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Discussion Man, am I the only one less hyped after the latest BotW2 trailer?

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There’s not a single other game coming out this year that I have more confidence that I will enjoy for hours upon hours than TotK.
It was a very weak trailer. There's a reason why this game will had been six years in production when it finally releases, but I'm not quite sure if I can tell the video shows that.
I don't see anything here other than a sky island floating on top of where Rito Village is
The topography is different at various points. The bottom of the image has a common v shaped cliff portion that's perfectly aligned so you can tell the picture is in the same spot, but most of the surrounding rock looks different. Plus there's the square platform to the left, then on the right side everything is different. The lake island has a completely different shape, and theres a plateau with Nazca lines where there was just rocky cliff in BOTW.
The topography is different at various points. The bottom of the image has a common v shaped cliff portion that's perfectly aligned so you can tell the picture is in the same spot, but most of the surrounding rock looks different. Plus there's the square platform to the left, then on the right side everything is different. The lake island has a completely different shape, and theres a plateau with Nazca lines where there was just rocky cliff in BOTW.
I'm sorry but the topography looks exactly the same.



The only difference I see is in the middle slightly off center to the right where a sky island is blocking the view of a and Rito Village. You can even see yellow trees on there like the other islands. Time of day and clouds obscure other stuff but the geography is exactly the same. I legit do not know what you are seeing.
The game isn't out yet. People are talking about it, primarily about how they want to know X, Y and Z about the game. That's the purpose of marketing. No such thing as bad publicity.

If the perception is negative once the game is out then that's a problem but that's not what is happening yet.
yeah the only way it’s negative now is if you assume anyone disappointed with the trailer has already definitively decided they are not going buy the game or to tune into any more of its marketing

Which we all know is not true at all though, the detractors will be there the second there’s a blowout lol
Maybe this is just a personal preference, but if you need to do in-depth analysis and direct screenshot comparisons to point out differences, then I’m not gonna find it to be a particularly compelling trailer. I don’t particularly care about dissecting each trailer at length, I just want to have a good idea of what the game is about.
I don't think any of these trailers are currently attempting to give any clear indication on the way the world differs from Breath of the Wild, mostly because these trailers don't particularly divulge into the design aspect outside of the fact that the sky is now littered with additional airborne surface points. They could flip the Great Plateau upside down, turn the land into an inferno hellscape, and litter it with a brand new flurry of environmental weather effects (actually they seem to be doing this one already), and I still imagine a lot of players would be fundamentally opposed to the conceit of the game being the presence of the same "area". To me the question is less whether Nintendo's going to provide us a new set of biomes or areas to explore because there's already clear signs that they will. I'm generally more interested in how these mechanical changes will affect the way we perceive the relation and movement within the world; questions like how the seamless movement between airborne and grounded locations will allow us to interpret every point of Hyrule in a different way, because the deliberate layout of Breath of the Wild carried with it a lot of implications in regards to how the player maneuvers and surveys points of interest. That might be too abstract a preference for most others out there and usually I'm always about seeing the new and shiny things first, but to me none of the appeal about Breath of the Wild became apparent until I got to play the game and experience those very specific abstractions. I'll co-sign on this sentiment that the Switch Presentation trailer of Breath of the Wild may well be the best game trailer ever made, and yet none of that trailer is particularly emblematic of why I love Breath of the Wild, or why Breath of the Wild even is a fantastic game in the first place.

For those who are still down on the game, I hope the next trailer will go down better for you. I find it hard to argue that TOTK's trailers have been bad trailers, because the type of questions they leave me with are those that I like to think of as highly productive questions. Fundamentally I don't think a discussion can be had about the design until we know the full scope of the core concept, and these trailers have been unraveling them little by little. When the first trailer dropped, all we had was "oh so it's just Skyward Sword again". Then it became time abilities, then surface phasing, then airborne vehicles, then component building for weapons and vehicles, etc. you get the idea. All that's left to see now is whether they're still hiding on yet another huge mechanical twist, and once that is done, then we'll likely get to see how it all comes together.
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I'm sorry but the topography looks exactly the same.



The only difference I see is in the middle slightly off center to the right where a sky island is blocking the view of a and Rito Village. You can even see yellow trees on there like the other islands. Time of day and clouds obscure other stuff but the geography is exactly the same. I legit do not know what you are seeing.
If I was at a computer I'd circle the differences but there are lots of differences in the shapes and locations of rock formations. Plus the Nazca lines on the right, and the square platform on the bottom left. You see those, right?
Pixel hunting for changes in rock formations isn't what I would call dramatic changes.
When most of these shots are from extreme heights that's exactly what you'd call it.

