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Fun Club Festivus 2023 - Airing of Grievances Thread

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Barely Able


Since it’s December 23rd (most places), the Festivus season is upon us. It’s time to air some grievances again! Lay out your video game grievances for one day only!

Abide by the usual rules

-Respect legitimate complaints. Although the thread is intended to be fun, there might be legitimate complaints on things such as representation, labor issues, etc. Don’t dismiss those. Follow the rules of the forum and we should be ok.

-No antagonizing other members opinions. It’s ok to disagree, but do so respectfully and explain your position. No mud slinging or name calling please.

-It’s ok to like the new Paper Mario games.

Since I’m a moderator this year, I will close the thread in 24 hours or so.

Alright, I've got a grievance. I hate the word "shmup". It looks ugly, it sounds ugly, it feels ugly coming out of my mouth. It is an irredeemable word. I would like people to stop using it in any and all contexts.


  1. The texture of the Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo 64 controller feels off. It’s like too smooth.
  2. Amiibo shouldn’t still be this difficult to get.
  3. I liked the Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion thread being pinned. Since it isn’t always at the top, I sometimes forget to check it. [gets booed off stage]
I don’t really have problems with anyone. Famiboards has been a solid substitute to the mostly dead Nintendo forum I used to frequent. Most of you have been very welcoming to me as a new member this year.
We are 54 days away from an entire decade passing since the last new Donkey Kong game was released
Alright, I've got a grievance. I hate the word "shmup". It looks ugly, it sounds ugly, it feels ugly coming out of my mouth. It is an irredeemable word. I would like people to stop using it in any and all contexts.

Try "Schlooter"! (Looter shooters like Destiny)

Anyway, one of my grievances this year is the eShop. Recent releases and current offers basically blasts your face with shovelware, the front page promotes the last games in the world that needs promotion, (Like Animal Crossing) it looks sterile and bland, and it lags so hard that it's like five Drakengard 3's stacked on top of each other.
I hate that I have to work on Festivus! It's inhumane, it's degrading, and it should be illegal!

I hate that another year went by without so much as a peep about Metroid Prime 4 — no, "still in development" doesn’t count!

I hate that I only get to air my grievances once a year and have to keep it all bottled up until then. It should be socially acceptable to air one's grievances whenever!

Alright, I've got a grievance. I hate the word "shmup". It looks ugly, it sounds ugly, it feels ugly coming out of my mouth. It is an irredeemable word. I would like people to stop using it in any and all contexts.
I hate it too. Imo it's just 'shooters'.
We didn't see Metroid Prime 4. Yes yes, Metroid Prime Remastered came out and I played it and loved it, but you expect that to satisfy my hunger? No! Absolutely not!

More seriously: As always, fuck Embracer.

- Every single (good) multiplayer game wanting you to make it a lifestyle nowadays really, really, really fucking sucks, and the fact that in most games "it's just cosmetic," does not make it any better. Splatoon going this way - on top of its already grindy-as-a-cornmill progression systems - when it's one of the last few remaining single-purchase multiplayer games is just so frustrating; it's the exact opposite direction I wanted them to take and they went arguably more all-in than Call-of-bloody-Duty. I simply don't want to play a game for hours every day to feel like I've made any meaningful progress. These are games. They shouldn't be my whole-ass life!

- Nintendo is still, in the year 2023, embarrassingly god-fucking-awful when it comes to accessibility to the point where it's a serious negative mark on their record. Stuff like the "here's some mandatory motion controls. fuck you if you have literally any problems with your wrists/hands" puzzle in Another Code's demo should simply not fly at all an is seriously inexcusable for what is otherwise a very chilled-out, interaction-light game. Seriously. Who thought that was a good idea. Fuck that puzzle. Single-handedly shattered my excitement for that game. Fuck.

- Whilst I'm excited for the Switch 2, it sucks that I have no hope for Nintendo adding any real personality or life to that console's UI. It'll likely just be a 4K version of the current UI with a few slight adjustments. The same two corporate-ass themes. The same corporate-ass eShop. The same everything. Now, I don't think Nintendo should go back to the "weird Nintendo," days but, damn, at least you could make your 3DS purple. Now you can't even do that, let alone have your Switch play fucking Snake Eater when you opened it up.

