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StarTopic Fire Emblem Community |ST| The Friends We Made Along the Way

It’s fairly similar as far as I remember. Lots of differing objectives, reach ABC point, save XYZ etc, with plenty of choke points, rather than just ‘wipe out the enemy/kill the leader over there’. It leans a little heavily on enemy reinforcements to change the pace of the battle and keep the threat level up, but the rings give you such powerful tools to handle groups of enemies too.
Apart from the reinforcements stuff, that sounds great! If it's interesting, I don't think I would mind the constant reinforcements. Now I'll definitely play this after SMT Vengeance.
Noooo I just remembered Seadall's going to be stuck with Corrin.

I'm stuck with Ice vein (no fog or flame sadge), no extended torrential roar, and Seadall would rather dance than make use of Corrins immense utility.
Fogado (Only lategame bow, meaning you don't have to focus on Etie/Alcryst earlygame, and can go with other units through the midgame bottleneck)
I totally forgot about Fogado being a mid-to-late game bow user! I've tried using him in his special class and I've tried him as a Warrior (the whole Warrior+Magic+Radiant Bow combo), but he's never really shined for me. Don't get me wrong, he was incredibly useful! But Chloe has always shined brighter in that role for me. I love Fogado's character though. His design is amazing and his personality is hilarious.

Ivy (I've personally found that without Lyn Ivy struggles immensely in a few areas, and I prefer Lyn on a physical unit for bow support, also feels outclassed by Zelestia)
I always just give Ivy Speedtaker and call it a day, and she turns out perfectly for me. She usually just goes from recruitment with a Bond Ring and Speedtaker to whenever I get the DLC bracelets or Emblem Celica back and still performs top-tier. I've heard people swear by Lyn on Ivy, but the few times I've tried it, it's been incredibly underwhelming.

Celine (Earlygame carry, competent healer lategame. Dex is too low for Ignis's mediocre reward though)
That's where Marth comes in, as he patches that up and gives her 3 chances with just Break Defenses, 4 chances when Engaged IIRC, and 7 chances for it to proc during Lodestar Rush. This is especially important during Lodestar Rush, where Ignis turns into what could be a dicey situation into a boss kill or give you wiggle room pretty easily. (Timerra is the same, but with 8 chances for Sandstorm instead of 7.) But Marth is the earlygame and lategame solution. In the mid-game, I give her Byleth. (And I have a hard time taking that away.)

Hortensia ( Me issue - I generally play the game without vulneraries and status staves, with the exception of healing staves, which eliminates a lot of what makes hortensia good)
Fair, but that's a self-imposed challenge, it sounds like. While I don't usually use Fracture, movement staves like Rescue, Warp, and Rewarp are the ones that make Hortensia shine. Their rarity and extreme usefulness, when paired with someone who can extend the range and duration on her own, and has high movement, is what makes Hortensia incredibly valuable. (Fortify also counts here, since other staff-using fliers can't reach S-Rank in staves.)

I personally play the game without second seals for everyone but Jean and Anna, so that's how I'll be basing this list.
I highly recommend trying out Martial Master Clanne! Even without too much investment (usually only Break Defenses, which can be pretty easy to acquire with a little grinding and Micaiah, and House Leaders later on), he's almost always one of my top units. He naturally has the speed to double, the Defense bonus from the Emblem gives him just a tad more bulk, and the Strength bonus lets him hit harder. Add in Lunar Brace(+) and natural access to Weapon Sync, and I'm sure he'd be a monster for you as he is for me.

Zelestia (Magic Flier without any of Ivy's emblem dependancy)
My Zelestias have always been good but never great. I've tried her with Celica (my go-to), Chrom (good for mixed units but not the best), and Camilla (I still like her on Ivy better). I may try her with Roy one day, but overall, she's always just never held up. I like her class and I like her as a unit, but every time I use her, Celine is just naturally better at everything but movement. Any suggestions?

Framme (Earlygame staff/chain guard support)
Framme + Break Defenses (and Lunar Brace maybe?) = Surprising flexibility. Combat viability due to Lunar Brace and Break Defenses, S-Rank staff usage, and Emblem Lucina's Guard ability but now at 100% for everyone. (And with Emblem Lucina's weapons, the ability to take down fliers and dragons if you need an extra bow for the moment.)

Celine/Hortensia (Frail staff support)
If you're only using Celine for staff support, I feel like you may not be using her to her best potential.

To me, Celine has always worked due to her flexibility. If you give her Marth, she becomes a 2-range sword dogdetank that can heal if/when needed, and the Lodestar Rush gives her 7 attempts to proc Ignis. Marth also gives her a very nice boost in Strength (for Ignis), Speed (to dodgetank), and Skill (again for Ignis). (Granted, her Levin Sword will need to be forged so that it's lighter, but it still works out great.)