If I'm in an airplane and I look down at the earth most of the terrain will look pretty homogeneous, you could only distinguish things when you look very closely.
The last trailer I thought was good overall, it sells the idea that game is going to be considerably more "directed" and story-focused than BotW was. That said I think the inclusion of vehicles, or at least the presentation of them, kinda gave me some concern. It feels like something they just threw in after seeing other open worlds do vehicles. I'd love to be wrong about this, but for them to dispel this they need to, y'know... show the game. And this isn't even going into how long the wait's already been or the fact that they're doubling down on $70 pricing
If I was at a computer I'd circle the differences but there are lots of differences in the shapes and locations of rock formations. Plus the Nazca lines on the right, and the square platform on the bottom left. You see those, right?
I see no changes in the rock formations, no. I see the mural thing and a sky island obscuring the terrain. The land from BotW looks untouched.
I think that what rubs me the wrong way is that not only did it take 6 years, but they had an entire technical substrate to build upon. Engine, assets, models, physics...
So if on top of that, they end up reusing the map, as it seems, with minor modifications and some islands in the sky, and now Link is mechanic, I'm certainly going to call Nintendo complacent.
I hope I end up being totally wrong once the game releases because I'm counting on that shit to keep me busy in my multiple business trips around that time.
What gets me so up in the clouds about TotK isn't just the changes to the previous world, which there are admittedly a decent amount of, (new towers and bosses and new enemies roaming around, and more minor stuff like island debris, coloured grass etc) but it'll be the context in which the new gameplay elements and mechanics completely changes the way you interact and exist in the world.

Like, getting the Master Cycle Zero did a LOT to change not only traversal, but the actual feeling of prescence in the world. Zooming around on that thing, over rocks and mountains, flipping off of it in midair, it all made for an incredible game experience in my opinion. And now with the new crafting, we will have the same recontextualization of traversal and interaction, times infinity. And add momentum reversal, surface phasing and rotation manipulation, and you've got yourself an entirely new and fresh experience, despite it being the same engine. I don't really care if there's 1 moved rock in the previous world or not. Being able to revisit the previous world with all these new possibilities is enough for me.
I'm definitely not as hyped towards the game as I want to be, but I feel that bracing for disappointment will just make my eventual feelings towards the game worse. So I'm in a weird state where I'm not actively 'excited', but I'm not looking to be not excited either. I'm just looking forward to finally playing this thing. If it's a disappointment; that sucks, but a Zelda disappointment will still be a good time. If it's not, and the game is much more than what Nintendo is showing at the moment, then that's obviously a great thing.

I don't know, I'm just a bit tired with trying to judge games negatively before release. That's even in cases like these where I could most definitely judge them negatively. When I'm going to play a game no matter what, it's like I'm choosing to focus on bad feelings towards it for no real reason whatsoever. So I'm just... not gonna.

Either way, I've decided to go dark on the game now. Feels like Nintendo could easily step over the "shown too much," line if/when a Direct or something happens. Or they might not, and they've shown their hand already. I won't know until release lol
I liked the trailer fine enough, particularly the beginning and how creepy the overall mood was. As for my hype—it’s neutral, which is exactly where it was before I saw it. XD. I can understand why people’s hype might be dismissed after the trailer though: the previous showings were teasers at best, and this trailer felt kinda disjointed. I assume it’s because there is a lot they don’t want to spoil and they are holding a lot back. It makes me hopeful for the story, at the very least, as they seem to be taking care not spoil it.
It’s perfectly reasonable to not like the recent trailer or be concerned about the game.

That said, PLEASE stop using the “6 years of dev time!?!” as part of your critiques as if there wasn’t a global pandemic during that time that significantly impacted game development efficiency, especially in Japan.
It’s perfectly reasonable to not like the recent trailer or be concerned about the game.

That said, PLEASE stop using the “6 years of dev time!?!” as part of your critiques as if there wasn’t a global pandemic during that time that significantly impacted game development efficiency, especially in Japan.

Ok, 5 years. Also, I work with and regularly in Japan. The country wasn't at a complete halt for the whole pandemic, far from it.
I genuinely can’t remember the last major Nintendo game that we knew less about within three months of launch, excluding games announced during COVID. This is absolutely an anomaly for them.
Remember when on February 19, 2020, people were arguing weither or not Animal Crossing: New Horizons would have a museum or even a Nook shop ?

It's not that unusual for Nintendo. They start to agressively promote their games one month prior to release.

Hell, their last game, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, got really secretive until release. They didn't announce paradox Pokémon prior to release, and that's one of the main new feature/gimmick of the game.

I feel TotK will also be really secretive. BOTW kinda was too. Many stuff were kept secret. And it was a better experience because of it.
Remember when on February 19, 2020, people were arguing weither or not Animal Crossing: New Horizons would have a museum or even a Nook shop ?

It's not that unusual for Nintendo. They start to agressively promote their games one month prior to release.

