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I'm sorry, but this isn't true. As you said, the OLED Model trailer is back, and it was privated for SEO for the Splatoon 3 Special Edition, not due to rights issues. Furthermore, the Nintendo Switch reveal is, like the OLED Model trailer was, privated, and not removed, while mirrors, including those by significant publications, remain up with no licencing issues or georestrictions. If it was licencing related, then the videos would have been removed, not merely privated, they would have been removed from mirrors, or had mirrors copyright struck, and the OLED trailer wouldn't have COME BACK.

Nintendo also employs half decent lawyers, and they have COUNTLESS trailers going back years, dozens of Nintendo Directs, and it's unusual for any of them to go down despite very complicated licencing. In general, trailers such as this have licencing that's more or less in perpetuity, and that's, in advertising, generally the norm. At least where I live.
So basically it's just about selling Mario Wonder Edition Red Switch then?
thread for the past 30 minutes

It's not about that, it's about the media. Why would they have these huge events right next to each other when they could space them out, getting media attention for longer.
To dominate the media, frankly. A reveal shortly followed by a major game release would be extraordinary, but not especially unusual(a longer time frame, but PS5 to Last of Us Part 2).

Forza Motorsport is falling out of the media, Spiderman 2 is getting a lot of attention, and Sonic Superstars just released. If Nintendo wants all eyes on them, then a 1-2 punch is... Technically a possibility. Though as I've said, one I doubt they'd engage in, at least like this.

Basically, while Sega, Microsoft and Sony are all launching and marketing games, Nintendo could swoop in and take all the oxygen out of the room. Meanwhile, the reveal shows Mario Wonder, contributing to its marketing, and Nintendo is on everyone's minds. Mario Wonder also has two main target groups, the extremely casual, and the Nintendo core audience. The casual are unlikely to delay their purchase because they are unlikely to purchase the next system at launch, while the core audience are unlikely to delay their purchase because who in Nintendo's core audience would deny themselves Super Mario Bros. Wonder for months for the sake of the possibility of a higher resolution.

It's plausible. But I doubt that's what they'll do.

Plus Wonder is more or less a guaranteed success and nothing is likely to impact its inevitably monumental sales.
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Healthy skepticism is of course encouraged and we should be at the very least aware of all potential reasons behind the video going private, but it's also worth mentioning that they have an Earnings release coming up on Nov. 7, so there might be an incentive to get any big announcements out of the way before then (or the opposite could be true, I'm not an investor so I'm not sure of how these things work).
I will say, as the leader of #TeamSymmetry, an announcement this week would be perfect. The NX trailer pre-announcement came at 8:30 PM ET on October 19, which was a Wednesday, announcing the trailer to be released on Thursday morning. We could get pre-announcement tomorrow evening (Wednesday), announcing a trailer for the next day (Thursday). Obviously the trailer actually releasing on October 20 would be nice too, but we have to pick between matching the date or the day of the week, since we can't have both this year. And doing things on certain days of the week is obviously more common in Nintendo marketing than doing them on certain dates.

I just don't think the trailer going private is a sign that it's happening.
I'd be so funny if that happened, in my eyes. Imagine all of these top tier developers having their huge releases making bank (not to mention all of the releases that skipped October due to "high competition") and then Nintendo just drops a Switch 2 trailer in the middle of everyone's zeitgeist. The plan may work, but it sounds so aggressively competitive...
Especially when, if you've been following other leaks recently, GTA VI might legitimately get announced by the end of the month.
I will say, as the leader of #TeamSymmetry, an announcement this week would be perfect. The NX trailer pre-announcement came at 8:30 PM ET on October 19, which was a Wednesday, announcing the trailer to be released on Thursday morning. We could get pre-announcement tomorrow evening (Wednesday), announcing a trailer for the next day (Thursday). Obviously the trailer actually releasing on October 20 would be nice too, but we have to pick between matching the date or the day of the week, since we can't have both this year. And doing things on certain days of the week is obviously more common in Nintendo marketing than doing them on certain dates.

I just don't think the trailer going private is a sign that it's happening.
I sort of disagree on both counts.

I think the trailer is a sign of something, AND I don't think the reveal will be this week. We'll see pretty soon though, so, not worth getting too worked up about.
I’m split between Nintendo wanting to announce before GTA 6 trailer (this week) or after (first week of November)

They defo not announcing next week on GTA 6 week

It will be one or another.

Wonder has nothing to worry about in both cases
Well things are heating up.

I think the trailer going private does mean something, but I don't think is as inminent as tomorrow. We'll have to wait until next week at least.
Definitely acquaintances.