- The deluge of genuine shovelware titles that get put onto the already-terrible eShop every single day should be a source of genuine embarrassment for Nintendo, but because it makes them money - even if it fucks over indie developers and smaller AA games in the process - they have no incentive or reason to give a singular shite. It's genuinely frustrating to see genuine gems like A Highland Song get buried underneath mountains of shit like "HENTAI WAIFU FIREFIGHTER SIMULATOR 2024," and "CALCULATOR." They should not get the same attention any day of the week. Especially not in an eShop so devoid of any filtering options - and as sluggish to use - as Nintendo's is.

There's still no master mode in Tears of the Kingdom.
(Not quoting you directly cause this just reminded me of some others lol)

- From's bosses are getting way, way too difficult to the point where I actively dread them, and am not looking forward to the inevitably uber-difficult Elden Ring DLC. Unfortunatley the "git gud," meme and the sheer animosity to anyone shown to anyone who complains about their games' difficulty (or, worse, asks for an easy mode) means that From has no incentive to balance things more, with the issue almost-definitely getting worse in the future.

- Soulslikes not having pause functions when you're not actively playing with someone else is a massive meme that is only around because of the aforementioned difficulty fetish. Lies of P not having one despite not having any multiplayer components at all was, frankly, ridiculous and should be called out at such. Though frankly From has no excuse. Not when bloody Mario can have real-time seamless co-operative multiplayer and also have a pause function.

- Soulslikes getting rid of "gimmick bosses," in lieu of everything being a roll-fest slap-fight between you stupidly-fast bosses has been a major downgrade in the feel and variety throughout their releases. I know not every boss is the exact same but, goddamn, can we have a single major one that isn't just ridiculously fast with hundred-hit combos and damage windows so fast that The Flash would have trouble finding them. Please, From. There's other ways to do this. You did it before. You can do it again!

I'm sure I'll think of more.

I hope these don't come off as too genuinely anger-filled. That stuff is all in jest even if they are my genuine opinions. If they do, please say so.
This should have been the year for both Fortune Street and Multiplayer Zelda to return and Nintendo botched it on both fronts.
Capcom not bothering with physical releases of Switch games in Europe unless it's Street Fighter or Monster Hunter. Like, the average Shovelwares "R" Us company can afford physical releases of pretty much anything here, but not a huge-ass company like Capcom.
How has another year gone by without Silksong?? The game is my most anticipated piece of media EVER, so every day is absolutely excruciating waiting for it. We are coming up on five years since the announcement of the game, and since then we've had fuck all in terms of communication from Team Cherry. It's so frustrating. I wish I didn't love Hollow Knight so much because the wait for Silksong has been nothing but torture.
Why are so many shrines in TotK freebies? I want my lil puzzle as a reward! Stupid Rauru...

Why is autolock mandatory in Pikmin 4. It's annoying and the game is already piss easy. Besides, why are you shown the completion % during cave expeditions??? I can do basic math Nintendo, so I can calculate how many levels there are after clearing the first one... It ruins the entire surprise of a cave. Even more so when the dumb last area caves are somehow only 3 levels deep...
I downloaded Fortnite to try that Rocket League racing game, and just looking at the UI gave me an ulcer.

And the game wasn't very good!
Where the fuck is Silksong, Team Cherry? I got a lot of problems with you people!

Just kidding. Love you all. Keep on rocking and working on what sure is to be a masterpiece.

In the meantime, I propose that rather than ending when the head of the household has been pinned, this year's Festivus should only end when Silksong comes out.
"Internet connection was lost because the console entered sleep mode."

Nintendo, you made a handheld that makes sleep mode super convenient to use for pick up and play during doing other stuff. I can get this happening if I'm literally mid match on an online game, but this happening when I'm chilling at the Splatoon 3 lobby, or in the F-Zero 99 menu makes no sense. I'm not actively playing, just reconnect in the background instead of kicking me out and forcing me to go through a couple loading screens again.

Third party games already do it, why are first party games lagging behind on this.
"Internet connection was lost because the console entered sleep mode."

