain 30 FPS in Act 3.

That says Quality mode though. If it were Performance, then maybe the CPU is limited, but Quality is more about pushing graphically.
I think you need to stop telling people what to do, it’s annoying. It’s worrying about what others speculate on only to tell them “well you’re wrong”.

Giving the vibes of that person coming out of that water well in that meme.
I’m going to quote myself here.

And I am also going to quote what this thread is titled as:

Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion​

and I’m going to bring that meme here

The guy in the well.
Baldur's Gate 3 is also the ONLY game not on a Nintendo platform that Iizuka's ever been credited on.

Those doughnuts must be something else! Also I hear they're a big Xenoblade 2 fan.
Do you think the Switch 2 will match the Series S CPU performance (which is what I'm responding to)

No, you were responding to this:
Series S has been able to run BG3 since the start of the controversy, only issue was that they couldnt make co-op work and due to the ‘parity’ needed between Series X and S they couldnt drop it until recently. I would think that if it could be ported to Series S in most cases it can be ported to Switch 2 with some downgrades

You then said "absolutely not", even though BG3 is playable on SteamDeck. Thus my question to you if you think Switch 2 isn't even going to outperform SteamDeck.

Nowhere in Blue Monty's comment did he say it was going to match Series S CPU performance.
No, you were responding to this:

You then said "absolutely not", even though BG3 is playable on SteamDeck. Thus my question to you if you think Switch 2 isn't even going to outperform SteamDeck.

Nowhere in Blue Monty's comment did he say it was going to match Series S CPU performance.

"I would think that if it could be ported to Series S in most cases it can be ported to Switch 2 with some downgrades"

This is an absolutely not.
"I would think that if it could be ported to Series S in most cases it can be ported to Switch 2 with some downgrades"

This is an absolutely not.
People used to laugh at the idea of Witcher 3 being brought to Switch. There were some downgrades of course but it was something that happened.

You seem to be implying "IMPOSSIBRU!!" at the idea of BG3 showing up on Switch 2 in any capability. Even though BG3 is in fact playable on SteamDeck.
"I would think that if it could be ported to Series S in most cases it can be ported to Switch 2 with some downgrades"

This is an absolutely not.
It really isn't. Based on what we know, NG Switch should be more than capable of running almost any game Series S can. Provided the right optimisations, of course.
People used to laugh at the idea of Witcher 3 being brought to Switch. There were some downgrades of course but it was something that happened.

You seem to be implying "IMPOSSIBRU!!" at the idea of BG3 showing up on Switch 2 in any capability. Even though BG3 is in fact playable on SteamDeck.

Do you ever try to defend the actual post instead of a fantasy version of a post that is much easier to defend.

What about all the PS4 games that did not come to Switch.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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