I realized I was watching enough DF videos that, even though I'm not much of a PC gamer, I could afford the bare minimum on Patreon, which got me on the Discord, where I use the same handle. We talked a little about Nintendo there, he saw my name on some posts here while doing research, and we started talking.
Very cool.
I’m split between Nintendo wanting to announce before GTA 6 trailer (this week) or after (first week of November)

They defo not announcing next week on GTA 6 week

It will be one or another.

Wonder has nothing to worry about in both cases
It’s not being announced until next year then there’s nothing to worry about.
Is it pessimism or is it logic 🤔
Well. The former, pretty clearly, since the suggestions around licencing are illogical. I would rather we didn't put things into such boxes, though, I don't think LiC is being pessimistic at all, they're pretty measured. They're offering an alternative reason why these videos COULD be being privated, and why one reappeared. However I find that reasoning unconvincing for the reasons outlined above;

Nintendo is generally good at licencing and can keep trailers and Directs up for years at a time, some much older than this.

One of the examples was OLED Model reveal going private and coming back, but it's unlikely Nintendo would renew a licence agreement AFTER privating a video, rather than being proactive, or more likely, they just have a perpetual licence.

The other was the Lite reveal, which didn't use identifiable music, it was pretty much stock music, which could have been in house, but such music is rarely if ever subject to strict licencing beyond the initial fee.

Finally, if licencing was an issue, then we'd see mirrors of the trailers going down, or being copyright claimed, but we don't see that happening at all.
I mean, it's freaking Mario Wonder. If anything, it's gotten a pretty huge marketing push compared to most Switch games to be honest, they may be overcompensating for this upcoming W...
I mean kinda. It’s something that was mentioned over at InstallBase; where the game compared to other mega-seller hasn’t really gotten that much. It seems like WOM & the game itself will have to do the lifting before the holidays ramps the marketing up.
(Reposting what I said in the other thread)

This could just be due to song rights. Nothing too major, just coincidental timing.
Or actor rights. More likely that.
Well. The former, pretty clearly, since the suggestions around licencing are illogical.
Kit has been clear that they took down trailers all the time for music licensing and actor likeness rights. This is established policy.

As a professional actor, I’ve done a national commercial, and was paid for exclusivity (meaning I couldn’t appear in an ads for a competing product) for five years. And my agency would have aggressively pursued had the ad still been visible (or broadcast) after that date - because while it would have been almost a pittance for me, the agency provided all the actors in that shoot, and would receive a 15% cut of the pay for every single one of them.

When it comes to take downs, Nintendo if hasn’t cared about the video in the past why would they care now? Just because they’ve lost likeness rights, well, the victim in that case isn’t Nintendo, it’s the actor (or composer, or…), who would need to issue a takedown notice.

There is a regional car commercial that is past exclusivity that is still posted online, but I’ve not issued a take down notice. And since I did that job before I had an agent there is no one to pursue it on my behalf.

Not saying it is rights but that’s common and normal
I get that, but why else would they do this?
Let's say, best case scenario. They did this because we're getting it revealed tomorrow. Since the trailer would probably be very similar to the one that got privated about the OG Switch, Nintendo wouldn't want people to get confused between the 2 trailers, especially if they look similar design-wise and they have similar names, something like "Super Nintendo Switch" or "New Nintendo Switch", it makes it less likely for people to get confused if they see two similar styled trailers, and assume that the "[X] Nintendo Switch" is like an "OLED model" rather then a full-on new generation. If the trailer names are similar, making one private for a little while out makes it easier for the algorithm only to promote the new trailer instead of reuploads of the OG Switch trailer, considering those reuploads have nowhere near the same amount of views as the... I think 60 million views the actual trailer has.

After a little while, they'll unprivate the old Switch trailer, much like how they did with the OLED Model trailer a little while after the Splatoon 3 edition was revealed, which was the first OLED Special Edition, I believe.

Also, I tried identifying the music used in the Lite trailer, and nothing has popped up, so I do think it is stock music, which means it's very unlikely it was taken down due to a music license issue. If anyone can identify it and the record label behind it, then it very well could of been that, and it wasn't worth it on Nintendo's end to get the video back up since the OLED Model was taking over the Switch's marketing anyway, and we got no new Lite colors/special editions in 2022. Maybe it was an actor license if anything. It makes much more sense for it to be a licensing issue when trailers are taken down very early on, but it's been 7 years. If they've been renewing it yearly, why would they want to stop doing it now? If the reveal isn't till March, renew it for another 6 months. If it was a licensing issue, the choice not to renew it seems very purposeful.
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Or actor rights. More likely that.

Kit has been clear that they took down trailers all the time for music licensing and actor likeness rights. This is established policy.

As a professional actor, I’ve done a national commercial, and was paid for exclusivity (meaning I couldn’t appear in an ads for a competing product) for five years. And my agency would have aggressively pursued had the ad still been visible (or broadcast) after that date - because while it would have been almost a pittance for me, the agency provided all the actors in that shoot, and would receive a 15% cut of the pay for every single one of them.