Emblem Chrom works well on her as well, as she gains an extra 10 Magic when Engaged, and the bonuses to Strength, Speed, and Skill from Marth's bracelet carry over here too. Giga Levin Sword may not be the best Engage Attack, but with her increased Magic stat it can do a fair bit of damage.

Meanwhile Byleth is practically made for her. With Byleth, Celine can now Rally, heal, attack, break axe-enemies while being protected, and even refresh four allies at once. When Engaged, Byleth allows her to attack from behind even the backline, keeping her safe from counters. Her own combat viability and healing abilities mean she can recharge her gauge pretty quickly away from direct combat, and then get back to rallying or refreshing allies even quicker. (Maybe adding Draconic Hex will help her soften opponents from a distance here too. She has access to Divine Pulse and naturally has high luck, so low accuracy isn't as much of a concern.)

So, with Byleth and/or Chrom, you've got a solid healer and dodgetank mage in the earlygame, who can become a refresher and backline attacker in the midgame, to a unit who can do all that and more, such as debuffing with Draconic Hex from the backline in the lategame. Celine is a unit who can evolve as the game goes on, with minimal investment IMO.

Hortensia is a ready-made Staffbot. Just invest one Master Seal and she's good to go. And she's only frail to physical attacks, which she shouldn't be near anyways. By the lategame, nearly all of my Hortensias for all of my playthroughs was immune to magic attacks. (Granted, she couldn't attack back very well, but her purpose in those situations was to aggro the magic.)

Jade/Bunet (Could've joined like 3 chapters ago and still would've been bad)
I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS JADE SLANDER! JADE MAY BE WEIRD BUT SHE'S ALSO VERY COOL. THAT IS ALL. All jokes aside, I get it. Jade is one of my favorite units, but she's usually a unit I have to willingly invest into if I want to use. That usually means she's stuck with Ike or the House Leaders. Both of which are good for her and help cover her flaws and weird growths, but other units can use them better. (Madeline or even Jean for Emblem Ike + General, and Clanne, Merrin, Alcryst, or even Lapis for House Leaders.) Interestingly, I heard about a Wyvern Rider + Hector outfit for Jade that sounded incredibly interesting. It supposedly carried someone's Lunatic or Maddening run, and I'm somewhat tempted to try it. I can see that being the case, since Jade has weirdly high Res, and Impenetrable increases the Res by 50% when Engaged and during Enemy Phase. Making her an Enemy Phase tank could be a fun idea...hmm...

This wouldn't help your ranking of her, as she still joins far after Louis and even Jean, and this requires quite the investment, but it's an option.
I just do not understand the argument that NG+ not being in Engage is some sort of negative. Literally only one game in the series has the feature - and it's the one game that distances itself from the series conventions the most. And it's probably the second grindiest game outside of an Awakening post-game DLC run.
Actually, two games do. Radiant Dawn has New Game+
I wish I had gotten into this series before the 3DS eShop shut down, because I'd love to go back and play Fates. Amazon has copies for sale, but you never know what you're gonna get there.
Happy 9th anniversary to the JP release of Fire Emblem Fates! You were the best of times, you were the blurst of times.

Fire Emblem Birthright truly my fave in the series. Such great mechanics and classes.
I will never stop marveling at the insane chain of actions required in a RD NG+ run just for the reveal that Soren is Ashnard and Almedha's son in the game's ending.

That's just honoring the legacy of Kaga by including a bunch of nonsense nobody would ever figure out without a guide.
I get the appeal of having extra what if content on a ng+/2nd run, but I also hate it. Fire Emblem games are long, even if you're skipping story cut scenes, attack animations, and doing things like warp skipping maps. Locking playable characters and lore behind needing to beat a game twice is very frustrating.
whats everyone's emblem ring equipping setup?

here's mine:

alear + marth (cuz its the most iconic emblem thats equipped with the main character)
timerra + ike (first equipped)
anna + leif
céline + celica (both tome users and was first equipped)
rosado + eirika
goldmary + camilla
yunaka + micaiah (first equipped)
seadall + corrin (first equipped)
ivy + lyn (first equipped)
bunet + edelgard/claude/dimitri
hortensia + byleth
veyle + lucina
etie + sigurd
merrin + roy
mauvier + tiki
It really depended on the situation, but my favorite pairs were

Alear and Lucina
The bonus follow up attacks from someone always on the front line were a must. Plus it turned Alear into a perfect tank for a turn.