Hell, their last game, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, got really secretive until release. They didn't announce paradox Pokémon prior to release, and that's one of the main new feature/gimmick of the game.

I feel TotK will also be really secretive. BOTW kinda was too. Many stuff were kept secret. And it was a better experience because of it.
There’s a significant difference between hiding key elements and hiding the entire game direction. We knew plenty about how New Horizons would play before the direct. Not everything, but enough to have a good idea of what the general game loop was, as well as the iterations made on the formula. That’s not really the case with Tears of the Kingdom, and you have to analyze the trailers in-depth to glean anything substantial.

I talked about this before, but I just don’t understand why there’s this “all-or-nothing” mentality when it comes to marketing. It’s more than feasible for Nintendo to show provide a cohesive and comprehensive trailer for a game without directly spoiling everything.
I'm a bit less hyped. It was a very whelming trailer and I find that it was strangely so considering how big of a deal this game is and how little we've seen of it up to this point. After the trailer I think my concern is that this game is going to be Breath of the Wild again, with a few changes. Most of the new stuff in the trailer just didn't seem very transformative of the experience in my opinion, although the increase in enemy variety will be nice. I'm still excited for it and I still fully expect to enjoy it, but it's got some pretty massive shoes to fill. I'm sure the game will be more exciting than "Breath of the Wild again, but there's some islands up in the sky to explore now and also some vehicles and rails" but to my untrained eye that's all I've taken away from the trailers. Hopefully I'm completely wrong, though. Wouldn't be the first time with pre-release impressions.
Just you. Trailer left me even more confused and hyped as it should be. Don't need a 30min video spilling all the beans.
If a leaker had come out beforehand and said the hook of the new Zelda is modular vehicle crafting so you can zoom around the old BotW map I would have assumed he was trolling the community with a fake "worst case scenario". I probably would have had a real good chuckle at the brazenness.

It's like they saw how much attention all the wacky procedural physics things that youtubers did ended up getting got and how it was like free advertising and want to chase that.

But did I ever do any of that shit in BotW? I did not.
Does it appeal to me? It does not.
Was the Master Cycle a good addition to BotW? It was not. It was out of place and stupid.

I just keep thinking back to Todd Howard demoing crafting your own settlements in Fallout 4 and thinking "god, please, please don't let the sequel to one of my favourite games ever be about this bullshit". Of course, Fallout 4 was far, far more than that. And TotK will be too. But I never interacted with settlement building beyond the necessary in Fallout 4 and I doubt I'll interact with vehicle building beyond the necessary here either. I want to explore.
I hope the world will have significant changes but yeah I’m not seeing much in those screenshots, not enough to be excited about anyway. Most of my excitement from this game is coming from faith they won’t screw it up, not from anything I’ve seen from it.
I want to explore.


I love that their heart is in taking world interaction and player experimentation to another level, however I think the approach needs work. It's cool that you can makeshift a car out of some junk, sure. But how many players are going to want to stop what they're doing to find a bunch of junk and piece it together, when they could have just started walking wherever they were going? In a game that is constantly pulling your attention from one location to another, It's strange that such a mechanic would expect you to stop find and gather parts to build a car.

I want to experiment quickly and spontaneously. I want to use what I have at my disposal, and not have to track down a bunch of stuff to make something happen. I want more chemical interactions, more moves Link can perform, more dynamic elements to the environment and enemies. Things that don't require a ton of set up and planning to get a result.

I could imagine grabbing a fan on the ground, quickly gluing it to a boulder, and sending it into an enemy. But right now it looks like you need a control stick to operate those parts. So again, I'm not sure how much I'd want to set up building these things when I could do something more immediately fun.

As we know with Botw, people who want to set up a flying machine are going to find a way to do that regardless if it's intended or not. So creating an entire mechanic catered to that idea may have been going overboard when their attention could have been placed elsewhere. But we'll see.
I don't really think the vehicle building precludes exploration? If anything it would supplement it.

Of course. I said it might have been better to focus on other mechanics instead that fit better with the moment to moment gameplay, but we won't know until we see more of the game.
This is the new ‘no towns’. Just because Nintendo haven’t show content doesn’t mean it’s not there.

They’re trying to show as little as they possibly can get away with. We’ve likely just seen the very tip of the iceberg with what we have seen so far. Almost as if they’ve just shown the first realm of ALttP with no hint of what comes after the master sword.
I like this approach since I want that feeling of discovery again without having seen a ton of stuff months before release. I don’t need to see what’s to come because I already know it will be great.

This is the sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed game series and one of the greatest games of all time - if not the best. It has been in development for a long time and represents the biggest ever gap between major Zelda titles in the history of the franchise. They’re not going to disappoint.

Let your imagination fill in the blanks. The likely outcome is that Nintendo’s own imagination and what they ultimately deliver, will be far grander than whatever you realistically dream up.

