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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

So, could the game come to Redacted? Well... the thing is that Series S already cuts the effects down to the nub, and uses Ultra Performance mode. It doesn't seem like Redacted has any more tools in it's toolbox, short of the devs enabling a 30fps mode, which they seem dead set against.
If desired, they could do a 60p->1080p scale. Ultra Performance is the lowest user-facing setting they put in options menus, but there isn't a flat "x3" limit. So it is possible they could do a bigger stretch than Series S and come up with a similar image quality.
I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"
IMDb is like Wikipedia, it operates on good faith user input until someone bones it up and it needs correcting. So don't read too much into an unannounced thing showing up there.
Update: Thread error! Sorry

I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"



It may be a simple placeholder, although there is no reason to make such a placeholder, I don't understand if this could be talking more than necessary without us knowing anything.
aren't these profiles edited by random people?
Update: Thread error! Sorry

I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"



It may be a simple placeholder, although there is no reason to make such a placeholder, I don't understand if this could be talking more than necessary without us knowing anything.
As noted by others, IMDb is a good-faith wiki that's edited and moderated by its userbase. If you visit the page for "Untitled Star Fox Game for Nintendo Switch" itself, you'll see that the directors are simply a copy-paste of Star Fox Zero, and under "official sites" is a link to a Zippo rumor from last year (which ironically states that PlatinumGames devs are not involved). So not only did whoever make this page do it based on that rumor, but they also ignored half of what was even said when guessing who's probably involved.
Star Fox could make for a very nice early gen visual showcase title thats development time wouldn't be anywhere near as long as the 3D Mario, Zeldas etc.
People were saying the direct could be early September so anything is possible at this point
Nevermind am only after seeing the source of the imminent Direct being reported on is none other than Zippo themselves

So the first FSR2 Ultra Performance game has hit consoles, and it wasn't a desperate Series S port like I expected. Immortals of Aveum uses Ultra Performance on every console. On Series X and PS5, it's upscaling 720p to 4k. On Series S it's upscaling something below 480p to 1080p.

I think those who describe upscaling as a "crutch" are being a little ridiculous, but in the Series S case they are pushing beyond FSR2's design a bit. FSR2 is designed to make 4k images, pushing the upscaling to the max to only generate a 1080p image is probably going too far.

If we're seeing these sorts of things already, we have to accept that upscaling artifacts are here to stay. There are a class of people who think that, as long as the performance is there, temporal reconstruction should extract as many pixels as it can, and I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, but I really do hate the fizz and motion trails that are TU's worst case scenario. Part of me cries out for a lower res but crisp image, nearest neighbor upscaled to 4k. But I'm not sure I would actually like that - it's just is the shit worth the shake.

Of course, FSR2's fizz is way worse than DLSS 2's. This gives us an opportunity to compare the two.

Here is some PS5 gameplay. Watch in 4k to give the game a fair shake, but pay attention to the character's arm every time they change weapons. Just a sea of fizzy pixels.

Here is some DLSS 2 Ultra Performance gameplay of a similar battle. These settings aren't matched at all, so the PC version is going to generally look better. Ignore that for a second, just watch the hand.

It's still fizzy pixels, and in stills I can make both look positively awful, but in general DLSS more quickly figures out how to connect those pixels into lines, with far fewer motion artifacts. DLSS 2 actually is designed to resolve non-4k images, and Nvidia has invested heavily in their ultra performance solution and it shows.

So, could the game come to Redacted? Well... the thing is that Series S already cuts the effects down to the nub, and uses Ultra Performance mode. It doesn't seem like Redacted has any more tools in it's toolbox, short of the devs enabling a 30fps mode, which they seem dead set against.

It's a crude window, but you can start to see how Nvidia's tech is superior, but it doesn't necessarily enable more ports so much as it enables better ones. DLSS 2 will look better at matched settings with FSR2, but the power gap here means that matched settings aren't really possible.

When I had my RTX 3070 I used UP with DLSS 2.5.1 at 4k and it looked fine in games like RDR2, CP2077 and DOOM Eternal. It’s better than FSR2.1 in performance mode I think
Update: Thread error! Sorry

I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"



It may be a simple placeholder, although there is no reason to make such a placeholder, I don't understand if this could be talking more than necessary without us knowing anything.

Can you use the way back machine to figure out when this was added?

Also, who controls imdb profiles? The artists themselves or is it edited by random?
Update: Thread error! Sorry

I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"



It may be a simple placeholder, although there is no reason to make such a placeholder, I don't understand if this could be talking more than necessary without us knowing anything.
Edit. I read what people said lol
There are 3 GPU clocks developers can use in portable mode. We know that Doom Eternal even switches between these 3 clocks as needed.

