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Discussion Camelot seems to be maybe the only one of Nintendo's ususal partners that it's been MIA for over 3 years now. What are they cooking?

I have noticed that in the last couple of years we have seen titles from pretty much every one of Nintendo's third party partners or even internal companies, not counting some of EPD's teams, with a few cases going back to 2022 like Next Level games or the musou devs, but we have seen pretty much everything from the devs that the latest time they made a game for Nintendo was in 2021. Recently we have at least seen the most recent games from Retro, Nd Cube, Creatures, Inteligent Systems, NST, Good Feel, Tantalus and likely Grezzo and Indieszero if they are making Echoes of Wisdom and Nintendo World Championship respectively, but there is currently one big exception that hasn't revealed a new game since mid 2021, so there has been 3 years since we last saw a title from them and we probably won't see them until next year, and those are Camelot. For the record, I will give some information:

-They already made their usual Mario Tennis and Mario Golf games for the Switch, so it's unlikely they will make another one for the system, since the only console that got more than one entry was the GBC (with Mario Golf and Mobile Golf).

-They could be making a Mario Tennis or Golf exclusively for Switch 2, but since they have been making something since 2021, is unlikely they and only them have had a Switch 2 dev kid since that long ago while all the other external devs just kept working on the regular Switch, so their next game will probably be for Switch or cross gen.

-Their develompent times for their previous Switch games were not particularily lenghty, with Mario Tennis Aces coming 2 and a half years after Ultra Smash (and also while making the Golf and Tennis part of Mario Sports Super Stars for the 3DS) , although taking in consideration that Aces re used a lot of assets from the Wii U title; they also took 3 years for Mario Golf Super Rush and that was with covid happening and slowing down the development, so it's fair to say their HD games have been of no more than 2.5 years, making it more interesting that there has been 3 years without us seeing their next project. It could be that their next project will be way bigger than their usual Mario Sports game or maybe the game is done and Nintendo is just waiting for it to be released in an ideal point.

-For the obvious Golden Sun idea, one could think that like with Another Code or Advance Wars, Nintendo would do a remake of the original 2 for it's return, however they already released them on NSO, and Nintendo so far has not released games on the service if they are making a remake, as it was seen with Mario RPG or how neither of their GBA games have been added to the Expansion Pass. Considering a new game would have to continue from the often forgotten Golden Sun Dark Dawn, is difficult to think that they would make a sequel to it without more people having played it. Maybe a reboot or an interquel?
Honestly I’d imagine it’s just Switch 2 Mario sports spinoffs.
As I said in the main post, I feel is unlikely they have been working since 2021 on the Switch 2 for a Mario Tennis game, especially since by that point Nintendo made pretty much all their other partners develop more games for the regular Switch, games which we have been seeing now. It could be the case sure, but I'm not sure, it would be odd to make Camelot make something next gen while Nd Cube kept working on the regular Switch for Jamboree.
I'm actually going to go against the grain here and say they're working on something that isn't Mario Sports related. A Mario multi-player game won't be needed until probably 2027, and I don't think Camelot will spend six years on a sports game. They've been given the chance to work on something new like Goodfeel, Tantalus, and Grezzo did.
It'd be nice if it wasn't sports related but Camelot seems resigned to stick to that until the brothers are ready to retire at this point. A company that size is probably just using the downtime to develop ideas for their next iterations of Tennis and Golf.
Camelot speculation is pretty bland now tbh =/
I don't get it. Goodfeel was able to work on something new. Grezzo got the keys to a brand new 2D Zelda. Why can't Camelot try something new?

Also, if Mario Tennis or Golf releases next year it'll get crushed by Mario Kart. Releasing both in the same year is a horrible idea. So the team has some time.
Superstars was mostly developed by Bandai Namco iirc, Camelot just took their 3DS Tennis and Golf builds and put together some stuff with them for the game.
Keep in mind that Camelot is a very small team. Looks like Superstars had around ~30 employees listed under Camelot in the credits. The total number of Camelot employees today is ~38.

Even a project like Superstars 2 would be resource intensive enough that any other projects they would be working on would be smaller in scope.
Similar to Aces, I think we will see their next sport game year 2+ of the next console. If that the case, that would be the longest time between releases in a while.
Maybe part of Camelot is working on planning an RPG with another company like ILCA. Maybe they're Nintendo's "link" to M&L and the rest of their staff is doing an iterative sports title for switch launch.
If it is golf, I want an interesting Mario's Mini Golf with cool courses with gimmicks
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Prolly whatever Mario sports game (tennis prolly) for the Switch 2. Hopefully they are actually cooking cause Aces was so close to being an amazing installment in the franchise. I doubt if it's a sports game it comes out next year if I'm to assume Mario Kart is coming too lol. Maybe January 2026.