Nintendo, you made a handheld that makes sleep mode super convenient to use for pick up and play during doing other stuff. I can get this happening if I'm literally mid match on an online game, but this happening when I'm chilling at the Splatoon 3 lobby, or in the F-Zero 99 menu makes no sense. I'm not actively playing, just reconnect in the background instead of kicking me out and forcing me to go through a couple loading screens again.

Third party games already do it, why are first party games lagging behind on this.

This is The One. I'm in disbelief every time it happens lol.
Here to help bear the following burdens:

1) fuck Embracer group
2) remember remember the Kong of Nintendo
3) where is Master Mode in Tears of the Kingdom
4) less trash and better filtering options on the eShop please
Everyone's calling for a better eShop, which is absolutely warranted and I agree it'd be cool, but I'm the guy who grumbles every time I remember the way Nintendo phased out the Activity Log. Keeping track of games down the minute played on the 3DS was awesome!
(Not really Nintendo, but):

Dark Souls 2 may be a bit of a black sheep, but it’s still an amazing Souls game and has a ton of charm and unique feel to it especially with how many areas it has. I’m sick of people immediately hand waving it away as “oh lol Dark Souls 2 sucks” without much of a reason
- Seconding everything about the eShop burying indies and middlemarket games under hentai shovelware

- Seconding everything about Embracer

- Fuck every company that did mass layoffs (so fuck Embracer twice)

- Fuck TGA for not letting anyone speak about it at all (the Oscars woulda never shut up about it ffs I will fight Josef over this)

- Sea of Stars and XB Future Redeemed weren't even nominated for Best Soundtrack and I simply do not understand what TGA's criteria even is for a good OST if those two weren't on the list (both had Mitsuda!!)

- I promise this post isn't gonna be all about TGA

- Fuck whoever translated that Aonuma interview because the last thing I need is one of my favorite game series having its devs decide I aughta be left behind because that's what it sounded like even if it's probably not what Aonuma meant

- It's bad enough that the mainstream games industry as a whole seems to be putting up middle fingers in my direction at all times, I don't need it from fucking Nintendo

- I can't believe that in the past year and a half or so the only large games company that has been making me feel heard was fucking SEGA

That felt good, thanks @Barely Able
I'm already tired of Smash 6 discourse and the game hasn't even come out yet.

Ubisoft is a leaky cauldron, can't they leak the Switch 2 so we finally have some peace of mind?

TGA are a joke but not very funny.

Ceterum censeo gregum embracer esse delendam.
Same issues as the last decade mostly, Gaas/Gacha means games need to be a huge time sync/lifestyle. All sorts of dark patterns are still at the forefront.
Bungie and all the terrible dark patterns, terrible new player onboarding and content vaulting was purchased by Sony of all companies and apparently has some say on evaluating Sony's dev team's multiplayer games. Just incredibly icky.

PC parts are still dummy expensive for some reason. (AI now, just off the heels of the crypto mining craze, hooray). Its worse outside of North America, AMD just isn't as competitive so Nvidia isn't either. I'm interested in Intel's GPUs but they aren't consistent at all for games pre DX11 and that's most games.

The looming possibility of soulless AI "content" replacing actual art and effort continues. With Squeenix of all companies, you know a company known for its creative worlds and varied visual splendor is showing keen interest. Steam came down hard which is nice.

Its also now finally the profit taking era of gaming subscriptions, they stay low to attract people but inevitably need to go up to cover expenses and also lost sales of the games they offer players. The gamepass gold tricks are reigned in and Sony really up their prices. Stadia died and Amazon isn't doing too hot in this space. And if gamepass can be maintained at its current rate who knows how that will effect perception of game value like with music and shows before hand.

Similarly the digital console revision by Sony is going up in price for some reason.

And Xbox's leaked revisions are going to be digital only, hopefully they add a physicals disc or something though.

On that note we have leaked Sony data showing physicals sales are still often above half of the total. We are absolutely are decade early for digital only console releases and it really shows that companies are pushing it more to get people stuck on store platform, and not own things. The google/Epic legal result isn't even all that positive because it incentivizes platform holders to be completely closed garden in the first place. Terrible.

And devs have been thrown under the bus over and over again, from terrible hacks, stolen identities, crazy fans, and terrible companies that fire people when making record profits. What a terrible industry to work in.