Portable 307MHz or 157GFLOPs upto ~240GFLOPs mixed precision
Performance 384MHz or 196GFLOPs upto ~300GFLOPs mixed precision
Boost mode 460MHz or 235GFLOPs upto ~360GFLOPs mixed precision
Docked 768MHz or 393GFLOPs upto ~600GFLOPs mixed precision

MK11 was the first game to officially support 460MHz portably, but it is available.
Thanks for the correction. Very, very, very few modern AAA games use mixed precision according to several developers I asked. It's a BS thing used to market a GPU as having more (as much as double) floating point performance than it has for 99% of modern AAA games.
Update: Thread error! Sorry

I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"



It may be a simple placeholder, although there is no reason to make such a placeholder, I don't understand if this could be talking more than necessary without us knowing anything.
IMDB is not a reliable source. Things can be submitted by anyone, even as placeholders for major releases, all it needs is an article that "confirms" the existance of something as proof (this is the one that the "Untitled Star Fox game" uses on IMBD as proof https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/star-fox-nintendo-switch-new-game-leaked/ and was an article on a Zippo claim), and then the person can just add anything onto the page as placeholder/who they think would be working on it. I remember seeing one for the Mario movie before any information about the movie was revealed, and the thing went like "Mario stops Tatanga (the Mario Land villan) and saves Princess Daisy and Sarasaland".
I did this in 15 minutes:

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Nintendo direct on the 13th! Pyoro like my tweet lmao
11th/12th/13th is what I have in my head. I figure they want to have a Direct on or around the day the first Pokemon S/V DLC drops, but I know Wednesday is traditionally the most common day for a Direct, which would be the 13th.
one more point on the UE5 thing. people are just gonna have to accept that the engine was made with upscaling in mind. not a problem for console gamers, but it's more of the high end PC crowd; Cult of the Native Pixels.

even the mighty 4090 is brought to its knees with Fortnite at max settings and no upscaling. but Immortals isn't a sign of anything but UE5 making bad practices worse. the other major UE5 game out, Remnant 2 had good scalability if you were willing to turn on upscaling. Lords of the Fallen will be the next major game to use all the goodies, and that had hands on already so it should be good. and not UE5, but has a lot of the same features, Avatar will humble a lot of the cultists

Yea, but when they're contradicting each other (hence my tx1 vs dlss soc example), I will personally put my money on the data mines. That's all I'm saying.

I think that's fair and reasonable.

So the first FSR2 Ultra Performance game has hit consoles, and it wasn't a desperate Series S port like I expected. Immortals of Aveum uses Ultra Performance on every console. On Series X and PS5, it's upscaling 720p to 4k. On Series S it's upscaling something below 480p to 1080p.

I think those who describe upscaling as a "crutch" are being a little ridiculous, but in the Series S case they are pushing beyond FSR2's design a bit. FSR2 is designed to make 4k images, pushing the upscaling to the max to only generate a 1080p image is probably going too far.

If we're seeing these sorts of things already, we have to accept that upscaling artifacts are here to stay. There are a class of people who think that, as long as the performance is there, temporal reconstruction should extract as many pixels as it can, and I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, but I really do hate the fizz and motion trails that are TU's worst case scenario. Part of me cries out for a lower res but crisp image, nearest neighbor upscaled to 4k. But I'm not sure I would actually like that - it's just is the shit worth the shake.

Of course, FSR2's fizz is way worse than DLSS 2's. This gives us an opportunity to compare the two.

Here is some PS5 gameplay. Watch in 4k to give the game a fair shake, but pay attention to the character's arm every time they change weapons. Just a sea of fizzy pixels.

Here is some DLSS 2 Ultra Performance gameplay of a similar battle. These settings aren't matched at all, so the PC version is going to generally look better. Ignore that for a second, just watch the hand.

It's still fizzy pixels, and in stills I can make both look positively awful, but in general DLSS more quickly figures out how to connect those pixels into lines, with far fewer motion artifacts. DLSS 2 actually is designed to resolve non-4k images, and Nvidia has invested heavily in their ultra performance solution and it shows.

So, could the game come to Redacted? Well... the thing is that Series S already cuts the effects down to the nub, and uses Ultra Performance mode. It doesn't seem like Redacted has any more tools in it's toolbox, short of the devs enabling a 30fps mode, which they seem dead set against.