Pandreo and Byleth
He becomes a staffer who can also Dance 4 people at once. Including Seadall and whoever is holding Veronica who can also dance someone... With planning, this and Micaiah's enhanced warps were so much fun

Timerra and Sigurd
Once her defence hits a certain threshold, Sandstorm becomes very, very reliable and Sigurd gives her perfect coverage. I don't recommend this though.
It really depended on the situation, but my favorite pairs were

Alear and Lucina
The bonus follow up attacks from someone always on the front line were a must. Plus it turned Alear into a perfect tank for a turn.

Pandreo and Byleth
He becomes a staffer who can also Dance 4 people at once. Including Seadall and whoever is holding Veronica who can also dance someone... With planning, this and Micaiah's enhanced warps were so much fun

Timerra and Sigurd
Once her defence hits a certain threshold, Sandstorm becomes very, very reliable and Sigurd gives her perfect coverage. I don't recommend this though.
that looks more advanced than my setup 🤩😅. i'm still terrible at optimised RPG setups and i had to learn from twitch streamers how to optimise it for the best results
I'm really wanting to replay Engage but my brother has my copy at the moment 😔

I think my most memorable pair was Bow Knight Merrin and Sigurd, she got the most kills nearly every chapter.
how far is he at the game?

were the enemy defeats from the bow attacks, the engage attacks or both?

I think he's at Solm and is taking forever, I'm going to take the cartridge back if he takes another month 😈

Mostly just her bow tbh, the ol' kill and retreat tactic with Seadall support meant she killed a lot of people lol
it wouldn't hold up in maddening for various reasons but my favorite combo was Yunaka+Corrin

it was a lot of fun having someone with such high evasion already also be able to make a smoke cloud anywhere
it wouldn't hold up in maddening for various reasons but my favorite combo was Yunaka+Corrin

it was a lot of fun having someone with such high evasion already also be able to make a smoke cloud anywhere
Dodgetank Yunaka is still good in maddening IMO, as is dodgetank Alear.

Thanks to Yunaka joining pre chapter 10, you have a lot of different ways to manage your avoid - Engraves, Terrain, Avo Inheritance.

At the very least the combo is convenient bc its sometimes nice to just have a plug for problematic terrain, but can work wonders if its properly optimized to create minimal, but non-zero hit rates.
I’ve been eyeing up Fire Emblem Heroes as a possible mobile game to play. Is this easy to get into these days without needing to do a lot of research?

I should add, I have no interest in having the best units, just being able to enjoy the story (if there is one) and be able to beat the levels without a grind
I’ve been eyeing up Fire Emblem Heroes as a possible mobile game to play. Is this easy to get into these days without needing to do a lot of research?

Depends on how you wanna play the game.

Wanna be top of the tops, ranking high in the PVP modes, and so on? Absolutely not in this case.
The meta changes often, you need to either have the luck of leprechauns ... or their cauldron full of gold ... to stay up to date. And there's soooo much annoying stuff that makes the PVP modes simply unfun unless you're able to use this stuff too.

If you just wanna have a shot of FE gameplay, enjoy building your favorite chars and use them in the PVE modes? Sure, you can play as you want and enjoy things. The game offers lots of free heroes via various ways, it even gives you some real good free unit you could totally use in the modes from above once in a while.


About the second part ... well ... story ... for the main chapters it's basically on the level of Engage. In the case of "There is story".

But once a month (or more often if there are reruns of previous entries) there's a mode called "Forging Bonds", which is a grind mode (but an easy one with enough time to get all rewards without having to rush), that's basically split up into 5 stories, a main one including all of the new characters featured in the event (and the banner), and 4 personal stories for each of those banner heroes.

They interact with heroes from other games here, and imo those are great little stories, sometimes funny, sometimes sad ... yeah, this is good stuff imo.
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Thanks Bonejack. I went back and edited my post which you may have missed. I’m not interested in being the best player, just playing and beating the levels
You can absolutely do all that as a free to play player, and you could go through the earlier ranks of PVP stuff like Arena fine once you built up a bit of a roster. The really high level stuff even I don't touch!

If you're thinking about a good time to join, the Choose Your Legends event is in August when you can choose a free FRobin, Bernadetta, Felix or Alfonse as they get their special units for winning this year's popularity poll (they're usually always good units)
You can absolutely do all that as a free to play player, and you could go through the earlier ranks of PVP stuff like Arena fine once you built up a bit of a roster. The really high level stuff even I don't touch!

If you're thinking about a good time to join, the Choose Your Legends event is in August when you can choose a free FRobin, Bernadetta, Felix or Alfonse as they get their special units for winning this year's popularity poll (they're usually always good units)

They should join earlier, right now there's still the free hero from the last two CYL, and iirc. the one from 2 years ago ends when the new one starts in August and add the free one from this year.

Basically, joining before CYL means getting one more unit that's still perfectly useable, good, and in parts even meta-relevant. ^^

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