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News Embracer Group acquires Bitwave Games, Gioteck, Limited Run Games, Middle-earth Enterprises, Singtrix, Tatsujin, Tripwire Interactive, and Tuxedo Labs

Just crazy, at this point. Other publishers and funds are going to look at this and think "gee, maybe we should snap up some studios and licenses!" Consolidation running riot right now across arts and entertainment.

Apart from Nintendo, who will nod sagely and go "time to unleash the Stinky Horse."
Bold prediction: Nintendo will buy another company before the end of the year.
part of me wants to see bandai namco or koei tecmo being acquired just to see nintendo moving.

its not like i approve the wave of acquisitions, but i find this thought pretty amusing.
Bold prediction: Nintendo will buy another company before the end of the year.

I wouldn't be shocked personally, but it's going to be a protective acquisition in nature, rather than an aggressive one. Nintendo will continue to focus on protecting their long-term partners (like they have been with the SRD and NLG purchases), so expect formal acquisitions of studios such as HAL, Intelligent Systems, Camelot and Greezo; rather than purchases of publishers like Square Enix and Konami.
part of me wants to see bandai namco or koei tecmo being acquired just to see nintendo moving.

its not like i approve the wave of acquisitions, but i find this thought pretty amusing.

They'd just find different partners. They even set up an entire studio to later develop Smash before they settled on Bandai Namco. It's not like they can't do that again.

I wouldn't be shocked personally, but it's going to be a protective acquisition in nature, rather than an aggressive one. Nintendo will continue to focus on protecting their long-term partners (like they have been with the SRD and NLG purchases), so expect formal acquisitions of studios such as HAL, Intelligent Systems, Camelot and Greezo; rather than purchases of publishers like Square Enix and Konami.

They're not going to purchase a publisher either way but we just saw them acquire Dynamo Pictures very recently and that definitely wasn't a protective acquisition.
Just how much money does Embracer have? And how did the group get so much money?

Have they found a real tree that grows money? Who do i have to bribe to get to know the location of it?
Just how much money does Embracer have? And how did the group get so much money?

Have they found a real tree that grows money? Who do i have to bribe to get to know the location of it?
I asked someone I trust since my earlier posts here, apparently they have financing and their acquisitions keep doing well for them as they work together.

Still feels weird from a distance though.
What does Embracer actually do where they have all this money for acquisitions? It’s endless with them.
They search all the time for investors to finance the acquisitions, investors buy treasury shares of the company and Embracer uses the money to pay for all the acquisitions.
This sentence alone on Wikipedia:
As of August 2022, Embracer Group has 120 internal game development studios and is engaging more than 12,750 employees and contracted employees in more than 40 countries.
They have twice as many employees than Nintendo
They search all the time for investors to finance the acquisitions, investors buy treasury shares of the company and Embracer uses the money to pay for all the acquisitions.
Thanks for this too. That completes the picture for me.
Don't recognize any of these names except for Limited Run. I think they're supposed to have horrible management but I'm sure this will make things worse.
The name of the company "Embracer" is funny in light of what they are doing, like as if they are destined to acquire as many companies as possible into one family. Truly living up to their name. I wonder if that was their motive in the first place.

Thank you for reading.
It was, they were THQ Nordic until a year or two ago when they started the acquisition push.
Well this was a hell of a thing to wake up to. The LotR rights are a big deal and it's going to be interesting to see what happens with all the in-flight projects like Amazon's show and the Gollum game.

Although I guess Fantasy Flight Games's LotR LCG is safe since FFG is a subsidiary of Asmodee which is owned by Embracer...

I hope this doesn’t affect the employment of Jeremy Parish or Jared Petty.
Parish hasn't said anything on Twitter yet. I could easily see him getting shifted over to Dark Horse now, or going somewhere else entirely. My impression was he joined LRG because they were local and then it turned out it made more sense to publish the books through them vs. continuing with Fangamer.

They're also running out of August to open up sales for the SNES Works reprint which his videos have been saying are coming this month, and that makes me a little nervous about the whole endeavor.

Personally I think this will bolster LRG publishing and add efficiency to the product. At what cost to the collector item aspect and the historical preservation side of their work, I am concerned. I could see Embracer using their current distribution and production channels to help throughput. Probably also will increase retail access, which was already starting to increase for games with broader appeal (have an Amazon webstore and the Beat Buy distribution of a good chunk of games). Still don’t like the insane acquisition pace that Embracer has.
Yea, I'm not a fan at how quickly Embracer is buying stuff up either, but I think this is a significant win for LRG who have been punching way above their weight for a couple years now. And as the other thread here can attest they've got plenty of issues that can be addressed easily by having people with more experience step in and take over.

But with LRG no longer being an independent entity I am wondering if that's going to constrain their access now. Will their terms remain the same and indie will continue to work with them, or is their pipeline about to shrink dramatically? What about their partnerships with companies like Arc, Konami, and Inti Creates?

Much better than them being sat on by mediocre publishers who don't understand their pedigree to die in obscurity. cough*Square*cough
I think they understood it which is why they at least attempted new entries, but the Avengers opportunity blindsided them.
Bold prediction: Nintendo will buy another company before the end of the year.
They could but is really unpredictable when they do it and what company. They could announce tomorrow that they are buying the distribution branch of their games in Brazil or not buy anything for 5+ years and then buy a Japanese indie developer that has released just two games all Nintendo exclusive and co-owned.
I live in constant fear of one day being acquired by Embracer.
Bold prediction: Nintendo will buy another company before the end of the year.
They are gonna buy more Kyoto land is more like it

I think the most interesting is the acquisition of Middle-Earth Enterprises for anything related to the Hobbit & LOTR in the future.

All these acquisitions came together for the cost of 600$mil.

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