It's a crude window, but you can start to see how Nvidia's tech is superior, but it doesn't necessarily enable more ports so much as it enables better ones. DLSS 2 will look better at matched settings with FSR2, but the power gap here means that matched settings aren't really possible.

FSR2 ultra performance on every console, 480p to 1080 for the Series S, wow. Yeah that is.. rough.
I didn't expect to see that so soon on this gen. The Series S port is just hideous, especially with all the visual clutter that game has. That the kind of extreme compromise I was expected for handle mode on Redacted (in a few years).

It seems these guys have gone a bit overboard with the new UE5 tools, let's see if other devs use it in a more refined way but indeed it doesn't bode well for UE5 ports on NG switch.
Regardless of whether this will materialize or not. Who ever did this fake logo.... It breaks every rule of Graphic design post the year 2000. Shabby stuff.
The "9" doesn't even have the same angle or depth as the "Mario Kart." Rather than applying the same effect to them both he applied it separately and then just plopped them together. It's so bad. 🤣
This person needs to be reported because they’re going to spoil the direct again. Hopefully, Nintendo or someone can make them stop
Google might be concerned with regards to potential security implications of nintendo's youtube channel but "they spoiled the direct" is not by itself sufficient reason for someone to be reported.
"We want leaks!"
"What if they're real?"
"No, because then that is a spoiler and we must report the user."
"So it's okay if they're fake?"
"No, because then they aren't leaks, they are thread-shitting, and we must report the user."
"So, you want leaks, but you will report the user whether they are true or false."
Update: Thread error! Sorry

I was looking at Naofumi Harada's pre-Astral Chain works as a composer, and when I got to his IMDB page I found this. His next work, "coming soon: Untitled Star Fox for Nintendo Switch"



It may be a simple placeholder, although there is no reason to make such a placeholder, I don't understand if this could be talking more than necessary without us knowing anything.
this could be related for remaster Bandai Namco is doing for Nintendo, maybe this Star Fox game is actually a remaster of Star Fox Assault?
who is this lol people just posting whatever on twitter now


I utterly despise how shallow the 9 is compared to the depth of the letters, especially since the 9 is sitting closer to us on the Z axis. Lol
I have a suggestion. Let's stop quoting his tweets. It's exactly what he wants. We're feeding his ego. The more exposure he gets, the more he will mislead.
yes the longer he made this absurd tweets, the higher the change Nintendo ninjas will terminate this guy(even posting fake news about Nintendo next hardware, Nintendo want all eyes on Switch not on his next gen hardware)
Did you know the price difference between the different cache configurations? Nintendo will probably go for the best bang for buck, not the best performance unless they happen to coincide.
Cache is a little pricey, but the actual values will vary based on node - how much I'm not sure, it's not my area of expertise at all.

There are only a few reasons to go with A78C over base A78, and the cache is maybe the biggest one. So I tend to assume that Nintendo is going to leverage the larger cache, but it's a weak assumption - I wouldn't be surprised if the single cluster and the security features were basically "free" wins, and the larger cache was never considered.
Thanks for the correction. Very, very, very few modern AAA games use mixed precision according to several developers I asked. It's a BS thing used to market a GPU as having more (as much as double) floating point performance than it has for 99% of modern AAA games.

The developer I questioned on this over at Beyond3D was a developer who had worked at Ubisoft, and he told me that most shaders can be done in half precision without to many artifacts. Mobile based games make heavy use of half precision shaders because their resources are much more limited and any artifacts will likely go unnoticed on small mobile display. Now if you were to ask a developer who has primarily been developing games that target PS4/X1, they wouldn't be using them because those consoles did not support half precision. I believe support for half precision was built into the PS4 Pro and was used for their checkerboard rendering technique. Even though PS5 and the Series consoles support half precision, most games have still been supporting PS4/X1, so most games most likely didnt bother to implement half precision shaders, but who knows, that could be very wrong.

I do remember being told that its wrong to assume double the performance with half precision. There are numerous limitations that drag performance down and while I do not remember all the specifics its important to remember that the shader performance is just one part of the rendering pipeline, and just because you increased your shader performance, nothing else was boosted and limitations elsewhere may stalling out the additional shader throughput.
I hope they can confirm what tomorrow is.
Not sure. Most devs still haven‘t figured out weekdays yet. That‘s why Nintendo usually only is able to release new games on Friday. It‘s a well known fact among the industry that that day will happen in any week.

Also the reason for the short notice of directs. They only get info about the weekday 1 day beforehand.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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