When it comes to take downs, Nintendo if hasn’t cared about the video in the past why would they care now? Just because they’ve lost likeness rights, well, the victim in that case isn’t Nintendo, it’s the actor (or composer, or…), who would need to issue a takedown notice.

There is a regional car commercial that is past exclusivity that is still posted online, but I’ve not issued a take down notice. And since I did that job before I had an agent there is no one to pursue it on my behalf.

Not saying it is rights but that’s common and normal
didn't even think about actors' rights

damn, the more you know

Switch 1 Trailer made Private today

This smells goooood :)

OMG, it’s coming mefears. The exact same thing happened with the OLED reveal. They privated the Lite trailer. People were doing the “it’s nothing” and “music licensing” the last time too, btw.
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Bro I so want this. I want Jensen to walk out like a PIMP in the big Nintendo event showcasing the next console and proceed to wax eloquent about Drake. How good would that be? Please be a true rumor.

Leak Express: Nvidia wants its name on Switch 2.The work of customizing the chip for the new Nintendo console was such and they are so proud of the result that they want to be part of the presentation of the console or even have the Nvidia brand appear on the box.


Powered by NVIDIA RTX
To dominate the media, frankly. A reveal shortly followed by a major game release would be extraordinary, but not especially unusual(a longer time frame, but PS5 to Last of Us Part 2).

Forza Motorsport is falling out of the media, Spiderman 2 is getting a lot of attention, and Sonic Superstars just released. If Nintendo wants all eyes on them, then a 1-2 punch is... Technically a possibility. Though as I've said, one I doubt they'd engage in, at least like this.

Basically, while Sega, Microsoft and Sony are all launching and marketing games, Nintendo could swoop in and take all the oxygen out of the room. Meanwhile, the reveal shows Mario Wonder, contributing to its marketing, and Nintendo is on everyone's minds. Mario Wonder also has two main target groups, the extremely casual, and the Nintendo core audience. The casual are unlikely to delay their purchase because they are unlikely to purchase the next system at launch, while the core audience are unlikely to delay their purchase because who in Nintendo's core audience would deny themselves Super Mario Bros. Wonder for months for the sake of the possibility of a higher resolution.

It's plausible. But I doubt that's what they'll do.

Plus Wonder is more or less a guaranteed success and nothing is likely to impact its inevitably monumental sales.
Most sonic games nowadays just fly under the radar and don't get that many sales, I wouldn't count it as a significant part of the games media cycle.
OMG, it’s coming. The exact same thing happened with the OLED reveal. They privated the Lite trailer. People were doing the exact same speculation, btw.
Is there a source for this? I only see that it was taken down on July 5th, 2022, alongside the OLED model trailer.
If so, then that's more times than not this has meant something.
Bro I so want this. I want Jensen to walk out like a PIMP in the big Nintendo event showcasing the next console and proceed to wax eloquent about Drake. How good would that be? Please be a true rumor.

Leak Express: Nvidia wants its name on Switch 2.The work of customizing the chip for the new Nintendo console was such and they are so proud of the result that they want to be part of the presentation of the console or even have the Nvidia brand appear on the box.


Jensen swaps his normal leather jacket for a gator leather one.

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I feel doesnt make sense to take down the og trailer for a new console because people will start talking about the new one as soon as nintendo say something, you have people making like 1 video a day of this new system with just rumors, so even if the trailer is not the first thing infront of people, the content creators will make sure to flood all the internet with it so it doesnt matter that the og trailer is still up.

I feel you only will do that if you feel people wont pay attention at the presentation of the new switch and you need to change that manually by taking the old system information, but the switch oled presentation is still up.

Nintendo Switch - OLED Model - Announcement Trailer

Another thing the switch oled is the most present in the market and the one selling the most if i remember correctly, wont make more sense to take down that one instead? since is the most popular out of the three models and most likely the one that people could see the most everywhere?

At this point people buy less the og model than the oled so if we go with what you guys say about it, i feel it would make more sense to take down the newer model since the name it will most likely to conflict with whatever name nintendo put to the new system too but they didnt.
Is there a source for this? I only see that it was taken down on July 5th, 2022, alongside the OLED model trailer.
If so, then that's more times than not this has meant something.
The Lite trailer was made private sometime between July 8 and July 11, 2021 (its original upload date was July 10, 2019), so at least two days after the OLED reveal trailer went live on July 6, 2021. I couldn't find any contemporaneous discussion of the Lite trailer from 2021, but we did discuss that at the time the OLED trailer went private last year, and I was able to confirm that date range using the Internet Archive.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Definitely a real find this time. Although I think it's another one that doesn't really narrow down the window for the start of production from "between now and six months from now," which has been the case for a while.
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