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce

I don't like this post lol

This is not the 'new' anything, this is people who think the marketing is bad. 'Cause it is. A lot of people aren't looking for more of the same, but we also want to know what is different, and how it's executed. Additionally, we want to know what, if anything, changed with regards to things we didn't like about BotW.

But I know how Josh responded, and it wasn't that.
This is so silly lol, like yeah, rewriting a scenario where you're disappointed with the marketing to not disappointed with the marketing to prove that the marketing is good.
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One thing people are forgetting is that we had seen tons of direct gameplay footage at this point in BOTW’s marketing style. We have literally seen none of that for TOTK. Not even potential changes to the HUD or how the moment to moment gameplay works.
I don't like this post lol

This is not the 'new' anything, this is people who think the marketing is bad. 'Cause it is. A lot of people aren't looking for more of the same, but we also want to know what is different, and how it's executed. Additionally, we want to know what, if anything, changed with regards to things we didn't like about BotW.

This is so silly lol, like yeah, rewriting a scenario where you're disappointed with the marketing to not disappointed with the marketing to prove that the marketing is good.

I don’t like yours and not only that but time will prove me to be 100% correct.

You’ll get the answers you require before release.
Look I get being disappointed in the trailers or wanting the marketing to be different but this restless attitude I'm seeing in this thread is almost childish. If you're not sure the game will be good, if you fear the game will be Breath of the Wild 1.2 after 6 years of dev, if you have so little faith in the Zelda team that your default attitude when seeing a vague trailer is to assume the worst, then just wait. The answers will come, whether in a new trailer, or in previews and reviews closer to launch. It seems easier to accept this than to indulge in doomposting, which is frankly what some of these posts read like.
The price doesn't irk me at all, idk if our American friends know this but GameStop copies of BOTW and Smash have already been going for 70 bucks, they are that basic price (even if usually discounted) on Amazon. We make that up by having lower prices on Pokemon (usually 50€), remakes, like Link's Awakening, Remasters, Like Skyward Sword (which was 40€) and spin offs. Most of my library costed 50 bucks instead of the usual triple A 60, I'm not happy, I'd love a lower price for our international friends, but the chances were it was already gonna be 70 in Europe, I'm fine with japan-like tiered pricing systems.
Look I get being disappointed in the trailers or wanting the marketing to be different but this restless attitude I'm seeing in this thread is almost childish. If you're not sure the game will be good, if you fear the game will be Breath of the Wild 1.2 after 6 years of dev, if you have so little faith in the Zelda team that your default attitude when seeing a vague trailer is to assume the worst, then just wait. The answers will come, whether in a new trailer, or in previews and reviews closer to launch. It seems easier to accept this than to indulge in doomposting, which is frankly what some of these posts read like.
It is, in fact, not childish to be disappointed by a trailer for a product, it is a normal experience that normal people have, and you need to be able to cope with that.
I'm pretty sure that in six months, having bad marketing will still be bad

It’s only bad in your opinion. For many people it isn’t. The marketing campaign isn’t complete. Far from it actually.

They’re trying to create a great air of mystery around this title almost similar to the trailers for The Force Awakens which purposely tried not to give much away.

All the answers you require will be here before you have the game. For me, having the mystery around the game is a huge positive since so much media spoils so much of what’s to come these days.

Ultimately, like I’ve said, this is a sequel to arguably the greatest game of all time. I’ll be there day one to continue that journey and don’t need to be spoon fed about what I’ll be doing.
It’s only bad in your opinion. For many people it isn’t. The marketing campaign isn’t complete. Far from it actually.

They’re trying to create a great air of mystery around this title almost similar to the trailers for The Force Awakens which purposely tried not to give much away.

All the answers you require will be here before you have the game. For me, having the mystery around the game is a huge positive since so much media spoils so much of what’s to come these days.

Ultimately, like I’ve said, this is a sequel to arguably the greatest game of all time. I’ll be there day one to continue that journey and don’t need to be spoon fed about what I’ll be doing.

This is an opinion thread you absolute melon
It is, in fact, not childish to be disappointed by a trailer for a product, it is a normal experience that normal people have, and you need to be able to cope with that.
I mean I am disappointed with the trailer, so obviously that's not what I am talking about at all. I think my post was pretty clear about that.
I mean I am disappointed with the trailer, so obviously that's not what I am talking about at all. I think my post was pretty clear about that.
Then focus more on the "normal behavior" part of my post, because no one is being childish.
I'm pretty sure that in six months, having bad marketing will still be bad
Marketing being bad is your opinion though, and it's not one supported by the evidence. Good marketing gets people talking about the product and wanting to know more, that's precisely what's happening here.
Marketing being bad is your opinion though, and it's not one supported by the evidence. Good marketing gets people talking about the product and wanting to know more, that's precisely what's happening here.
Substantiate that claim would you
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