At least their were a lot of good games.
The eshop burying indies under a flood of shovelware is incredibly annoying. It’s then combined with the eshop itself being crap, to the point where people either use offsite tools (Deku Deals etc) or hyper-curate their own via a wishlist. There’s like 3,000 games on sale at the moment, I buy indie games, I want to look at indie games. There should be better tools to avoid all the utter trash. I don’t mean the ‘I don’t like this game’ or ‘this game is a first effort from a new small team’, I mean all the weird asset swaps and SEO trash called something like ‘Super Duty Robot War Craft Sim Girls’ or whatever. It’s just embarrassing to wait for the super-slow interface to scroll past the fifty new games that week and see half of them are utter trash.

The implosion of Embracer group when it turned out ‘acquire everything and we’ll figure the rest out later’ was a shit plan seemed like the most foreseeable gaming business disaster in an industry full of dubious plans.
Why the hell did Starfield have to be so goddamn boring?! How do you make SPACE look and feel so LIFELESS? How can you come so close to greatness and mess up, Bethesda? Did you quit just to get it out the door cause expenses were too high? I'm still so depressed by this game. I looked past the bugs and shitty load times in hopes the game would finally deliver but the most interesting part of the story made up about 10% of my play time.

I don't even want a sequel. I want something other than an abandoned research center 300m away. Why is it the same 4 things on a damn planet?
My grievance: the vast majority of gamers only ever think of AAA or AA or even A games when they look into what to play, and don't ever go looking for the much smaller/experimental indie stuff.

Obviously this is a personal (and selfish) grievance and it's hard to place the blame on gamers when the entire industry is built to support that view but I really wish people would make the effort to try to branch out a bit more. You have to put in the work to discover smaller games that can't afford marketing but it can really be worthwhile.
The eshop burying indies under a flood of shovelware is incredibly annoying. It’s then combined with the eshop itself being crap, to the point where people either use offsite tools (Deku Deals etc) or hyper-curate their own via a wishlist. There’s like 3,000 games on sale at the moment, I buy indie games, I want to look at indie games. There should be better tools to avoid all the utter trash. I don’t mean the ‘I don’t like this game’ or ‘this game is a first effort from a new small team’, I mean all the weird asset swaps and SEO trash called something like ‘Super Duty Robot War Craft Sim Girls’ or whatever. It’s just embarrassing to wait for the super-slow interface to scroll past the fifty new games that week and see half of them are utter trash.

The implosion of Embracer group when it turned out ‘acquire everything and we’ll figure the rest out later’ was a shit plan seemed like the most foreseeable gaming business disaster in an industry full of dubious plans.
Also Nintendo not allowing good/passion games from new/unknown publishers despite allowing some seriously bad shovelware from the more experienced shovelware devs.
(Not really Nintendo, but):

Dark Souls 2 may be a bit of a black sheep, but it’s still an amazing Souls game and has a ton of charm and unique feel to it especially with how many areas it has. I’m sick of people immediately hand waving it away as “oh lol Dark Souls 2 sucks” without much of a reason
I could write you an essay about why I think DS2 sucks as a DS game specifically, while still acknowledging it's a pretty good game in a vacuum that gets a lot more flak than it deserves. Which is to say that, essentially, I agree.
My grievance is people like Bobby Kotick can get a golden parachute despite being a verified piece of shit. Should be sued to hell and back for overseeing such a toxic culture.

Especially irritated since I talked with one of my buddies (non gaming sector but sure this applies) that experienced layoffs but the company can do executive bonuses and massive arena holiday parties. Shouldn’t give those out if you have to terminate people.
Why the hell did Starfield have to be so goddamn boring?! How do you make SPACE look and feel so LIFELESS? How can you come so close to greatness and mess up, Bethesda? Did you quit just to get it out the door cause expenses were too high? I'm still so depressed by this game. I looked past the bugs and shitty load times in hopes the game would finally deliver but the most interesting part of the story made up about 10% of my play time.

I don't even want a sequel. I want something other than an abandoned research center 300m away. Why is it the same 4 things on a damn planet?
This is a good one. Starfield is such a disappointment.. I dropped it ten hours in. At this point I’m waiting for updates and patches to see if it improves in meaningful ways before I consider picking it back up.
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