But there's a chance they have a shitty sports compilation game for the switch coming next year too lmao.
Since they don't have a release scheduled for this year, I can only guess that they're doing Tennis and that it'll show up sometime next summer, since a Mario sports game in the first year of the successor would be good to have.
I actually had a dream last night that Nintendo announced a Mario Volleyball/Boat Racing/Wrestling game, so I would lock that in as 100 percent the next game Camelot is making. Unless the dream was actually for Next Level, in which case Camelot is making Golden Sun 4. Side note, but the Mario Sports game had Mr Game and Watch, Sonic, and King K.Rool as playable characters, so whoever is making that game and transmitted the trailer into my brain is honestly cooking
Give Camelot a full 5 years and let them cook a new Mario Golf where speed golf from Super Rush has regular 3D Mario physics and the courses are more obstacle courses than golf courses. Would be the best game ever made.
Since they didn’t show up at the Direct, I’m just going to guess they are getting another Mario Tennis ready for Switch 2. I was hopeful they might break the cycle they have been in and I don’t think another Tennis is all that interesting with Switch 2 likely backwards compatible, but yeah.
Either something different (I'm begging)

Or they're taking their time building up a really high quality Mario sports game (4-5 years of development) for 2026. 2025 is already probably going to be stacked for Mario games with 3D Mario + Mario Kart 10 most likely, so let this studio cook. They deserve more resources & development time with how they continually come up a little short content wise.

Really pushing for them to have a renaissance next gen, growing a bit more, building more than just Mario sports, and those that are sports titles, are really good
Then they will sell the company to Nintendo. Then nintendo will expand them.

if the people who headed the company do not want to do rpgs anymore

they do not want to do rpgs anymore

i dont think a sell would mean much especially when you have some of the big leads gone then. Hell it'd be more of a mario sports factory like ND cube is the Mario Party factory and not a hudson soft revival studio lol
I know, them working on sports is the boring take... But yeah?
It's a relatively small studio.
A Full on RPG like golden sun in 3D would probably need outside help (at least the assets), and who's then working on the sports titles for switch 2?
I could see them already working on 2 titles. In parallel, maybe 1 for launch year (could be already finished and waiting?) and one for later (maybe that one was started not to long ago)

Nintendo currently (and especially with that SQ support) has more then enough RPGs, be it their own (xenoblade, mario, Pokémon) or others.
I would love GS... But I just find it unlikely.

If we get one I would be hyped!
The mario sports games are pretty complex games under the hood, I'm not saying they're interesting but they're not small games
I'm not calling them small either. But hugely complex indie games have been made by small teams or even single devs in the past. Camelot is more than capable if they want to.
The Camelot brothers are old.

They may retire whenever they feel like it.

They're a very small company.

Maybe a mario sports game at the maximum: I seriously doubt they'll ever do a full RPG again tbh

They are small and will probably need time to transition on next gen. IMHO they are working on switch 2 Mario tennis and will launch on 2026.
i do think it's time to accept that likely during internal shifts at some point the RPG dev side of Camelot long left and joined other teams. there's just not much reason for a total lack of any IPs of the like otherwise
As I said in the main post, I feel is unlikely they have been working since 2021 on the Switch 2 for a Mario Tennis game, especially since by that point Nintendo made pretty much all their other partners develop more games for the regular Switch, games which we have been seeing now. It could be the case sure, but I'm not sure, it would be odd to make Camelot make something next gen while Nd Cube kept working on the regular Switch for Jamboree.
I mean who’s to say this isn’t something like Jamboree for their next sports title in terms of production. Them working on something next gen doesn’t not necessarily mean it is exclusively for next gen.

People really think Nintendo is willing to bring back Another Code and Endless Ocean but not Golden Sun?
I mean your talking a Golden Sun remake/remaster then yes I can see Nintendo doing such
Next mario sport game probaby.

If i can make a game that can easily sale millions, why i need to make a game that may make me loss? Especially Takahashi brothers seems finished their RPG dream after GS.
Because Nintendo wants broader IP representation and genre diversity. Switch already has 3 Mario Sports games.
Yeah sports games. That is genre diversity. Golf isn’t Tennis. Tennis isn’t Soccer. Soccer isn’t golf. These are all different sports that should be on every Nintendo console ( at least golf and tennis).

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